Ok, here we go with some more questions and answers.
Q. What inspired u to do club penguin blog?
We all like to play online games in our house. My brothers and sisters all play Club Penguin. So we started the blog and so ya. We tried a couple other blogs they didn't work out but we like CP the best so far.
Q. Are you a club penguin MOD?
Nope. I'm not 18.
Q. Are you a member on club penguin?
Nope. Some of the other members of CPG are members, but I'm not. Maybe someday. It's fun not being a member I think. I've been thinking about it more since the Ninja thing came out. Hmm.
Q. Were You The Last Ninja in your family?
No. I was the 3rd Ninja in the family. My little brothers are GOOD! LOL.
Q. Do you do your blog all by yourself?
Nope. Everyone in our family works on it. My dad, my mom, my big sister, my two little sisters, my two little brothers, our dog, our two cats and our fish. But my dog Zoe quit playing CP about a month ago. She got banned for licking Rockhopper. We have family CPG meetings and come up with cool ideas. That's why its called club penguin gang. It's really fun! We talk about it in the car when we go somewhere and sometimes when we all go swimming at the Y. But we don't talk about it when we sleep.
Q. Hay mimo ive been wondering if u like lego?
I LOVE Legos! I played the Lego online game for a while. It's pretty fun. CPG boys play Legos alot! But I don't let them play with mine. ;-)
Q. Is your Dad Rsnail?
Nope. I don't know anyone at Club Penguin. I wish I did. Club Penguin is cool. But we like to play a lot of other online games too.
Q. How did you get all the Club Penguin stuff so early.
A true story. One Sunday after church we went to Toys R Us. We were looking for the Club Penguin DS skin early. They said they didn't have it yet but they did have some of the toys in! We freaked! We bought all the figure sets except we couldn't find the Mermaid. So when we tried to pay for them they said sorry we can't sell these yet. WE BEGGED them to let us have them. So the lady called the manager and they let us buy them! Oh, by the way, we finally found the Mermaid. Other ppl emailed me and told me they got them the same way. Oh and my Dad said if we opened the toys then they would count as some of our Christmas presents. We also gave some to another family. WAAAHHH! :-(
Q. If you were stuck on a desert island for a month would you rather have a computer, a bowl of ice cream or a pencil?
I'd rather have a raccoon playing a piano.
Q. Why don't you ever change your outfit or background?
Dunno. I guess I think it's cool. But it's probably kinda lame looking so ya. But I'm kinda weird and nerdy.
Q.What happened to Purplyn9?
She is a relative of ours in another state. She stopped playing and she is no longer on the CPG.
Q What is your favorite subject in school?
Literature. I like to read and write stuff, usually weird funny stuff.
Q. Um how come ur weird sometimes?
I like being weird.
Q. Why do you think Zebra's smell funny?
Have you ever smelled one?
Q. What is your favorite club penguin party you have been to?
The Fall Fair is pretty awesome.
Q. Mimo and the gang, how do you guys come up with ideas for the party clues?
We brainstorm and come up with sweet ideas. We use my ideas the most.
Q. What is the number 1 present you want for christmas?
XBOX Live but my parents won't let me. Either that or a grape Shasta.
Q. Mimo, do you ever get grounded?
Uh, yeah. I worked all summer for my Dad and I bought an ipod touch. But I think I've got grounded from it about a million times, sheesh.
Q. mimo., is...is decoding mimo really about you....? or is it fiction...
It's fiction. It's an awesome story! We are going to write more!
That's all for now. You can read the other Mimo Q & A's here:
Mimo Q & A 1
Mimo Q & A 2
Mimo Q & A 3
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

Wow, that was long! lol
...you're weird
This is my favorite Q & A.
By the way, when are you gonna post more clues ;)
Awesome insight! You've answered some great questions. I really thought you were related to a member of the Club Penguin Team, 'cause you had all the toys early, and Billybob e-mailed you. But, he e-mailed a few other people too, I guess. Anyway, this clears up a lot about The Great Mystery of Mimo! Lol.
