Club Penguin is redesigning the log in screen so it will display where your buddies are better. Check out the new log in screen.

You'll still be able to log in the old way if you want. I'm guessing this will be ready... soon. ;-)
Also, check out the sneak peek for this Friday's Clothing Catalog!

You can't really tell, but this penguin is holding a guitar!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
Hey Mimo!
Thats really cool! I always have buddies on different servers, and I don't know which one to go on. lol. now this will help me. :-)
cool that will be great.....i think
I cannot wait for the new login acount to be here!!!!!!!!!! P.S. MIMO IS AWESOME
thats awesome!
Hiya Mimo! That sounds AWESOME! I hope the player card update will also come out soon! I am so glad that CP is doing all of these things for us! :D
Hey that will be so easier to find my buddies now! I won't have to go evry where looking for them!
(5th comment!)
This is so cool!
dude this is gonna take like 5 years to launch they anuonced the player card update sometime in may!!
Cool i can't wait
Wow! Updates for Club Penguin and CPG
Man I wish the new player card will come out soon! Do you know when it will come out??
I dont get how it works, Mimo, could u plz explain it a bit? what it THINK it is, is that it shows which buddys are on which server. Am i right?
Hi Mimo!Im are Brupunopo... How do I get this????... because i dont have it!...
Ok... Byebye
Hi, Mimo!
That update is awesome! Also, I found out that you have the BEST CP site. I hope to see the new login screen the next time I play!
My CP name is Ocherrio. Hopefully I"ll be able to see you at Big Foot/Fjord someday!
See ya,
Oh my gosh!!! That is sooooo cool!!! I can't wait to see it!!!
P.S. Have you met Rockhopper this time?
funny server names lol
Hey hyena9277!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You asked:
Q: Do you know when the new player cards will come out??
A: No one knows the exact date, but I'm sure the new player cards will be released very soon! Keep checking the What's New blog to see updates!
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
i just noticed that the girl RH stuff is 450 and the guys stuff is 650 why is that!p.s U Fride rocks.
Hey awesomeness101!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You asked:
Q: I don't get how it works, Mimo, could u plz explain it a bit?
A: I'm not sure EXACTLY what it does, but I'm guessing that it will tell you which buddies are on. Keep checking the What's New blog on the Club Penguin Home Page for more info.
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
the blue soccer uniform whant let you kick the soccer ball only the red!p.s U Fride rocks!U Fride thanks 4 coming to my igloo
Hey Brupunopo!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You asked:
Q: How do I get this????
A: They haven't been released yet! No one has them. They will be released very soon!! Check the What's New blog for updates.
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
how did you find that out?
Hi Brupunopo! This is one of your CPG moderators, just answering a question. The new log in process hasn't changed yet. So, don't worry, you will get it soon!
Hey Jessicamary and Kimberrlley1!
It's Pearlwhite27!
Congrats on making it to the CPG Moderator list!! I'm so happy for you! Keep up the great moderating!
Cool Mimo!
My buddies are always on because I go on heaps of servers.I hope this will help me.:)
Hey anonymous!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You asked:
Q: how did you find that put?
A: Mimo got the picture and the information from the What's New blog on the Club Penguin. Check it out, it's really cool!
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
Thats coolish! I come on this site everyday!!
Its so cool
Reliacise (penguin name)
Club Penguin is opening an office in Australia. Read about it on Wikipedia. Look up Club penguin and read about under History And Develpoment.
To Anonymous
Q:how did you find that out?
A:Mimo looks them up at the CPIP site also known as "Club Penguin Improvement Project."All you have to do is go to to find out more about the new features that's coming up.Hope this answers your question.
Aqua131131(cpg moderator)
Wow that looks awesome Mimo! I cant wait!
P.s. Please post the winner of the caption contest soon i have been waiting for like EVER!
THIS IS SO COOL MIMO! I have friends on different servers in different countries. but mostly in canada cause I'm Canadian! WOO! GO CANADA!
hey guys, its not released yet, so keep waitin =]
mimo found this on the cpip blog
idk what it'll do exactly, but it does say "your suggested servers" so maybe they'll group the servers that have your friends in it =]
dear Brupunopo,
you said:
Hi Mimo!Im are Brupunopo... How do I get this????... because i dont have it!...
