Ok, So Club Penguin says there will be plenty of coolness for June! WOOT!
Here's what I think...
I think the first pic is something to do with construction on Rockhoppers Ship!
I think the second pic is has something to do with the Spy Gadget!
I think the third pic is the Adventure Party!
Am I right? Am I wrong? What do you think?
New MIMO Party THIS WEEK! Stay tuned...
Monday, May 31, 2010
June Should Be Fun on Club Penguin! My Theories!
Labels: club pengin cheats
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Club Penguin Community Tree is Growing!
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats, mine
Well, the tree in the Community Garden by the Mine is getting bigger. Do you think it will soon get 'O' berries like the Rockhopper trees in our iggies? Do you thing it will grow with the seasons? Do you think it means Rockhopper will be coming? Do you think it will soon grow twinkies & licorice? Do think I am weird? (Thanks, to Kingicevar2 and a couple others!)
Friday, May 28, 2010
Billybob Sent Mimo New DS Game And...
Labels: billybob, club pengin cheats, epf
Dude! Check it out! Billybob sent me the new "Herbert's Revenge" DS game and this very cool card!
Here is the front of the card:
Here is the back of the card:
Saweet! A 6 month membership code! Thank you Billybob! You are awesome!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Join Club Penguin Elite Penguin Force NOW!
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats, epf, stadium
Awesome! You can now join the EPF! You have to pass a new test. This test includes a series of agility tests. To begin the test, throw a snowball at the target. The phone will become a screen. Follow the instructions on the screen. Except, do NOT go on the blue square. It is a trap! If you do get trapped on the blue square, just throw a snowball at the electrical box. Once you have passed the test, you are a new EPF Agent! Congratulations!
When you enter your code from "Herbert's Revenge" Nintendo DS game, you unlock an Elite Puffle. Check me out with my Elite Puffle, Flare:
Thanks, Club Penguin, this is so awesome! I know many of you have notice lot of bugs, and Club Penguin is working on squashing them!
Let me know what you think is the coolest thing about the new EPF!
New May 2010 Club Penguin Snow & Sports Catalog Cheats!
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats, sports catalog cheats, stadium
Well, the new Stadium is here! With it, you will find snacks and all kinds of cool sports gear!
Check out the new Sports Catalog:
To find the hidden items cheats in the new Club Penguin Snow and Sports Catalog, do this:
Step 1. Click on the Map in the lower left.
Step 2. Click on "Stadium."
Step 3. Now click on the catalog in the lower right.
Here's how to find the new hidden Green Soccer Jersey cheat.
Step 5. Click to the 1st page.
Step 6. First click on the soccer ball at the top.
You have now found the Green Soccer Jersey cheat!
Wha? That is the only cheat? Well, I guess Club Penguin has been a little busy lately. ;-)
Latest Club Penguin Igloo Music Update
Labels: club pengin cheats, igloo music
Club Penguin has added new igloo music! Here are the new ones:
Saweet! Gotta love tunes for your loo, huh?
Club Penguin Adventure Party & EPF Update!
Labels: adventure party, club pengin cheats, epf, membership
Well, just as we suspected, new EPF will be for members! Wha? Check this out:
If you can't see it, it says:
~Join the EPF and unlock features of the new EPF Spy Phone.
~Access top secret Elite Penguin Force items and gear.
~Hunt for new outfits and rare items to get you set for the Island Adventure Party.
~Take on your buddies in an exclusive battle room.
But, the good news is, there is going to be an ADVENTURE PARTY soon! Woot woot!
So, do you think all EPF will be for members only? It kinda sounds that way. Let me know what you think.
Club Penguin Newspaper!
Labels: club pengin cheats, newspaper
As I already reported, Club Penguin confirms that the Sports Shop will be closed for good and replaced with an Everyday Phoning Facility. The Sports Catalog will be relocated to the Stadium where the Ice Rink/Soccer Pitch is.
A new Penguin Style Catalog will be here soon! The new catalog will be here on June 4th!
And, Ruby and the Ruby will return to the Stage on June 11!
Which of these upcoming events are you most excited about?
Hey, Hnwjanuary11, nice joke!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Herbert's Revenge Review #3: Everyday Phoning Facility!
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats, epf, herbert's revenge, secret agent
Well, here it is! The Sports Shop will soon be the Everyday Phoning Facility! (Notice the EPF?)

This appears to be a reinforced room with a door to the new HQ! Sweet!

In the last mission of Herbert's Revenge, Club Penguin island is flooded and Herbert even helps the EPF by clogging the gyser that keeps the island from sinking. Hmm, does this mean Herbert is now our friend? Or will he remain evil? He does accidently escape in a super helium balloon.
And, at the end, the DIrector says, "We need to cover up this flood, and keep the public from knowing any of this happened..." You know what that means? WATER PARTY! Woot!
This is pretty awesome, don't you think? Stay tuned for more details!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President Play Fun Virtual Worlds for Kids Now! Click to listen to Mimo's song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"
Club Penguin Mission Reviewed By You!
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats, Reviewed by you
Last week Club Penguin asked us what the most difficult problem we have solved, and Rosie906 said:
"Well, I know this information is classified, but the hardest mission I ever solved was avalanche rescue. I was allowed to skip it though, so I moved onto the next one. Soon I was finished all the missions except that one! I decided to solve it once and for all. I went to the HQ, and solved the mission! It turned out it was easier than I thought! The trick is not to think too deeply. Be remarkable, be reliable, be ready! Good luck agents!"
Now, Club Penguin wants to know what you and your friends are doing to help the construction in the Ski Village! Are you having fun construct the new HQ? Many of you seem to be confused by the blue sign with the "W" on it by the Sport Shop. I think it is just the Winter Sports sign and we are painting over, don't you?
