Club Penguin Pin Cheat - CANDY APPLE PIN!
Here is how to find the new Club Penguin PIN cheat.
Step 1. Click your map.
Step 2. Now go to Mine... or yes, I know, the Forest.
Step 3. Go into the Hidden Lake.
Step 4. Now click on the CANDY APPLE PIN!
Sweet (literally) cheat, huh? Not only do I want to pick it up, I want to eat it... NOW! lol
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Club Penguin Pin Cheat - CANDY APPLE PIN!
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats, pin cheats
New Club Penguin July 2010 Clothing Catalog Sweet Cheats!
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats, penguin style catalog
The hidden Club Penguin Cheats in the Penguin Style Clothing Catalog for July 2010 are here!
Do this to find the cheats.
Step 1. Click on the Map icon in the lower left.
Step 2. Click on "Town."
Step 3. Go to the "Gift Shop."
Step 4. Click on the Clothing Catalog in the lower right.
Here's how to find the first Club Penguin cheat.
Step 5. Click to the 3rd page.
Step 6. Click on the tree.
You now have the 3D Glasses cheat!
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 7. Stay on the 3rd page.
Step 8. Click on the bottom of the penguin's foot.
You now have the Acoustic Sunburst Guitar cheat!
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 9. Go to the 4th page.
Step 10. Click on the 1st button on the speaker.
You now have the Supernova Suit cheat!
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 11. Stay on the 4th page.
Step 12. Click on the 2nd button on the speaker.
You have now found The Rocker cheat!
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 13. Stay on the 4th page.
Step 14. Click on the other speaker.
You now have the Blue Sunglasses cheat!
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 15. Go to the 5th page.
Step 16. Click on the speaker.
You now have the Purple Electric Bass cheat!
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 17. Stay on the 5th page.
Step 18. Click on the piano part.
You now have the Red Sunglasses cheat!
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 19. Go to the 6th page.
Step 20. Click on the Tiki.
You have found the Trombone cheat!
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 21. Stay the 6th page.
Step 22. Click on the penguin's beak.
You now have the Pink Polka-dot dress, Black Checkered Shoes, Spikester Cuff, and the Shock Wave cheat!
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 23. Go to the 9th page.
Step 24. Click on the bubble.
You now have the Viking helmet cheat!
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 25. Stay on the 9th page.
Step 26. Click on and off the bubble four times.
You now have the Blue Viking Helmet cheat!
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 27. Go to the 10th page.
Step 28. Now click on the grapes.
You now have the Duchess' Dress and The Duchess cheat!
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 29. Stay on the 10th page.
Step 30. Now click on the table leg.
You now have the Dragon Costume cheat! (Thanks, Flopper)
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 31. Click to the 11th page.
Step 32. Now click on the bottom of curtain.
You now have the Emerald Dress and Beautiful Braid cheat!
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 33. Click to the 13th page.
Step 34. Now click on the middle stone.
You now have the Green Hooded Cloak cheat!
To find the next cheat, do this:
Step 35. Click to the 14th page.
Step 36. Now click on the pink square at the bottom.
You now have the Green Face Paint cheat!
Whoa! TONS of sweet cheats! Have you ever seen this many cheats before?
Play Idea Seeker Universe!
Club Penguin July Events!
Labels: club pengin cheats
Woot! July is gonna be a blast! The Music Jam will be here soon and check out the fireworks at the Iceberg and Ski Hill.
Also, Music Jam 2010 will be here July 9th! Woot! There will be an members exclusive room called Casa Fiesta!
Let me know what you think about all the cool July happenings!
Want to be a fashion designer?
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Club Penguin Ultimate Field Op Reviewed By You!
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats, Reviewed by you
Last week Club Penguin asked us what we thought the ultimate Field-Op would be and Chilli 2 said:
"It's a situation where Klutzy figured out a way to change all the blue signs with white arrows throughout the paths of Club Penguin. The arrows would be pointing to different directions, and many penguins would be lost in the wilderness. It would be an EPF Agent's job to rescue the penguins, fix all the signs back to normal, and importantly save Rookie, who gets lost in a place full of marshmallows!"
Wow, Chilli 2, very creative!
Since there will be a new Penguin Style catalog Thursday with new musical items, Club Penguin wants to know if you have a favorite musical instrument to play? If they pick your review, you will get 10,000 coins. Awesome!
Club Penguin Field Op Number 3!
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats, Field ops cheats
Wha? The Field Op for this week is the SAME as the first one! Easy, peasy, lemon squeezy! But anyway, when you log on the Club Penguin you will see your spy gadget light up.
Step 1. Click your Spy Gadget.
Step 2. Click "Go there."
Step 3. Click Field Op board. (or click Field Ops on the Spy Gadget)
Step 4. Click "Accept Field-Op."
Step 5. Click "Continue"
Step 6. Go to the Mine.
Step 7. Go up to the large light bulb next to the "chocolate pudding" in the Underground Cave. Your spy gadget light will turn green.
Step 8. Click your spy gadget and click "Engage."
Step 9. Now you can complete the puzzle just like the first field op!
Step 10. If you are a member you can click "Elite Gear" and get something cool!
I was wondering how Club Penguin could come up with cool new puzzles week after week. Well, now we know... they repeat them! Ugh! Oh well, it still gives us something to look forward to each Tuesday, right?
Monday, June 28, 2010
Club Penguin Community Garden Tree Grows Again!
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats
Ok, lots of you have already noticed this, but if not, check out the tree in the Community Garden:
The tree is still growing. It is about to grow off of the screen, so my prediction is it will start blooming soon. What do you think it will grow? Possibly 'O' berries, pizza, pudding pops or maybe spaghetti? Yum, I do love spaghetti!
By the way how many of you saw the glitch today where the Sports Shop was back in place of the Everyday Phoning Facility? Good eye everyone that did. Too bad I missed it! :-[
Play Rebuild Chile!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Decompiling Club Penguin for Cheats? NOPE!
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats
We get Club Penguin tips and cheats from many cool penguins. We like it! We like all of you! BUT...
We do not post Club Penguin cheats that are from decompiling Club Penguin? Why?
Because it is against Club Penguin's Terms of Service. Yes it is.
We were recently given a new igloo cheat that was from decompiling a Club Penguin swf file. But we will not post it. Seriously no offense to you if you sent it to us. We like all the tips you give us.
So if you decompile or post cheats from decompiling, that's cool. But we here at Club Penguin Gang will not. Sorry.
If you don't know what decompiling is, that's good. ;-]
Ok, Decompiling in this case is hacking into a file to find hidden items.
Are we cool? ;-]
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Club Penguin Herbert's Revenge in UK and Australia Coming NOT SOON!
Labels: club pengin cheats, herbert's revenge
Yeah you heard that right! Club Penguin Herbert's Revenge is NOT coming soon to United Kingdom and Australia! WHA?
Herbert's Revenge is coming REALLY soon!
June 26 for the UK, and July 7 for Australia.
Sorry about that! I had to see if you were paying attention!
Awesome news for our great buddies over the pond. You will LOVE IT!
I wonder why they don't release it all over the world at the same time?. Anyone know?
Make sure you check out ALL the complete Missioner here.
Play ActionJetz. It's awesome!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Raise A Ruckus and Break Something at the Club Penguin Adventure Party!
Labels: adventure party, club pengin cheats
Screenhog wants us all not to miss...
Rockhopper's Rare Items catalog. Rockhopper's only here for a short time - so make sure to grab your free Squid Lid!
The great Ship Battle room - Members, don't forget to dress up (We've seen some interesting battles. Like the Pirates vs. Kings!)
Fireflies in the Forest - Can you get them to light up? (Hint: get more penguins in there!)
Snowball-eating plant in the Forest - talk
Scavenger Hunt - and the treasure you dig for!
The new entrance to the Hidden Lake - I hear this will be sticking around after the party.
Stand at the Iceberg and wait - you might see something unexpected...
I'm digging the great ship battle. What is your fav part of the Club Penguin Adventure Party?
I wish we could actually break something. Not in a bad way, I just like to raise a ruckus and break stuff. ;-) What would you want to break?
Sign up for ActionJetz! It's Brand New! Get a good username now!
Summer Sweetness in Tootsville!
Labels: club pengin cheats, tootsville
Summer is really heating up in Tootsville! The latest adventure is sure to be one of the biggest yet.
Finding the Elements takes on a whole new twist.
These elements are tootally fun. There are items like a FIRE hydrant, a WATERgun, an AIR horn and even a basket of DIRTy laundry.
What is really cool is if you collect all of the elements you will get a special power at the end of the quest. You can create teams too buy getting one of the four element Pivitz
Good luck on your quest, here are a few hints as too where some of the items are...
WATER bucket is in Big Tootuna next to the volleyball court.
The Lava ROCK is in Dinoland.
There are a bunch of items so let me know as you discover them! One last thing here are the Element Pivitz Wind, Fire, Water and Earth, I think I will be part of team Fire so join me in Tootsville!
Go to Tootsville and check it out now!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Mimo's World Famous Rockhopper Comment Tracker! LIVE!
Labels: club pengin cheats, rockhopper
FIND ROCKHOPPER with the World famous Mimo Tracker!
Have you found him yet? If not, we can help you!

We still get a lot of great response to our Comment Tracker! Know why? Because it works! Here are the...
Helpful Hints:
1. When you see a post with the new Mimo Comment Tracker logo on it, start tracking!
2. BE HONEST! You have all been so honest and helpful. That's why CPG fans are the best! Keep it up!
3. List what server and room he is in.
4. Don't put lots of exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5. Do not ask ppl to help you find Rockhopper. Everyone wants to find him. They should post here if they know where he is.
6. Do not post all the servers that do NOT have Rockhopper on them.
7. If the Mimo Comment Tracker has helped you, post a comment about it!
8. So, if you see a Rockhopper, post a comment here that says what server he is on. Let's not post comments here about any other subject! There will be other posts coming for that! Cool?
Let's go find him and post a comment hurry! ;-)
Happy Rockhopping!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Play Mimo Games Now!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President Play Fun Virtual Worlds for Kids Now! Click to listen to Mimo's song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"
Club Penguin's New Music!
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats, igloo music
Club Penguin has added new music again! Check out the new tunes:
I really like the Island Adventure music the best! Which one do you like?
Play Crazy Penguin Catapult!