Ok... Byebye
you don't get it they will give it to you sooner or later
dear Leopard68231,
sadly Mimo has not met rockhopper this time but if anyone wants to meet him they just have to go on in the middle of the night and look for an unusually full server
kool i think thats awsome ps mimos awsome
when are you going to post the caption contest winners?
Mimo are you choosing the moderators or getting the votes from the comments? I am soooo scared because I have been trying soooo hard and sometimes I don't get posted.
I am SOOOOOO excited that the new buddy login will be featured Club Penguin Gang ROCKS!!!
ok this person found out my password and said mishmash i am honestly sorry. it wasnt me it was someone else. that is true but who could of found out my password!
you're friend goofy73
i always want to know wich buddies are on because when I go some i dont even now exisit thanx a lot
oh thats cool!
Hi Brupunopo.
Your question was...
Hi Mimo!Im are Brupunopo... How do I get this????... because i dont have it!...
Ok... Byebye
Well this hasn't been realesed yet. We hope that soon we can have it. Lets keep our flippers crossed ( :D ) Hope this helps.
club penguin is just getting better and better every time they try to improve. this is kewl lol
CPG moderator JD313/ penguin name gebbiaboy
ok i just changed my password. and i doubt that they will get it.
you're friend goofy73
from soccer8kid
i wish you can see where people in your ignore list are. that would be better
im confused on how to use this, i might go back to the old way unless if i understand it better. by the way on 6/30/08 around 4:45-4:50, i found.................
Captain Rockhopper!!!! I met him seven times now, believe it!!! the sad thing is that i only got to see him for like one minute or so so that is really really really sad. he was on server "Blizzard"
hey mimo i need help i have a blog but how do i make it as cool as yours?
To soccerkid8
from soccer8kid
A:I know this isn't a question,but I just want 2 say that good job finding him.If u ever find him again,u might want 2 try help Mimo find him.If u found Rockhopper and Mimo might be online at this moment,u helped him find Rockhopper.He still haven't met Rockhopper,so try 2 help him if u can.
Aqua131131(cpg moderator)
dear anomonous,
he found this by going to and going to the blog
WHOA SWEET. anyways ya biggest fan -Ye11
WARNING! WARNING! did you know that sometimes when you change passwords you can still use the old password we should tell this to club penguin
HI GUYS IM BACK from disney world what fun! ill tell you more about it later. i had a blast i missed you all im kenching up on some stuff well ill see you guys later gotta get unpacked and stuff. oh and i got an awesome goofy hat ha ha
Sand Flipper
Mimo, I need your help! Can you make a post about ppl watching their cp accounts. to make sure their passwords aren't easy to guess. like making it their name or something like that. bulletwolf is hacking everyone and we need to make everyone aware! plz help me with this. he already hacked cheatgnome!
Cool I Hope They Have Gutitars In The New Catolog Friday!! :)
thats awesome mimo!
ok ill tell you more on my blog but ill tell you some on here.
well we drove to my grandparents and then flew to orlando my brother is 13 he kept beating me up and if i dont do what he sais i get hurt bad he took me into the hall and beated me he didnt get in trouble! in disney world. we went to epcot, magic kingdom, and hollywood studios then we went to universal studios its not in disney world though i got an awesome goofy hat ill show you a pic on my blog and i got a minnie micky key chane thing. i won like 10 things from a claw machine in the arcade i gave them all away except for one. oh i got pictures with spongebob haha he spit at me though. ill tell your more on my blog go there. oh yeah get better mishmash
Sand Flipper
Hey selenamagic!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You asked:
Q: hey mimo i need help i have a blog but how do i make it as cool as yours?
A: Be creative! Use your own unique styles, and you will have the coolest blog ever!
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
Hey Hyena9277,
Here was your question:
Man I wish the new player card will come out soon! Do you know when it will come out??
The new player card is supposed to come out at the end of June. So very soon! We will jsut have to be patient. I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
um in the catalog it looks like a penguin holding a gutair!
Hey anonymous!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You asked:
Q: when are you going to post the caption contest winners?
A: Remember that Mimo has a very busy schedule! It's also hard to choose the winners, because of all the great entries! Give Mimo a day or two.
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
Hey karlito362!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You asked:
A: If you mean the Caption Contest winner, that will be posted in a few days. Mimo has a tight schedule and has a hard time picking out a winner. If you mean the CPG Moderating contest, Kimberrlley and Jessicamary have won the first two slots. There is another slot open. Mimo will choose one last CPG Moderator. Hope this helps!