Mimo, if you are not a member, why can you go in to the members place... like last time the member scientists room, you can go in there? -Vitacharm
hey mimo!!!! Help! my sister went on my penguin( a member, which is worse cause of what she did) and she got reported then said mean stuff to some chic(lol) and i think im banned! i can get on but it takes a while. and my first buddy waz the girl(happy77) that posted the thing on CP site. and rocketsnail waz fun but now i cant go on it! and bog98, my first penguins password is lost cause my friend changed it.im gonna change it but i dont no her moms email(the one i used to activate it) also i cant see ur quicky posts(still) and im sorry im bugging u about it alot but could u plz meet me if i email u? my penguin is 8bella girl8 (sound familiar?) and u probobly wont do it but......... plz? and yes ive smelled a zebra. they dont smell funny they smell like poo and flies and dirt and animal. i ges its funny but not funny ha ha, funny weird. ive been to lots of places so ya... including china. from 8bella girl8(plz post)
dont call mimo weird, he took the time to answer questions thats pretty gracious.
awesome mimo ;)
lol raccoon playing a piano
its cool to hear some stu ff about you!
Thanks for that!
Kiwi Gurl ( CPG MOD in training)
teehee. you posted my question.
when i first clicked the link for the decoding mimo thing it was saying stuff about you and the gang so i was all puzzeled thinking wow....this is weird.
chelseabawb (:
teehee. i have another question.
how come you are the only one that usually writes everything. i havent seen anything written by anyone else.
andddddd. when you go on club penguin, do people on the server recognize you, and like swarm around you? just like rockhopper?
chelseabawb (:
r u weird in real life
Cool Mimo!!! My favorite subject in school has always been Literature! Except Shakespeare plays can be a bit confusing... at least I can ask my mom who was a Literature teacher. :-)
oops, srry, that comment about Literature being my fave subject was from me, Stargal 55
yup raccon playing piaano
OUCH! he is terrible lol!
(processof CPG)
grape shasta, come on! u dont really want tht for Chrismass do u? i want a Macbook air xD, dont u have a mac? whats it like? please tell me i really wanna know!
cow pie monkeys yo mimo hi i like pie and apple sauce u know why r cows sky and why is cats green??? la la la CATS BIRDS MILK got milk?
Lol thanks for posting the favorite party thing i sent you. My favorite party was the 2007 Summer Kickoff party (also my first ever party)
Merry Christmas
chelseabawb :) said...
teehee. i have another question.
how come you are the only one that usually writes everything. i havent seen anything written by anyone else.
andddddd. when you go on club penguin, do people on the server recognize you, and like swarm around you? just like rockhopper?
chelseabawb (:
I dont know the first question but the second question i can asnwer. If i saw mimo i'd deffinently say hi to him. But in all the pictures ive seen the room is preety empty. We has two servers that he goes on listed somewhere on the website... so keep a sharp eye out for him. if you want to meet mimo try to find out the party clues.
Merry Christmas
I like writing and reading too. I wish drawing was a subject, don't you mimo? And psst... I'm weird too! I think we all are :P I have a question for you for Ask Mimo 5:
How did you get Planet Cazmo to give out a Wii? That was craaazy! But, cool/
Thanks for answering my question 'WHy do you think Zebra's smell Funny'! No I have never smelled one and I dont plan to!1
hey mimo, i went to the club penguin offices in kelowna BC, my cousin new the branch manager! it was awesome i played with the support people and helped answer e-mails! they even gave me apple juice and cp pins!
cool! =] ... literature...lol thats my worst subject
mimo777 r u 12 years old? by the way, i recommend playing lego batman or lego indiana jones on xbox 360, they're fun!
6th month membership...lol did you forget bout that? its been like...a month or so..i THINK..
Thanks for the info mimo, next time I go to the zoo or see a zebra i will ask to smell it ;-)
kewl. mimo u R SO LUCKY! my family stinks compared to urs, and alot of other peepz. NO WE ARE NOT poor. we are moderate in cash. but like... my parents are like: wat would u do with the club penguin toys anyway? then im like: USE THE COIN CODES DUH!
Jeez, you beg the store to get the toys. Don't do that, that kinda embarassing.
hi mimo, ive been visiting your site watching your stuff for a LOOONG time and i would like to become a mod (yes, ive playedCP for a long time) my username in CP is Jason Nessej just to let you know. -DivadNessej
I might have a snow day tomarrow!! But only a small possibilaty... but i think im gonna play jeopardy in geography if it doesnt snow enough.. i think its gonna be about south america :P
lolz we match on one thing
favorite subject
mine is literature too
and ya i also write funny stuff in that mainly when making semtences i make some serious and half jokes and the jokes everybuddy laugh in them afterall i made them
i am the best in literature in my class just one competitior
Hey mimo by the way my club penguin name is pokemon7brad!
