Let's do a Rockin aswesome Camp Peter PArty tomorrow!
Just like last time check out this awesome offer!
When ever you become an MVP member, you first start out as a FRESHMAN, then over time you can advance to SOPHOMORE, then JUNIOR, then SENIOR then PRO.
Well, here the deal...
If you sign up as an MVP at Camp Pete at Mimo Games You will START as a PRO!
Which means you can buy ANYTHING at the Sports Shop. There are a ton of other cool things you get by being pro.
But here is the all time coolest thing about getting an MVP membership...
Remember back when we had the Mimo Blaster party? If not check out this video.
Don't you just LOVE the chickens! LOL and "Mimo", "Mimo"! that's cool too. ;-]
Sunday, August 1
3:00 PM Eastern Time
2:00 PM Central Time
1:00 PM Mountain Time
12:00 PM Pacific Time
8:00 PM UK Time
5:00 AM Australia Time (soz)
The Shopping Disctrict
Here is a map. The circle is where the Party will be.
Let me know if you become a Camp Pete MVP and I'll make you a PRO!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
MIMO Blaster Camp Pete Party TOMORROW! Free Memberships!
Labels: camp pete, club pengin cheats
Friday, July 30, 2010
New Magical Game from the Creators of Chobots!
Labels: 7wizards, club pengin cheats
You all know how awesome Chobots is right?
Well they have made a cool new magical social networking Role Playing Game (RPG) for TEENS!
7WIZARDS is a very different, very cool new idea! I have been playing it for a few days and I really like it.
7Wizards is NOT a virtual world!
7Wizards is a role playing game where you can add and chat with friends!
7Wizards will let you own freaky cool pets!
You earn gold!
You get famous by being a TOP WIZARD!
You join clans! Wanna make a Mimo Clan?
You can battle other players! OUCH!
Check out this video about 7Wizards.
I've heard there will be elves on 7Wizards soon!
My name is Mimo on 7Wizards! Here I am!
If you find me I will add everyone as a friend! 7Wizards has unlimited friends!
Try 7Wizards now!
Let me know what you think!
Club Penguin August Sneak Peek!
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats, sneak peek
Here is what Billy bob has to say about upcoming August events:
A brand new event called the Mountain Expedition is coming soon. And it'll have LOTS of surprises for members. Check out the items at the Gift Shop soon for gear!
There will be updates for Elite Agents. Keep your eyes on the Command Room and your Elite Gear...
And finally, something that everyone can look forward to... More stamps!
There are lots of surprises set for next month - so let us know what you think they may be!
I think the Mountain Expedition sounds awesome, don't you?
Play Tank Duel!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang PresidentFriend MIMO on Facebook! Virtual Worlds for KidsClick to listen to Mimo's song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"
Club Penguin 2" Mix N Match Series 9 Toys!
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats, club penguin toys
Club Penguin Series 9 Mix N Match toys will be released in September. Check out the Blizzard Wizard and Medieval Dress:
There are LOTS of really cool new back to school stuff, books and Series 9 toys. You can check them all out at clubpenguintoys.com!
Play Cazy Penguin Catapult!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Club Penguin Pin Cheat - COMPASS PIN!
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats, pin cheats
Club Penguin Pin Cheat - COMPASS PIN!
Here is how to find the new Club Penguin COMPASS PIN cheat.
Step 1. Click your map.
Step 2. Now go to The Plaza.
Step 3. Go into the manhole by the Pet Shop. (Which by the way, is the secret entrance to the Underground)
Step 4. Now click the green door and go into the Boiler Room.
Step 5. Now click on the pin!
Wha? No 250th Newspaper pin? Hmm, I guess we will need this compass for our Mountain Expedition, huh?
Want the Mimo Pin Finder? Click here!
Club Penguin Community Garden Tree Grows Again!
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats, community garden
Whoa! Have you been to the Community Garden lately? The tree is growing again.
Check out all the new vegetation around the tree! It's looking rather smoove, don't ya think? (Thanks to all you awesome penguins that me about it)
Club Penguin 250th Newspaper & Mountain Expedition!
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats, mountain expedition, newspaper, stamps
Wow! This is the 250th Edition of the Club Penguin Times! How sweet is that?
This edition gives a lot of information about stamps:
Even how to customize your Stamp Book for members:
Aunt Arctic has a few facts about the newspaper:
"Did you know...
1. The newspaper used to be in black and white before December, 2005?
2. Other penguins have written my advice column? Gary the Gadget Guy and Rookie!
3. The PSA used to hide secret messages in the newspaper?"
She goes on to say "Thanks again to everyone. Keep an eye out for big changes in the future..."
Hmm, what "big" changes could the Club Penguin Times be undergoing?
But the coolest information in the weeks newspaper is this:

Woot! Mountain Expedition! Awesome! Do you think this is like the Festival of Flight, a new party or maybe just a new room? I can't wait to hear all your theories.
Be sure to check back later today for the new pin cheat! Can you say "250th Newspaper" pin? ;-)
Play Water Balls!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President Play Fun Virtual Worlds for Kids Now! Click to listen to Mimo's song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Club Penguin Favorite Pin Reviewed By You!
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats, Reviewed by you
Last week, Club Penguin asked what your favorite pin of all time was and Friitzee08 said:
"I've collected a lot of pins over the year. And they're all so great. But, I prefer a special one. Like the recycle pin! It's a small symbol, but it changes the world by a %100. I'm pretty sure it's made out of recycled stuff from the recycle center near the mine (; Each pin, I have stands for something. So, I try to wear a new one everyday to show my 'pin-spirit'!"
With everyone's excitement for the new stamps, for next week's review, Club Penguin wants to know what new stamps would YOU like to see added?
Let me know what cool stamps you want to earn!
Play super awesome FAST FLOOD!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President Play Fun Virtual Worlds for Kids Now! Click to listen to Mimo's song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"
Club Penguin Double Coin BONUS!
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats, coins, games, stamps
Saweet! Check out what my friend Bryan Omar found!
When you earn all the stamps for one game, you get a DOUBLE COIN BONUS!
Great cheat! So get out there and earn those stamps! Let me know if you find any other bonuses, k?
Play Cazy Penguin Catapult!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Club Penguin Weekly Field Op Number 7 Cheat!
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats, Field ops cheats
This weeks Club Penguin Field Op is here!
Step 1. Click your Spy Gadget.
Step 2. Click "Go there."
Step 3. Click Field Op board. (or click Field Ops on the Spy Gadget)
Step 4. Click "Accept Field-Op."
We must save the Beacon's power system!
Step 5. Click "Continue"
Step 6. Go to the Beach.
Step 7. Go into the Lighthouse, up to the Beacon and go up to the light switch. Your spy gadget light will turn green.
Step 8. Click your spy gadget and click "Engage."
Step 9. Now you can complete the puzzle!
Step 10. If you are a member you can click "Elite Gear" and get something cool! If you are not a member, you can get the EPF earpiece, and then enjoy collecting your badges! ;-)
Thanks to all the zillions of penguins for telling me the Field Ops was out! I was... gone...on a secret mission. I will tell you about it on Twitter tomorrow.
Follow me on Twitter!
PLAY The Flood Runner2!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Club Penguin Game Updates For Members!
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats, games
Yep, just as promised, Club Penguin has updated the games so we can earn stamps. And now many games have levels that are for members only.
Like in Aqua Grabber, Soda Seas level is now only for members. :-{

Are you upset by any of the new member only updates? Or, is it not really a biggie?
Play Chobots! Awesome Clothes!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President Play Fun Virtual Worlds for Kids Now! Click to listen to Mimo's song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"
Club Penguin Stamps Cheats Are Here!
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats, stamps
Club Penguin Stamps are here! Click on your player card and click the stamp icon at the bottom.
There are 11 pages of stamps for Events, Characters, Activities, Games, & Pins.
Check out this mystery page! It is the last page in the Stamp Book!
What do you think this page could be for? I'm guessing you will earn something REALLY cool if you get ALL the stamps!
If you are a member, you can customize your Stamp Book by clicking the pencil in the lower right hand corner.
Make sure you click the disk in the lower right corner to SAVE your Stamp Book!
Let me know how many stamp you earn today, k?
This looks like so much fun! I really want to do the ones with buddies! Watch out I may try to get 30 penguins in my iggy soon! ;-)
Play ActionJetz!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Club Penguin Pins Vs. Stamps. Which Is Better?
Labels: club pengin cheats, pins, stamps
First let's talk about Club Penguin Stamps.
Stamp are new to Club Penguin. They come out on Tuesday!
Here is how you can get the new Club Penguin Stamps:
Stamps have to be EARNED.
You can earn them by doing things together with your buddies.
You can earn them in games.
You can get them at Club Penguin events.
Some are easy, some are hard.
The cool thing about Stamp are that you can put them in the new Stamp book! Which is awesome because members can customize their stamp books.
So you like STAMPS?
Now let's talk about Pins.
Pins are old, way old. They are as old as Club Penguin!
Here's how you get pins.
A unique collectable pin is hidden somewhere on the Club Penguin island every two weeks and NEVER repeat.
Click here to put a cool Pin Tracker on your site!
Do you have to earn pins? Well no you just have to find them. They used to be small and kids thought they were hard to find, but now they are bigger and much easier to find.
You can display your Club Penguin pins on your player card, but just one at a time.
SOOOOO, which do you like better, Pins or Stamps?! Vote at the poll on the left AND then leave a comment to tell everyone why? COOL? Thanks, you rock! ;-]
Check out my very own Virtual Lounge!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Club Penguin Underwater Adventure Postcard!
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats, postcards, underwater adventure
Since the Underwater Adventure is now at the Stage, Club Penguin has added a new postcard! Check it out:
I like the look on the purple fish's face! Looks like it is saying "Oh no!" lol
(Thanks, Coolguy2609)
Play Cazy Penguin Catapult!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Club Penguin Band Reviewed By You!
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats, flag pins, Reviewed by you
Last week, Club Penguin asked what your favorite role to play in a band was, and 472yellow said:
"I personally like all of the positions, but i like playing the tuba. The tuba is so unique because it's THE BIGGEST INSTRUMENT EVER! I also like rocking out with the tuba because all my friends laugh and pretend to throw tomatoes at me. Then, i have to run backstage with my big tuba. Then we take our instruments and go to the pizza parlor for candy pizza!"
With the new Stamp Books coming soon, Club Penguin would like to know for next week's review which pin you have collected is your favorite?
Hmm, I think I like the cardboard box pin the best! Which one do you like?
Play SPEED FOR STAR! Very Fun!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President Play Fun Virtual Worlds for Kids Now! Click to listen to Mimo's song: "Zebras Smell Funny!"
Club Penguin Underwater Adventure Cheats!
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats, the stage, underwater adventure
The Underwater Adventure has returned to the Stage!
Here is the new catalog in the Costume Trunk:
Wha? No cheats! Unbelievable!
Let me know how you like the play, k?
Try Cool Virtual World OurWorld!