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
mimo im sure rockhopper doesnt hate you. well everyone mostly likes you you rock mimo! i like you better than rockhopper, i mean rockhopper doesnt do any work you do mimo. i put rockhopper on my ignore list cause i couldnt add him to my buddy list. i always meet rockhopper not trying i met him to much! if i see him i just walk passed. mimo i cant wait to see who the winner is for the contest im so exited! and me and my brother got in trouble in disney world =( ill tell you why later.
Sand Flipper
Hey Everyone!
CONGRATULATIONS TO JESSICAMARY!! She is one of Mimo's Favorite moderators! Yay! Just scroll down and look on the side bar and there she will be along with Kimberrlly1!
yup! if anyone would hate you mimo, it is that women from mish's video. bu i mean everyone thinks you rock. plus rockhoppper is a COM he might hate me too! i always look for him and i only met him once like in the pizza parlor.
you're friend goofy73
yeah! i can tell! it will rock!!!!!
~puppyluv 100
ya it was not hard to figure out that the penguing was holding a guitar
Janem3451 (cpg monirator)
Bonjour Mimo!
I am so excited for these to come out! i bet the catalog will have a bunch of instruments from the sneek peek! And remember the fireworks are coming out tomarrow! =D
peace love happiness
Hey Anonymous,
Here was your question:
when are you going to post the caption contest winners?
Mimo should be posting them any day now. He is a very busy penguin, so we will just have to be patient. I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
hiya karlito362! you asked:
well mimo has not yet posted the winner of the contest. he will do it very soon. and i hope its mishmash!
you're friend goofy73
Hey Pearlwhite and Ix3soccer!
Thanks so much for the congrats! It really means a lot to me. I was really suprised to see my name up there. Theres a lot of mods that really deserve it. You guys are both awesome mods! Keep up the good work and thanks again!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
Mimo wen u pick the mods. how do u the one we say we like a lot or do u and ur family pick together?
I bet a mod. will answer this
hey pinkgirlhsm, first of all thanks!! =]
also, i think mimo's lettin all of us vote in the comments, and he and the gang will make the final decision based on their opinions and ours =]
such a fair guy ^_^
the caption contest winner should be posted prettyy soon! =]
keep your flippers crossed!
awesome! so the people i vote for r pearlwhite,kimberryly1,mishmash,jessicamary goofy and sparkforever. i couldnt choose between them all because theyre so good! this computer is hard to use so i wont come back on until i get home from my vacation.i hope i see u all soon!!
awesome!!!now i can find my buddies yay!!!
and i think the catalogue will be music!!!!i bet u anything the pin will have something to do with music!
wow that is so cool and so fun :)
It is a guitar.Also they will bring new band stuff like some shirts.I think they will bring New Items as intruments.That is all for now bye Mimo!
congratz jessicamary! ur an official mod!! hav u looked at the cpg moderators bit on cpg?
Grstz! again =p
your friend, Sahilboodoo
somebody said : Mimo are you choosing the moderators or getting the votes from the comments? I am soooo scared because I have been trying soooo hard and sometimes I don't get posted.
Answer: Lol i think he does both!
The fireworks are here! oh and i cant wait to see what's in the catalog. I CANT FIND RH! ive seen him about like 10 times though. :)
cool mimo thanks!
does anyone know when we are going to get e-mails in club penguin????
Please tell me someone thank you!
-sparkling ic
Hi there! I want to throw a little party just for fun. Date: 3rd July 2008
/ Time: 1.30 am PST (I know it's such an odd time, but I'm not from America, and in my country, 1.30am is about 4.30pm in the afternoon)
/ Country: Australia
/ Server: Brumby
/ Where to meet: Ski mountain
/Other details: Please come dressed in your ice cream/ pizza/ coffee apron cos we're gonna admire the fireworks while eating snacks! Hope you can make it! P.S. The details are tentative! If there are less than 2 ppl who want to come, I will cancel the party.
Congrats Jessicamary!
Hey Mimo and everyone! This is extremely cool! The features are just great! I also think they are gonna bring back some instruments.
Hey Everyone!
Hyena9277 said:
Man I wish the new player card will come out soon! Do you know when it will come out??
Hey Hyena!
We are all not very sure about the release of the player card,but still keep your fingers crossed as it may come out any time soon!
-Survivor91- (CPG Moderator)
Hey Everyone!
awesomeness101 said:
I dont get how it works, Mimo, could u plz explain it a bit? what it THINK it is, is that it shows which buddys are on which server. Am i right?
