What is a Mimo Private Party? I will have a secret party for the one winner of this contest. The winner can invite all their friends and me and CPG will be there just for you!
So what do you have to do? Look at the picture below and write funny words for both Mimo777 and U Fride. Club Penguin Gang will pick the one best and funniest captions as the winner.
Email your funny captions to me at clubpenguingang@yahoo.com. I can't answer any of your emails, sorry.

Have fun!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
Hey Mimo!
Kimberrlley1 here =) So cool! Cant waittttt!
This will be fun!
What do you mean funny captions? I dont understand what i have to doooo!
"What do you mean funny captions? I dont understand what i have to doooo!"
well what you gotta do is write something funny for both mimo and ufride to say in the picture =]
lol the second i saw it, i knew what to write =]
ok i entered mine mimo! hope ya like it!
So cool, I hope I win!!!!
Love ya, Mimo777!!
Nice edit and contest! I have to think of something good to win! Also cool poll! :-D
P.S. Visit my site plz.
Anonymous said:
"What do you mean funny captions? I dont understand what i have to doooo!"
Well it means that you have to give them funny things to say in the speach bubbles.
~Maggie4553~ CPG moderator
im so bad at those oh well ill try it
yea i already have some funny words!!!!!this is going to be a blast!
so totally awesome!!!
Tom Morvolo
Hey everyone!
Kimberrlley1 here =) Ill give you guys a hint, because ,y friend wanted a hint to what i wrote for the caption =)
Here it is:HINT*
That all im saying ;]
Thanks guys &+ thanks mimo!
I don't get wut to do
A cheat Mimo,
When you mouse over Aunt Arctic on page B5 of the newspaper her glasses turn black.
i'll write a whole conversation!
Hey mimo when do u show who the winner is???
ok mimo i will.byg123 here.
Do we post the whole picture or do we just post what Mimo and Ufride say
I just sent you my captions, I hope I win!
When will you post the winners?
i hope i win... u will be so awesome if i have u on my buddy list!!!! i will win!!!!!~Dj
Hey Mimo777,
I was just wondering, can we email you more than once?? Like give more ideas!
Mimo, you are a very clever guy!! I really hope i can come up with something good though!!!
Thanks mimo!!
Penguin name
~Victor 12
i dunno
Cool! im entering!
Do we have to write a whole sentence or can we write a conservation?
How do I put words and captions in the bubbles? How do get to write in it???
Mimo cool but how do we do it? right click is disabled?
Is it Ok if we add more characters because I Did that?
When does the contest end?
hey anonymous Redfooteye here you said "right click is disabled how do I do it"?
First of all yes it is Disabled.But Second of all you dont need to copy it you can do this :
Mimo777: Hi U fride
U fride: hi!
so there you go I hope this helps
Hey Anonymous!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You asked how do we do it? Right click is disabled?
What you do is send mimo an email to clubpenguingang@yahoo.com with the captions =)
Thanbks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CG Moderaotr)*
Hey Outtacntrll!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You asked when this ends?
Im not sure mimo said, so just get it in as soon as possible =) Good luck!
Thanks &+ thansk mimo so mcuh!
"Kimberrlley1(CG Moderaotr)*
how do u tipe the words in?
Hey there all!
Kimberrlley1 here =) 7 penguins said how do i put words into the bubble?
What you guys need to do is email mimo at clubpenguingang@yahoo.com with the captions!
Ex: U Fride:Hi
Thanks guys &+ thanks mimo! Good luck all!
"Kimberrlley1(CG Moderaotr)*
Hey All!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You asked if you can do whole sentences of full convos, and how you put the words in?
You can do i would say up to 4lines =) Like switching off between mimo and ufride!
Thanks &+ thansk mimo =)
"Kimberrlley1(CG Moderaotr)*
Hey Floob!
Kimberrlley1 here =) Can you give us ANY clues to what you wrote?
Ill give you a hint to mine: "Zebras"
Thats all im saying =)
Thanks &+ thanks mimo too!
"Kimberrlley1(CG Moderaotr)*
uhhhh mimo how do u tipe the words in and email it?plz plz answer i want to enter.
so u dont load the picture u just send the words?ohhhhhhh.
Cool! But I can't think of anything funny that you and U Fride can say...
hey anonymous read my other comment to see how you type it
thanks From redfooteye
Mimo i send you my captions ok !! nice idea
kimberrlly does it have to do with zebra noises?-makaylie1
what does that mean
cool mimo your on right now.that would be coolif u had a mimo quik party!-makaylie1
hi mimo im just wandering if u got my contest entry?pease respond.=)i love your sight!your asome.-makaylie1
Hi everyone!
Some people have asked what exactly you need to do. Well, look at the picture of Mimo and his buddy. There are two word bubbles up. Basically, you send an e-mail to Mimo saying what you think would be funny for Mimo and his buddy to say. Be sure to say who says what when you send the e-mail.
Hope this helps!
-Checkeroo2 (CPG Moderator)
oh my gosh ive been thinking for an hour!!! im really not a funny person >.< i cant come up with good captions!
i think you both r gonna win because mimo u are fried!! lol
Mimo i found a cool thing in teh coffee shop! Click on the board that says coffee and it will change to tea! Just found out
Here is the Hint:
Write your caption like this:
Mimo777:( type your funny caption here).
