Club Penguin Cheats

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

"Where is it in Club Penguin?" Contest! - NOW OVER

Here is a sweet little contest while we all wait for the Club Penguin Summer Water Party and cheats to arrive!

Where on Club Penguin is this picture? HINT: It could be ANYWHERE on Club Penguin. Post a comment if you know.

I won't post all the wieners because you are all too smart and it takes me a zillion years to post them all. ;-)


Here is the first wiener!

Here is the 25th wiener!
Jordan tan

Here is the 100th wiener!


- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President


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Anonymous said...

on page b6 in the 138 issue of the news paper

Anonymous said...

on the mission avalanche

sticky 66! :)

Anonymous said...

hi you put weiners instead of winners


Anonymous said...

I think its the Book Room.

Anonymous said...

im pretty sure its on page B6 in the june 5th issue # 138
it looks like you changed the color and fliped it?
- Aunt Puffel

Sam Geller said...

it is in the iceberg

Anonymous said...

to pako96:
it can't be on page b6 in issue 138 in the newspaper cause in the newspaper the penguin is brown
here the penguin is purple ;)

Robin Holcomb said...

It's in a book!

Ashton D said...

falling off the surfboard in catching waves is my guess.

Anonymous said...

well it dose look like the penguin on b6 but fliped and changed to purple

Striker426 said...

Its not in the newspaper you guys

Anonymous said...

cove throgh the binoculaers

Anonymous said...

Good idea making contest. I think i am going to make one too on my cheat page

Anonymous said...

I guess it would be in Jet Pack adventure


Anonymous said...

it is in the newspaper

Anonymous said...

ski mountain? like one of the slopes???

Anonymous said...

ski lodge

Karen said...

I think it is the mission where G has anew sled that has to be tryed out.

Anonymous said...

ya, its b6 in the news (138 issue)

Anonymous said...

i agree its b6 in the 138 issue of the newspaper

curly 9 said...

i think its page b6 on issue 138 in the news paper.

Anonymous said...

i think it is on page B6 in the June 5 issue #138. Please post this.


P.S. You are the coolest penguin ever, Mimo! :0)

Gregorio said...

I think it is the lighthouse or the docks

curly 9 said...

I think its page b6 in the issue 138 in the news paper.

Anonymous said...

Lol mimo, you put weiners!!!! Rofl

Anonymous said...

Hey there!

Kimberrlley1 here =) Im guessing Page B6 on #138 inside of the newspaper =)

Thanks mimo!


I love these!

smifs98 said...

In the june 5th newspaper on page

Anonymous said...

it's on the mission of the avalanche.:)
minikyu(cp name)

Anonymous said...

on page B6 on this weeks newspaper, you changed the color though

Anonymous said...

EASY page B6 on the the june 5th club penguin newspaper! post me! ya biggest fan -Ye11

Anonymous said...

The game jetpack

Outtacntrll said...

looks hard.

Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm a wiener! No wait, I know what it is, it is in the mission or the newspaper, who knows? that is my prediction! no wait i think it is the book room! those are like my predictions!


Anonymous said...

Definetely you changed the color flipped and such. Newspaper, b6, 138 issue ....I HOPE IM RIGHT

Anonymous said...

lol Mimo you said wieners was it on purpose because on the member ship thing it had the wiener

Anonymous said...

I think it is at the Beacon


Anonymous said...

You splet winners wrong

Anonymous said...

Is it on a mission?

Anonymous said...

i think its in the #138 issue of the newspaper,page B6. just like different color.


Anonymous said...

I think it's on page b6 in the recent newspaper. But you changed the colour!!! Please post this!!! I hope I'm a winner, I never win these and I've never gone to one of your parties, either. I know you said only first, 25th nad 100th. Please!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Everyone!

An anonymous user said..

Hi you put Weiners instead of winners

A: Yes he did! Good eye! Mimo777 almost always puts Wieners instead of winners... why he does it, nobody knows... Maybe it is cause its funny! (it is!) or maybe he is looking for penguins like you with good eyes!

Hope I helped!


Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo777 and everyone!

Wow! Thats hard! I have know idea..It could be the mission avalanche or B6 of the newspaper... Or its could be in that flying game(when you die) I don't play that game much...No idea! =P lol


Anonymous said...

on page b6 in issue 138 of the clubpenguin times.[newspaper]

Shmidy2000 said...

The penguin on b6 in the 138 issue but eted it to be a sky backround with the color purple

Anonymous said...

It really looks like page B6 in the newspaper #138! :P and you put wieners instead of winners, whats up with that?? are we just wieners to you or was that a mistype?

Anonymous said...

Hey Floob or kim,

i've noticed that you have been helping out a lot of people being moderators. How can you become one??


