Ok, here's the deal. Lots of you ask about how to be a Club Penguin Gang Moderator. So, here are the NEW rules. It's pretty simple, you can do it because you are cool:
1. When people ask questions in the comments, you answer them correctly.
2. Be nice to ppl. Keep your answers short.
3. When you answer a question, you put your penguin name with (CPG MOD) next to it.
4. You DON'T put (CPG MOD) after your name when you do NOT answer a question.
5. When you stop answering questions or be rude, you will be removed from the mod list.
5. You can become a SUPER MOD, LEDENDARY MOD or even a MIMO MOD.
6. The better, faster, and longer you are a mod, the faster you will move up to a SUPER MOD, LEDENDARY MOD or MIMO MOD.
7. Other ways to move up your mod status is to congratulate contest winners and new mods.
8. When you become a MIMO MOD then I will meet you secretly and make you my Club Penguin Buddy!
9. I will also invite you over to my house for pork rinds and chocolate milk and watch The Office. JK.
10. I'll add to these rules and change them at any time so check back on this page.
11. Spread goodwill, peace, cheer and general all around Mimo weirdness.
That's it!
Please check your email and respond to Planet Cazmo. They have contacted the winner and are waiting for a response!
I'm listening to a CooL song right now, yoU might want to listEn to it. It goes "...from behind the clouds." Sweet song, yeah.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:
1 – 200 of 859 Newer› Newest»Woah! COOL! I want to become one. Keeping this short... lol.
Congrats wiener?!! (lol wiener)
I wanna be a CPG mod! That's easy! You'll be our buddy! Sweet!
- Yay Guy
is that a clue?
yes, wiener.
ConGrats Winner!
This is awesome! :) Sveet. I want to be a MIMO MOD!!
Wow! whoever won that wii...CONGRATZZZ!
And CONGRATZ to all the new CPG mods:)
Hey Mimo! This is awesome, and i know there is a clue there somewhere.. :D
This my first ever comment, so bare with me, it might not be good. lol I realy want to become a mod, so you might be seeing my name on the comment list a lot more now. HeHe Congrats to the wii contest winer WOOT!!!!
remember the name
Mimo your probably reading this so i just wanted to say hi and i am really working hard at becoming a mod!
SWEET! Yum pork rinds! Yum chocolate milk! Yay The office! That will bee so HINT---Cool Like i dont get it.Uh of i get it its Easy---HINT P.S Just a little help! :)
I wanna be a Mimo mod!
I will try my best to be a Mimo Moderator!
And by the way mimo, i know that song... It rocks! lol im not making this up!
I'm bummed, no questions have been asked yet, Mimo you just wait I will answer questions as they come!!
remember the name
(brownie point)
i remembered not to put CPG Mod cause i didn't answer a question!
im on a roll! lol
ya i wanna be a cpg mod-congrats winner sweet party wasnt it!? go mimo
-cpg mod wannabe
i cnt wait! im starting NOW!!!!!
cool y is everyone saying ''hint''
congrats winner sweet party wasnt it!?
hey mimo, you are sool cool cant what to be a mimo mod.
from. waterski7599(cp mod)
Any Q's?
Hey congrats too whoever won that wii! YOU ARE SO LUCKY/AWESOME! anyways happy browsin'
Congratulations whoever won that Wii!
Hey Mimo, are you a Planet Cazmo Mod or something?
my messages never show so it will be hard for me to be one
If you like Leggofmyeggo, you got to like me, I'm his twin brother and I am sitting by him right now as I type!lol
remember the name
Just so everyone Knows... Me and Confupenguin are twin bros!
Dear Annonomous,
Don't worry, we can all be mods and help out around the site, so no need to be a wanna be, be a MOD!
can u tell me were to get pork rinds
cpg guy said...
cool y is everyone saying ''hint''
Well everyone is saying hint because they think that in the post, their was a hint lol:)
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
Hello Mimo!~ LOVE you guys!!
*Hugs*Kisses*More hugs*More kisses
Super mobs. That sounds like a super hero.Lol!. New winner have fun with ur new wii.{I hope it comes with batteries.}
Wow! I would have been at the Planet Cazmo party, except that I was somewhere else. But I already have a Wii, and if the "wiener" doesn't have one yet... IT'S SUPER FUN!! Congrats wiener!!!!
