Club Penguin has posted a secret message on their blog for Agents! Here is what Billybob said:
Thanks for helping to keep the island safe during the Medieval Party! It's been great seeing so many of you equipped with all the latest EPF gear.
The team is really excited about the next thing they've been working on for Elite Agents... an epic encounter with a certain polar bear. I'll let you in on a little secret... Herbert is planning an attack on the EPF next week!
As you may have heard, you'll need to work together on this one. Here's a sneak peek:
Dood! Check it out! It looks like Herbert and Klutzy are in the Hydra's heads from the Knights Quest 3!
Saweet! What could they be up to now? (Thanks, Spideydude90)
Play Aliens Go Home!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
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Wow I was just going to tell you that LOL
- Fatsum2389
It could be for the empty arcade game by bits and bolts
thats the dragons from knights quest 3!
Blackout is coming. Herbert and Klutzy are inside in some robots, they can cause the earthquake and then will be blackout (there will be no light in the Lighthouse or anywhere else). Maybe a new mission.
- Assnfiks
hey mimo dont u see the blue machine that herbert is in is the same as the blue dragon and the yellow machine that klutzy is in is the yellow dragon they even have the same horns and patterns
OMG my dream that I had about herbert controlling the hydra was true! Get ready for something EPIC!
That's Great, can't wait to see what Herbert is up to..
Oh and Hi Mimo! Not sure if you remember me but this is Survivor91, one of your most awesomistic CPG moderators back in those days :D
I decided to come back to help these guys here since I have got more free time on my hands and I'm here to stay :)
Mimo! This may also have to do something with the "Blackout"!
They're the dragons from the medieval party! Get ready! We're bringing them down for good this time!
They are in the hydra's heads!
Yeah they're definately controlling the dragons, I wonder if there is somebody in the red dragon as well?
Okay if they are in the yellow and blue hydra heads what about the red one...?
Nice! I thought he was comin during the party though :( but still! :D
Hi Mimo777,
I tryed to get to the Club Penguin Beta Team by clicking on the link where it says 'Team' but there is no link anymore. Is there any other way of getting on to it than through that link? If so could you please post it or the web address on your blog so i can get onto it.
From Mega Krk
Well if they are in blue and yellow dragon heads who is the red dragon?
Hi Mimo,
I have just noticed that when you click on the tree-houses in the forest the load screen briefly flashes up with "Desert Dimension".
what about the red drigon
mimo ! that could be suspicios device !!!
Mimo, when you go up to the tree top area in the Forest, it says "Loading Desert Dimmension". Thought you'd like to know. ;)
~Johny 4/Bluasul
what if herbet had a plan saying to warn about the robot? maybe they are a team adn the robots in the other dragon! :O
Um acctualy it doesnt say herbert is going to attack next week it says Herbert is planning something big, and it could be an attack on the EPF! Stay on alert, agents!
i think they have been trying to kill us...
maybe the directer is in the red one or you have to get in the red one and attack them
The question is who's in the red one.
If they're in the blue and yellow one, do you think the other crab that they were getting is in the red one?
Hello everyone
My spy phone has dissapeared from its regular position above the map
Is this happening to other people?
Is it another club penguin bug or herbet stolen are spy phones?
I would like to know
Wow I didn`t even notice that... nice one Mimo! You rock!
Thats so cool! I hope we can defeat them once and for all. Or become Herberts friends. =) (like that would ever happen) -Paws Kitty
Well if Klutzy and Herbert are in 2 of the dragons heads who is controling the other dragon?
We will just have to wait and find out!
if kluztzy and herbert are in the blue and yellow whos in the red mabey a herbert decoy or klutzy decoy of the them selves.
maybe protobot is the other dragon!
in the parent newsletter it had a picture of herbert in the red dragon
Here's my story:
Maybe the director is turning against the EPF and teamed with herbert. Then the device found by JPG in the cave was probably to control the dragons, and the red one lost its. Then in about 2 weeks, the blackout will start
it should be herbert in the blue, klutsy in the yellow and maybe protobot might think they are on his side and protobot will be in the red
Who could be in the red hydra?! ;o
mimo777 this is it tomorrow is the big epf launch because of that billboard that you showed how it said on may down bellow big epf launch witch means tomorrow Herbert is back
Anonymous said...
Um acctualy it doesnt say herbert is going to attack next week it says Herbert is planning something big, and it could be an attack on the EPF! Stay on alert, agents!
Here is something for you without trying to hurt your feelings "I'll let you in on a little secret...Herbert is planning to attack the EPF next week!"
Billybob did say that.
-Curt13(CPG mod and UPP director)
C-dog20 said
Here's my story:
Maybe the director is turning against the EPF and teamed with herbert. Then the device found by JPG in the cave was probably to control the dragons, and the red one lost its. Then in about 2 weeks, the blackout will start
I've seen a film before when the director turned out to be evil, but I don't think our Director would do that, but there is the 10% chance it could happen.
The device JPG found was a tracking device by the way.
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