Ray Toolbear said...


Pinkiwinki9 said...

mimo can it be flipped and changed to another color? cause if it can, i think it is the 138 issue of the newspaper on page b6.

Shmidy2000 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

its avalanche mission or news paper

penguin name:sotoe

Anonymous said...

on page b6 in the 138 issue of the news paper

plz post this!!!!
im never a winner!
so if im right plz pick me!!!

zc2017 said...

The coffee shop!

Siesie45 said...

its the newspaper on page b6 on the 138th issue but you flipped it and changed the penguins color to purple.

Anonymous said...

the game jet pack

Anonymous said...

newspaper issue #138 but yo changed the color,position and backround!plz post this!

No. said...

kewl! but hard!

Anonymous said...

Jet Pack Adventure for sure!!!!!

Plz post this I've never been posted>

NathanCool said...

Its In the town by the coffe shop!

Minun 25

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous,
Here was your comment:
You splet winners wrong

Actually, Mimo did that on purpose! It is one of his little jokes, like zebras smell funny. Pretty funny, huh? :-) I hope this helps!

Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)

Anonymous said...

The iceburg


Anonymous said...

I say Mission 2!

Anonymous said...

in the newspaper 138 page b6 but it was brown and u changed it to purple!-eddyomama

mnwildrox10 said...

page b6 in the june 5th issue

Anonymous said...

I think its on page b6 in the 138 issue of the news paper

Anonymous said...

Hey intograte!

It's Pearlwhite27!

Q: How can you become a CPG Moderator??

A: Sorry i'm not floob or kimberrlley1, but once I saw your question, I couldn't resist! In order to become a CPG Moderator, look at the comments. If you see any questions people are asking, and if you know the answer to them, post the answer to their q. Sign your name, then put (CPG Moderator) next to it.
Example: Intograte(CPG Moderator)
Thanks for your awesome question, Intograte!!

Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)

Anonymous said...

falling off a surfboard is my guess.

Anny Ning said...

its not the newspaper everyone! im sure of it!! =]

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

EASY page b6 in the newspaper number i38 you just changed the colour!!!!

pd562 said...

isit iceberg

Anonymous said...

what does zebras smell funny mean?!

Anonymous said...

Easy in page b5 6 in issue number 138
u just changed the colour flipped it over and made the snow look like a cloud!!!SO EASY.It is very obvious


Anonymous said...

im pretty sure its on page B6 in the june 5th issue # 138

Anonymous said...

This is my guess on where it is.

the sky ;)

Anonymous said...

its on page B6 in the june 5th issue # 138 except for its flipped around and the colors changed

Anny Ning said...

hey there Intograte, being a mod is really easy. whenever you see a question in the comments, just post the answer! but be sure to sign your name as "Intograte (cpg moderator)" so everyone knows who to thank =]

oh and mimo spelled "winners" as "weiners" for a reason... in one of his posts, he accidentally misspelled winners, so now its kind of a joke =]

Anny Ning said...

its NOT in the newspaper ^_^

violet5599 said...

It looks like the penguin in the newspaper on pg. b6 issue 138. And you changed the color of it, rotated it a little and changed the background.

Anonymous said...

on page b6 in the #138 issue in the news paper june 5th


Anonymous said...

jetpack adventure?


you're the best, Mimo! :)

Anonymous said...

mimo777 the new mission is about to come out. loook at the whats new section for a pic, maybe you could give credit to;-)

CP name: ktb 2

P.S. i found zoezoe11 in the dojo today. SHE IS REALLY NICE.she said yes to my buddy rekwest.

Anonymous said...

on page b6 in the 138 clubpenguin times issue or in jet pack adventure, or mission avalache
but I really think it is:
Pageb6 in the clubpenguin times issue#138 I didn't copy peoples comments

Anonymous said...

page b6 in newspaper

Anonymous said...

page b6 in the june 5th issue of the cp times

Anonymous said...

ooh ooh! I got it! It's somewhere/a place!

salsa girl97 said...

it is on page b6 regular feature

salsa girl97 said...

plz choose me it is on page b6 on the newspaper

Anonymous said...

Jet pack aventure

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

read the whats new it says a new mission is coming!

john said...

I think it's the bottom of that purple penguin on the cover of the newspaper going down the water slide.
- Lion :D

Caottleb said...


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Hey i found it! Its on page b6 in newspaper you just change color and background


Anonymous said...

mimo i just lost my membership on club penguin :(
its ended today
plz post

Anonymous said...

Question:hi you put weiners intead of winners
Answer:mimo spelled "winners" as "weiners" for a reason... in one of his posts, he accidentally misspelled winners, so now its kind of a joke :)

Anonymous said...

on bage b6 the june 2008 issue of the newspaper.

