Club Penguin Cheats

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Mimo Q & A #1

You all ask such great questions. I had a hard time picking only 30. Here are the first 10 It's fun to hear what you have to say. Anyway, here we go!

Question #1
justice8989 said...
Q. hey mimo why dose it take you so long to post things like this and party clues?

A. If you mean why does it take me so long to post cheats and stuff? Hey! I'm always the first to post new cheats and stuff! But I couldn't do it without all of your help. Thanks to all of you. If you mean, why does it take me so long to post comments? Then yes, I approve every comment one at a time. So it takes me a little while. Also, I am not always at the computer so sometimes the comments take a couple hours to post. Sorry about that. ;-)

Question #2
Anonymous said...
Q. Hey, mimo! i have a question and awnser for you! Rockhopper goes on blizzard, yeti, and white out. those are his main servers! heres the question, if you still are trying to make cp gang memberships, how could PURPLYN become the so called (newest member)? Iwona Icee- penguin name

A. First, the members of Club Penguin Gang right now are just members of our family. Some live in the same house as me. Some live in another place. We've tried for a long time to come up a cool way to do memberships but we really don't know how to do it. I'm sorry about that. If I can come up with an easy way to do memberships, I'll do it. But it's kinda hard when there are a jillion billion of you that want to be members! LOL! I'll try to work on that again, ok?

Question #3
caninegal45 said...
Q: What's your favorite type of ice cream?

A. Cookies and Cream! Yum... I'm really weird. I put milk in my ice cream. Yeah, I know...

Question #4
Jaxtery said...
Q. My Q is where are you from in real life like US or Canada. If you dont want to answer that Q then here is my other one: How old are you? If you dont want to answer that Q then here is my other one: When did you join CP?

A. I am from the United States. Woo Hoo! But I can't tell you how old I am. I need to keep this web site like Club Penguin. Ya know?

Question #5

ppb said...
Q. hiya mimo, here is a question is this post a party clue? looks like it. U said it would be hard....

A. LOL! That is such a cool question. You must be smart. The answer is no. But you're right, they will be very hard.

Question #6
Harmoni said...
Q. Have you met Rockhopper?
From Harmonistar, Chacha624,Isabella974 and Pinkypick82.

A. No. And I am mad about it too. I think he is too hard to find. Boo hoo. Believe me, when I find him, you'll know about it. LOL!

Question #7
mimo fan said...
Q. What time are you usually on clubpenguin?

A. I am usually on Club Penguin at night. I never play in the morning. I don't like mornings. Probably like about 6:00 pm Club Penguin Time Zone. The servers I go on are listed on the left side bar.

Question #8

Harmoni said...
Q. Hi! second comment! Are you a girl or a boy?

A. I am a boy. That's the only info I can give. Oh, by the way, when you post a comment, you never know if you are the first or second or third comment because they don't automatically post remember? So you don't have to do that anymore. ;-)

Question #9

Jedi 106 said...
Q. How long have you been doing Club Penguin and this Website?


A. I read about Club Penguin on the internet. They were talking about all the cool new sites and they listed Club Penguin so I tried it out and LOVED it. I was playing Millsberry before that. I didn't really like it. So I started playing Club Penguin and started this site in May of 2007. I guess maybe we need to have a one year anniversary party then!

Question #10

Anonymous said...
Q. hi mimo..this is my question... when is the nxt mimo party? when are the hints? it's alright if you don't answer this...just curious... :)

A. The clues to my next party will be coming very soon. In fact, there is a clue already on this site somewhere, sssshhhh... And the party will be... (I'll never tell).

More tommorow!

Happy Rockhopping!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President


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Anonymous said...

Thanks mimo1 I officially award your site the #1 clup penguin fan site!!!! keep up the EXCELLENT work! :-)= happy

Anonymous said...

Hello Mimo thanks for being awesome and bringing my life Meaning and Happiness.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much! You rock! My penguin name is Musicboy8 you can meet me at 8:00 pm tonight on tundra i will be at the dojo close to the bottom right corner. even if you cant make it i will be there.


blake said...

As you say...Mimorulz!-Uur74hur74

Anonymous said...

I like how you took time to answer some of our questions! You are really a nice guy! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for answering all the questions their very interesting, also I think I know where one of your party hints is but I won't say anything that will ruin it for everyone else hope to see you at your next party if I get all the clues!

- Empoleon156

Anonymous said...

Mimo, I love your site! Please tellus wat the clue is!!

Anonymous said...

wow licorice102

Anonymous said...

please tell us where the hint is. you rock! i hope i can be at your party because i have been to all of them. i cant find it!! PLEASE HELP!


Anonymous said...

i am almost 100 percent sure i found the hint. it was hard! hope to see you there.


blake said...

Where is the party hint? Please answer.


blake said...


I found somthing on club penguin.
You know the blue arrow tab thing on the top of the screen and when you click on it the last 4 comments are displayed. Well, if you click on it and drag it down, it shows a lot of the comments. Please write about this and give me credit.


Anonymous said...

thanks so much for posting comments i love just coming on and reading them!


Anonymous said...


J0ej0e said...

OMG!!There is a clue in the site?I'm gonna look for it!

Anonymous said...

OMG I love to put milk in my ice cream!!!!!! Your like the only person i know that does that lol :D YOU ROCK! :D

Anonymous said...

i know where the hint is and found it but dont know how to read it!!! i know dont give me the answer cause i dont even want it. just wanted to say it.

wow confusing!

Anonymous said...

can you tell us in one of your posts what your name is? how about age? kind of phone? i am a really curious person.


Anonymous said...

hehehe.. I found the first clue.. whoopee!

Anonymous said...

ok i wished i could of asked this but what is a mimo

Anonymous said...

Hi mimo

I cant believe you havent met RockHopper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I FIGURED OU THE HiNT!! IT SAYS ------------NOT TELLIN ANYWAYS, MIMO RULZ!!! that hint WAS kinda hard though....

Anonymous said...

i wwanted to ask if u were like in charge of clubpeguin and ghanges like festivals and stuff
so that u could build some more buildings and make more stuff ton eat like a bar a restaurant were u hav reservations and stuff like that and theme park with lots of rides and like were ur igloos are we can hav like streets of igloos with nrighbours and everythin plz do take this in consideration and try to do some of not all of it plz do so answer this question or try if ur not the erson who can change this than try to tell the person whyo can thanx

mushi0786 said...

plz answer soon

Anonymous said...

I have a question. Is it hard having sooo many penguins crowed around you everyday? Please answer.

Anonymous said...

Mimo that was a pretty tricky clue but i got it

Anonymous said...

Hi Mimo,


I like putting milk in my ice-cream and I like cream and cookies to!

I also like putting mik in my cookies!


Any ways my question:

Do you watch any anime?

(Like Naruto, Death Note, etc)

And whats you favourtie?

- The Jay Dude

Zoira said...

Hello Mimo! I love your site, and guess what? I found the secret clue on the site! I figured it out too. See you in yraurbeF!



Anonymous said...

Ok people,I know what the hint is. The hint is on every page you just have to be smart enough to find it. For those of you who dont know the hint is ██████ ███████:███ █████ ████ hahs you really think I'd tell you. I just blocked it out pretty cool eh. I would never break a promise for you Mimo
Mimo this is the #1 CP Fan Site in the world.

PS:If you can figure out anything about Rockhopper with his ship stuck in the water and how it'll get to the island please tell us.

PSS:My club penguin username is cp zezima2

PSSS:This message will self-destruct. LOL!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

my b-day is in may

Anonymous said...

mimo did you know that you can see rockhopper's ship from the telescope at the lighthouse??? i was just wondering if you knew...

Anonymous said...

i have a question what place in cp are you mostly at ? example:nightclub,stage,snowfort penguin-bluebloosom

Anonymous said...

could u just give me a hint 4 where the party hint is plz :( >_< :( :( :( :( :( :(

Anonymous said...

I found the hint!!!!! I don't understand it but i found it!!!!!!! lol

Spectermycat in cp

Anonymous said...

hey i got it but i dont know if tat was the hint!
maybe tat was the other one....sob...
all well it was harder then i thought...

my penguin's name is____________.......
im not gonna put it... u r not gonna remember it anyhow....
well hav a nice day!!

P.s. about the boy or girl question, are u talking about your penguin or yourself?
just curious

is there a reason why your name is mimo?

Anonymous said...

rockhoppers puffle is on the ship wit d life jackets from emosk8tpunke

Anonymous said...

hi mimo what you did for q 10is so worng because nodody knows wherre it is plz tell where it is

Anonymous said...

figured out the hint i dont think it provides me with much info

Anonymous said...

can u be my friend mimo i am on cp
jackman2222 in real life jack

p.s. u ausome

Anonymous said...

Missed the chance.....
But if you can, please tell us how to tip the iceberg.....

Anonymous said...

hey mimo,

i think im sure i found ur clue, just needa figure it out now =]

Anonymous said...

why didn't you post my question?...oh yea,,,u only post good ones...bummer.. :P

Anonymous said...

Hey mimo
I hope u will put this question in!!! Why do people act as though they are your best friend?? If u dont want to answer this then here is my other question... What is your favourite food??? Mine is choclate or cookies and cream icecream with milk on it! I dont know anyone who does that!!!:( Do You???
P.S my CP name is Awsome 45!!!

Anonymous said...

i play club penguin too.i just wanted to know if you are a member.i have met some people who say they can get free memberships,as in by clothes and stuff,for you know ho to do it?(please answer both questions:))
P.S.Your site is the coolest!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo. Just some question to ask you ; )

How did you even get so many visitors?

Is that domain name of yours free or you use some code?

Why did you use blogger instead of wordpress?

Please answer : ) Thx a lot!

Anonymous said...

Nice site Mimo!
And I just wanted to ask these questions:
1) When did you make your blog?
2) How did you make your blog? It looks really cool.

Spanner Anzy said...

How do u do the the love heart emoticon? -Spanner Anzy

hermy47 said...

Hey Mimo, I know i'm a bit late for the G & A, but i just wanna ask, do u wanna be a member on CP?

Hermy47(penguin name)

p.s. i love ur website and u rock!

Anonymous said...

Hello mimo. How come you haven't posted about the new igloo music? You said you were the first to post everything...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hiya mimo, do u know how to do a backflip in clubpenguins cart surfer? well i do if anyone is wondering? press,DOWN on your keypad then press,SPACE BAR there you go the backflip gets you 100! points! be sure to try this bye!

ps: my penguins name is jigily puff add me! (but tell me where you know me from if mimo posts this) love ya!

Anonymous said...

I love this site! It's SO cool! I loved the last party, the poem hint was really hard. PLEASE PLEASE POST THIS!

Anonymous said...

mimo i LOVE cookies n cream my fav ice cream it ROCKS well i kind of like milk too i think?....well anyways heres my Q:do you have any animals well like pets? i do! i have four! well bye u rock mimo! (please post this ive never actually been posted) ps: my penguins name is jigily puff i rock add me! (and no i do not like pokemon i just like the name jigily puff ok?)

Anonymous said...

if you all so badly want to when mimo is holding a party, there is a chance that a few people will decode the clues and when they do they can post it on here and eveyone can go. or when a party is happening they can post where it is. simple

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

what do u mean with a..."clue on the sait alredy"(about the party)...were is it in the midlle or on those said barrs???...dont need to answer just qurios cause i never meet i spelled something wrong its because im not from the US so i had to learn english im good at talking and avvarege at writting...ok not avvarege pretty good but not best :P

Anonymous said...

i have met rockhopper 5 times on 3 different penguins. i am so sorry you have not net him yet. go on tundra and hang at the dock around 3:00 and he should be there sometime around then. Thanks so much for your club penguin cheat site. You make it so much fun. I love it.


Anonymous said...

i play runescape

Anonymous said...

Thank-you so much! Here's a question for the next Q & A. How do you find all these cheats so fast? My Penguins name is Fenney.

Anonymous said...

mimo i found the clue... it is at.................... ITS A SECRET GUYS!!

But that is a thing everyone knows mimo. I just cant undderstand y u gave it like that.

Unknown said...

lol..I think this was such an AWESOME idea! Now, most of the questions that have been running my mind have been answered, lol. You have the cooest ever! No Doubt!


P.S. I (heart) cookies and creme ice cream w/ milk! YUM!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo I have another q, my name is Darbub, Anyway, has anyone ever seen u on cp when yur not at a party? e.g when yur searching for hints or when the new pin comes out and yur trying to find it.

Anonymous said...

hey mimo, i have a suggestion on how to make other people members of cpg: you could ask them questions(nothing personal,just about like why they want to join) then, you could communiate(if you're not close) over club penguin on the internet or on this site. how do ya like the idea?

PS that party clue is super hard to find. I'm trying my best to find it but you hid it good.

Anonymous said...

You're a BOY! I finally know! Wait you're A boy? Okaydokey than You are a BOY!

-FlaMinGoS222 (Cheese242's Agent)

Anonymous said...

For all the people who can't find it, dig your way through the website. Keep digging down into the website until you find it.

Anonymous said...

Found the hint, excited about it


Anonymous said...

you picked me!

thanks so much!!

Anonymous said...

why i never seen clubpenguingang presidint before so call me back mimo7777

Anonymous said...

my favourite ice cream flavour is goody goody gum drops and gingerbread

Anonymous said...

Hi Mimo,

I found the hint!!

The Q & A is such a good idea




Anonymous said...

if dis party clue is as hard as i think it is den probly no one'll make it!

Anonymous said...

mimo please can ya post a little hint on wer the party clue is.PLEASE!one time ya had a party and i made it before de party started,so by de time yu came i was told to get off.i just missed it.and i dont wanna miss another ;(

Anonymous said...

i cant find the hint :( is it a link?

Anonymous said...

my penguin's name is 7m7a7n7black but im not a boy (*tat does mean im a girl).
i just like the movie, Man in Black....
people always mistake that.

thanks for answering all of the "need to know"
questions!!! here is the question that i really NEED to know.

"DO U LIKE BANANA?" please answer it.
i like banana. (mostly because of the cute sounding name)

hav a nice day.

Anonymous said...

mimo,i cant make it to many of your cp parties because most of them are too early or late for me.sometimes i have to wake up 5:00in the morning to come to them!because i live in the U.K

Unknown said...

mimo......can u please tell ur age q is that why do u update this site very late nowadays? u know any other club like cp...if yes do tell me?

Unknown said...

do u know any other club cp....if yes do tell me?

anissablossom said...


Anonymous said...

Rockhoppers at beach at blizzard

Anonymous said...

hey mimo remember me jason988 in cluub penguin? what is ur e-mail adress?

Anonymous said...

Serious? may 2007? if it was the 26, thats my dads b-day!

Anonymous said...

hey hear is a cool cheat:go to clunpenguin/load.swf,go to the stage,prees f11 then drag the box inward until you can see a white tad over the box,then youll see a speaker,click it.the MUSIC WILL STOP!!pretty cool? also get a membership!

Anonymous said...

i have a cheat for you. first, go to the sign in place. then type in rockhopper then, you put any password. then if it says you are banned then that means hes not on if hes then it will say incorrect password.

Anonymous said...

Where's rockhopper?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

what color is your hair, mimo? Please post this in your questions, I said please. :) AND thank you! :))! Thank ya ever SO much.. Bye!

Anonymous said...

I know where the clue is!!!

Anonymous said...

you rock! club penguin gang is so awesome i love it. you do a great job putting in as much effort as you can to post all new hints. that is why i really want to be your buddy. do not delete people from your buddy list though because if i were you buddy ( which i am not ) i would not want to be deleted. hope you are having a great new year and if you are...i hope it continues. i found your hint finally it was hard like you said but i had fun finding it. keep up the awesome work you do!


Musicboy8 ( my club penguin name )

Anonymous said...

Hi, I have a question. I was hoping you would answer it even if you said that you wouldn't answer any more.

Q1 - Do you go to school?
Q2- how old are you?
Q3- Also, if you go to school, do you have a lot of homework? Do you have problems finishing your homework?

I super duper really want to know!!! Even if you don't answer them publicly, will you please answer them sometime soon?

Thanx for trying!

Anonymous said...

Oh Yeah for that last question I know where the clue is and ive figured it out. (YESSSS!)

Anonymous said...

Mr Mimmo i have a question,,,

could you tell me how that poem works for the party hint (the last one)????

Anonymous said...

hey mimmo that was a hard party hint.. but i figured it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Mimo I'm just super mega curios. How come so many people visit your site?

Anonymous said... oid are u in cp?

Anonymous said...

hey mimo ive always wanted to meet u what surver are u on most of the time p.s. my username is dallas 111111

Anonymous said...

Mimo is a boy?wow. and i thought they were hott.dude,i had posters with hearts of mimo in my room.

Anonymous said...

MIMO777 me and jedi 106 are friends :)

Anonymous said...

Mimo, Here is a question where do you usally go on Vlub Penguin. Because I try to find you but I can't.

Anonymous said...

RH Is in the BLIZZARD Server!!!

Anonymous said...

mimo, can you give us a small like riddle type thing to where the party clue is IT'S WAY HRD TO FIGURE THIS ONE OUT IVE BEEN AT IT FOR ! AND A HALF HOURS!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

rockhopper is in blizzard

Anonymous said...

i no wat the hint is,it not telling you hahahahaha

go mimo im going to your party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

how about the anniversary party could be a thing like meet mimo

Anonymous said...

Mimo is the clue to the party in what u wrote on stuff or in the comments or is it on the side were you right other stuff bout clubpenguin gang??????

Anonymous said...

wow a hint already here? ill have to take a look around.
and to those people that say can you tell us where it is..of course he wont tell you. that's the point. its supposed to be hard.

Anonymous said...

hey mimo! i found out a glitch today. you can only do this if you are a member though. if you have the camera and the hat put them on and click on your penguin and take the hat off and wave. the hat will come off and come back on when you are done with the picture.

Anonymous said...

Hi mimo,I wanted to tell you some ideas I had:
for the 6 month membership:why dont you make some really hard riddles so people have to guess as many as posible,so who ever gueses more wins
For your parties:PLEASE MAKE THEM HARDER TO FIND there are so many people you cant get in,also I think maybe you should make do something like what i said with the membership so that who guesses it gets to meet you
well thats it see ya
bye the way my penguin name is Tallymark33 bye!

Anonymous said...

I have a type of response,
I think you should make EXTREMELY HARD hints to a serten place ,so that the people that find you at that place get to be members

Anonymous said...

Rockhopper is eeeeasy to find!

Anonymous said...

hey mimo, u are the best and everyones right about it but, a comment from sunsh9 says u r the best GUY eva. Does that mean your a guy?????? Personally i thought you were a girl.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i think that its funny that you cant find rockhopper!!!! ive gone on to get free items from him and he was in the first room i looked!!!!!! twice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 lol

Anonymous said...

poor rockhopper what is going to happen next well we have to build a new ship for him if we did how or well he live in club penguin forever

Anonymous said...

Milk in ice cream... Genius... I'll have to try that...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey mimo, i was wondering if you play runescape? It's kind of like CP, except you can kill things. You can e-mail me at to let me know. ;-)

Anonymous said...

hahahah i found the clue!!!
but it's not much of a clue. unless i got the wrong one...

Unknown said...

mimo i wish to meet u some day but i cannot meet u because it is ver hard to find and i say u r more cooler than rockhopper and can u tell when u come to cp and ur website is the number one coolest and informative club penguin site in the world

Sylvia♥ said...

k, #1, its pps because if it was pss then it would be post script script and its supposed to be post post script


im so excited i met rockhopper FINALLY the day b4 he left!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo, i was wondering wy we have to be members to buy things? I dont like that!

Anonymous said...

hi u rock! im ur number one fan! and ur also a great penguin! (ive met u b4 but its k if u dnt remember me cos u have alot 2 remember cough cough posts being on time! lol just jokin c ya soon!)
luv ur no.1 fan
P.S. im a gurl dnt worry bout da x's! lol

Beumont said...

Your site is the #1 Best Site ever!:-)

Sugar said...

i know millsberry is kinda boring *snores at the thaught*

Anonymous said...

i think i know where ur party is

Anonymous said...

is that new clue a word scramble

Anonymous said...

what does "cptd" mean???
my computer even says it's not a word

Anonymous said...

Hi Mimo I have a penguin named after u named Mimorox45 Um yea well someone said that theres this penguin thing and like ur a ninja and i was just wondering what that site was and what all ur other sites are. :) Umm meet me at the dojo at 5 maybe. My penguin name is Recsspieces. Srry this is really long.

Anonymous said...

hi mimo, wen will u hav another party bcuz i havnt been 2 any of urs, my penguins name is Syo 7

we should meet on clubpenguin

Anonymous said...

Can i please please please be a part of ur cheat group i know lots of cheats and i can figure lots of the cheats plzzz can i ..... my club penguin is buddynice i know millions of chaets can i PLEASE be part of ur cheat group mimo???

Anonymous said...

Hi Mimo, I've never found where Rockhopper is either...but I don't understand this: how do you know that you've found Rockhopper? And does he give out free items? I really want to know...thanks!

Anonymous said...

you should have added the one about the night club upstairs where astro barrier and thin ice transformed to one

Anonymous said...

i cant belive u havent meeten rockhopper!!! When i was playing he just walked in to the town and started to dance...i wanted to be his buddie but i got a backround instead :(

Chucksmi said...

hey mimo this website is awesome. Guess wha you're popular. hey you're kool too bye

Chucksmi said...

Hey it's me again. Can I be a moderater? You rock

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo,
Your website is AWESOME! It's my favorite website(apart from! Do you have an email address? I'm curious. Do you have one?

Dallorgan the penguin

Anonymous said...

Can i be a modarator?

Anonymous said...


Do you know if Aunt Arctic is actually a real penguin that runs the site

Anonymous said...

hey mimo wats is the server u always go to cuz i want to be ur buddy i think i saw u some where i dont remember

my cp user name mugen1005

Anonymous said...

you rock mimo i always go on your site and check the cheats!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

mimo heres is a question at what hour of the nights you are in club penguin i want to know

Anonymous said...

Does Mimo work for club penguin!!??????????????? its must seem like a dum question for those who go on this site a lot. (this is my first time) I REALLY WANNA KNOW HOW OLD MIMO IS! (dunno y) lol

Anonymous said...

samsooty here i wanna be your friend mimo

Grasaurous said...

Hi Mimo Your website is very cool!
Keep up the xcellent work!!!

Anonymous said...

mimo this site rocks!!!!!!

can you give me free memebership??

answer it here ..


Anonymous said...

mimo i just love your site!keep up all of your great work! :) ps my club penguin name is dallas28428 and i am on bobsled sever everyday at six to nine

Anonymous said...

mimo i just love your site! your so good. this could be the number 1 cheat guide and tips site for clubpenguin on the whole web! P.Smy penguin name is Mindy801 and i go on husky and icebox at 5:00 PM clubpenguin time almost evrynight.! if you want to talk to me just say hi min :)

Anonymous said...

hey mimo,
i guess i'm weird too, i put milk in my ice cream too! it tastes yummy! (by the way, i am famous, lol)
- American Che

Anonymous said...

Mimo777 i award you the best and utterly coolest blog July2008!!!!!!!!!!!!

p.s. does anyone else want an award post your blog and i will see!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

what servers do you go on?

Anonymous said...

are there really ninjas in clubpenguin?

Mimo7788 said...

hi mimo! do you know now that if you go to the will be invisble.ok?

Anonymous said...

yo MIMO! you the best guy i know on CP do you like R.P.G. Games? ... just curiuos...

Mimo7788 said...

now it';s not like that if you go to the icerink u will be invisble.

Mimo7788 said...

hi Mimo,

i know how old you are 10 or 12 i know that.and i know you'r athoer account.

Anonymous said...

I once met rockhopper on thermal in his ship than at the dock then in the night club all in one server in one day.
I also got a background for all my penguins.
so he could be ANYWHERE so don't give up!

Bballguypw said...

Update Question #6. Also, do you have an email address for just Mimo777 and not the rest of the Club Penguin Gang?

Unknown said...

Mimo your awesome! I always go straight to your site if i need help on something on club penguin. I was wondering what server do you go on?

Anonymous said...

awesome site this is the cheat site i usally go on!! my penguin name is Deable. Im a girl.
hey want to meet!! at 5:00 pst? i will be at the iceberg and im Deable. Just Deable

Anonymous said...

thanks mimo u rock!!!
evrey day i come on ere n look at all the cool stuff u n ur fans av been chat bout !

Anonymous said...

HI Mimo,

How can i get you added to my buddy list? Can you help me I am fairly new to this site and as a non member I would love your help!! My Mom cannot afford the membership so can you help me with any hints or tips you may have for me. I wuold love any help you could give me.
Thanks for having this great fan site your #1!!!!!

Anonymous said...

hey mimmo how long you been playing club penguin

Anonymous said...

1st post since January! Wowzer.

Anonymous said...

hey, I already know how old you are. You're 13!! or 12. But if youre 12, then you're b day is coming up.

Anonymous said...

Hiya mimo,whenz ur next mimo party ifu dont wanna ans it please tell when ru comin on clup penguin i wanna meet u coz im ur BIGEST fan of urs cya later

Anonymous said...

Wow... I met Rockhopper 4 or five times... Maybe even 6! It's not that fun.... TRUST me.

Anonymous said...

...I like milk on my icecream too! Bahaha! Oh, and I LOVE this site! AH-MAZING! Lol.

Anonymous said...

Dear mimo777 i just started i site but i dont know how to get pictures or videos PLEASE help

Anonymous said...

hi mimo your my idol your so awsome!omg,this is the only site that i go on for cheats.

Anonymous said...

Hey mimo, I am new to this whole "Club Penguin Gang" thing. I just was wondering if you had any tips as to navigating through the website and stuff like that.

Anonymous said...

Omg!!! I can't believe it!!!
You started club penguin the same month as me!!! May 2007!! :D

Anonymous said...

can u tip the iceburg

Anonymous said...

I don't no how to get the code for it????
do you?

Anonymous said...


Elise Tan Yi said...

Hi Mimo, I have a question for you. I have trouble finishing mission 8. I'm stuck at the part where I have to put the net under the gift shop. Please Help Me!

Anonymous said...

i love u mimo u help me find all the cheats!!! your awrsom

Anonymous said...

Are you a girl or a boy Mimo???

Anonymous said...

1 thing we have in common, q.3 ansewer about milk in ice cream same thing for me i do to (got slapped by brother)(:)=think that is pig?

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo , my question is :
how do you pronounce your name is it either Mimo or MeeMo?

Anonymous said...

dear mimo it is perfectly safe to post ur age so plz do there s a bout two billion kids in ur a ge group
well if u wont answer that ,how do you get ur parents to buy u all this stuff just for cp

waddle on

Anonymous said...

hey mimo how do i saya qustion i have something imporatnt i dont want to seee u.its to do with membership i can get u it but dont tell me your stuff i want u to know so you can do it for freeeeeeee (its only one month but you can do it again angain) sirdar 1

Anonymous said...

Mimo What zone do you go in at Mimo parties? Please tell me!

Unknown said...


Hi heres my Q to ya how old is ur penguin on clubpenguin

Anonymous said...

mimo i cant figure out the clues.
Can u give me more EASIER hints?

ps at 9' oclock go on sleet and meet SJR17 at the POOL. i really want to meet u and for u to be my friend!

Anonymous said...

hey mimo
i was wondering, since ur such a big fan of club penguin and you have your own site and games and toys and stuff, how come your not a member?

Anonymous said...

I love milk in my ice cream!!!

Anonymous said...

U r cool. I never went to ur partys befor. U NEED TO MAKE UR PARTIES ON THE WEEKENDS! sheeseh sorry with the feakin bad attitude

Anonymous said...

Mimo your site is awesome!! Yum ice cream with milk.. I guess im "wierd" too :P

Anonymous said...

Ice cream with milk makes makes the ice cream creamier!Its good! :)

Anonymous said...

You are soo right Mimo. Ice cream and milk together tastes really good!

Anonymous said...

I cant wait till the next mimo quickee party because i missed the last one...

Chocolate Cream Gurl said...

Hi Mimo!
I think u rok my sox coz u make Club Penguin be the best game eva! - (sumhow!) lolz.
u rok - ok i said that b4 but it doesnt hurt 2 say it again coz u DO!
Well anywyz, i wish i met you on cp and added u 2 my buddy list - that would b soooooooooooo cool!
thanx 4 every single thing coz u rok!!=P

y0shii said...

hi mimo what severs do you go on

Anonymous said...

Mimo says in one of his Q&A that he has got his servers on left hand side colum.

Hpcp821 (Club Penguin Gang Mod)

Anonymous said...

if you want this Q. you should lisen to me well i will tell you the A. for this to
Q. where do you find the puffle feeding game go to the snow forts and next to the ice rink it is there and to throw the O berrys you throw a snow ball

techdeckguy said...

Hey mimo you should advertise one site per week jst to help people out with there sites,


Unknown said...

Q:Mimo whenare u going on next?I want to add u.{^_^}

Robi said...

Mimo!Members now can have 16 puffles!
You didnt post it

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo, how do you pronounce your username? Me-mo or Meh-mo? Or somthing diffrent that that? Just curious.

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