Club Penguin Cheats

Saturday, May 21, 2011

New Message From Club Penguin's Dot!

What would happen if Dot got caught sleeping on a cot?

Anyways, here is her message. Check your spyphone to see it yourself. ;-]

I need some help on this one. Tell me what you think this means. If you get it correct I'll mail you a poptart.

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
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Anonymous said...

Wow! Wouldn't it be cool if we spotted Dot? I wish I had!!!

Anonymous said...

It means that dot looked around the ski lodge, but did not find herbert. She also says that she prefers her outfit more than a princess gown. I think it means that herbert could attack soon.... - Bacon Cola

Weird Owe said...

uhh doesnt it just mean that she stayed the night in the attic while dressed as a princess and she is secretly a girly girl that likes wearinga princess gown? either that or people thought she was a lost princess and gave her free stuff

(cp name) unacorney said...

a poptart?
i think it means that she didnt find any thing and she dosent like wearing girly stuff as in s princess gown.

alfred7878 said...

it means that dot may be on a stamp and you might need to make tracker of that and he will like being a girlly girl aka prinsess

Jonasaurus1 said...

it probably means dot tried to catch herbet using a disguise hope im right! :jonasaurus1 (lettucejon in cp and youtube)

Anonymous said...

It means that Dot searched the Lodge for Herbert and she hates wearing a dress, but it sounds like she farted in there for some reason

mario30206 said...

i want a poptart! ^_^

Mrs Lamaine said...

Well she spied in the attic and she did not find Herbert. She does not like princess costumes. LOOK IN THE ATTIC!!!

Anonymous said...

It obviously means that Dot dressed as a princess (because she's a girl and the whole NIGHTS and PRINCESSES party)and looked out for Herbert in the Attic and didn't see him. P.S. she likes her uniform better than the princess gown.


Aqualavender said...

i think it means that dot looked around the ski attic and dident find herbert. She also says she doesent like prinsess stuff and likes a uniforrm better.

Kr said...

I think Happy77 got the the Lounge Attic, and there we'll be able to meet her? :o


Anonymous said...

does that mean were gonna see Dot at the medieval party hmmm.

moshimonkey1 said...

i think Herbert is gonna do something to this celebration and wreck it so Dot is trying to find him to stop him

Anonymous said...

I think it means she hid inh the Lodge Attic and when that didnt work she came out hoping herbert would try to catch her o_o how do we get da poptart??? o_o -book200 in cp cpgirl in posts

Anonymous said...

dot looked all around the attic for herbert and did not find him so he cant attack

Anonymous said...


- Fatsum2389

Da Weird Awesome said...

the message means dot must have been in the ski lodge for the party and was visible for agent penguins to meet him and get a background. no one came. your question: What would happen if Dot got caught sleeping on a cot?, is that he may be lowered to being a rookie, or get kicked off the force

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