Remember this Caption Contest?

Well, we finally got through the 1059, yes, that's right, 1059 comments and came up with these 15 finalists! (In random order)
Alking501 said...
Me Santa: I wish a had brought my camera.
Mimo: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? That was the whole point of me doing this! WHY ME?
Mzyprincess said...
Mimo : Is it just me, or is that bubbles i see coming from Klutzy's direction ?
Me Santa: I have a feeling you won't like the smell of Klutzy's bubbles .
Wigwam said...
Me Santa: Mimo what are you doing?
Mimo: I had the hiccups and you told me to go upside down and drink water
Voilet 213 said...
Me Santa: Watcha doing up there Mimo?
Mimo: Just hangin! *gulp*
Me Santa: Hey, you know your gonna have to come out at some point. Penguins need to breathe too!
Mimo: I'm trying to break the Penguinness Book of World Records! *gulp*
Madypie said...
Mimo: "Merry Christmas!Wait who are you?
Me Santa: "Duh! It's me santa!
Swettie422 said…
MeSanta: *stares at window* LOOK, CP ADDED A NEW ADDITION OF SOME RARE SPECIES OF FISH! It kinda looks like mimo......
Weird Owe said...
Mimo: Hehe! This feels funny!
Me Santa: OH NO! Mimo, we need to get you to the hospital! You spelled funny the right way! What has that crab done to you!?
~Old CPG Mod~ said...
Mimo: when i press my beak up against the glass it looks funny...
Mimo:...I didn't think thiss one through.
puddles 282 said...
Me Santa: What are you doing up there Mimo?
Mimo: Trying to see if Klutzy smells 'funny'!
Saavy said…
Mimo: Uhh Me Santa, I Forgot To Get My Goggles, Can You Get Them For Me?
Me Santa: :O :O Who Was That?? ZOMG A Talking Crab! Wait Till I Tell Mimo!
pichuping1 said...
mimo: hello. wait-why r u upside down?
me santa: u r upside down!
mimo: no u r!
klutzy: I hate it when they fight.
Ethanator said...
Mimo: Gah! Me Santa get me down from here!
Me Santa: Say "cheese"! This is so going on our next Christmas card!
imalwayscool said...
Mimo: It's a parallel dimension out here! The crab must be the portal to this whole new world!
Me Santa: Uh, Mimo, I think you might be suffering from what we call an "oxygen deficiency"...
Ggrasshopper said...
Mimo: Brrr... The waters freezing!
Me Santa: Mimo you'r in Antarctica! What do you expect?!?
Mimo: Ahhh... Now it's warm...
Me Santa: ...
jeremy said...
Me Santa: Whys the Water Yellow?
Mimo: !!!! The Crab Did IT ( points at Crab.)
Me Santa: The Crab did wat?
Let us know which one you like the best by voting on the poll on the left to help us choose a weiner! (Should we count how many ppl say I spelled winner wrong? lol)
Weiners will be announced a bit earlier than the finalists were. ;-)
Play Fancy Pants!
- Mimo777,
Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Friend MIMO on Facebook! Virtual Worlds for KidsClick to listen to Mimo's song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"