Anonymous said...
mimo777 r u 12 years old?
123iceball (CPG mod) said...
Actually, Mimo is 13 years old. To keep track of some of the things he is doing, check out Mimo's twitter.
Wow! Cool Q and A!
Meteorite24 said...
I might have a snow day tomarrow!! But only a small possibilaty... but i think im gonna play jeopardy in geography if it doesnt snow enough.. i think its gonna be about south america :P
123iceball (friendly CPG mod) said...
Cool! I might have a snow day too! I hope so!
Jason Nessej said...
hi mimo, ive been visiting your site watching your stuff for a LOOONG time and i would like to become a mod (yes, ive playedCP for a long time) my username in CP is Jason Nessej just to let you know. -DivadNessej
123iceball (CPG mod) said...
If you want to become a mod, then answer people's questions, just like I am doing write now. Who knows, maybe you will become an official mod someday! I hope I will!
LOL! That Was Awesome! :)
Jason Nessej said...
hi mimo, ive been visiting your site watching your stuff for a LOOONG time and i would like to become a mod (yes, ive playedCP for a long time) my username in CP is Jason Nessej just to let you know. -DivadNessej
I became a moderator a while ago, you cant just ask to become one, you have to answer questions like i am right now:D Along with answering questions, you have to be polite, and follow his rules
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
Hey mimo...
i saw that you wanted xbox live (:
I have it...if you ever get it then we should play together (:
Irishfella94(CPG Mod In Training)
Kool.I knew that story bout the Club penguin toys was true!I made a post on it,but I thin u didn't want 2 post anyways.Well,whatvea.lol.
Some of the Questions u answered were rlly funny! Hey uh, mimo, how do u submit questions? I want to submit some...can i ?
Awsome Now I know more about you Mimo!
Mimo what is the weather like where u live? just wondering. oh ya and did u get a real or fake christmas tree?
Jeez, you beg the store to get the toys. Don't do that, that kinda embarassing.
Mimo probably doesnt really care if it looks a bit wierd, because those toys are kkinda important. For the blog.
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod
...you're weird
And hes PROUD of it! Im wierd too. Right now Im watching an emo banana singing to a pink polar bear eating orange leprechaun cookies.
Pengwun Powa-PCG Omd
By the way, when are you gonna post more clues ;)
Soon, my pretty, soon... *is acting freaky*
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod
123iceball (CPG mod) said...
If you want to become a mod, then answer people's questions, just like I am doing write now. Who knows, maybe you will become an official mod someday! I hope I will!
thanks for advice. mimo, obviously you are very popular on CP so about how many friend would you have?
Thanks for the info mimo, next time I go to the zoo or see a zebra i will ask to smell it ;-)
We dont usually have zebras in zoos down under ;( Ill have to get a scratch and sniff sticker instead.
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod
This is asome Mimo 777and ask more questions !!!
Vitacharm said...
Mimo, if you are not a member, why can you go in to the members place... like last time the member scientists room, you can go in there? -Vitacharm
He just edits somebody else's picture and puts himself into the picture:) pretty smart
remember the name
Confupenguen (CPG Mod)
heres a question.....
how did u make up smoove or smoovey
You love Lego too? That's so cool!
teehee. i have another question.
how come you are the only one that usually writes everything. i havent seen anything written by anyone else.
andddddd. when you go on club penguin, do people on the server recognize you, and like swarm around you? just like rockhopper?
chelseabawb (:
Majoras Link: Chealsea, Mimo might be given the ideas from the rest of his/her family. When Mimo goes on Club Penguin, people who dont chaet wont know mimo. People who do will, and Mimo will probably go to their igloo where they cant get to him/her.
Yours Truly,
Majoras Link.
CPG Mod in training.
hey mimo
how do u show us cheats (new pins, free items, etc.) and not get crowded by other penguins?
Hey Mimo, if you could meet ANY penguin on Club Penguin who would it be???
Vitacharm said: Mimo, if you are not a member, why can you go in to the members place... like last time the member scientists room, you can go in there?
He doesn't really sneak into those rooms. One of his member sisters or brothers goes into the room and takes a picture of it, and then mimo just uses photoshop and puts himself there.
shadow1397(CPG MOD)
mimo? or other cpg mods
how long have you been playing club penguin
cpg regular
PS: i have been on it for around two and a half years
I don't have a snow day today. :(
I have a 90 min. delay. I can't wait for the Christmas party.