-- star8523

Anonymous said...

I agree that you spelt WINNERS wrong but you did it twice I mean COME ON!
I'm Australian and so maybe that's how you spell it in America!

Grasaurous said...

This is tough!
I guess it's the nwespaper 138 on page B6.

Anonymous said...

Some of you guys are really weird!
how do you remember pages of websites?

Anonymous said...

My penguins name is Starice5665 and when do you go on club penguin mimo cause I want to meet you!

Anonymous said...

i think its the one in the newspaper page b6 in the 138th issue..MIMO PLZ READ THIS I HAVE A HUGE PROBLEM! so i just got banned forever (no idea why) from cp but i was wondering if theres ANY possible way to get it back cuz it had all my pins and evrything! thanks so much mimo! :)


Anonymous said...

hey mimo,go to page b5 of the 138 issue of the club penguin times and move your mouse coursor over mrs aunt arctics glasses and they turn black.From Coldstine

PS:can i have a reward for penguin name is Coldstine

Anonymous said...

falling from the light house oh and i know im right

Permy9 and Truffula said...

is it ski mountain?
that's what it looks like to me
if it's not ski mountain,
then it's one of the SLOPES on ski mountain!
--permy9 :)

Anonymous said...

in the newspaper

Anny Ning said...


derk941 said...

grr i have no idea. but isn't it spelled "weiner" not "wiener"??

Anonymous said...

um issue #138 on page b6 im guessing i dont know.

Anonymous said...

Im pretty sure its the penguin from the Jet Pack Adventure.


- andymelissa

Anonymous said...

sled mission when u go the wrong way


Anonymous said...

ski hill?

Anonymous said...

it's the ski hill i think!

Anonymous said...

It is the avalanch mission where The Penguin with the test sled fell off!

Anonymous said...

jet pack or news paper

Anonymous said...

Its the jetpack Game of course

: Benucicas

Anonymous said...

its on the sled race!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

its in Jet pack Advernture which is when penguin is falling

Anonymous said...



MishMash215 said...

Hey Mimo!
This is MishMash215 here!
I think that it is in the Secret Agent Mission: G's Secret Mission!

Anonymous said...

b6 in newspaper 138 issue i checked hope its right

Anonymous said...

Its the ice burg!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think Its when we play the Sled Racing!

Gregorio said...

can be in Mission 8

Anonymous said...

its in the jet pack

Anonymous said...

i think its on page b6 of the 138 issue of the news paper but u made a couple changes
my name is Darbub

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo i think its the penguin from page b6 (138 issue) and the background is from the telescope at the beacon!

pd562 said...

on the iceberg.

(Clubpenguin name:pd562)

pd562 said...

on the iceberg.

(Clubpenguin name:pd562)

Anonymous said...

I think it's in the Cove at the Surfing game.


Anonymous said...

kamichu2 here
Im guessing Page B6 on #138
well thats the one maybe

Anonymous said...

It is in jet pack adveture!

cp name- minoko

Anonymous said...

well i think it is a penguin falling off of a jet pack.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo it is Page B6 of the nwspaper issue 138

Anonymous said...

I think it is hydro hopper when you crash. But you might have flipped the picture?

Anonymous said...

The ski hill!

Anonymous said...

its on b 36 in the newspaper issue #138

Anonymous said...

Page b6 in issue 138 of the newspaper!

racer 204 said...

This is hard!

Anonymous said...

it's when your surfing and u lose yr board


Anonymous said...

hey mimo its bugladyblue(buddy) and i beleive that its b6 on the news paper in issue 138

Anonymous said...

ski mounting

Anonymous said...

im not going to this time!!!!


Anonymous said...

it was the newspaper page B6 of the newspaper aunt arctic question about sled racing. dont post this cuz then people will steal my answer its a penguin falling in the snow. i know u changed the back ground to the sky. - Monticella

Anonymous said...

issue 138#, 5th of june paper on page B6.

penguin name cyrtd20

Anonymous said...

lol its on page b6 in the 138 issue of the new news paper :P :D

from wooster55


Anonymous said...

is it the Iceburg!!!


Grasaurous said...

I am sure it's on the newspaper #138 on page B6

Anonymous said...

The Penguin Times Page B6 138 issue
you just put a different back round and a Different Color of a Penguin you thicked us


Anonymous said...

it's on pageB6 IN the issue#138 on june 5

Taiga H said...

Is it the sled ride?

Anonymous said...

page b6 in issue #138!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It is in the Light house because the sky represent that the penguin is flying so the place is Light House.

