Club Penguin Cheats

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Herbert Wants To DEFEAT the EPF!

Herbert has sent us a Club Penguin message! Here's what it says:

So, Herbert isn't REALLY on our side, he just doesn't want us destroyed! Hmmm, very interesting, don't you think?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President


smallpengi12 said...

I think that really, he is beginning to like us. Maybe he'll end up joining us? It's still possible. I think he's seen how much fun we have all the time, and want to join in!


(click my name!)

Jongon Henry said...

What's really the difference between destroy and defeat? If you just "defeat" us, then we'll just come back. Is herbert really that dumb?

Anonymous said...

atleast he doesnt want to destroy us all

Anonymous said...

Mabey he just wants to get back at us and then leave us alone?
o rly?

Anonymous said...

Have you noticed it says That's right, you mechanical menace! should never have rebuilt you! I want to DEFEAT the Elite Penguin Fools, not destroy them! it says it because you cant see the I
for: That's right, you mechanical menace! I should never have rebuilt you! I want to DEFEAT the Elite Penguin Fools, not destroy them! its NOT phunny!

Maui8 said...

Have you ever notitced when Herbet calls us names the first letters spell out EPF?!

Woofie's Dog Food said...

Ah, ha! I knew something was fishy ever since we got the message about the presciption.

Anonymous said...

I`m shocked! For once I really did think that he was on our side after he told us about the Protobot. I wonder what he will do now?

Anonymous said...

then why did he DESTROY the psa???

Anonymous said...

Aww thats sweet!

Kinda XD

Weird Owe said...

hmm very interesting

Anonymous said...

Well of course. Herbert would never kill anyone! He isn't evil, he is just a polar bear who is lost on our island, and is freezing. He dosetn like the cold! But i don't understand one thing... why dosen't he just go to the fire dojo??? XD

Purple88888 said...

I Think Protobot Suggested That They Should Dystroy Us For Good... Herbet Just Wants To Win Once. I Mean, We Dystroyed His Dreams How Many Times? We Just Need To Give Him What He Wants. To Go Someplace Warm.

Anonymous said...

I think he is just saying that so that robot wont suspect a thing!

HANNER2 said...

Anonymous said...
then why did he DESTROY the psa???

lol, yeah, exactly.


HANNER2 said...

Jongon Henry said...
What's really the difference between destroy and defeat? If you just "defeat" us, then we'll just come back. Is herbert really that dumb?

Hmmm i thought that too. Because if he 'defeats' us what's he gonna do? Hold us hostage in the wilderness like in that old PSA mission?? :P


Nadettew said...

now that's weird. But didn't he say he only wanted to take over club penguin when we first met him? and if he's really on our side does he have to call us fools?

Anonymous said...

Clue 1: Defeat
Clue 2: Not destroy
2 Pieces of evidence that herbert is just tricking protobot into a trap

Anonymous said...

Were practicly the only people who can help him offthe island. He must feel like an idiot for building protobot now

dmitri said...

wait... isnt defeating and destorying the same thing? or does herbert just wanna epf to back off?

Anonymous said...

No he is still on our side, you just misunderstood the message. He is on our side, but protobot wants to destroy us and herbert doesn't so he is still on our side just still our enemy. We are allies until protobot is gone, then we will be enemies once more.

-U Know No

Anonymous said...

Well if it I were in charge, I'd have Herbert destroyed, so I guess you're lucky I'm not in charge.

Opera Ghost said...

Tsk tsk tsk. Herbert is probably just using us to get rid of ol' Protobot then he'll turn his furry polar bear back on us!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, do you really think clubpenguin wants to teach kids violence. Come on, CP works for disney. A kids network!

Unknown said...

I hope that he wont join us, but instead get on our side and then we'll send him to an island w/ klutzy and they'll be happy together. do you think that maybe rockhopper will take him to rockhopper island?

Unknown said...

i also noticed someone mentioned that he said to defeat and not destroy,when only destroying us would really defeat us.they mentioned it could be a trap to protobot. I guess he might malfunction with confusing things, like some robots do-i.e.,the sentence after this is a lie. the sentence before this is true.- whada you think mimo?

Anonymous said...

My theory is that he's saying that to him so that he THINKS that he still wants to defeat the EPF, but really when he gets to Protobot again he will destroy him :D


Anonymous said...

turns out he has a softie side
P.S. While protobot is crazed robot

Claw Rider said...

he will destroy us NOW and the new epf agents will destroy after that

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