Club Penguin Cheats

Monday, June 30, 2008

New Ways to Find Buddies Coming Soon & Catalog Sneak Peek!!

Club Penguin is redesigning the log in screen so it will display where your buddies are better. Check out the new log in screen.

You'll still be able to log in the old way if you want. I'm guessing this will be ready... soon. ;-)

Also, check out the sneak peek for this Friday's Clothing Catalog!

You can't really tell, but this penguin is holding a guitar!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President

Saturday, June 28, 2008

CPG Moderators, Mimo's Email and More Sweet Stuff!

This week Mimo and CPG will be picking out the best CPG Moderators and posting them on the sidebar. Keep watching for updates. Has anyone noticed I already have a place for them? Keep up the good work mods!

I get tons of email everyday even though I said I can't answer your email. So I am working on a new way for you to email me and I'll actually answer you! I feel bad for not being able to email you back right now. Thanks for all the comments questions and stuff ur all awesome! Sorry again.

I finally got the Mimo's Ultimate Links completely updated. It usually takes about a week to post your link.

If you don't see your link it's because of these reasons.
1. You have not linked to
2. Your site is not about Club Penguin
3. You have not put our site link in your BLOGROLL or sidebar
4. You have stolen stuff from our site
5. Your site looks too much like our site.

I will be releasing two other MAJOR things this week. I hope you like. ;-)

Vote for your favorite CPG Moderator in a comment now!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President

New Igloo Updates Coming!

Check it. Here is how our igloos are going to look soon.

I guess that's cool.

Caption contest winner will be announced today or tomorrow! I'll TRY to make it today, ;-)

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Rockhopper is Here With Free Item!

This is too awesome for all you penguins that have wanted to have the free Stuff Parrot, just like me! That is the new free item Rockhopper brought with him! Woo Hoo!

Here is how to find Rockhopper's free item.

Step 1. Click on the Map in the lower left.
Step 2. Click on the Light House.
Step 3. Go on Rockhoppers ship, The Migrator.
Step 4. Go into the lower "Store."
Step 5. Click on Rockhoppers map in the lower right.

Also, don't forget to check out Rockhopper's Notice Board!

Some penguin's don't like it when Club Penguin brings back old items. What do you think? Should they keep retired items and not ever bring them back?

Don't forget to check out the two new rooms on the ship!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President

New June Club Penguin Snow & Sports Catalog Cheats!

Here are the hidden items cheats in the new Snow and Sports Catalog.

Here's how to find the first hidden item.

Step 1. Click on the Map in the lower left.
Step 2. Click on "Ski Village."
Step 3. Go into the Winter Sports Shop.
Step 4. Now click on the catalog in the lower right.
Step 5. Click to the 1st page.
Step 6. Click on the Soccer Ball.

Now you can buy the Cleats Helmet.

Here's the Silver Surfboard!

Here's how to find the new hidden Silver Surfboard.

Step 7. Click to the 4th page.
Step 6. First click on the penguin's surfboard.
Step 7. Next click on the sea shell.
Step 8. Finally, click on the star.

Now you can buy the Silver Surfboard!

Hmm. I guess that's cool. But it's not new.

Rockhopper is here but he won't come out!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang

Rockhopper Arrives Tomorrow!

Rockhopper comes back to Club Penguin Friday, June 27. Look for the Snow Cannon too!

Make sure to find the hidden Key so you can get into Rockhopper's secret room. I'll let you know if it's in a different place than before.


- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Rockhopper is Almost Here!

What do you think, tomorrow? Friday? Saturday? Sunday? I think Rockhopper will probably be here Friday.

Happy Rockhopping!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President

Monday, June 23, 2008

New Mission 8, "Mysterious Tremors" SMART Cheat Guide!

Here it is. Wow! What a smoove mission. It was the best mission so far, I think.

Click here to get the Mission 8 SMART CHEAT GUIDE NOW!

