Club Penguin Cheats

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Decoding Mimo Q & A!

First, thanks to all you cool penguins for liking the cd and the ebook!

This is so cool. We are #1 on Electronic music charts! Check it out! Also, you can listen to the WHOLE cd for free on this site. Click here.

Q. So what is Decoding Mimo?
A. Decoding Mimo is the name of a story and the name of a music cd. The cd is pretty cool because it goes along with the story. Every song has something to do with the story. What a cool idea I think. My family came up with it.

Q. Is your story published?
A. It is not published by a book publisher yet but might be some day. But it is copyrighted.

Q. So, did you write the Decoding Mimo ebook yourself?
A. No, I came up with the idea to do an adventure story about a spy kid, me. So CPG talked about it and my parents paid a professional children's writer to write the story. Me and the rest of my family worked on the story. Then the writer wrote a few pages and we made changes and over and over for 6 months. It was so much fun. But I didn't think we would ever get done. The professional children's writer is really good. The writer writes for very popular children's magazines and stuff. This story is really, really good. You will like it.

Oh, if you buy it you'll see it's called Decoding Mimo by Mimo. This means we could not use the real writers name so we said, cool lets just put Mimo on it! LOL. Same with the cd, it's by Mimo too but we had lots of help.

Q. Is the ebook just a story or what?
A. No, I made sure to hide lots of cool stuff in the ebook. You have to really dig to figure some stuff out. You know how much I like to make puzzle and stuff.

Q. Where does Decoding Mimo take place?
A. We wanted Mimo the spy kid to travel all over the world. So Mimo's adventures will happen in places in the world that YOU are. The first story takes place in Sydney Australia! I want to go there someday. Oh, as this story ends, you get to see where I am off to for my next adventure! ;-)

Q. If you had to call your book one genre what would it be? And also, would you consider giving Decoding Mimo away?
A. The Mimo stories are considered Spy Adventures. We would like to make a series of stories if everyone likes them. Yes, I will be giving away the ebook and some of the music for contests and stuff!

Q. Will the book and CD ever be in stores?
A. No, not unless something big happens! It could happen but not for a long time probably. But who knows.

Q. So you have another site out?
A. Yes, but it's not really ready yet. Some people have found it and I'm not hiding it. It will be more about Mimo stuff like the stories and music and other cool stuff. I might move the contest over to that site too.

Q. What are you going to do with all the money you are making?
A. Uh, I hate to disapoint you but I don't get ANY of the money. Boohoo. I just get an allowance. My parents paid money to get help on the ebook and the cd. So, we aren't rich. It's something we are doing as a hobby. I have a great family!

Q. So how long is the book?
A. Decoding Mimo is about 5,175 words long. And it's about 21 full typed pages. It's pretty long.

Q. How did you get the cd on iTunes.
A. We found a place that can put your music on all the online music stores. It cost money to do that. And then they charge us money from every song we sell.

Q. Why is it a "soundtrack"? I mean, aren't soundtracks for movies?
A. LOL! Yes. But we made up the idea of having music that goes along with a book. It makes the music more fun if you understand what the songs are about. Oh, there is a cool secret puzzle on one of the songs too! It is sooo cool. ;-)

Q. The songs are good. How come you don't give them away?
A. Thanks. We have a couple other people help us with the cd and had to pay them. This took a long time and my family spent money on all this stuff.

Q. Isn't supposed to be about Club Penguin Cheats?
A. Yes. It is. We always work hard to get the best cheats and get them out right away. But some people like some different things once in a while when nothing is happening on CP. We have a lot of good comments about that. But my new site will be more about other stuff.

Q. How did you make the cd?
A. Kinda like we made the story. We had some ideas for songs. Then we had help making them into songs. It was REALLY fun! We really got good at it. The music people that helped us are WAY good.We are already working on new stuff!

Q. What else are you working on?
A. Well, there's the other site. But if you read the ebook it gives a hint to what we are working on besides the next book and cd. It will be pretty cool it I hope. ;-)

We had lots of good ideas for Decoding Mimo but for the next story and cd we want YOUR ideas! I'll let you know when.

Do you have more questions?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo! I read all of the Q's&A's! One thing I dont understand where is the e- book? I cant find it on iTUNES! PLease help!

Meier Stamp Company said...


Anonymous said...

Click on the "Buy Now" button in the left side bar to find the ebook.

Anonymous said...

thats cool

Anonymous said...

Hey it's Brad1072

I was hearing your CD!
It's pretty good!
Keep Rocking Mimo!

Your Friend,

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo!
I love the music but why is the e-book only for Windows computers! I have a Mac! I really want to read it...


