Club Penguin Cheats

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Club Penguin Puffles Updated!

Club Penguin has updated the puffles! Check out my Patty!

It's fur is more rounded now!

And, have you been to the Pet Shop? The Puffles can now run around and play in the tubes! Saweet!

Wow! What other cool updates have you found?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President


Jongon Henry said...

OMG!!!!! If you go to the mine, its all white!!! Theres nothing there! Is this a glitch or a sick joke!:)

Dachman said...

There's a glitch that's happenin' to me,When i enter the puffle shop,its all white :S

Girlyhockey said...

the music from the party is still on in some parts of the island...

Admin said...

if you go into the pet shop with say a green puffle, then the carpet in the pet shop turns green!

Orangelemmy said...

Cool new puffle designs but I liked the old ones better.

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