-bluesea214 (CPG MOD)
Wii is awesome
Anonymous said...
can u tell me were to get pork rinds
This kind of a wierd question but you can buy them at the grocery store
Leggofmyeggo (CPG MOD)
I like the new rules Mimo! I think this will be a fun and easy way to become a mod!
Congratz to the contest winner!!
come on someone help us
i need help
Anonymous said...
can u tell me were to get pork rinds
You can get it from any grocery store. Their are diffrent flavors to. I like the hot ones
I emailed Club Penguin and and asked why there wasn't a Thanksgiving party. This is what they said---
I am glad to hear that you have been enjoying your time online, and congrats on becoming a ninja! Club Penguin does not have a Thanksgiving party because this holiday is celebrated at different times around the world.
So there you go
Congrats to whoever won it. I din't though. Have fun with it. Congratualations
Oh no!!!! i can't become one because I broke rule 4! but thanks Mimo777 and congrats......winner of wii contest, whoever you are! oh and I don't know why I'm writing everything so correct, and my computer finnaly drove me so mad, it decided it wouldn't snap anymore! oops, I didn't make it very short. In that case, you don't have to post this. oh and mods? do you think Mimo777 would let me sign my name...8bella girl8(girl with a sticky bun problem) 'cause I do have a sticky bun problem(OK not anymore 'cause of the mods) OK Mimo777, too long? In that case, you don't have to post it. I had fun typing I guess. bye! from: 8bella girl8(sticky bun girl!) LOL
GUYS GUYS GUYS.... come on lol
i want to be a mod. Ask Ask Ask questions! lol I am ready to answer.Plz with a cherry on top
remember the name
I like the new rules Mimo! I think this will be a fun and easy way to become a mod!
Yes, you are right, this is fun and easy. But you have to remember to follow the rules. If you follow the rules and be polite then you should be able to become one.
I guess I didn't realy have to respond to this, but its as close of a question as I could find. lol
remember the name
Confupenguen(CPG Mod)
NICE RULES!!!!!!!!
hahah the office...good show!
I want to become a mod and i know there is a clue there. :)
he how do u become a CPG MOD just wondering
Congrats wii winner!! I hope you enjoy playing with your new wii it is so much fun and mimo I can't wait to become a mimo mod!
Quote: "Confupenguen said...
GUYS GUYS GUYS.... come on lol
i want to be a mod. Ask Ask Ask questions! lol I am ready to answer.Plz with a cherry on top
remember the name
Hey their,
Don't worry. Theirs plenty of chances out their for you to be a CPG Mod. Just visit everyday and check the comments!
congratz to the winner and to the CPG mod! :-)
Ok ill try and be a mimo mod lol, catchy name. Ill start answering more questions
Sand Flipper
mimo rocks!
o and is it fine if i sign like this, i always do so it be ok?
heyy everyone!
congrats whoever won the wii!love ya!<333
-Blue Fifefly
ok guys u want some questions?well wat do i have to loose?
1)How old is mimo?
2)wats up with all the hint hint stuff?
3)does mimo like bacon?
no really i want to know these!
lolz! ( \_/ )
(") (")bunny.got milk?jk
Mimo can u add me?
awesome! i want to become one!! good job for the person who won the wii!!
Just for fun guesS who this is AND remember... mimo rocks! hehe
Hey everyone! I am Millywily... I know there are alot of people wanting to become "The Winner" of the best of the best moderators. I know I haven't been posting when I've been wanting to.... so today on I will try to answer all your guyz comments!
dear tacutamon
you said:
Congratulations whoever won that Wii!
Hey Mimo, are you a Planet Cazmo Mod or something?
I dont think mimo is a planet Cozmo mod ,but good question! great job on congratulating the winner! i will congratulate you for doing that and the wii winner!
-danny320 (cpg mod)
i couldnt make it to your party mimo because i was on the road... for 13 long HARD hours sitting by my brother... but oh well alls well that ends well... what ever that means
Sand Flipper
I hope everyone has a good time becoming a CPG Mod!