Merry Christmas
lol.My brother used to be soo good at card jitsu until he reached blue belt. and... you have a larch family. Theres only THREE kids in my house. (- My two little brothers are annoying
that was awesome! It's cool to know that your whole family is into it.. I'm lucky if I can get my brother to play mancala with me..
Anonymous said...
mimo777 r u 12 years old?
Actually, Mimo keeps his personal information secret. If he told you he were living in Wyoming, then you would look for a person his age in Wyoming! Then he could be robbed! But that won't happen.
Check out Mimo's twitter, it has his age! 13!
Merry Christmas to all!
-Asdfghjkl888 (CPG mod)
I'm still working on my job. And, what is a racoon playing a piano going to do you, I would rather have the computer!
Sweet! Awesome! Long lol.
Seichi(CPG mod)
Jason Nessej said...
hi mimo, ive been visiting your site watching your stuff for a LOOONG time and i would like to become a mod (yes, ive playedCP for a long time) my username in CP is Jason Nessej just to let you know. -DivadNessej
Wouldn't it be awesome if all you had to do was ask? Then Mimo would have thousands of mods, lol! You have to politely answer questions like I am doing for a while, then you can become a mod. Probably.
~Seichi(CPG mod)
dear anonymous,
whoa. what a dillemma! from you sort of being banned to zebras smelling like... well, usually, if you are reported, nothing happens unless its serious. all you have to do is change your password, and to make it more interesting, tell on your sister. or at least explain to her that if she wants an account,she needs to make one, and not use yours. also, if you want club penguin to run faster, press the + = button. you will go into low definition mode, and it will run a lot faster!
hope this helped!
frozensparks21 (cpg mod)
how old are you mimo
you know, there should be a LEGO Club Penguin set!
how old are you mimo?
27ht (cpg mod)
ya know weird is usually a good thing! im weird and im awsome.....well im also very random too.......and you are right zebras do smell bad!!!....cash bash123......you rock mimo gang!
I got an iPod touch as well. I have got grounded many times. It turns out I'm kind of like you! Weird... Cool... Strange! I didn't know you go to church! My dad is a minister (probably pastor for USA). You are so cool!
Ur funny :)
mimo u rock i always read your blog
mimo u rock i always read your blog
mimo my dogs name is shasta lol,shasta cola good
Buddytoe said...
This is my favorite Q & A.
By the way, when are you gonna post more clues ;)
dear buddytoe
mimo will post clues for the party very soon so keep checkin back. :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
To Buddytoe,
Mimo will try to post clues as soon as possible. Until then, try and work out the other ones.
~CPG Mod Trainee~
To Vitacharm,
Mimo puts a picture ofhis penguin into the picture of the room. He kind of edits it.
~CPG Mod Trainee~
Anonymous said...
mimo777 r u 12 years old? by the way, i recommend playing lego batman or lego indiana jones on xbox 360, they're fun!
dear anonymous
mimo is actually 13 :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
27ht said...
how old are you mimo?
27ht (cpg mod)
dear 27ht
mimo is 13 years old not 12 lol. :)
saavy (CPG Mod)
Hey Mimo! I love your Opera House Itunes music! Is there any chance you could make a sequel? I think it sounds a little bit like the Pokemon battle music. Im wondering, do you like Pokemon?
I like legos too Mimo!We have huge box full of them in our basement...BTW i think we could be good friends.Im hyper and weird too.
raccoons scare me!!!!(i see them alot in florida when im on vacation!)
wut's a grape Shasta?
_leiuten N
p.s. how do you become a CPG Mod?
Hey mimo,
What was your best moment in Club Penguin?
OMG mimo and I gotta meet. we are so much alike its scary! Im wierd, funny, and love books.
lol that's soooo weird BUT AWESOME! XD LOL Zoe got Banned for licking Rockhopper! ha ha priceless
I luv being weird too. lol, and I luv the fall fair! :D >p
Mimo, if you are not a member, why can you go in to the members place... like last time the member scientists room, you can go in there? -Vitacharm
He doesn't actually go in, he has a member penguin take picture in the room, and then when he gets the pictures he edits the penguin out and puts himself in.
-Miss Izybel (CPG mod. Almost.)
Best Q&A so far! I have smelt a zebra and they do smell funny? I wish my toys r us would have the toys in early i mean we dont even have a UK date yet! You what else smells funny? I know! Hippos. They smell VERY funny! Oh and also i am wierd to i have wierd things a say and my friend says you were born wierd and you always will be and then i say i know and she says that bad and so on! did you get epf the same way you did the toys? I am going to ask my mum if i can beg for them now coz she nows how much i want them! Sorry for wasting your time with all the wierd stuff i put but there you go!
mileyfan3333 cpg mod in training
Vitcharm said... How can you go in member places at parties?
Mimo dosen't go into the member places,9Chin9 does but then takes a picture, cuts out 9China9 on the computer than pastes the picture of Mimo 777. So that's the way it goes.
Huey 987 (CPG MOD)
27ht said...
how old are you mimo?
27ht (cpg mod)
Hey im pretty sure mimo is either 12 or 13
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Merry Christmas Club penguin Gang and a happy new year.
Kiwi Gurl said...
its cool to hear some stuff about you!
Thanks for that!
Kiwi Gurl ( CPG MOD in training)
Hey Kiwi Boy and Kiwi gurl, sounds like a good team doesnt it? lol
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Cool Mimo!!! My favorite subject in school has always been Literature! Except Shakespeare plays can be a bit confusing... at least I can ask my mom who was a Literature teacher. :-)
Hey I hate Shakespeare its sooo confusing, my favourite subject is Food, lol and French
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Chelseabawb said... How come you write everything & do people crowd around you when you are on CP?
I guess he's not really the only one that writes cause in the Mimo Q & A #4 he said that his parents help too,so i don't think he writes EVERYTHING,
And yes people do crowd around because I've been to some of his parties and sometimes I can't even see him because of the crowd!
Huey 987 (CPG MOD)
frable(CPG MOD) said...
mimo my dogs name is shasta lol,shasta cola good
Hey can an American or someone else tell me wat Shasta is ive never heard of that in NZ
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Vitacharm said...
Mimo, if you are not a member, why can you go in to the members place... like last time the member scientists room, you can go in there? -Vitacharm
Hey Mimo gets one of the other members of CPG who is a member to go in and they take a screen shot and Mimo edits himself into it!
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Um, Mimo, I think you should keep the green glasses because it would be easier to impersonate your penguin with a ninja mask.
If you like ClubPenguin so much, why aren't you a member?
Don't worry I'm weird too. :D *eye twitches*
hi mimo it is bluebellgb from nz my mate is going to usa for 6 weeks and he i getting me the cp ds game an some toys.
I could be the only person in nz with the game ya for me.
That is the only way to get it for now kiwi boy.
Keep up the good work.
Bluebellgb (cpg mod)
go mimo u rock
Bluebellgb (cpg mod)
im sure a million people have asked yu this already, but where does the name mimo come from?
p.s, OMG, how wierd!im asking for a grape shasta too! lol
i found out a cool cheat!!When one of ur friends are on cp (club penguin) go to a buddies igloo and it wont let u!!!??? weird! huh?
Hey guys,
I was wondering how old is your penguin account mimo. Mine is 774 days.
P.S. this was my fav Q&A
you remind me of me mimo. because people think that im wierd and stuff. I also love to rite books. but only a couple people know that i get good grades outside my family. (oops the secrets out)
:( I have math homework. Im in challenge math so this will take a while wbrb (wont be right back)
Mimo your very lucky... you got your whole family helping around and it sounds like alotta fun for a family to do togehter... to bad my life wasnt like that. Also i wanna know who your older sis is? zoe? or who?
Sand Flipper
lolz I have a xbox too and xbox live but i still have to register it!!!! I dont think i have smelled a zebra but I have smelled Zebra stuffed animal. It smelled like the wash... weeeeeeeeeeeee
Cant wait till your party!!! maybe ill come if i dont mess up the time!!!
Mae Mae18
chelseabawb (:
chelseabawb :) said...
chelseabawb (:
Way to go. Do you like the secret hideout. Im a white belt.
Anonymous said...
Mimo has 2 main servers he goes on. Fjord and Bigfoot.
Bluebellgb said...
hi mimo it is bluebellgb from nz my mate is going to usa for 6 weeks and he i getting me the cp ds game an some toys.
I could be the only person in nz with the game ya for me.
That is the only way to get it for now kiwi boy.
Keep up the good work.
Bluebellgb (cpg mod)
WOW!! Being the only person in NZ wtih the CP game. Thats big. Thats bigger than big. Its Huge!!!
Anonymous said...
If you like ClubPenguin so much, why aren't you a member?
Thats what we try to still figure out. But mimo says its fun not being a member. I guess he likes to give than get.
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...
frable(CPG MOD) said...
mimo my dogs name is shasta lol,shasta cola good
Hey can an American or someone else tell me wat Shasta is ive never heard of that in NZ
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Yo kiwi. Im an american and i've never heard of shasta cola. I've heard of Coca-Cola and Coke Zero.
What servers and where do you usually hang out?and,
Why dont you have a party with all your family?
Leiuten N said...
wut's a grape Shasta?
_leiuten N
p.s. how do you become a CPG Mod?
I don't know what grape shasta is. To become a CPG Mod, you have to answer peoples questions. You can also congratulate people if they win something. Then start putting CPG Mod beside your name and if your good, Mimo will put you on the list. Good Luck
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod) said...
Hey Kiwi Boy and Kiwi gurl, sounds like a good team doesnt it? lol
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Get it kiwi. You got something goin on don't you. JK.
can you get banned for runing a cheats site?
Anonymous said...
can you get banned for runing a cheats site?
You can't get banned for running a cheat site. Me, leggo, and confupenguen got one.
12asdf12 said...
What servers and where do you usually hang out?and,
Why dont you have a party with all your family?
Mimo usally hangs out on Fjord and BigFoot.
Mimo can go to the member places even though he is not a member because he is a ninja... Just kidding, he doesn't really go there, he gets a picture from a member and edits himself into it to make it look like he is there. Hope that clears things up!
Mrpengiewin (CPG Mod)
Dear Leiuten N,
Well becoming a CPG mod is kinda simple and hard. The simple part is you just have to answer peoples questions politely and put (CPG mod) at the end of your name. And only use (CPG mod) when your answering someones question like mine. The hard part is you have to do that over and over again and it gets stressing. But it is SO worth it when you become a Mimo mod. But its just fun answering questions. Hope that helps!
Your friend,
Georgey524 (CPG MOD)
Wow!! I always learn so much about you when you do Q and A.
P.S your weird (:
Wow! I think it's really cool that your whole family works on this site.
~ Pinkypie383
wats a MOD>
Anonymous said...
can you get banned for runing a cheats site?
No you cant ! i have a cheat site and i dont get banned
nice q and a
Mimo my dogs is named Zoe too!
...interesting answers Mimo. Are you going to do another one?
Hey Mimo! Any way I could help with your blog?
mimo, LEGOS RULE!!!!!!!!!
You are so awesome!!
i want some grape shasta too!!!! i loves it! i drink it while watchin the office. by the way... YOU ROCK EVEN MORE THAN DWIGHT K. SHRUTE!! I EVEN HAVE A SHRUTE BEAT FARMS SHIRT! GO ZEBRAS!!! W00T!!!! :p
Green Guy 99 aka rockerz (cpg mod) P.S. I LOVE STICKY BUNS!!!!!!
O: :O!!! Mimo O: i know u cant put this but ;D have u ever get banned tell the truth and why u got banned :}
Vitacharm said...
Mimo, if you are not a member, why can you go in to the members place... like last time the member scientists room, you can go in there? -Vitacharm
He gets someone else to go in and replace the picture of the person with his picture. Thats what i hear he could be an undercover member.
Spongie555(CPG Mod)
Thanks for answering my Q, lol. ;)
mimo, why did the headquater doesnt display the iceberg in one of their video?
mimo, sorry for asking you lots of things but its bugging me, are a girl or a boy, i once read ure Q & A u said ure a gurl but someone commented that ure a boy, im totally confused right now. pleez answer me!
thnx Gizmq
-Leiuten N
Hey Mimo, Since You Have your whole family working on the blog I Inspired for my family to put in! Cool Eh?!
Thnx RacerXBoi.
-Leiuten N
p.s. what list?
i think u should b a member its allot more fun!!!
yo jazzaajr here again mimo777 are you 92gta is my dads acount name my penguin name is jazzaajr my real name is.... a bus runs past really quick and you dont hear
Do you have a Lego account? Mine is fireblur, check it out.
hey mimo i like youre cheats and how you anwser i have a club penguin party in december 24 want to go every in thi north of the world figure it out where am i my name is bry0423
that was long but awesome or should I say radicle. But do you wanna be friends. I'm your number 1# fan.