PS I made soap today LOL

Anonymous said...

thats cool. it cleared up some of my questions.
21 pages is kinda long. i write a LOT of stories, and they tend to get longer. the shortest is 131 pages, and the longest (so far) is 160. however, im working on a new one. its about 2/3s done, but its already 136 pages!!

Anonymous said...

Oh never mind Mimo! I found the e-book but not on iTUNES on your website! Well you ROCK Mimo!

Stickers303 said...

Hey Mimo,

Im going to buy one of those Itune cards so I can buy music. Im going to buy some of ya Decoding Mimo songs ;)

I can't wait =)

P.S Good work on finding Rockhopper and also you look great with the Rockhopper Backround. Please keep it on!


Anonymous said...

well, no one showed up

lol im still here in fjord, at the berg... my internet died until just a few minutes ago, so sorry if anyone actually came! im so sorry...
but if anyone still wants to meet up, im here!

Anonymous said...


~ charmerry

Anonymous said...

hey mimo i haven't seen you put a comment on the comment part in a while
and by the way the idea of decoding mimo and making a sound track was smoove but doing it was radical!
ok i hope this comment wasn't too confusing or confusing ?

~frost ice~

~Vapnoar777~ said...

Totally, and I mean totally, smoove Q&A. Thanks Btw, for answering my question (the genre/giveaway one). All that talking about your e-book hinting some TOP-SECRET Mimo stuff, I really gotta buy it. I think I might do that two weeks from now, when I get back from my camp. So, thnx really for telling us some more about the book, and of course, showing us a site for the soundtrack where we could get it for free. Still listening to your coolio songs. Sorry to keep rambling, but some people came up with some good questions that I never would've thought of. I think I may go searching for your new, "uncompleted" (I'm sure it's already cool enough to be done) site now. Thnx again! Oh yeah, this comment was a lot of work, so please post.
As always, Best Regards,
~Vapnoar777~, Blogger

~Vapnoar777~ said...

Also, stickers303 is right. You should keep the background on. It radiates smooveness, LOL!
Best Regards,

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You Rock!
-Sprouse 97

Anonymous said...

Hey evryone! and MiMo777!

Kimberrlley1 here! I am so sorry i havent been answering questions! was actually on vacation, and i will be moving in a few days. I hope i can still be a CPG Moderaotr, and not get kicked off the list on mimos homepage because im busy moving to The Hills in California. Im so sorry everyone, and i hope you understand. Everything is just wicked stressful, with the moving and everything! :] Well anyways, ui am honored and its my pleasure to help out on CPG. Thanks you everyone!

Thanks guys &+ thanks mimo!


Anonymous said...


The ebook is for ANY kind of computer. Windows, Mac or any kind. I have a Mac so it works on a Mac. It's a PDF file.

john said...

Your soundtrack is awesome!!! Oh, and you really answered my Q about what were you going to do with the money. I really thought it was going to be for memberships! Thanks!
- Lion :D

Anonymous said...

wow mimo i liked those songs they r awesome! hey mimo im kinda new to cpg and i may sound a lil silly when i say this but r u rich lol because to hire a professional writer cost a lot of money!can someone plz anwser this question if they kno it?

Anonymous said...

i write stories on microsoft word and maybe you could make a sequal to decoding mimo were the thugs have a new poss and they are more powerful than before.
maybe instead of traveling the world you can travel the solar system. i might have bad spelling but im only 9.

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone!

It's Pearlwhite27!

Just letting you all know that I am going on vacation from Monday-Thursday. I get back Thursday niigyht, so I might be able to answer some q's then! I won't be posting, cause I'm on a trip, but I will be thinking about you guys on the plane! =)


Anonymous said...

What is your new site called?


No. said...

Kewl! I think I found ur other site

goofy73 said...

cool! mine was the itunes one!

you're friend goofy73

Anonymous said...

Okay dude, I love oprah house! that is like the best song ever!! its like a oprah and rock twist!! I dont think I will buy the book. its too much for me.


Anonymous said...

I love it. Rock on dude.

No. said...

Ok commenting too much...sorry about that but r u still 12?

No. said...

Pearlwhite27 said...

Hey everyone!

It's Pearlwhite27!

Just letting you all know that I am going on vacation from Monday-Thursday. I get back Thursday niigyht, so I might be able to answer some q's then! I won't be posting, cause I'm on a trip, but I will be thinking about you guys on the plane! =)

Have an awesome vacation! =D

Anonymous said...

It's me Awesome Pen7

anony mous said ",i might have bad spelling but im only 9"

You had pretty good spelling in your blog entry. I used to have bad speling. Oops I had bad spelling too:o) Hope you get better!

Your friend
Awesome Pen7(CPG Moderater)

Anonymous said...

Jessicamary!! I saw you on Club Penguin! I asked if you wanted to be my buddy but u didn't respond. Well, anyway, when does the cd and ebook come out?