I hope you had a happy Thanksgiving!!
hmm.... very cool you brought mods back.
i guess it would be cool to meet you , so i tho=ink i will try. but i am warning you now:
fifth grade = lots of homework
lots of homework= not much time on the computer
not much time on the computer= not much time to moderate
not much time to moderate= probably not the mimo mod spot :(
Hi Mimo just wondering how you can become a mod and wanted to say this is my fav site i check it every day.oh and PLZ post ive nver been posted
hey MIMI,
Exactly how many games do you have to win at the dojo to advance a belt?
~Lady Ipod
Confupenguen you have a twin? so do i. cool
What was the song called plzz tell me anyone?
Awesome! I could use some pork rinds and chocolate milk. :D
CooL song btw. It rUlEs
Wow! You have blogger too? I DO!!! Yippee!!
Although i dont really care about being a mod i just wanted to put somethin' in.
<3<3<3 BYEEEE
Whoops.... broke rule 4! Lets strt nice and fresh....
i want to be one-danny(cpg mod)
Anonymous said...
my messages never show so it will be hard for me to be one
123iceball (CPG Moderator Wannabe (lol) ) says...
Actually, your comments will show up on the post after Mimo reads them. They wont show up if they are inappropriate, contain a link, give away something like a party clue (HINT), etc. Good luck becoming a moderator!
congratulations wii winner, whoever u are.
Um hey guys was mimo kidin about the chocolate milk thing?
Congratulations to the winner of the Wii! I wish I was at that party, but I couldn't come... maybe next time, if I can figure out whether or not that *Censored* has more to it.
I hope I can become a mod!
where is the new pin
I will try to be a mod and Mimo you rock!!!!
CONGRATS TO WII WIENER! THAT IS SO COOL! I am giving a chance for someone to answer a question,
Do Club Penguin bots exist? I would like a long and reasonable answer plz!
Mimo If you read this it Means that im sorry i missed the party but i already have 2 wiis sO either way i would have gone just to c u my heRO mimo
p.s. ive never been too a mimo party b4 even though ive been to r website for about 2 years its still Cool lol soz its to long but either way mimo is the Koolest peguin around and he iS the greatest weiner ever
i will not let you down mimo!
I love the office!! My favorite character is Dwight who is not Assisant Regional Manager ( he thinks he is).
In response to annoymous,
Pork Grinds are sold everywhere: In Groccery Stores, Dollar Stores, and gas stations. I personally am not a fan of pork grinds but you may like them
pinkuein said...
come on someone help us
weirdo 8975 said...
i need help
I will be very happy to help, just one thing, what do u need help with?
remember the name
Hmmmm..... Still figuring the you know what. I knew it was a you know what before reading the last paragraph.
Congrats to the Mysterrious winner whoever it is!
Congrats the winner!!
yay guy keep your hope
congrats to the winner, blah blah blah, etc.,etc.... that was pretty short. any questions?
how do i become a CPG MOD? Cus i really want to meet u!!!!!!!!!
Hey mimo whats a MOD?
This i though was a weird question but ill answer it for fun:)
Dear anonymous you can get pork rinds at a grocery store in the chip asle.
Ps: Congratulations to the wii wiener lol
what is this ??
Mimo how do I become a cpg mod do I have to see you on cp to become one.
My cp user name:Daddey
hi im a club penguin gang moderator but i wanted to ask a question i have always had
What happened to 9purplyn9 i dont know what happened to her?
What are the ranks? What is lowest? Other than regular mod.
rule number 9 is mah favorite.
Mimo i so want to be a CPG MOD it would be awsome!!!!! Congrants winner i hope you really wanted that we I want one.
Congrats! for whoever won the free nintendo wii.
I have a question how much do the trading card game packs cost in US dollars?
Hey congrats to the winner of the Wii. wish i couldve been at the party. cya l8r!
hey mimo , THANKS for THe Awesome posT!awesome CooL song , You guys should listEn to it!!its awesome!!!
to confupenguin: what does "behind the clouds mean?"
Who ever is CPG mod and the winner of the Wii congrats!!!!
I'll try my super-best to remember all the rules! :P
BTW, congratulations to the Mimo Party Wii Winner and to Pengwun Powa, who became a CPG Mod not too long ago!