Herbert's Revenge Review #2: Mini Games!
Labels: club pengin cheats, herberts revenge
As we go through the game, we are still seeing that the Herbert's Revenge Missions are the same as on Club Penguin. Hmm. They are not exactly the same but very similar.
BUT, the Mini games are REALLY fun! And, you can also play them separately.
Mini games : Amazing maze, Jackhammer, Grapple Gadget & Aqua Rescue! Grapple Gadget is my fav!
Also, there is NO color Aqua! Mimo has to be light blue! But, it's all the same color anyway, huh? ;-)
The game seems to glitch a lot, and I haven't seen much originality yet. :-/
I'll keep you posted...
The Herbert's Revenge Mission walk thru cheats are here.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Club Penguin Agent Upgrade & HQ Construction!
Labels: club pengin cheats, epf, secret agent
Woot! Club Penguin Agents are about to get an upgrade! With that, agents will get new challenges and a new HQ! Speaking of that, have you seen the the construction at the Ski Lodge?
Do you see the Sport Catalog in the corner? Did you notice the EPF symbol? How about the phone that the crane puts in the
old Ski Lodge?
If you don't have the construction helmet yet, pick up a FREE one and help construct the new HQ!
Very smoove, don't ya think?
Herbert's Revenge Early Review #1!
Labels: club pengin cheats, herberts revenge, Nintendo DS
Ok, so far, except for the first mission, Herbert's Revenge is almost exactly the same as Club Penguin! Ugh! You have to do old Club Penguin missions to learn about Herbert. I am looking forward to something VERY exciting in this game. C'mon Club Penguin, I'm rooting for you!
***UPDATE: The Early Missions are pretty fun!
Also, I found this cool Herbert's Revenge display box!
Scroll down or Click here to watch my Herbert's Revenge Unboxing Video!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Club Penguin Elite Penguin Force Herbert's Revenge Unboxing!
Labels: club pengin cheats, herberts revenge
Check out the unboxing of Club Penguin's Newest game for the Nintendo DS, Club Penguin Elite Penguin Force: Herbert's Revenge!
Hope you like it!
I'll write a full review of Herbert's Revenge tomorrow! Check back!
We will have all the walk through cheats on our DS site to check in there.
They will be available soon!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Club Penguin's Final Herbert's Revenge Sneak Peek!
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats, herberts revenge, Nintendo DS
Well, the big day (May 25th) is almost here! "Herbert's Revenge" Nintendo DS game will be here soon! Then, the story of the "Veggie Villain" will be continued. Cool, 'cause we gotta catch that bear!
Each Saturday, Club Penguin has been giving us sneak peeks of Herbert's lair. Agents will have to sneak into this lair in the mission after "Veggie Villain." Saweet!
Billybob has assured us about the future of the Secret Agents! Club Penguin has a TON of new stuff that they will be launching online NEXT WEEK! Woot! Keep checking here and we will keep you up to date!
Wow! What could a "TON" of new stuff be? I would love to hear your theories... again!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Club Penguin Series 5 Puffles!
Labels: club pengin cheats, puffles
Whoa! Have you seen the new series 5 puffles? They all have extra silly faces! I'm pretty sure the white one is the cutest one eva, though! Check it out:
These series 5 puffles will be available on July 20, 2010!
Click here to check out all the new puffles and Club Penguin Toys!
Club Penguin's Screenhog Behind The Scenes!
Labels: club pengin cheats, Screenhog
Before the recent popcorn explosion, Club Penguin has only once before been affected by a mission. It was the earthquake in 2008. Screenhog has given us some behind the scenes artist drawings of the popcorn explosion:
If you haven't completed the mission yet, Screenhog encourages you to do so, right away!
Very cool, Screenhog! Thanks!
Billybob Sent Mimo New Spy Gadget Sneak Peek!
Labels: club pengin cheats, epf, herberts revenge, secret agent
You know the new spy gadget on the Club Penguin home page? Well, Billybob sent me a sneak peek of this new spy phone device:
Thanks Billybob, this looks awesome! It looks to me like it is a touch screen! I can't wait until the EPF Headquarters are here finished so we can try this new device! How 'bout you? Do you think the HQ will be finished by May 25th when the new "Herbert's Revenge" Nintendo DS game is released?
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Club Penguin Homepage Update!
Labels: club pengin cheats, epf
Cool! More evidence for the Elite Penguin Force arriving on the Club Penguin Island! Check out the new homepage:
The spy phone and Jet Pack Guy have been replaced! Wow, I wonder what all that new spy device will be able to do? Hmm, it kinda looks similar to a G.L.A.N.C.E! ;-)
Do you think we will soon get one of these devices and the cool new EPF outfit when the new HQ is finished?
And, here is another question. Do you think this new HQ will be for members only? I sure hope not! (Thanks, Bin58)
Club Penguin Times Secret Agent Message!
Labels: club pengin cheats, epf, newspaper, psa
The PSA Director has hidden another message in the Club Penguin Times. Check it out:
Click on the "Social Scene" on page A2.
Here is the message you will find:
The message says:
Attention Agents:
As you know, our PSA Headquarters
have been compromised by popcorn.
Do not worry. We are making plan...
We'll update you very soon.
Stay sharp.
Well, that doesn't really give us much of a clue, but how about this?
See the EPF in the sign above? Do you think Secret Agents will soon be a part of the EPF? (Elite Penguin Force)
This really doesn't have much to do with the EPF, but here is another secret cheat in the Club Penguin Times:
in the Top Secret section on page B8, click on the words "mysterious shadow."
You find this extra info about Puffle Rescue:
Thanks to all you awesome penguins who have noticed all these cool hidden messages!