- Roseheart9

Anonymous said...

hi blug567!

your question was
Hey Mimo! I read all of the Q's&A's! One thing I dont understand where is the e- book? I cant find it on iTUNES! PLease help!

on the sidebar of the home page their is a link to buy the ebook. click on it and they will tell you what to do from there.

Waddles681 (CPG Moderator)

Anonymous said...

thanx for answering all are questions! You Rock and you are totaly smoove

Anonymous said...

That rocks mimo! Thanks for making the Q & A, I was really confused about Decoding Mimo. Thanks mimo u rock!

Outtacntrll said...

thats awesome! Are you going to tell us the itger site?

Anonymous said...

hi mimo your sound track is the coolest ever but where is the book

Anonymous said...

hi mimo the soun track and every thing is soooooo cool i cant wait to read the book btw where is it

MishMash215 said...

Hey Mimo!
Yay! U used my question!
I am the "Where is it set?"
I think so anyways...
I am australian and I live in Melbourne!
Trust me, Sydney is AWESOME but Melbourne is even better!

Twinkle said...

To Anonymous:

Q:hi mimo your sound track is the coolest ever but where is the book

A:Hey!Just go to the post labeled "Introducing Decoding Mimo."Somewhere along the post,you can buy the book.You don't have to buy if you don't want to.You can download it and read it in Adobe Reader.Hope this answers your question.;)

Aqua131131(cpg moderator);)

Anonymous said...

wow mimo thats zoezoe's voice! that's sooo ... COOL wow that's the nicest thing you let your friend help OMG I wish i had a friend like you mimo! I hope none of my friends are on!

( p.s. if you see something in the newspaper like a poem by me hope you like it! i hope my stuff gets in )
fingers crossed!

Anonymous said...

i listened to all the songs for it and imma go and buy it i luv it!!!!! my favorite one is file transfer complete. i luv it mimo and congrats on finding captain rockhopper!!!! i still havent found him yet:(


Twinkle said...

To Mimo fan 1

Q:i listened to all the songs for it and imma go and buy it i luv it!!!!! my favorite one is file transfer complete. i luv it mimo and congrats on finding captain rockhopper!!!! i still havent found him yet:(


A:Don't give up hope on finding Rockhopper.Just keep on trying.A quitter never wins.And if possible,you might find him out of ther blue(like my sister does,lol).

Aqua131131(cpg moderator);)

Anonymous said...

Hey Roseheart9!
Ya, I saw you too! Sorry I wasn't responding, I had a friend over and was trying to show her how to become a CPG Moderator. Maybe we can meet up some time and become buddies.


Anonymous said...

mimo I know i just posted but my screen got frozen on this page. while i was just starring at it i noticed i just posted and it said it was at 7:30 p.m. when my laptop says 10:56!
if i dare to ask is it time difference because i'm on the east coast or do you not set your computer clock to the right time?


Anonymous said...

whoa! i just found the secret in one of the songs! COOL!

Anonymous said...


Twinkle said...

Hi emmi20!Nice 2 meet ya!

Twinkle said...

To kokorules

Q:mimo I know i just posted but my screen got frozen on this page. while i was just starring at it i noticed i just posted and it said it was at 7:30 p.m. when my laptop says 10:56!
if i dare to ask is it time difference because i'm on the east coast or do you not set your computer clock to the right time?


A:The time is being posted depending on what settings Mimo put for his blog.It's the same time as CPTZ so maybe that's why.Hope this answers your question.;)

Aqua131131(cpg moderator);)

Anonymous said...

Dear mimo,
i have a problem and this is serious, my buddy was with me and some more of my buddys and they wernt bieng very nice to her. Then before i could report them they left and i found out they had reported my buddy and now she is baned for life.

p.s the reported penguin is kool peorsone

Zacharooney (Karenman) said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

what programs did you use to make both the ebook and the music?

-Beaky Bird32 (CP name)

Anonymous said...

what if...
you put your music on international sites so that people around the world and not just america can listen to it for free ?

Anonymous said...

hey mimo about going to sydney in Australia I am going there next week for vacation will i will miss clubpenguin and clubpenguingang but i am going to take my laptop so i dont forget the events will bye

MishMash215 said...

Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Great Job Mimo!
You really are am azing!~
Yay, Kimberrley, you are back! :)
Dont worry, we are all handling fine without you a, and Jess, Floob, BlackPearl and me are covering for ya! :)
Congrats on being on the list!
Im sooooo jealous! Lol Jk!

MishMash215 said...

Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!

Roseheart9 said...
Jessicamary!! I saw you on Club Penguin! I asked if you wanted to be my buddy but u didn't respond. Well, anyway, when does the cd and ebook come out?

- Roseheart9

Hey Roseheart!
I'm Jess's buddy too! When I first met her, she didnt add me because she didnt know who I was, but then when I introduced mysel, she laughed and we were buds! :)
So no hard feelings!
Anyways, the ebook and the soundtrack are out now, look on the left hand side of CPG for links to the soundtrack, and to where to buy the ebook! :D

MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)

MishMash215 said...

Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!

Anonymous said...
hi mimo the soun track and every thing is soooooo cool i cant wait to read the book btw where is it

Hey Anonymous!
Yah, I agree, the Sound Track is AWESOME! It's so funny with Zoey's voice in it! :)
Anyway, on the homepage of CPG, you can fine on the Left Hand Sidebar, alot of links to places where you can buy the book!
Remember, you need a Credit Card to buy it!
It is $8.95USD ok?

MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)

MishMash215 said...

Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!

Anonymous said...
mimo I know i just posted but my screen got frozen on this page. while i was just starring at it i noticed i just posted and it said it was at 7:30 p.m. when my laptop says 10:56!
if i dare to ask is it time difference because i'm on the east coast or do you not set your computer clock to the right time?


Hey Kokorules!
Well, there aree a few reasons why that could happen:
1) It is set to Mimo's time!
2) Mimo hato moderate it first, so it took 3 hours for him to recieve it!
3) Sure, It could've been the Time Difference!

I hope that helps you! :D

MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)

MishMash215 said...

Hey Guys
This is MishMash215 here!

Anonymous said...
Dear mimo,
i have a problem and this is serious, my buddy was with me and some more of my buddys and they wernt bieng very nice to her. Then before i could report them they left and i found out they had reported my buddy and now she is baned for life.

p.s the reported penguin is kool peorsone

Wow, that is so unfair! I have heard of a few cases like this and each time I hear one I get so angry!
I suggest that you can e-mail Club penguin, and complain!
Did you report those mean penguins?

MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)

MishMash215 said...

Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Hey Mimo, when are you going to post the nex CPG Moderator?
No pressure, its just I am DYING to find out how whether my help is appreciated!

Anonymous said...

Hello me maties!
Yarr, it be me, Cap'n RockHopper!
I like this blog, and everyone on it!
Yarr to Ye, Mimo!
I had a jolly time jiigin' with ye!
By the way...
Its me, MishMash!
MishMa...I mean Rockhopper! ;)

A Mimo fan said...

Yeah!thanks for answering my Q Mimo! You rock!

A Mimo fan said...

Yeah mimo i want to meet RH!

A Mimo fan said...

To floob:

I also found one!

A Mimo fan said...

To kimberrllry1 and MiMo:

Can I also join CPG? Are there reqirements? Please answer mimo! You rock! ~ynjw

A Mimo fan said...

to aqua131131 and mimo:

Pls pls let me join CPG. I want to help Mimo too!

A Mimo fan said...

Oh yeah! tell us your other site mimo! pls!

A Mimo fan said...

Rock on dude!

Love__Musicx(Luckyluckble) said...

its really kool!

Anonymous said...

It's me again,
Awesome Pen7

roseheart9 asked ",Well, anyone, when does the cd and ebook come out?"

The answer is it's already out. Look for it on the main page on the side bar.Hope it helped.

Your friend,
Awesome Pen7(CPG Moderater)

Anonymous said...

Hey mishmash215,

Can I meet you on Club Penguin this week. Please I want to be your buddy.

If you can reply. You can pick the date, time, and place. I will tell you if they are ok.

Awesome Pen7

Anonymous said...

so you get all the credit.. and you parents pay alot for it...

Anonymous said...

Will it be availible in Canada?

Anonymous said...

Do you know what the cost will be? I'd love to buy it!

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous,

Sometimes people can get framed by others for a crime they didn't do. It's very sad. I am very sorry about your friend being banned for life. If you would report this to Club Penguin, (Like I Did! Different story though.) You may be able to report the other players and get your friend back.

Your friendly adviser,
CPG Moderator

Luckylarry(Survivor91) said...

Wow Cool!Cant wait for your party clues!


Anonymous said...

hey guys, sorry i havent been posting, but my parents were on the computer all weekend and i couldn't get on!

Anonymous said...

jessicamary, i am so sorry i didnt show up. can we meet sometime this week? please! i hope you forgive me.

MishMash215 said...

Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!

Awesome Pen7 said...
Hey mishmash215,

Can I meet you on Club Penguin this week. Please I want to be your buddy.

If you can reply. You can pick the date, time, and place. I will tell you if they are ok.

Awesome Pen7

Hey Awesome Pen7!
Well if you wanna meet me, (which i would LERV to do!) here is a time:
July 7th, 6:30 CPTZ Fjord in the Nigh Club!
That would be so smoove!

MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)

Anonymous said...

oh, jessicamary, i saw your other post about the twins game. that's cool. ok, how about July 8th, Big Foot, iceberg at 1:00 PST? tell me if this works out.

MishMash215 said...

Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!

Joe Cool 567 (cpg moderator) said...
Will it be availible in Canada?

Hey Joe Cool!
Yep, I'm pretty sure that it's available World-Wide!
But just remember, only say that you are a CPG Moderator when you are answering questions!

MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)

Anonymous said...

Hey Mayj123!
Its totally ok! I actaully couldn't make it either! I would love to meet up this week.


MishMash215 said...

Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!

Joe Cool 567 (cpg moderator) said...
Do you know what the cost will be? I'd love to buy it!

Hey Joe Cool!
How is Snoopy? LOL anyways...
The ebook costs $8.95USD
I hope that helps!
Oh, and remember to only say that you are a moderator when you are answering Questions!

MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)

goofy73 said...

hiya anonymous! you said:

Dear mimo,
i have a problem and this is serious, my buddy was with me and some more of my buddys and they wernt bieng very nice to her. Then before i could report them they left and i found out they had reported my buddy and now she is baned for life.

p.s the reported penguin is kool peorsone

i know this really isn't a question but i am so sorry for your friend. =C maybe you should notify clubpenguin about this.

you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)

MishMash215 said...

Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Yah, I am loving my new word: Clappie! :)
I use it in real life too now! lol
My new one is actually a phrase:
"Moo Point!"
This is the dictionary...erm..stuff

Phrase: Moo Point
Meaning: Pointless, as in it's like a Cow's Point of view...pointless!
Origin: The TV show "Friends"! The person that says that is Joey or (Matt Le Blanc!)
Friends ois my FAVOURITE show!
I know, im sort of clappie...

Anonymous said...

kimberrlley1 is moving to The Hills? sweet. your parents must be millionaires or something.

Anonymous said...

alright, so tomorrow,
Big Foot, Iceberg at 1:00 PST? tell me if this works please.

goofy73 said...

hiya a mimo fan! you said:

Yeah mimo i want to meet RH!

i am so sorry but rockhopper departed (left the island) today. =C i only met him once out of three-four times.

you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)

Anonymous said...

Hey Mayj123!
Sounds good! I will see you then! :-)


goofy73 said...

im not very jollep today. my cousin left from his visit. =C

Anonymous said...

Thanks for replying mishmash. I will try to meet you later. See ya!
Oh, wait is mishmash your Club Penguin name. Awesome Pen7 is my Club Penguin name. Please respond. Thanks!

Awesome Pen7

A Mimo fan said...

you're the best mimo! thanks to your mission guide, i finnaly finnished the latest mission!

A Mimo fan said...

rock on forever dude!

A Mimo fan said...

You're the best!

A Mimo fan said...

thanks for telling me about RH, goofy73.

A Mimo fan said...

Hi mimo and Goofy73 and the rest of GPG, can i join CPG?

Anonymous said...

Dear mishmash,

I have so many questions for you. Why were you in the hospital? I heard you have been in the hospital but what ails you? Whatever it was I'm glad your better I have other questions but I will ask you when we meet on Club Penguin later.

Awesome Pen7

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo, did you notice that Rockhopper is gone and his ship isn't there when u look through the telescope.
-Sprouse 97(CPG Moderator)

Kitty said...

MIMO ROCKHOPPER LEFT! AND HE TOOK GOOFY73 WITH HIM! goofy is on the ship and it has left! i click to see where goofy is and it says on ship and the ship is gone.

Love__Musicx(Luckyluckble) said...

Hi Mimo!
That was So kool!
i was just checking who was on and when i was at the beach i saw YOU!
i was so excited i forgot to take a pic!:-(
ah well
it was fun!

john said...

Hey Mimo,
Something really weird happened! Goofy and I were trying to look for a pic. He went on the migrator. The weird thing was, for me the Migrator wasn't there!!!
I looked in the telescope, I did not see Rockhopper's ship leaving! I think Sand Flipper sent you another comment about this weird thing.

Anonymous said...

how much did la la music pay to put that music on the internet because they had to have payed more than regular to put that on their website and sell it so how much did they pay and wouldn't it be illegal if they payyed regular price and sold the music

7Zhark, Buzzard 777 said...

Hey mimo! I can't get on club penguin neither can my neighbor same with my best friend

-Delta Tucker

Anonymous said...

Haha! Thats weird about the rockhopper thing. He isn't there for me either!

You rock mimo!
Kooltomboy77- (CP name)

Anonymous said...

hey mimo when are u going to have another private party im proply not going to get it and probly not going toget this comment posted but if i ever see u ill ask to be ur friend see u when i see u

-JUjacob223 and a bunch of other pengs

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. For anyone has clubpenguin been not working very well? Or is it just me?