SPECIAL CHEAT NOTE: Club Penguin Gang has noticed there are probably several versions of this Mission. Like, the pipe puzzle, the map directions, and different ways to use the wrench on the drill to get the cool gift. So, your mission may be a little different than from our SMART Cheat Guide. Also, if you have a slow computer, this mission may be very, very, very hard.

SPECIAL SECRET MESSAGE: The cool gift that you get from G is a Cooler Box, there is a secret message. It says, "AGENT." Now click on the the note and it says. "Letter from G". "Dear Agent, Just thought you'd like to keep this 'cool' little momento to help "gear" you up for future missions. Keep up the good work. G"

Wow! This means you need this for the next mission!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President

Rockhopper is on his way!

While you're waiting for our new Mission 8 SMART Cheat Guide, take a look at who's on his way to Club Penguin!

Rockhopper is smoove.

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President

Sunday, June 22, 2008

More and More Captions!

THE CAPTION CONTEST IS NOW OVER! BUT Here are a few more to enjoy. You are some funny penguins!

Mullet: Got any 3s?
Moose: Go-Fish.
-3 Zieda12

Mullet: My name is Mullet, but i don't have a mullet!
Moose: Well my name is Moose, and i don't use moose to make my antlers stick up!

Moose: Wanna play find four?
Mullet: Sure; I'll play anything but Ice Fishing.

Moose: Hey! Who's that in the window?
Mullet: Probably just wants to put his bird up here.

Mullet: Like my hair?
Moose: Nah, I hate mullets.

Moose-Hey Mullet look there’s Mimo!
Mullet-Oh No, I’m not falling for that again that’s how I ended up on this wall.
-Lucky Kitten

Mullet : Ahhhh, love is in the air...
Moose : I was wondering what that smell was.
-Fab flower

Moose : If you had a super power what would it be ?
Mullet : X-ray vision, so i could see the other side of your body !

Mullet: Sigh..don't you feel bored staying up on the wall all the time???
Fish: I don't really mind it, I'm just happy i don't have a cookie in my eye like i did in halloween!

MOOSE: I'll tell you what is really wierd.
MULLET: What, other than the fact that we are talking

Moose: Mullet! My legs are gone!
Mullet: Great, now we can't kick that annoying clock!

Moose: Hey, look out the widow!! Someone wants to come and steal our oldcandle! Let's catch him!!!
Mullet: How are we going to catch him we are hanged up here!!
- Ryan 128

Moose: Let's scare some penguins by talking!

Moose: Hey...did you hear about that Find Four Game that they found on the Iceberg?
Mullet: Dude, stay in character, you are meant to be just a head, remember?!

moose: i love mimo!
mullet: me too! he catches worms for me!

Moose: "So how did you get up here?"
Mulet: "I was swimming when suddenly little yellow fish hit me in the face. All I reamember is waking up in the hands on a penuin!"
Name: spy1248

moose:(singing)"Oh how much is that little penguin in the window?
mullet:Stop singing!I'd rather listen to a girl screaming when she cant find her puffle.

MOOSE: Ok, blow out your candle now!
MULLET: Does it look like I can breathe with out water?

Mullet: Hey, is that Mimo777???
Moose: Ya, that is Mimo777. Lets go see if he'll be our buddy.
- Sean121212

Moose: Ya know, I am really hungry.
Mullet: Don't get any ideas, pal.

moose: Do you think I should try to get down from here?
mullet: I wouldn't, those penguins look kinda hungry if you ask me.

I'll pick a wiener in a couple days. New Mission tomorrow!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Here are a few Good Caption Contest Entries!

The Caption Contest is now over. Mimo and Club Penguin Gang have been going through all the good ones. These are NOT the finalist, just a few good ones.

If you missed the Contest, click here to read about it.

Some of these Caption entries are pretty funny:

Moose: What are those funny looking creatures waddling around down there?
Mullet: I have no clue, but they scare me.

Moose: "Wanna play find four?"
Mullet: "nah man sitting on a wall is way funner."

Moose: You smell like moldy fish!!!
Mullet: Well, you smell like stinky wilderness!!!

