Club Penguin is showing us the upcoming coolness for this AND next month!
Here is a sneak peek of some things coming...
Sweet! What do you think each picture represents?
Also, Elite Agents need to be ready to work together later this month. Herbert has something planned!
What do you think Herbert will be doing?
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- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
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Well, the furry pic is of Herbert, The top one is the medieval party, and the bottom right one is... i think the Music Jam that MIGHT come in June?
I hope its a new mission. A real mission like PSA mission>\.
I think the top pic is Music Jam the bottom one is Medieval party and the middle one is Herbert!
one is herbert another a penguin plating an instroment and a knight. ithink it means herbert will helpus and we have a music party and the mid evel party or a music party
Herbert, Medivel Party And I Think Thats The Music Jam Or A New Style Of Clothes? Big Fan Of You Mimo! Your My Idle!
~The Cp News
I agree with JubJub123.
The white furry one is herbert coming to CP
Herbert medieval party and either piano playing is a new job or Music Jam in June?
The white one is herbert. The Piano one is the Music Jam. The knight is the Medieval party! I cant wait for the new clothes for the Medieval party!
I agree JubJub123
Im thinking the same thing, JubJub
That would be interesting if the Music Jam would come in June
cool, and hurbert is FLUFFY! :P
Here's what I think: 1. Music Jam in June. 2. A new mission. 3. The Medieval Party.
Waddle On!
I know what the herbert one is its that he is visiting cp with a cool background.Also their is a glitch in cp mimo If you send a postcard to a mailbox thats full and you press ok when you write something in the chat bar it wont let you enter until you change rooms.
Mohamed334(Cp name)
Oh, thats easy. herbert, medeival party, and definetly the Music Jam!oh, and I think there finally might be an EPF mission?
Well, clearly the Furry Picture is Herbert, so he must be coming back soon, like they said in the E-mails, the other one with the Knight is the Medieval Party, but we already knew abut that, and the last one is most likely either about new clothing OR something to o eith the Music Jam....
Um, Jubjub, 1. What is your name on Neopets? And 2. You got the non-herbert things mixed up. xD
Easy! CP needs to make it harder!
Top: Music Jam OR new instruments
Left: Herbert's new plan (DUH)
Right: Medieval party.
Can't wait for all three of them!! Am finally a member for another 5 months! Should have been more (Since it was my b'day money) *_* Oh well. I'm happy. '_' Bye!
Twilight rocks
P.S. Poor Declan Crouch; I live around him too! (SCARED!)!
The Penguin playing on the Piano means that the Music Jam 2011 is coming in June, the furry one is Herbert a.k.a the trouble making polar bear and the penguin in the knight outfit is the Medieval Party which is in May!!!
Well, i feel there is going to be a war with herbert and the penguins are going to win and then club penguin is going to party. :)
the middle one might be ANOTHER polar bear
top = music jam
Botton=medivel party
Medieval Party,
And Music Jam?
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