Penghoop said...

b6 on the 138th club penguin times

Anonymous said...

Jetpack Adventure


Anonymous said...

Page B6 on issue #138. You changed the color and took away backround.

- Frrod

Anonymous said...

Hey there Idgongate!

Kimberrlley1 here =) You asked how to become a CPG Moderator?

Its really easy =) Just answer questions on these blogs and sign your name like i do! It helps out mimo a bunchhh~

Thanks &+ thanks mimo!

"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"

Anonymous said...

Hey there!

Kimberrlley1 here! Many penguin s keep saying mimo spelt winners wrong and wrote weiners!

I know! He menat too =) Mimos one funnnnnny guy ;]!

Thanks &+ thanks mimo!

"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"

Anonymous said...

Hey guys!

Kimberrlley1 here =0 Its actually not the news paper!....hmm ;] Keep guessing all~!

Thanks &+ thanks mimo!


Anonymous said...

book room or newpaper


Anonymous said...

It is at the Cove!!!

Anonymous said...

In the sky of the Ice Berg

Anonymous said...

it is on the avalanche mission

Anonymous said...

I bet it is after you are done playing aqua grabber!

Alighf said...

It is when you you fall from the surf-board on catchin'waves

Anonymous said...

in the binoculars at the cove

Anonymous said...

its surfing, when the penguin falls


Anonymous said...

mimo it doesnt look like very many peeps are getting it so y dont u post them all??? ♥Glynnannsbff♥

(i no)

Anonymous said...

I think its the penguin on pg B6 on the newspaper from June 5th

Anonymous said...

its in hydro hopper when you lose


jessyrox2 said...

i think its in the news paper # 138 and no its not in the coffe shop or cove or becon or dock or in a book.

thx and i hope i win cuz im new and my friend told me about it so i waz like ok ill try it

ps i checked and u spelt winner wrong lol i spell every thing wrong

Anonymous said...

the surfing game?

Anonymous said...

have you ever noticed that it was winners not weiners

Anonymous said...

the picture is in the sky

Lil Y said...

it is in the sky

Anonymous said...

page b6 in issue 138 in the newspaper and u changed the color to be purple and not brown!

my cp name is: Miley1546

Anonymous said...

Hey mimo i got my first trophy yesterday!!! Well at skool though. I'm student of the YEAR!!! yay! i luv my trophy!

goofy73 said...

hiya :ijew2!

he knows he meant weiners! he meant to! lol its a little joke

you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)

Natho Dude (CPG MOD) said...

Hey Mimo! I think its on page B6 on The Club Penguin Times on issue #138. You changed the color from brown to purple and flipped/changed the backround.

- Natho Dude (CP Name)

Anonymous said...

On page B6 in newspaper issue NO. 138!


Anonymous said...

On page B6 in newspaper issue NO. 138!


Anonymous said...

On page B6 in newspaper issue NO. 138!


Anonymous said...

I think it is in the Mountain

Anonymous said...

Falling off in catching waves

-Mr Pengi Guy (CP name)

Anonymous said...

i also think its page b6 on issue 138 in the news paper.

Anonymous said...

The Beach The Beach! The purple penguin is at the beach!


Anonymous said...

on page B6 in the 138 issue of the Club Penguin Times

Anonymous said...

ummmmmmm as much as we love u mimo u wrote wiener instead of ya we all think u r soooooo awesome!

Anonymous said...

the cp home page

Anonymous said...

yep ur right it is in the page B6 of the club penguin times issue #138 , in the boiler room.
penguin name: oopsi123

Anonymous said...

i have looked through almost all of the ideas people have posted so far, weather it being in the newspaper (the one most common) to on the cp home page. And guess what, none of them have worked! like 90% of the answers were the in the news one, but if you look closely at the picture Mimo has put up, the background is different then the one in the news, There is no sky there! besides, Mimo had said that it is any where in CP, so wouldn't it be cheating for him to edit (if it is an edit, u r a really good editor!)!!!! I hope you listened to this, and you come up with some origenal ideas of your own!

Anonymous said...


megrina10 said...

on page b6 on issue #138! my penguin name is megrina10!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I looked EVERYWHERE ON CLUB PENGUIN!!! I compared clouds and pictures to everything on club penguin and I can't find it. I think you drew it! And it is on this club penguin site. And, if you do tell us the answer i am gonna be like, "man, i should have known that", or, " i THOUGHT i looked there"

Anonymous said...

The answer can't be the paper. You have to look closely, and you will see some differences. I hope I helped you!

Anonymous said...

It is through the telescope in the beacon.

Anonymous said...

Can you give me another hint???

Anonymous said...

Question: Is it a good thing if we are a weiner???

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
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