Mimo...I love you. lol
Hi Mimo!!!!!!
Today im 204 days old on CP!
IM WEIRD AND WHO IS anoynymous,
He or she is on every thing
Hey Mimo its me agin webkinz5567! Sorry i wasnt at my party...... I will be on my other acountt Ninja 10004. There will be another party cuz i still never saw ya. what time? 8:30p.m what server north pole. where? dock. Hope i see you!!!!
darkmex/ mex said:
mimo, sorry for asking you lots of things but its bugging me, are a girl or a boy, i once read ure Q & A u said ure a gurl but someone commented that ure a boy, im totally confused right now. pleez answer me!
he is a boy from his you tube videos.
Bluebellgb (cpg mod)
I still can't figure you out... lol. I know you're American, prbably between the ages of 10 and 16, and you dont like green eggs and ham
You go to church too! SWEET
im confused!!! everyone is saying ur dad is Rsnail!!!! idk... but watever!!! i dont wanna but into other Peaoples Lives!!!
Mimo have you ever got banned from club penguin
if you ever see me on club penguin my username is Jordan502
*cheers*earned green belt!how do you beat sensei at card-jitsu??oh yeah,hes good.REAL good
Do you like halo?
Dear Mimo777,
Please tell me if some of your family members are the people who helped make Club Penguin. It really seems that way! You are really smart when it comes to Club Penguin stuff! Thanks!
hey mimo could you please come to my igloo party today at 10 00am im on frozen
hi mimo whats your favorite room on cp
This site rules!
MIMO which server do u usually go on??
Mimo can i be a member of the cpg gang
p.s.. my penguin name is june1964 and meet me on crunch town 12:00pm est time thats eight o' clockc in uk
Hey mimo, do you know any other virtual worlds where you can chat other than club penguin, planet cazmo, and chobots?
-hassan05 (club penguin name)
Hey Mimo,
How did you come up with the name Mimo777?
-Penguin 683
Hey mimo i have a friend on cp named "Cheesepizza3" he says he's your cousin is that true? just wanna know k thx
This is my favourite blog :)
I'm nearly a ninjaaa! LOL I'm a bit weird...
being a member is fun
how do u ask questions on q & a?
pls can i ask one?
Mimo webosaurs very cool site where I have two profiles and they rexxyti rexxytiisrexxyti and ask do you have skype and I alone in Bulgaria
Mimo I have a question if you could have all beta hats or all treasure book items which would you want o and if u would choose treasure book u could get next series and series for now.... . PIE!
i have a question how did u get so famous on so many different sites like chobots and planet cazmo when u support cp
how di du figure out what ur logo was going to be
hey Mimo i saw u but u didnt reply to me so can we meet up someday Plz :D if u wanna meet up try and reply this and tell what day time and that stuff ok bye .
Hey mimo! Why are you so spoilt on getting cp toys? you wont get a good job in future if ur mad on computer games like that! sorry mimo, i just wanted to point that out
XD ur the best ad waddle on!
I go to the YMCA too. Awesome!
This is a really awesome idea, Mimo! Ive been on the site for a little while now, posting stuff, and finally wondered who u actually were! Well, now I know :)
Waddling with the weird,
--Miss Brook22 (CPG Mod)
I have a question. is it easy to make all of those pictures on your blog?
wii624 said
dont call mimo weird, he took the time to answer questions thats pretty gracious.
well mimo like being called wierd i mean he even says hes weird so why cant we call him weird i mean im wierd, be cause i think im an ewok and i also like circles, those are my most favrite things to say
-purplejoeler(CPG MOD)
Mimo, what Lego do you play? MLN or just regular Lego games or (mwahaha im a beta tester!) Lego Universe?
Do you know when it is free membership day.
Nazar.Z81 said...
Do you know when it is free membership day.
Hey Nazar I don't know how you got this idea, but there is no free membership day.
-SuperOmz123 CPG Mod.
mimo! you're awesome! i'm a virtual world addict too. nice site
Where did you get that red penguin doll that's always hanging on your shoulder?
Do you accept anyone as friends or do they have to be exactly like you or you think they have to be as awesome as you?
hey, Im Sugar Frosty from club penguin give me a friend request ok.
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