Ok, here's the deal. Lots of you ask about how to be a Club Penguin Gang Moderator. So, here are the NEW rules. It's pretty simple, you can do it because you are cool:
1. When people ask questions in the comments, you answer them correctly.
2. Be nice to ppl. Keep your answers short.
3. When you answer a question, you put your penguin name with (CPG MOD) next to it.
4. You DON'T put (CPG MOD) after your name when you do NOT answer a question.
5. When you stop answering questions or be rude, you will be removed from the mod list.
5. You can become a SUPER MOD, LEDENDARY MOD or even a MIMO MOD.
6. The better, faster, and longer you are a mod, the faster you will move up to a SUPER MOD, LEDENDARY MOD or MIMO MOD.
7. Other ways to move up your mod status is to congratulate contest winners and new mods.
8. When you become a MIMO MOD then I will meet you secretly and make you my Club Penguin Buddy!
9. I will also invite you over to my house for pork rinds and chocolate milk and watch The Office. JK.
10. I'll add to these rules and change them at any time so check back on this page.
11. Spread goodwill, peace, cheer and general all around Mimo weirdness.
That's it!
Please check your email and respond to Planet Cazmo. They have contacted the winner and are waiting for a response!
I'm listening to a CooL song right now, yoU might want to listEn to it. It goes "...from behind the clouds." Sweet song, yeah.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at: