Club Penguin Field Op Number 43 cheats are here!
Step 1. Click your Spy Gadget.
Step 2. Click "Go there."
Step 3. Click Field Op board. (or click Field Ops on the Spy Gadget)
Step 4. Click "Accept Field-Op."
Step 5. Stay in the HQ.
Step 6. Go up to the Computer in the back left!
Step 7. Go into the Town. Your spy gadget light will turn green.
Step 8. Click your spy gadget and click "Engage."
Step 9. Now you can complete the puzzle!
Step 10. If you are a member you can click "Elite Gear" and get something cool! If you are not a member, you can get the EPF earpiece, and then enjoy collecting your badges... and stamps! ;-)
Yes! An easy old puzzle!
When you complete the Field Ops, you will get this message from Herbert:
To decode the message, you have to read the words backwards. It says:
(To: Gerald the Gadget Guy.) I have a proposal for you.
The Protobot has worn out its welcome. I might consider a partnership to deal with it.
Keep it between us, and let me know your decision.
Saweet! Herbert is switching to our side! I think... What do you think about a partnership with Herb? Do you want to do it? (Thanks, Miki5258)
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Can we trust him?
Nah, I don't trust him. After all, he DID destroy the PSA with popcorn, right? So I dont trust him. I hope G doesn't trust him!!
No its a lie. He will get on our team, there will be another video game, he will come close to destroying protobot, and ther probably planned this, then he will switch sides as planned and help hurt the EPF. This is my thoughts.
-U Know No
He's tricking us obviously
I don't want this to happen, it's funner when we battle him.
Sebastian99 said...
Can we trust him?
Waddle On!
Dont trust him.
Hes tricking us.
wait... G's Name is Gerald!?!?!?!
thanks Mimo!
I dont think we can trust him but maybe he's not lieing remember how Herbet will be a Mascot as Mimo777 said it would be cool if Herbert was good
who is GERALD the gadget guy?
:L I love G name. But I dont thing we can trust him.
After all Herbert has done to us it would be hard to trust him. But remember all the things he done to us. Herbert could make a powerful Ally. Maybe if we manage to destroy Protobot the Herbert vs EPF/PSA feud could end once and for all and restore peace to the island. We could always just get a new enemy that Herbert could help us defeat. I know it's fun to be against Herbert but this would be best for The Citizens of Club Penguin.
dont we have to at least see whats going on? we are penguins and isnt it our duty to help ANYONE in need? and i think somthings going on, or maybe it IS all a trap...
Omg. i took the hard way. once i was looking at the picture, i read it backwards! then i scrolled down and saw that you wrote it! fail -.-
Nadettew said....
who is GERALD the gadget guy?
Gerald the Gadget Guy is Gary.. That's probably his real name, but they call him Gary.
-Marshmellow1201 :)
This might be a plan of the prohibit and him he acts like he's hating the protobot switches to our side then gets the chance to destroy us. But there's a SMALL chance he's telling the truth. I don't really believe him
when he said he has a proposial i thought he was marrying gary
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