Mullet: Hey mimo i see you in the window why don't you come in and put this burning candle out.
Moose: Yeah its getting hot in here and whlie your at it blow up the clock it is annoying

Moose- Do you like the coocoo clock?
Mullet- No. That bird drives me insane.

Mullet: Hey! where are your other parts?
Moose: In the office on the thirtieth floor of the hunters club!

mullet: stop staring at me!
moose:i would look somewhere else but i cant move my eyes!

Moose: ... then the puffle said 'with those prices you wont see me in here again!', ha ha ha!
Mullet: I really gotta get out of here.

Mullet-Hey what is that guy doing out the window
Moose-Oh no he is going to steal me to put in his igloo

Moose: Hey whats for lunch?
Mullet: Anything but me.
-Sage Boy

Moose- "Hey Mullet act natural, because Mimo777 is watching us."
Mullet- "How can I do that I'm already on a wall?"

mullet: hey, whats up with the bird.
moose: well, he's been going cooku every half hour

Moose: I wish those penguins didn't kill us, we should get payback!
Mullet: I know how to get even with them, I'll just stare at them with my creepy eye!

moose: So what happened to you?
mullet: I was tricked. Those yellow fish are so tempting!

Mullet:Hey man, u gotta get me outta here!!!
Moose: How can I do that, I am only a Moose head!!!

Moose: The plans are almost set to take over club pen-
Mullet: Psttt- Be careful what you say , club penguin gang has spy's everywhere!
-Minun 25

Mullet: I was fished by a penguin, and you?
Moose: Long story pal.

Moose: Guess you got hooked.
Mullet: Guess you got shot.

Mullet: what are you in for?
Moose: I accidentally ran my head into this wall

Mullet: Psst! There's someone staring at us through the window!

Moose-go get a mullet like billy ray cyrus
Mullet-at least im not a moose who CANT sing

Which ones do you like the best so far? I'll post a bunch more later.

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Club Penguin EARTHQUAKES! Get Ready to Investigate!

Uh oh! Klutzy has really messed things up this time. Looks like an earthquake has rocked Club Penguin. Im guessing the mission that comes out Monday will fix this mess maybe. What do you think? Have you found any earthquake coolness hidden anywhere?

The Mission board says, "Unexplained Earthquakes? Get ready to investigate!

Thanks, MishMash215 for the HQ tip. Get well.

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President

New Club Penguin Pin Cheat - Basketball Pin!

Here is the new pin cheat!

Here is how to find the new Club Penguin Pin.

Step 1. Go to The Pizza Parlor.
Step 2. Now click on the Basketball pin on the pizza oven.


- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President

New June/July Furniture Catalog Sweet Cheats!

Here are the new hidden cheats in the new Better Igloo's furniture catalog. Check it out.

To find the first hidden item in the new Better Igloos Catalog do this.

Step 1. Click on your "Home icon in the lower right of the chat bar.
Step 2. Click on the "Edit Room" icon in the lower right.
Step 3. Click on the "Buy Items" icon.
Step 4. Click to page 1 in the catalog.
Step 5. Click on the Surf Beach Towel.

Now you have found the Inflatable Dragon!

To find the next item do this.

Step 6. Stay on the 2nd page.
Step 7. Click on the Sea Weed.

Now you have found the Clam!

To find the next item do this.

Step 6. Click to the 5th page.
Step 7. Click on the Sunset Painting.

Now you have found the Lava Lamp!

Not as many cheats this month. :-(

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

New Secret Message in News Paper! It's Klutzy!

Check it out! Here is the new Secret Mission secret message code cheat! (did you get all that?)

The first secret message is:

To unlock this file, turn all Puffles Red.

The file says:

Attention Agent:

Picture has been analyzed and is confirmed to be Suspect at Large #2, alias "Klutzy," know accomplice of Herbert P. Bear.

Reason for presence in the Mine is unknown. The PSA is investigating.

Please stay on alert.



Pretty cool, but we knew that, right. Sweet

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President

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