Woot! Check out all the cool new construction stuff for the Medieval Party:
There is also construction at the Town, but the Beach has these really cool crystals! (I had to show Me Santa some love, lol)
Oh yeah, there is new loo music, too!
The new songs are:
Quest For The Golden Puffle
In The Tower
Puffle Rescue: In The Cave
Awesome, right? (Thanks again, Safa 153)
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Club Penguin Medieval Construction and Loo Tunes!
Labels: club pengin cheats, igloo music, medieval party
Club Penguin Medieval Style!
Labels: club pengin cheats, m, medieval party, newspaper
The Medieval Party will be here May 7th-16th! Woot! This year there will be two quests for members. Last year member penguins had to do puzzles to make it through a maze. This year, though, the puzzles are suppose to be even more difficult. But, when you get the the end of the maze, you will find "wondrous treasure!" There is even going to be a "big noise in the underground!" AHHH! Do you think it is a Yeti!? ;-)
There will also be a new Medieval Penguin Style Catalog in honor of the party. There will be something for every prince, princess, king and queen to wear on their adventures.
But, check this out! The new Penguin Style has the same costumes as some of the Series 8 Plush toys:
The Ranger & Blue Dragon look like costumes from the new Penguin Style Catalog! Awesome!
This is so cool! What are you looking forward to the most?
Check out all Club Penguin Toys here!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Club Penguin You Decide Party Item!
Labels: club pengin cheats, You Decide
Saweet! Check out these cool party items:
Club Penguin is trying to decide which party item to offer in the next few months, and they want us to vote.
Hmm, what party do you think it will be for? If you would like to vote, click here.
Be sure you let me know which one you are voting for, k? (Thanks, Saavy)
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Club Penguin Garden Reviewed By You!
Labels: club pengin cheats, Reviewed by you
Last week Club Penguin wanted to know what kind of crazy things you would like to plant in the Garden by the Mine Shack, and Bubble192 said:
"I absolutely think it would be cool if you planted a flower that make the other plants around it grow and when it bloomed the the leaves tasted like ICE CREAM! then we wouldn't have to use machines to eat ice cream. (But of course we couldn't eat all of the plant). And if the stalk tasted like STEAK! Also, the roots would taste like.....Oh i know! APPLES!!!!!!"
So, for this week, Club Penguin would like to hear what you are most looking forward to at the Medieval Party that will be here in May? I think I like the free items best. That is, if there is actually new item!
What do you think? What is your favorite part o the Medieval Party?
Monday, April 26, 2010
New Club Penguin Mission 11 Sneak Peek!
Labels: club pengin cheats, secret missions
Woot! Finally a sneak peek for Mission 11! Check it out:
Club Penguin says the mission will be here at the end of May! If you have not joined the PSA or completed previous missions, you better get busy! Herbert is up to something big and you will not want to miss the new mission!
What do you think he is up to now?
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Club Penguin Herbert's Revenge Game Trailer!
Labels: club pengin cheats, herberts revenge
Well, it looks like Club Penguin will officially release Elite Penguin Force: Herbert's Revenge for Nintendo DS on May 25! WOOT!
Club Penguin has put together a new video game trailer of the game. I looks awesome!
So do you STILL think the next Mission will have something to do with Herbert's Revenge?
Friday, April 23, 2010
Labels: club pengin cheats, tootsville
Tootsville will be having a PIVIT EXTOOTAGANZA over the next two weeks!
Starting on Saturday, they will have the PIVIT EXTOOTAGANZA PARTIES, one at 11:00am est and another at 8:00pm est.
That is when you will be able to start your Extootaganza Pivit Collection. The Mayor said that Tootsville will be giving out a new Pivit every day for the next two weeks!
If you miss a day it will be very difficult to get that Pivit of the day.
Here is some of them, They are the official logos of all of the main characters...they rock!
Hey check this out! A new storybook got posted, and it's not even in world yet. I found it on the back-end of Tootsville, go to CLICK HERE!
It looks like it was written and illustrated by the Mayor himself!
Ok now the big news!
Check out this artwork from a secret file that was leaked out on the net last night, hmmmmm. I have heard that some really amazing changes were going on but I wonder what this is for...any ideas hit me up. I can tell you one thing, my inside sources say its BIG!
SWEET! Go check it out now! CLICK HERE!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Club Penguin Medieval Party Coming Soon & Earthy News!
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats, medieval party
Woot! The Medieval Party will be returning again this year! It will begin on May 7th! I know lots of you penguins love this party!
If you haven't checked out the Earth Day celebration yet, you need to make your way to the Mine... soon! Although the NEW Recycling Plant and Community Garden will still be here after the celebration, the Recycle Hunt will not be. The Hunt ends April 25th! Hmm, that makes me wonder what we will be doing with the Recycletron 3000 when we stop collecting trash!? Let me hear your ideas!
If you need cheats for the Dirt Day... I mean, the Earth Day celebration, scroll down!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Play Fun Virtual Worlds for Kids Now!
Click to listen to Mimo's song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Club Penguin Earth Day Party is HERE RECYCLE HUNT!
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats, earth day, recycle hunt, scavenger hunt
Here is how you complete the Recycle Hunt with all the Mimo Cheats!
1. Click on the Recycle Bin at the upper right of the screen.
TRASH ITEM #1 is Coffee Cup in the Coffee Shop!
TRASH ITEM #2 Puffle Food in the Pet Shop!
TRASH ITEM #3 is the Barrel at the Cove!
TRASH ITEM #4 is the Hot Sauce at the Dojo!
TRASH ITEM #5 is the bag of Coffee Beans in the Book Room!
TRASH ITEM #6 is newspaper at the Forest!
TRASH ITEM #7 is pizza box at the Ski Village!
TRASH ITEM #8 LAST ITEM is water barrel at the Mine!
Now you have completed the Recycle Hunt! Now you can get into the Recycle Room!
Other sweet cheats:
- You can get to the Mine Shack and Recycling Center thru the Forest!
- You can throw snowballs into the green bucket and it makes water for the garden!
- Babygirl261 says if you leave the water on the, plants grow and if you dance with only the straw hat on, you water it and more plants grow!
Once you complete the scavenger hunt you can get into the Recycle Center. JUST like my FIRST LOOK SNEAK PEEK!
Awesome Party Club penguin! Good job!
What is you fav part?
Playt the Worlds Greatest Flash Game - FRAGGER!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Play Fun Virtual Worlds for Kids Now!
Click to listen to Mimo's song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"
FREE ITEM at Club Penguin Earth Day Party STRAW HAT!
Here is how you find the New Club Penguin Cheat - The FREE Straw Hat!
1.Go to the Mine Shack.
2. Look on the right side of the Mine.
3. Click on the box of Hats!
Now you have the newest Club Penguin free Item Cheat - The Straw Hat!
Happy Gardening and Recycling!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Play Fun Virtual Worlds for Kids Now!
Click to listen to Mimo's song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"
Club Penguin Pin Cheat - LEAF PIN!
Labels: club pengin cheats, pin cheats
Here is how to find the new Club Penguin LEAF PIN cheat.
Here is the new Pin Cheat!
Step 1. Go to The Ski Hill.
Step 2. Now go to top left.
Step 3. Now click on the LEAF PIN!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Play Fun Virtual Worlds for Kids Now!
Click to listen to Mimo's song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"
FIRST LOOK Super Sneak Peek of Club Penguin Earth Day Party!
Labels: club pengin cheats, earth day
Check this. Here is an awesome first look sneak peek of the upcoming Club Penguin Earth Day party.

You can see the garden, the recycling center and stuff will be on the right side of the Mine! COOL!
Now check out the inside of the Club Penguin Earth Day Recycling Center!

I can't wait! I think the recycling thing will be fun to figure out! BTW, this is NOT fake. I have proof.
Have you checked out all the new coolness on Chobots lately?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Play Fun Virtual Worlds for Kids Now!
Click to listen to Mimo's song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Club Penguin Environmental Reviewed By You!
Labels: club pengin cheats, Reviewed by you
Last week Club Penguin asked us what we do at home to help the environment, and Jedi 2007 said:
"I'm like an energy-saving machine, especially on Earth Day. I'm the leader of a club my freinds and I made up. We made up a plan to ask our teachers to unplug the electric pencil sharpener, and write a note on the board about Earth Day reminding students to recycle. We even convinced the lunch workers to add two recycling bins for milk cartons and stryofoam trays.We even donate money to buy trees."
Wow, Jedi 2007, that is impressive! Good work!
For the Reviewed By You next week, Club Penguin would like to know what you think would be cool to grow in the new garden by the Mine Shack? What weird & warped ideas do you have? I think we should grow hamburgers, french fries, and chocolate shakes! How 'bout you?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Play Fun Virtual Worlds for Kids Now!
Click to listen to Mimo's song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"
Monday, April 19, 2010
Recycle Your Club Penguin Mail!
Labels: club pengin cheats, penguin mail
Wow! Club Penguin is taking this recycling thing pretty serious! Check out the new recycle button in your Penguin Mail:
Yep, no more trash button! You have to recycle everything even if you don't want to! ;-)
Let me know how you like the new button, k? (Thanks, P488208)
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Play Fun Virtual Worlds for Kids Now!
Click to listen to Mimo's song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"