Hey awesomeness101!
The new log-in feature works like this: Basically,this feature works by showing you the servers which you AND your friends go on most of the time. Of course,you can also log into other servers. Hope that helped!
-Survivor91- (CPG Moderator)
Hey Guyz!
anonymous said:
Hi Mimo!Im are Brupunopo... How do I get this????... because i dont have it!...
Ok... Byebye
Hey Anonymous!
This feature isn't available to anyone yet,sadly,but it will be available to everyone single penguin really soon. Hope that helped!
-Survivor91- (CPG Moderator)
Hey Everyone!
Jessica,congrats for making it into Mimo's CPG Moderators list together with Kim! Keep up the great work guyz!
By the way,whats with the talk about people hating mimo,and rockhopper hating penguins? LOLZ.
I have only seen Rockhopper twice in my whole entire life. He was once in server Frosty,and another time in Blizzard.I thought he was gonna bring a different free gift on his player card this time round,other than his background,but he didn't,so thats a bummer. But still,CP ROCKZ!
Hey! The Guitar that the penguin is holding is pink!
mimo guess wat!!!!!!!! i met rh 2 times in the last 2 days!!!!also my b-day is july 4th!! im excited!
Dear Anonymous!
Your question was ......:
How do you get this buddie thing?
Well clubpenguin will give it to everyone on clubpenguin so you dont have to be a member or pay for it!
Hope this helps!
Stacy99 (CPG Moderator)
Hi Mimo!
The new way to find out if buddies are on will be way better and much easier! I really hope that there are musical instuments for sale in the new clothes catalog because i wasn't a member last time!!
The catalog will be great!
too bad I will be on the plane for greece then-
because im guessing it will be music, and Music is my favirite subject.
ps. I play 7 indtruments
@sand flipper:
You went to Disney World? And got in trouble? What happened? LOL
THe new servers are cooooooooool!!!
Mimo777, i think the guitar the pengin is holding is a pink guitar!
in the clothing catalog ithink the penguin is holding a guitar
in the clothing catalog ithink the penguin is holding an umbrela
Hey everyone!
It's Pearlwhite27!
In the other post, the one about voting for your CPG moderators, someone posted as me!! Goofy73, I know this happened to you, so i want you ALL to be aware. If you look at it carefully, I found some ways that I always do posts that this person forgot to do(or didn't do)
1: I always, ALWAYS title my posts like this:
Hey guys(or penguin name that I am moderating)
It's Pearlwhite27!
2: They put (CPG Moderator) after my name, I wasn't answering a question.
3: It asked kind of an obious question, one that I knew already.
4: The person signed my name like this:
- Pearlwhite27
I never put the little dash thing
This is a BIG problem, and I just don't want this to happen to any of you!!
Hey Dogsrulecats28,
Here was your question:
Mimo wen u pick the mods. how do u the one we say we like a lot or do u and ur family pick together?
Well, I think Mimo will look at the votes, but its really up to Club Penguin Gang to decide. I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
Hey Everyone!
Thanks for all the congrats! I really appreciate them all. Thanks again!
Hey bunnybubu!
It's Pearlwhite27!
I'm really sorry, I can't make your party! At 1:30 am I will be sleeping! I'm really sorry, but I will try to go to your next party.
hey everyone, i think that the july party will be about music because in the newspaper it said "so stay tuned" and the catalog will be about music i think.
i can't wait for the new buddy system to come out!
that penguin could be holding a mic stand couldnt it? and how do you become part of club penguin gang. i cant figure out to get an account.
Hyena9277 said...
Man I wish the new player card will come out soon! Do you know when it will come out??
well, no one knows for sure, but it will definately be coming out soon. before next year!
-mayj123 (cpg moderator)
AwEsOmEnEsS101 said...
I dont get how it works, Mimo, could u plz explain it a bit? what it THINK it is, is that it shows which buddys are on which server. Am i right?
well, the new player cards were announced awhile back. maybe in about 2-3 months is my guess.
-mayj123 (cpg moderator)
Wow! that is a real good way of finding buddies and I wonder what clothes is in the new catalog?
Mimo remeber when you said there will be a new way to look at your clothes in your player card? That seemed like a long long time ago, when will it come? And I can't wait untill the new server login thing will be here! It sounds cool. And I see "TEST SERVER". Are we testing servers again? Or is it just me? Hmm.
