Earlier we had a Mimo Quickee Party. A Mimo Quickee Party is a party that I post on this site and let everyone know that Mimo and Club Penguin Gang are having a party right at that very time. I also tell what server and what room. They are really fun because I only have the post on this site for about 15 minutes. Then everyone starts showing up and we go Mimo Crazy!
I just thought I'd let you know to be looking for them!
Also, tomorrow I will probably start the Mimo Private Party Clues.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Mimo Quickee Parties
Labels: clock tower, Club Penguin Cheats, parties
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cool i will be looking for them!
sunnie fairy
ok mimo ill be there at your party!!
SICK! I've never been to one but I've heard of them! Hope to find one soon!
peace love recycle,
Thats awesome Mimo can't wait.. my goal is to atleast make one of your quickee parties :)
Hi everyone! Checkeroo2 here!
Ok, Mimo-I'll be on the watch for your parties. Will you be adding everyone who comes to your private party?
lol you used to post it on twitter =] do you think you can post it on twitter too?
That Quikee Party was really so fun, I cant wait for the private Mimo party clues! Will these clues be like the regular party clues or will it be different? Hmm...
- Lion :D
Hey Mimo!
Cool! I will be looking for a quikee Mimo party.
Can't wait for the private party clues!
M i m 0 I was at ur party I saw u there at 4:35 pm u wouldn't be my buddy = ( oh well! Maybe next time.
Penguin name: puppy323
O > --< cool I made a person
Hey Checkeroo2!
You asked:
Q: Mimo will you be adding eveyone who comes to your private party?
A: Mimo has room for only a couple penguins to be his buddy. If your lucky, he MIGHT be adding everyone who comes to his private parties. That would be pretty sweet, wouldn't it? We will just have to wait and see what Mimo says about that awesome idea!!!
Thanks everyone + Mimo
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
so did u have a quekie( =P my spelling stinks)party? and finally u will do the private party pwease make the clue really really really really really hard! =DDD
thats not fair.i wanted to go.
Mimo i was so excited when i saw the post!!! I've never been to one of your parties!! i even took pictures!!!! u left kinda early though! oh well. I will never forget it!
penguin name
~Victor 12
mimo i was there today.byg123 here.
Anonymous said-
thats not fair.i wanted to go.
Don't complain. Mimo will have other quicky parties soon :)
Thanks, pearlwhite, for answering my question :)
aw man! i missed the first one because i was at a baseball game!oh well i'll se the next
Mimo,may I know how to create a party in CP. But i will be going to yr party of course. Please may someone reply me soon!
Hey there!
Kimberrlley1 here! Thats mimo! Ill be looking out for these! Cant wait!
Thanks &+ thamnks mimo!
plese dont use brale again its too hard!
can you just say it is here on this server.or make it easy. p.s.please post.
Hey i went to one of those about 6 months ago or something at the Mine and all the club penguin gang people were there including Mimo.
From socermanpete
Man I missed it. It makes you feel like staying on the computer all day waiting for another one.
mimo can i join ur club please please ill be your severnt
sign gvs5yg im on bobsled right now
misjkk said: "Mimo,may I know how to create a party in CP. But i will be going to yr party of course. Please may someone reply me soon!"
lol to throw a party in cp, all you gotta do is invite some friends at a certain place and time, and do whatever you want! =]
when mimo posts that he's gonna have a quickee party, he'll post all the info (so no clues to figure out!), but only for 15 minutes, so be quick!
Hey there!
Kimberrlley1 here =) Anonymous asked if mimo will be adding buddies?
He might be only adding a few, but if you are the one who goes to the priovare party, he might add you! Cool huh?! =)
Thanks mimo so mcuh & thanks anonymous!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
Hey gvs5yg~
Kimberrlley1 here =) You asked mimo if you can join the club, and that he'll be your servant!
Unfortunately you cant, and mimo does need any help right now=) If you REALY want to help mimo out since you cant join the gang,. you can try answering questions, or aka being a CPG Moderaotr like me! =) Its fun and you help others, and mimo needs help answering questions!
Thanks &+ thansk mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
Hey Mimo777!
Kimberrlley1 here =) Cant wait! Ill be checking back ;]
Thanks mimssss!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
sorry for asking Kimberrlley1 :-[ me and my big dream
signed gvs5yg
im still at bobsled i would at least like to mimo
signed gvs5yg
Hey gvb5yg!
Kimberrlley1 here! Dont be sad =) It was just a question, and youre not the only one who wants to do that either =)! You can be a CPG moderator to help mimo! He really apprectiates it, and might even promote us to join the site!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
yeah gvs5yg, like kim said, the gang is only mimo and his family.
but dont be so negative about it, its not just you that wants to be part of his gang!
i think kim was being really nice about it, so you don't need to apologize about anything!
thanks you guys are real nice i hope i will bevome your buddy on day
p.s thank you
signed gvs5yg
ill stop making comments now ummm do you sign up to be a cpg modorater
signed gvs5yg
p.s to many comments made by me lol
hey. i barly found out about this place and i have heard you are really awesome. what is this place?
it looks cool!
penguin namae: hehe765
hey gvs5yg, you dont need to sign up to be a mod, just answr questions like we do =]
but make sure to put your name as "gvs5yg (cpg moderator)"
happy modding!
hey there, hehe765! welcome to mimo's site! this is the greatest cheat site on the internet for club penguin. every day, mimo keeps us up-to-date on the latest news, parties, hidden/ free items, glitches, hints, and other tricks and tips. it really rocks!
hope you love it as much as we do!
Hi Mimo,
Ill try to make it to ur party i think it will be
really cool and im excited to meet u I hope u add me!
P.S. I think u should make ur parties a bit easier to find tell us more about the server and location
but dont make it too obvious!
P.SS I love u!
;-] :-]thank you so much!!!!!!!!!
gvs5yg (cpg moderator)
p.s long live mimo
hey gvs5yg, you're welcome (if that was to me) =]
(but make sure to sign your name with a "cpg moderator" only when you answer questions)
see ya later! =]
floob or Kimberrlley1 will you become my buddys go to fjord ill be there for 15 min.
signed gvs5yg
i found a secret!! click the big coffee shop sign behind the counter
oh hey gvs5yg, sorry i didnt get a chance to read this comment... can we meet up tomorrow? tell me what time's good for you =]
lets meet at 5:30 at sever fjord
place sports shop. ok please dont be late!
Hey gvsy5xc!
Kimberrlley1 here =) Im so sorry that mimo still cant meet up with you! I wish he could too, i really do =) Try making it to his next partayyyy!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo so much@
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey gv5yc!
Kimberrlley1 here =) Sorry for my last comment! I just read floobs, and realized it was to floobs! Sorry! And i was wondering if you could meet up wiht me too?
Hey there hehe!
Kimberrley1 here, welcoming you to the world of CP! =) and CPG! It rocks, and theeres the ul;timate cheats here,tips,glitches, and mimo even throws us parties! It rocks, so keep checking back =)
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
hey there kim, i'll be there =] you coming too?
hey gvs5yg, im so sorry i wasnt there at the party! well i mean my penguin was there...
haha i logged on at around 5:25 and no one was there so i opened the newspaper, then my mom called me and i had to help her plant some flowers and totally forgot about you and my penguin! so sorry!
if you wanna meet up at the same time and place tomorrow, that works for me =]
party sever snow angel same place any time
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