Anonymous said...

woohoo! I know I havent been commenting mimo. but I still go on ur site. Yeah!

Anonymous said...

Rockhopper849 did not pay anything. We had to pay them.

No. said...

Hey Mimo! I read all of the Q's&A's! One thing I dont understand where is the e- book? I cant find it on iTUNES! PLease help!
Blug 567, If you look to the left on CPG home page you'll see the picture of the e-book and the e-book is not free, you are suppost to buy it for $8.95 to read it

Anonymous said...

Hey A Mimo Fan,
Here was your question:
can i join CPG?

Sorry, but right now the only members of Club Penguin Gang are Mimo and his family. But just because you aren't a member, that doesn't mean you can't help out! You can tell Mimo about a cheat or glitch you found, or try being a CPG Moderator. I hope this helps!

Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)

Anonymous said...

im gonna try 2 do the reveiw in the cp newspaper. the subject is what do u think about rockhopper's visits. why or why not. please leave comments.


Tom Morvolo

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo,
I think mishmash215 should be an ultimate moderater. He is so cool and he answers almost all the questions on the blog. You should post him with other moderaters.
Please! He's too cool to not be an ultimate moderater.

You're friend,
Awesome Pen7

Anonymous said...

Awesome Pen7 here

a mimo fan asked ",Hi mimo and Goofy73 and the rest of CPG, can I join CPG?"

I'm sorry a mimo fan but the members of CPG are all in mimo's family. I wish we could be part of CPG but then there would be a lot of people. Mimo is sticking with just his family for now.

Hope that helped

Awesome Pen7(CPG Moderater)

Anonymous said...

MIMO this is important are you working for clubpenguin? I was thinking, clubpenguin is a Disney website right? So the Mi in mimo might mean mickey and the mo in mimo might mean mouse and im still not sure what 777 means but plz i think i figured out how you get the cheats before the cataloges even come out. plz email me @ ok?

Anonymous said...

hi mimo i see you are famous why dont you play artcic antics and become famous MEMBER my email is

Anonymous said...

Oh my penguin,Daisydarr, is turning 1 yr old on cp. I'm going to have a little party on cp. Here is what you need to know to come.
When: July 8 2:00 PM
Where: Fjord at the Cove
I hope everyone can make it! :D

No. said...

Qtpie1626 cp name said...

MIMO this is important are you working for clubpenguin? I was thinking, clubpenguin is a Disney website right? So the Mi in mimo might mean mickey and the mo in mimo might mean mouse and im still not sure what 777 means but plz i think i figured out how you get the cheats before the cataloges even come out. plz email me @ ok?
Wow I never thought of that but sometime ago Mimo said that he is not a part of CP and he also said that he just came up with Mimo and there is no meaning behind his name he just made it up and thought it was kewl so he kept it

-Sparkforever(CPG mod)

Twinkle said...

To qtpie 1626

Q:MIMO this is important are you working for clubpenguin? I was thinking, clubpenguin is a Disney website right? So the Mi in mimo might mean mickey and the mo in mimo might mean mouse and im still not sure what 777 means but plz i think i figured out how you get the cheats before the cataloges even come out. plz email me @ ok?

A:No.Mimo doesn't work for Club Penguin.he is a penguin,just like all of us.He just has a best cheat site!I figured out how he gets them early.You see,they don't release exactly at the right time.Around 9PM CPTZ time before it comes out the day it said it would,they release it by then.I went during that time,and it was already ther.Hope this answers your question.;)

Aqua131131(cpg moderator);)

Twinkle said...

To Anonymous


A:Mimo and his family hAad to pay some money in order to get it on iTunes.Hope this answers your question.;)

Aqua131131(cpg mdoerator);)

Twinkle said...

To Tom Morvolo

Q:im gonna try 2 do the reveiw in the cp newspaper. the subject is what do u think about rockhopper's visits. why or why not. please leave comments.


Tom Morvolo

A:Great idea!I hope u get picked.Good luck!;)

Aqua131131(cpg moderator);)

Sarah B said...

qtpie1626 you said, "MIMO this is important are you working for clubpenguin? I was thinking, clubpenguin is a Disney website right? So the Mi in mimo might mean mickey and the mo in mimo might mean mouse and im still not sure what 777 means but plz i think i figured out how you get the cheats before the cataloges even come out. plz email me @ ok?"

No, Mimo doesn't work for Disney (I think). Mimo just means Mimo, the 777 is just something random. MImo777 is a random name.
Bibbety Blue (CPG Monitor)

Sarah B said...