Well I think this will be really cool,
From Razle Daz.
Oh and happy July first Mimo!
From Razle Daz
patience, dear penguins! mimo hasnt chosen the caption contest winner yet... he's probably really busy, what with updatin his site, choosing mods, working on his secrets, and also choosing the caption contest winner =]] so chillax!
yes, we have NOT gotten the new log in page yet =] but i think it'll come soon!
sparkling ic, i have no idea when the penguin mail is coming, but they said it would be here at the end of june, so it should be here soon!
Congrats Jessicamary on making the moderating. you deserve it.
hey pearlwhite. i read what happened to you. so far that's two penguins that this imposter is getting to. hmmm.......he has to be stopped.
i hope kimberrly comes back from vacation soon.
that should be a eaiser to find friends
hi mimo
"that penguin could be holding a mic stand couldnt it? and how do you become part of club penguin gang. i cant figure out to get an account."
well the thing is, you can't get an account. right now the gang is just mimo and his family and he's not letting anyone join it for the time being =] maybe he'll let some people join in the future!
Will it say which buddy?
hey mimo i have 16 friends that have a club penguin and that will help me find them..........I THINK
Hey anonymous!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You asked:
Q: Will it say which buddy?
A: No one is sure yet, but from what i've been hearing I have to say yes!! Cool, right??
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
"Will it say which buddy?"
er, i dont think so. if you have lots of buddies in one server, i dont think it could list all of em. that would be pretty cool, though! i think you should email cp to get a better answer than my very feeble one
Hyena9277 said...
Man I wish the new player card will come out soon! Do you know when it will come out??
Answer: not any specific date, but let's just say really really soon! Club penguin promised end of June! :)
Anonymous said...
how did you find that out?
Answer: Mimo found it on the Club Penguin blog and cpip. Click on what's new after you click on Play now. For cpip, go to
Hope this helped!
-megrina10 (cpg mod)
Anonymous said...
Will it say which buddy?
Answer: I don't think they have enough room for that, but that would be crazy awesome if they did that!!
-megrina10 (cpg mod)
Hey Anonymous!You said:
Will it say which buddy?
Well,we are not that sure bout that yet,but anyway we will find out soon! Hope that helped!
Hello all!
To: The Impersonators of CPG.
Guyz,could you please stop using other peoples' identities?That gets really annoying sometimes you know? We would really appreciate it if you guyz put a astop to this.Thanx!
Hey Everyone!
Razle Daz,
I don't think we are gonna have test servers again,but who knows?What your sayin could be true!
Hey All!
Dear Anonymous,
You said:
that penguin could be holding a mic stand couldnt it? and how do you become part of club penguin gang. i cant figure out to get an account.
You don't need an account to be part of Club Penguin Gang.What you need to do,is to post comments on posts.Just give your thoughts or ideas on events that are taking place on CP,or anywhere else. Hope that helped! ;)
Hey Guyz!
Hey Tom Michael!Thats really cool!Your birthday is fallin on the fourth! Anyway, Happy Birthday in advance!
Hey Sparklingic!
You said:
cool mimo thanks!
does anyone know when we are going to get e-mails in club penguin????
Please tell me someone thank you!
We are gonna get that feature really really soon.Billybob did mention that this feature would be available by the end of June,but I think Billybob and the rest of the CP Staff have been having some technical problems, but Im sure we are gonna get it soon!
Hey dogsrulecats 28!
You said:
Mimo wen u pick the mods. how do u the one we say we like a lot or do u and ur family pick together?
I think Mimo picks his mods both by votes and the service provided.That means he picks mods both by looking at votes AND choosing on his own with his Club Penguin Gang.Hope that helped! :)
so cool!!!
Cool stuff about that and the book and album!
Penguin name:Black laser
i just saw the full size picture of the new screens, and turns out that the green lines are the amount of penguins on that server instead of little yellow faces, and like before, the servers with your friends will have a smiley face next to the name. the only difference is that you'll be able to group your favorite servers in one "folder" type thing (you know, like the flags) so you dont have to go searching for it under a ton of other servers. you will be able to use the full list also, of course!
when mimo picks the mods, he goes through the comments and sees who the majority of the penguins like, and then him and the gang decide who goes on the special coolio sidebar of awesomeness
i made a new name for it ^_^
brinkka2011 says: Thank you for giving these good, healthy, explanatory and even fun tips on that topic.
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