CP name: Stargal 55
Why won't it let me post things cpg mods is it the spelling??:(
I don't think it is fair to ask people to put up a question just because you want to become a CPG Mod.If you want to become one I suggest you wait for someone who has a question that is real and not one you set up to become a Mod.
i want to be 1 but every1 else gets to the questions b4 me :(
nice man this is awesome and i always look at ur site every day its awesome!!!!!
Congrats to the wii contest winner
Sweet I want to become a mod! I like number 9 I like the Office it is funny.
Congratulation to the new winner for the wii well if u have one your lucky
i will like to congrats the winner and wish those who when to the party good luck.
Are there any cheats to become a black belt on card jitsu?
Dear Confupenguin,
I Don't Think Mimo Will Remeber Your Names Like Look At All The Comments He Gets!!
_ Shiver Jak ( CPG MOD)
Hello CPG! I'm here to answer Anonymous' question: Is that a clue?
Well, you'll have to figure that out yourself.Figuring how smart people in Club Penguin are, I'm sure you'll have no trouble.
Congrats to the big wiener by the way!
-Nelva (CPG MOD)
oooo, this is so cool Mimo!!!!! i soo want to be a moderator! its like earning belts in Card Jitsu!!!!
p.s. congrats and nice job to the weiner!!!!!!! mimo, i LOVE that song. ;)
Congrats, to whoever won! Have fun with your free Wii!
anonymous said... is that a clue? dear anonymous maybe therees a clue hiiden but other than that its just instructions. cheers yog3 a helpful mod
i have a question: is anyone a mod yet???????
to anonotmous yes he'll be are buddy
congrats to party wii winner =)
Smashorama(CPG MOD)
Mimo i love that song congratz to the wii winner
~CPG~ rocks
Congratulations to the winner of the Nintendo Wii Contest! Wii is the Best system ever, and I hope that you enjoy playing it! =)
I think more ppl should ask questions and less ppl should answer. Then, it would LEAVE IT ALL TO ME!!!
-9sapphire9 (future mimo mod) LOL.
Congratulations to who won!!
Who ever went to the party is lucky because they actually saw mimo!!!
i just got club penguin elite penguin force how often are you able to download missions?
how much money are puffles?
Congratulations, big winner!
Keep doing parties Mimo!
Congratulations, big winner!
Keep doing parties Mimo!
i hope i can be a mimo mod!!!!wiener lol
awesome! i just want to say that the winner is congradulated with lots of love!! I hope they have fun with their new wii!! I already have one and I can tell you that they are alot of fun!!! I suggest that you get My Sims! Its loads of fun!!! Bye!
mimo theres a red hoodie on club penguin to get it you get coin code from a new club penguin plush toy, go to back and its hidden there but it wil show and then you can get it hoped that helped :)
yo!mimo!i cant wait to become a CPG mod! o,and crongrats weiner!!
Hello everyone!!! Ask a question and im almost sure i can answer it
i have been on club penguin for at least 3 - 4 years.
Snik fire here, Mimo those are the fairest rulez i hav ever seen, btw congratz wii winner, mimo whats the name of the song? oops to long LOL
~Snik fire~
Lol i love The office!its a good show!ur funny mimo and i wish to meet u soon.....
Hey Mimo,
congrats winner of the wii contest.you win!!
The Brad Paisley song was pretty cool! :D See ya around!
congrats to the winner
congrats to the all new cpg moderators
wish you all the best in becoming a mimo mod
So does that mean I could become MOD right now?
And congrats to the winner! Have a fun time with your Wii!
Anonymous said:
can u tell me were to get pork rinds
Funny question! Try your local grocery store or a wet market if there is one in your area.
CP name: Stargal 55
(CPG Mod in training)
congratz to the wii contest winner! i hope you have fun with wii sports and all of the other good games!
CONGRATZ WINNER!!! I wanna be a CPG mod too!!!
this is gonna be soo sweet
remember the name
hmm behind the clouDs is that the rOom i think it is Jk lOl Ok Rofl Intelligent hint i think the Crazy Extrodinary BEhind the Really cool scenes. signed G ps thats a hint to every1 mimo plz post becuz ppl love ur parties and thats wut u did so if u get it ur own clue lol sined anonymous
Sweet mimo i luv pork rinds and the office whose paying for my flight??