U fride :(type your caption for u fride here).
there is a new wallpaper of rockhopper and a treasure chest
hi mimo and kimberrlley i have akways wanted for one of you to talk to me so it would be really cool of you could just leave me a message!!!!!!! thanks!!!!!!!
kimberrlley will u meet me on bigfoot now? my name is gmynast12121
Hey Mimo! Why can't you answer our emails? Is it because you have so many?
- Natho Dude (Club Penguin Name)
correct me if i'm wrong but you never posted about the new catolog for wigs!
there is new ones!
check it out!
but i know you already posted about the cheat there!
from thegoosedude
Can we submit more than once?
hey penguin3000 you said "what does that mean" well it means think of random funny things that they would say and send mimo777 it through your e mail acount
hope this helps. from Redfooteye cpg moderator
Ummm Mimo my sister and i share the same penguin and we both have different ideas
should we tell you both off them in the email
yay i sent my captions
hi mimo my name in Club Penguin is johngbn12 or beanbag77 can u add my plz!!!!!!!!! and all of u cane to thx
HI MIMO !!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE U!
natho dude, you're totally right. mimo probably gets hundreds of emails a day!
yes, all you have to do is send in the words. thats IT.
hope i win!
this could be my first mimo party ever!
clever mimo!!!
hey mimo
I got a caption
I dont think it will win but dont matter
By the way who ever wins do they get to be buddys with you and all of CPG or not?
i did one mimo hope you like it
I have entered mine in. Hope I win .
Mimo, can we email with Windows Live Hotmail ? Tell me quickly
hey how you bringed find four to iceberg
cool!Good idea. Wondering wad word
should i send to mimo.
Mimo and u fride cant talk!Oh my gosh!CP name:bentemen.
How many days do we have to enter? But this is going to be SO fun! Do you have a you tube account?
I sent what i did to the contest. I hope i win! :)
Heres my caption
Mimo: Argh it was hard to move this table out here.
Ufride: But worth it
hi mimo u rock
i think it sould be soming to do with the find four :)
Mimo can I just put it in the comments I'm not aloud to send e-mails to anomonous people
hey frost ice here
NATHO DUDE said why cant u answer our emails is it because you have so many. A.Yes that is why MIMO cant answer our emails or our comments
hey guys its me frost ice here
thegoosedude said why didnt mimo post the wigs catalog cheats there is new ones. A.THERE IS NO NEW WIGS CATALOG OUT EVEN CHECK THE CLUB PENGUIN PAPER.
hey its me frost ice again
find four iceberg said how did mimo bring find four to the iceberg.
A.mimo DID NOT bring find four to the ice berg it was an edit mimo did.
hope this helps
Oh i have an idea! i hope i win...this is my first comment! just thought i'd let ya's know...
hi pengcutie you asked what you would win. You would win a private party with Mimo777 and you can bring all of your friends too!
Thanks for asking
Redfooteye (cpg moderator)
haha guys mimo didnt bring find four to the ice berg, he edited the picture to make it look that way =]
you'd win a private party with mimo and the gang! wahoo!! oh if you win, you can bring all your friends =]
of course you can email him with hotmail, i dont see why you cant...
see yall later! =]
Hey Anonymous,
Here was your question:
You would win your very own private party with Mimo and the gang! You can invite all of your friends, too. Wouldn't that be so much fun?
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
how do i do the captions?????
Oh awesome. sorry i havent been on here for a while i just moved
im gonna win in im gonna win in lol
arianas111, just send it in like this:
mimo: "blahdeeblah"
u fride: "yakety yak"
well, type in your funny captions in the quotes of course!
hope that helps you!
Ok kwl..i already sent mine..wen does the contest end?
Hey Anonymous!
Kimberrlley1 here! You asked what youd win?
Youd win a private party with mimo and his gang! Cool huh?!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
That was so fun, I hope you choose mine!
-Elmos Buddy
this is going to be so cool isnt it guys
I not good at these!!!....ill try though
how do we enter??????????
mimo, i entered
Hey anonymous!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You asked how you enter?
To enter, just email mimo at clubpenguingang@yahoo.com and send in captions(funny) for mimo and u fride in the picture.
U Fride:Hey!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo! Good ;luck allll!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
yay this is going to be awesome lol
to enter, just type an email to
with your funny captions!
mimo when is this contest going to end
Hey Flower359,
Here was your question:
how do we enter??????????
All you have to do is send an e-mail to clubpenguingang@yahoo.com with your funny caption. I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
I'm not sure when this contest will end. Mimo? Anybody?
ALSO! very cool idea mimo!
how did you get cinnect 4 on the iceberg?
U Fride, COOL NAME!!
jassas, mimo didnt put the connect 4 on the ice berg, he just edited the photo =]
da captions sent in are funny ^^
hi mimo you are so cool love your web site whats your email my friends got an idea for you love Deajck
Mimo Im your biggest fan ever i hope we can hang out sometime!!!
I say floob will win (Uses ESP powers)
mimo! mimo! When are you going to have another coin code contest?? I live outside the US and I can't buy anything so I'm really looking forward to it!! thanks mimo!
IM UR #1 FAN FISH SPRAY!! (i think! -- BUT I'm still ur awesome fan, ur rock!!!!)
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