Hey awesome pen7 (cpg moderator) you said "Hey Mimo,
I think mishmash215 should be an ultimate moderater. He is so cool and he answers almost all the questions on the blog. You should post him with other moderaters.
Please! He's too cool to not be an ultimate moderater.

You're friend,
Awesome Pen7"

I think this is a great idea! I think it's also very nice of you to say that about MishMash215 when you're trying to be a moderator yourself. You are very supportive! I think everyone in the world should just as kind as you!
B.B. (CPG moderator)

Moneydude98 said...

they sound kool how did u make it? please comment bak. Bye

No. said...

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonynous,

Mimo found a spot on I-tunes and he payed I-tunes to get his album get added there.

-Sparkforever(CPG mod)

No. said...

A Mimo fan said...

Hi mimo and Goofy73 and the rest of GPG, can i join CPG?
Dear A Mimo fan,

I am sorry but you can't be a part of CPG because if a person becomes a member of CPG then everyone would be really mad and upset and U fride, Me Santa, ZoeZoe11, 9China9, Ea12345, and Purplyn9 are all Mimo's family thats why they are in the gang.

-Sparkforever(CPG mod)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Bibbety Blue,

You are a real friend. Thanks!

Awesome Pen7

Love__Musicx(Luckyluckble) said...

Heyy Guys!=]

Qtpie1626 said,

"MIMO this is important are you working for clubpenguin? I was thinking, clubpenguin is a Disney website right? So the Mi in mimo might mean mickey and the mo in mimo might mean mouse and im still not sure what 777 means but plz i think i figured out how you get the cheats before the cataloges even come out. plz email me @ ok?"

No, Mimo777 dosent work for CP
He said in another one of the other "Ask Mimo"`s the he did NOT work for CP and when he thought of a name for his penguin he thought of MiMo777 and thought it was cool and smart!
and he gets the catalogue out fast because his parents let him stay up late!And he cant e~mail you because it would be kinda unfair to other penguins if he e~mailed you.He said he was working on a way to answer everyones e~mails so maybe sometime...

I hope that answers your question!=]

Thankz Guys!
MiMo777:two words:ROCK ON!=]

Anonymous said...


Sarah B said...

Hey sparkforever! You said, "Hey Mimo! I read all of the Q's&A's! One thing I dont understand where is the e- book? I cant find it on iTUNES! PLease help!" Well sparkforever, you can't get the E-BOOK on itunes. On Mimo's home page look on the left of the screen ans scroll down until it says "Buy here". Or something like that. If you meant you can't find the ALBUM on itunes well, search "decoding mimo" on the itunes store. It should be there. (I could find it)
Hope this helps!
B.B. (CPG moderator)

Anny Ning said...

mimo found a site that puts his album on a bunch of music sites and programs =]

Anny Ning said...

well, right now mimo's gang is just him and his family... so no one can join. sorry! maybe he'll let others join in teh future!

Anny Ning said...

lol qtpie1626, thats a great idea! good thinking... but i dont think thats why he's called mimo. he was called mimo way before disney bough club penguin, so it must have a different definition

Anny Ning said...

the ebook isnt sold on itunes, you can find it here on mimo's site! see the left sidebar? just click "buy now" to purchase it =]

Anonymous said...

How did you come up with this?

Anny Ning said...

mimo does NOT work for disney or club penguin =] he's just an awesome guy who likes to help others and has a cool site!

Anny Ning said...

anonymous, you said "Hmmm. For anyone has clubpenguin been not working very well? Or is it just me?"

i think you should try clearing your cache, by pressing ctrl+shift+delete (not backspace... delete) and check "clear cache" then try starting it again =]

hope this helps you!

Anny Ning said...

ryu10, i think mimo and his family decided to make a spy story about mimo a while ago, and they've been working on it ever since with the help of some professionals =]

jewel said...

Hey, penguins!

I can't wait for the next Club Penguin party! I hope it's a music party! That would be SOOOO much fun! And they could give away free... ELECTRIC GUITARS that made noise when you play it!=D


Anonymous said...

whoa jewel! thats such a cool idea! man i'd love to have one of those... you should email cp and tell em!

Sarah B said...

Hi awesome pen7, you seem awesomely awesome. I'm just here to help. Maybe we can meet up some time on CP? Is awesome pen7 your CP username? Or is it just your nickname for CPG? You can pick the date and the time. If Mimo posts something new we can continue our "conversation" from the new post! Reply!

B.B. (CPG moderator)

Sarah B said...

