Here is the new Club Penguin Better Igloo Catalog. Woot!
Step 1. Click on your "Home" icon in the lower right of the chat bar.
Step 2. Click on the "Edit Room" icon in the lower right.
Step 3. Click on the "Buy Items" icon.
To find the first hidden item cheat in the Club Penguin new Better Igloos Catalog do this.
Step 4. Go to page 2 of the catalog.
Step 5. Click the chest plate.
Step 5. Click the chest plate.
You now have the Ice Sculpture Knight cheat!
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 6. Go to page 3 of the catalog
Step 7. Click on the puffle on the Red Banner.
You now have the Harp cheat!
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 8. Stay on page 3 of the catalog
Step 9. Click on the puffle on the Yellow Banner.
You now have the Candle cheat!
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 10. Go to page 4 of the catalog
Step 11. Click on the flame of the torch.
You now have the Regal Chair cheat!
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 12. Go to page 5 of the catalog
You now have the Spiral Coffee Tree cheat!
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 16. Stay on page 6 of the catalog
Step 17. Click on the rock on the Waterfall Pond.
You now have the Potted Palm cheat!
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 18. Go to page 7 of the catalog.
Step 19. Click on the carrot.
You now have the Ficus Plant cheat!
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 20. Stay on page 7 of the catalog.
Step 21. Click on the Picket Fence.
You now have the Snake Grass cheat!
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 22. Go to page 8 of the catalog.
Step 23. Click the cherry.
You now have the HD TV cheat!
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 24. Stay on page 8 of the catalog.
Step 25. Click the Neapolitan Lamp.
You now have the Candy Stash cheat!
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 26. Stay on page 9 of the catalog.
Step 27. Click the inside of the Double Dunk Chair.
You now have the Marshmallow cheat!
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 28. Go to page 10 of the catalog.
Step 29. Click the coin by the Wishing Well.
You now have the Penguin Gnome cheat!
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 30. Stay on page 10 of the catalog.
Step 31. Click the inside of the Wishing Well.
You now have the Portal Box cheat!
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 32. Stay on page 10 of the catalog.
Step 33. Click the cloud.
You now have the Clover Balloon cheat!
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 34. Stay on page 10 of the catalog.
Step 35. Click the word "Clover".
You now have the Green Clover cheat!
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 36. Go to page 11 of the catalog.
Step 37. Click on each of the letters in the word "Picture" and you will get a different Puffle Poster:
You now have the Red Puffle Poster cheat!
You now have the Blue Puffle Poster cheat!
You now have the Black Puffle Poster cheat!
You now have the Purple Puffle Poster cheat!
You now have the Pink Puffle Poster cheat!
You now have the White Puffle Poster cheat!
You now have the Yellow Puffle Poster cheat!
You now have the Green Puffle Poster cheat!
Welp, that's it folks! That is all the cheats in this month's Better Igloos Catalog!
Bur, there is a new Igloo Upgrades Catalog, also.
Check out the new Dragon's Lair!
Here is how to find the Club Penguin Secret Stone Igloo cheat!
Step 1. Click your "Home" icon.
Step 2. Click on the "Edit Room" icon in the lower right.
Step 3. Click on the "Upgrade Igloo" icon.
Step 4. Click on page 2 of the "Igloo Upgrade" catalog.
Step 5. Click on the Crow Bar in the upper right.

To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 6. Go to page 3 in the catalog.
Step 7. Click on the small windows in the Dragon's Lair.
You now have the Shadowy Keep cheat!
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 8. Stay on page 3 in the catalog.
Step 9. Click on the door of the Ice Castle.
You now have the Grey Ice Castle cheat!
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 10. Go to page 6 in the catalog.
Step 11. Click on the word "Fish."
You now have the Bamboo Hut cheat!
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 12. Click on page 10 of the catalog.
Step 13. Click on door of the Deluxe Snow Igloo.

Cool new iggy's, huh? Which one is your fav?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
I like the Shadowy Keep.
I have it set up as my dragon lair. Do you think Club Penguin will give us pools of lava for our igloos? Be good for the dragons, and for the cave people too.
No i dont think Club Penguin will give any lava pools out because the new catalog has come out already (with the medieval theme)but high hopes for next year.
Kuifff (CPG MOD)
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