Club Penguin Cheats

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Club Penguin Red Alert From G!

Red Alert! Gary has sent us a Club Penguin message:

Go to the Everyday Phoning Facility... Pronto!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Club Penguin Herbert Attacks The EPF!

Yikes! Club Penguin Everyday Phoning Facility is under attack... by Herbert!

Check out the inside of the Everyday Phoning Facility:

Climb the ladder and you find this... Battle of Doom game:

When you click the messages, you get these:

This game is similar to the Knights Quest 3 where you have to destroy the hydras. 

To begin the game, click on Herbert and he will talk to you. Here is what he says:

You get to choose an answer:

Then he says:

And, here's the Hydra Bot!

Wow, this one is a bit trickier than the Quest. If you get hit by the Red Hydra's fire balls, you go back to the Everyday Phoning Facility!

But, the coolest thing is, you can stand with others that have shield, and you don't even have to change your clothes! Woot!

I like it when Herbert turns black! He he!

Woot! Woot! My buddies and I defeated Herb and the Hydro Bot!

I earned 3 Medals! Saweet!

Field Op Complete? Really? Are these the new Field Ops? Club Penguin did say Herbert would begin at the EPF and move to other areas of the island. Hmmm, I wonder!

Don't forget to click the EPF Badge left where Herbert was standing:

You now have the EPF Badge cheat! 

Members Only:

And, on the other side, if you can pick up the Red Hydra Head:

You have found the Red Hydra Head cheat! 

Don't forget to play again to get the Blue and Yellow Heads, too!

You now have the Yellow Hydra Head cheat

You now have the Blue Hydra Head cheat!

Cool, but rather huge iggy items:

HINT: You can change the graphics/speed setting like you can in Card Jitsu Water!

Wow! Do you like this game? Do you think this game will replace Field Ops or be in addition to Field Ops?

Play Spin-n-Match!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
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Club Penguin Puffles Updated!

Club Penguin has updated the puffles! Check out my Patty!

It's fur is more rounded now!

And, have you been to the Pet Shop? The Puffles can now run around and play in the tubes! Saweet!

Wow! What other cool updates have you found?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

New May 2011 Club Penguin Snow & Sports Catalog Cheats!

Check out the new Club Penguin Snow and Sports Catalog:

Check out the NEW soccer gear... away jerseys:

Ha! Funny foam fingers:

To find the hidden items cheats in the new Club Penguin Snow and Sports Catalog, do this:

Step 1. Click on the Map in the lower left.
Step 2. Click on "Stadium."
Step 3. Now click on the catalog in the lower right.

Here's how to find the first cheat.

Step 4. Go to page 2 of the catalog.
Step 5. Click on the bolts.

You now have the Yellow Soccer Jersey cheat!

Just one cheat?
That's not neat!
It stinks just like...

Do you like having the Soccer Pitch and gear back?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Listen to Mimo's new album Crazy Wheel!
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Monday, May 30, 2011

Club Penguin Medieval Party Reviewed By You!

In Club Penguin's Reviewed by You last week, they asked us what our favorite part of the Medieval Party was, and Lotzki1 said:

This is the BEST party of the year! I looove the quests and I like how they are really challenging! The defeating the Hydra quest is an awesome idea because you work together with other penguins to defeat the monster. I also love the decorations! Keep up the awesome work, Club Penguin Team!
For next week, Club Penguin wants to hear from Secret Agents. The following is classified information for Elite Agents only! ;-)

Club Penguin wants Agents to write a review about their favorite moment with Herbert P. Bear, the islands arch nemesis!

Hmm, that's a good question! I think Herb is someone we all love to hate, don't you? Let me know what your fav memory of Herbert is!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Club Penguin Rookie Message!

Rookie has sent us a Club Penguin message:

Rookie, Rookie!
Better take another lookie,
And while your there, eat a cookie!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Gary Says Stay Sharp!

Club Penguin's Gary the Gadget Guy is keeping an eye out for suspicious activity. Check out what he has to say:

I know it's coming... soon! Stay sharp! As sharp as a three headed hedgehog! ;-)

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Friday, May 27, 2011

Club Penguin's Top Secret EPF Message!

 This is Secret

Club Penguin has posted a secret message on their blog for Agents! Here is what Billybob said:

Hello Penguins Agents!

Thanks for helping to keep the island safe during the Medieval Party! It's been great seeing so many of you equipped with all the latest EPF gear.

The team is really excited about the next thing they've been working on for Elite Agents... an epic encounter with a certain polar bear. I'll let you in on a little secret... Herbert is planning an attack on the EPF next week!

As you may have heard, you'll need to work together on this one. Here's a sneak peek:

Dood! Check it out! It looks like Herbert and Klutzy are in the Hydra's heads from the Knights Quest 3!

Saweet! What could they be up to now? (Thanks, Spideydude90)

Is this the "Big EPF Launch" I told you about in the "Things to come" post?

Play Aliens Go Home!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Listen to Mimo's new album Crazy Wheel!
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Club Penguin Fluffy The Fish Game!

The Club Penguin Beta Team has added another new game!

Here is the current File List:

Fluffy The Fish game!

Check out the concept art!

Here's the first level. You have to eat the little fish to grow big enough to eat the bigger fish.

Level 2:

You collect coins for your bank by eating lots o' fish!

Club Penguin says this is a rough idea of the new game, but I think it is phun!

Let me know how you like it, k?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Club Penguin Purple Dragon Costume Available Now!

Club Penguin has finally squashed the bug and you can now get the Purple Dragon costume!

Cool costume, don't you think? I can hardly wait to see all you gargantuan goobers of grape goo galavanting around the Club Penguin glaciers in this!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Club Penguin Purple Dragon Costume Bug!

Club Penguin is having trouble with the Purple Dragon costume. Many penguin have not been able to buy the new item. Club Penguin is working hard to squish this bug.

Were you able to buy this costume? If not, I'll let you know as soon as this bug is fixed!

Until then, Club Penguin will be posting news tomorrow about whether a certain polar bear will be coming to the island soon! Woot!

What do you think Herbert is up to?

Play Toxers!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Listen to Mimo's new album Crazy Wheel!
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Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Club Penguin News and Secret Message from Herbert!

The Club Penguin newspaper is featuring Medieval Catalog update.

You need to hurry and get the new Dragon costume soon as it will be gone on May 26th when the Party ends!

Saweet! A new Penguin Style Catalog will be here on June 3rd! It will feature rockin' styles for the Music Jam!

These EPF Classes are not really a secret... unless you are not an Agent! ;-)

But, hover your mouse over the word "Stealth" and you get this secret message from Herbert:

Dood! Herb, bring it on! We are tired of you threatening us! ;-)

Have you ever wondered why the Brown Puffle always wears goggles? Yeah, me either! 

For safety sake, silly! ;-)

And, of course, here is what's coming up:

I'm ready to rock out, are you?

Play Taco Papa's Mia!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Listen to Mimo's new album Crazy Wheel!
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