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
In response to Anonymous, who said:
Mimo can u add me?
Hey! Well, Mimo can only add during parties. If he were to add everytime he logs in, imagine the condition of his buddy list then! Hope this helped!
-Survivor91-(CPG Mod)
In response to Anonymous, who said:
Just for fun guesS who this is AND remember... mimo rocks! hehe
Lol, I know its you Sand. See ya around!
crater(CPG MOD) said...
Hey mimo whats a MOD?
Hey mate a mod is a moderator and if ur not sure wat that means a moderator is someone that answers people's questions
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Congrats winner of the wii (CPG MOD)
Yo whoever won the wii ill be ur new best friend! lol congratulations to the winner!!
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
anonymous said
he how do u become a CPG MOD just wondering
Well you have to answer questions people ask in comments like I am doing
Wow! I'm gonna start answering some questions! LOL!
I wanna be a Super and Ledeng Mod...If I become a MIMO Mod then thats a waste of time (Already ya buddy)!
Congrats to who ever won the wii!
I hope you enjoy playing with it!
I hope I have enough time to be a cpg mod!LOL..
You are AWESOME mimo!!
I go to ya website everyday! =D
Congrats to the Wii contest Winner ! And congrats to The CPG contest Winner !
~Lensca 23057 ( CPG MOD )
In response to Brendan, who said:
where is the new pin
Hey! The Snow Tile pin, which is the newest, is currently at the Beach. Hope this helped!
-Survivor91-(CPG Mod)
In response to Anonymous, who said:
Mimo how do I become a cpg mod do I have to see you on cp to become one.
Hey! All this information is available in Mimo's Q and A in this post. Read through them carefully!
-Survivor91-(CPG Mod)
Ichida said...
So does that mean I could become MOD right now?
Hey maybe not right now but if u keep answering questions for long enough im sure u can make it up on the list
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
In response to Ichida, who said:
So does that mean I could become MOD right now?
Hey! You have to answer people's questions frequently. Over time, Mimo might pick you as a CPG Mod!Good luck!
-Survivor91-(CPG Mod)
Nice job winner of the Wii. I have a Wii. They're fun. Well, enjoy your Wii!
ichida said
So does that mean I could become MOD right now?
Yeah sur eno problem just have to answer questions people ask like i am doing
Hey Mimo, what the song called?
Survivor91, to become a mod you must follow the rules he listed. Then, he can promote you. When you reach Mimo Mod, he will secretly meet you Club Penguin.
Glad to help, 14cheech
Well..First thing first...I cannot be a Mimo mod coz i cannot eat pork..Second..I live n Singapore...But I wish i wanna be a Mimo Mod
Mimo, why did you put Red Bull in your Trix?
omg kool maybe i should be one
Hey,its me
I wanted to say congratz to the wii winner.My cousin owns a wii and its super fun!
Im on so if you guys have any questions im here to help! :)
how do you be a mod do you have to sign up for it or something???
hi mimo, idk if you remember sktls12 & rsle67 (we write too much comments...sry) but hi....oh and The Office is amazinggggggggg, I can't believe that Pam came back(even though she got held back, wats up w/ that?) My bros and my sisters and my dad and I really like Dwight, lolz he is totally lolz, but yeah, that is kewl that u r saying ppl can meet u on cp, and become ur buddy, awesome...btws, me and my friend/neighbor (rsle67, i go on his account sometimes, he doesnt mind except when i dress him as a girl...whoops) anyways, we really like ur website, im not sure if ive sed that ever, so yeah, thats it...................peace!
Thats real cool.. But where are the questions????
Congrats to Wii winner it is so fun.
Spongie555(CPG Mod)
hi its moi again, and tutso, i hate to tell u this, but the homework gets MUCH worse in 6th grade..(dont laugh, I know, i am too old to be playing cp...watevs) so yeah, just thought i should let u know.........thats it yeah okay then.........
Anonymous said...
he how do u become a CPG MOD just wondering
You ansewer peoples question just like he said in the post.
Spongie555(CPG Mod)
Razzles6 said...
Hi Mimo just wondering how you can become a mod and wanted to say this is my fav site i check it every day.oh and PLZ post ive nver been posted
You become a Mod by answering question like this.
Spongie555(CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
how do you be a mod do you have to sign up for it or something???
You ansewr questions like this and like rule 7 is to congratulate contest winners and new mods.
Spongie555(CPG Mod)
congratulatoins to the wii winner and all new cpg mods!
flippar11(cpg mod)
Awesome! the Office is so funny. espesially dwight.
zaki said...
Well..First thing first...I cannot be a Mimo mod coz i cannot eat pork..Second..I live n Singapore...But I wish i wanna be a Mimo Mod
Hey mate the rule where mimo said u can come around to his house and eat pork rind was a joke. So u can still be a mod. I live in NZ but im a mod.
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
nejipalm360v said:
how much money are puffles?
Each puffle costs 800 Club Penguin coins.
CP name: Stargal 55
(CPG Mod in training)
Anonymous said:
Why won't it let me post things cpg mods is it the spelling??:(
Mimo usually posts comments after his approval. If your comment contains inappropriate language, uses too many exclamation marks or is pointless or negative, Mimo will not post the comment.
(to tacutamon) mimo is not a plant cazmo mod
(nyrrat11 cpg mod)
oops sorry i answered Anonymous's question about why he couldn't post anything and i forgot to sign off.
CP name: Stargal 55
(CPG Mod in training)
WOW! I love The OFFICE too! It's so funny! I can't wait for this Thursday! I'm so excited :]
Thats real cool.. But where are the questions????
In this blog... like the one you just asked ;)
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod
In response to Octuple, who said:
i have a question: is anyone a mod yet???????
Hey! Yes, there are 8 normal moderators currently, including me, and hope you get to become a mod too!
-Survivor91-(CPG Mod)
I wanna be a Mimo mod and be ur friend SO BAD.I'm gonna try my best to be Mimo mod.
dear commander91, to get the black belt faster you need to train hard or you can buy clubpenguin training cards at toy r us or buy it online and key in the code at"unlock item online" icon when you first log in
wow now i cant mimo and watch the office
Awesome!!! Congraz to the winner!!!! and congradulations on all the CPG new mods!!
when is mimo's birthday
Ok Lyk mimo ur so kewl i wanna be a mod!!!
(Short & Sweet)
Cougrats Winner!! hope i could be a Mimo mod!!
Mimo you should have a voting contest! I think the best mod on your site. Is Slimz1!!!
He is awesomness. He should really be the Mimo Mod!!!
In the response of Anonymous........
"hey MIMI,
Exactly how many games do you have to win at the dojo to advance a belt?
~Lady Ipod"
All of the belts have different wins to win each one.
~Slimz1~ (training/hopefully to be a CPG mod)
Sweet mimo! Your awesome! But I would really like to come over to ur house and have pork rinds! jk!
Thx mimo!
Dear anonymous,
You comments do not show until mimo logs in and moderates his comments! So it will take a while for your comments to appear.
-polounited77(CPG MOD)
Anonymous said:
how do u become a CPG MOD just wondering
To become a CPG Mod you have to answer questions that appear in the comments page correctly. Overtime, Mimo may add you to the Mod list!
CP name: Stargal 55
(CPG Mod in training)
Razzles6 said:
Hi Mimo just wondering how you can become a mod and wanted to say this is my fav site i check it every day.oh and PLZ post ive nver been posted
To become a CPG Mod, you have to answer questions that appear on this comment page correctly. If Mimo thinks you'll become a worthy Mod, then you'll be added to the CPG Mod list!
CP name: Stargal 55
(CPG Mod in training)
Anonymous said:
Mimo how do I become a cpg mod do I have to see you on cp to become one.
No, you do not have to meet Mimo. All you have to do is to answer questions that appear on this comment page correctly. If you do it frequently enough, Mimo might make you a moderator!
CP name: Stargal 55
(CPG Mod in training)
crater said:
Hey mimo whats a MOD?
A Mod is the short form of the word 'moderator'. In CPG, a Mod's job is to answer questions on the comments page.
CP name: Stargal 55
(CPG Mod in training)
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