Hey CPG, you're doing great!
Helping others is amazing. What's more amazing is how MANY people on CPG are helping others by answering questions tugging at someone's brain! I've heard that a lot of you are having trouble finding the e-book on itunes. (Here's a tip) The e-book isn't on ITUNES. The album is on itunes! If you want to get the e-book scroll down CPG's home page and look on the left of the screen. It will say, "Buy Now" for the E-Book or, something like that. Make sure it's the e-book and NOT the album you press Buy Now for.
Hope this helps,
B.B. (CPG moderator)

goofy73 said...

hiya a mimo fan! you asked:

Hi mimo and Goofy73 and the rest of GPG, can i join CPG?

actually im not a part o CPG. i just help out moderating comments. and sure you could be a moderator but CPG is for mimo and his family right now. remember when you are moderating to end off your paragraphs with

you're name here(CPG moderator)

you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)

Aiondalia(cpg moderator) said...

Anonymous Roseheart9 said...

Jessicamary!! I saw you on Club Penguin! I asked if you wanted to be my buddy but u didn't respond. Well, anyway, when does the cd and ebook come out?

- Roseheart9

The cds and ebooks are out right now!
I bought a cd. It's awesome!


Anonymous said...

Hey Bibbety Blue,
It's Awesome Pen7

I would love to meet you on Club Penguin. Yes, Awesome Pen7 is the name I use on Club Penguin. How about 1 o'clock Club Penguin time. On the server Bigfoot. Respond if that's ok.

Your friend
Awesome Pen7

Anonymous said...

this is a cool idea. what if mimo was flying on a spy jet from the headquarters. He was going to russia for a mission. suddenly, the jet started rocking. the pilot tried to steer the jet back on course but the controls broke off. the pilot opened the escape hole in the bottom of the jet. the pilot went to get the parachutes. then the fridge and the freezer tipped over on the side and everything came out. mimo was trying to find the pilot when he slipped on an icecube and fell through the escape hole. "HELP!!!" he screamed....
-sweet tina and mr wa

Aakash Remesh said...

I need to know where is aunt artic's puffle in mission 1.

Aakash Remesh said...

Where can i find the cheat guides of mision 1?

Anonymous said...

Hi mimo, i found a new cheat! My brother, splattabob, taught me the machine gun snowball trick (tap t and click alternatley) But i thought of a better way: press and hold t and click really fast. then stop clicking and let go of t. You'll fire loads of snowballs at once! (i haven't seen this on other sites, and if it is, i didn't know!)

Anonymous said...

You Rock Mimo777 I was at your party!

Anonymous said...

Umm.. Hello Mimo777, I am ussually shy sooo i mite not say much, i really enjoy reading stuff from ur site and hopefully we can secretly have a short party or something? if that is okay with you? My penguins name is Lestiepestie and i go on Down Under just so you no, well bye!
P.S who is Mish Mash?

Anonymous said...

maybe this might be emarrissing for you but me and my friends are not sure, are you a boy or a girl? You dont have to answer if you don't want to! UMMMM! HOW DO U SNEEK IN TO MEMBERS ONLY AREAS?

Fab Lampard said...

its well unfair that ur not alowed to listen to it unless ur in america is there anyway i can listen to them other than buying them or listening to them on lala

Anonymous said...


MiikoChin said...

can i have a t shirt in cp

Anonymous said...

I have something to say about a cheat i found out my self. When you are loading to go to a place like the stage or any or place. Start tpying stuff while loading i will change to loading the town or some place. It might not work it worked for me i would try iut anyway.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo?
Can you help me see if there is a place where no one can see you in the Flying Flippers Emporium?

Mimo888 said...

Hey!! Ive always wondered- How do you pronounce Mimo?

Sercan 44444 said...

You are so cool Mimo!

Unknown said...


Jack56473o said...

I've been to sydney. I live in the closest state to NSW. Vic

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo!! where did you buy your ds lite skin of clubpenguin??? :D i want one

Simo Atso said...

dear club penguin gang, i want to be a mod but i cant. i read the instructions but i didnt understand them. do you just have to rewly them however you want? by the way i wanna be a mod because i found this really cool picture of a "puffle cake"! Help!

Ria101 said...

just now i read a comment that asked how you got into all the speical member rooms, when you're not a member yourself. i was wondering that too... could you please answer??

Anonymous said...

Well i think you have to answer a question, kind of like im answering your question. If someone had a question such as, "Where's the new stamp" you could reply it's at the lighthouse on a box on the right side of your screen. Thats what i think it means, but i could be wrong.

ranisharma said...

Dear Mimo,
Can you please tell me how to use a camera on top of the mountain, in the cp world? It is a task for which a stamp has been alloted, and I am dying to take it.
P.S. Btw, your site is awesome. I got in touch with it recently, and have many queries in my mind. Will post it some other day. Thank you.
- Ranisharma

Gobnait said...

hi gob13
here on the herbert video
isnt that the moves to
did anybody else see this
plz reply
ps gob is said like gub for my name

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