Hmm, what's going on here? Looks like that trouble maker from last years Club Penguin Summer Water Party is still hanging around. Pretty cool. I wonder if this means he'll be in the next mission?
Thanks to Moogasa, sparkforever, stickers303, Eye739, derk941 and a few others for the tip. They say the crab comes out about every 15 minutes or so. It even comes out at the pool too! Try it!
Here is the crab schedule:
Crab at Pool on the :00 and :30.
Crab at Mine on the :15 and :45.
Thanks, Tooly228.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
1 – 200 of 324 Newer› Newest»Hmm.. I definately think that this crab is going to be in the next mission... I bet this is part of what CP meant when they wrote that secret message! I cant wait for the mission!!!
dont u think itz WEIRD? the crab caused trouble last year and in the mission itz partnered up with an evil bear. i think theyve been planning all this for a while now...
- Lorenzo 12
I don't see him at the mine.
wait i went on cp and i couldnt see it! how does it come?
hey i know this has nothing to do with your post but did you know you can buy the backrounds from the stage costumes even if your not a member they are prerrty kewl!
Ps That crab is weird...
In mission 7 herbet says in the end that it was only biggening of his plan
Yo mimo and everyone,i saw that crab twice too!This crab will definitely have something to do with mission 8,together with its polar bear friend i think...
MiMo RaWkz
Hey Mimo
Add this to this post:
Here is when the crab come's (E.G 3:15pm,3:25pm, 4:45pm ect
So he like comes every five minutes when there's a five
Credit to stickers303
And another thing,if you are redaing this post Rockhoper 849,i was waiting for your party to start but you never turned up.:((
What happened?Or maybe i got the wrong timing...
MiMo RaWkz
mimo..... when u go to club www.clubpenguin.com the lighthouse has changed colour!!!
YES! It is the new mission!
OMG Exciting!!!!!
Eh? I can't see him at the mine. Is this real mimo?
This crab is so trouble but cute, too.
And also means lots of fun! ahead!!
Hmm...Do you know what? Maybe the "crab story" didn't start with the electromagnet in mission 3! Maybe, the polar bear's crab made the hole in the window last year in the underground pool!
- Vestnichetod
hey mimo
i have this weird theory that the same crab who broke the glass window in the pool is Kluzty.
What do u think?
From Peny 1010
Dude awesome! anyways post this. ya biggest fan -Ye11
My name is Ella, or MishMash215's sister.
As most of you know, my little brother, who you call MishMash215, was hit by a car. He is currently in a stable but critical state in Hospital, but he has told me many times to thank everyone on this website.
He has told our family over 100 0 times about this blog, and he insists to keep up his "Moderating Job" so he brought his laptop to the hospital! =) Funny Boy...=)
Anyway, the real reason I am writing this message is for 2 reasons:
First, my family all want to thank everyone for putting a smile on my Brothers face, because it takes alot for that these days, and I am sure he really appreciates it!
But also, I want to make my brother realise that everything is not all bad, and to make him happy, so I am organising a "Get Well" Party for him on Club Penguin!
I do not actually play the game, but I used to, so I know it very well!
Here are the details, but remember, it is on the CPTZ in the Community section of Club Penguin!
Day: This Saturday!
Time: 7:30 Club Penguin Time
Room: Hmm...The Dojo!
Server: Down Under (Australian Flag)
Why: Because it will make him feel good, a very rare feeling recently *Grim Smile!*
Please note that I will not be there, and that MishMash215 says his other party: "The MishMash Bash" will be canceled.
Thank you all so much, especially you: Mimo777, and all my brothers Friends!
You are making such a difference for him!
Kind Regards,
Ella223 (MishMash215's Sister)
Hey Mimo You Know When You Throw A Snowball In the window in the pool, well when you throw water in the window it just brakes ,check it out
i love the water party
And by the way jewels,if you are reading this post right now,reply me a.s.a.p. Is your party still on tonight?
Wishin Mishmash A speedy Recovery!
Hey Anonymous!
You said:
wait i went on cp and i couldnt see it! how does it come?
Well,you gotta wait for a while in the mine shack to see it.Most probably,you should wait for around five minutes,and u will definitely see it!Maybe invite some friends along with you while you are waiting for the crab to show up,so that you don't get bored while waiting!
looks more like the crab from the mission! and besides, the crab from last year lives in water. the one from the mission lives on the snow.
oh yeah, to everyone, the crab comes every 15 to, or past to every hour. he only comes out for 5 seconds each time.
hey mimo i noted an extra wooden stick on my igloo,s door.
Hey Mimo!
Kimberrlley1 here =) Maybe we should leave this one up to the zebras.....hmmmmm ;]
Thanks mimo!
Klutzy is back... Great.
I can't find him, i looked all over!
Thanks Mimo and Moogasa, I'll give you two thumbs up! your buddy lorry40
Hey Guys.
This is MishMash215 here.
Yes, this is my sister typing again, and No, I am still not using "!"'s for everything.
Im just not feeling great, ya know?
Thanks for all the support you guys are giving me, coz this is a really rought time for me.
Anyways, I might get back to my Moderating, we will see how I feel, or how nice my sister is feeling. ;)
Thanks Again!
Hey Guys.
This is MishMash215 here.
coolhippo said...
mimo..... when u go to club www.clubpenguin.com the lighthouse has changed colour!!!
Hey Coolhippo.
Yes, the lighthouse on the Club Penguin homepage has changed, this is because the water party is currently on, and Club Penguin are making sure EVERYONE knows it as soon as they log in. :)
Coral! Haha. :)
Thanks & I hope I helped
MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)
i bet the next mision will be about the water party and maybe the bear will try to crakc the glass again
it didnt work for me i was there at 2:55 and he didnt come
why would that be????
-sparkling ic
I didnt see the crab
Ok. Straw000 and me just saw the crab at 6:15 am PST!
Can't wait for the next mission!
Did you know that the next secret mission comes out July 4?
andeCool i think it will be part in the new mission i can't wait it comes out
The crab might be part of the mission, but where is his partner in crime? a.k.a the bear
But... what if that's the crab from the missions, and not the trouble maker?
Whoa, cool picture. But the crab is defiantly up to something...
Coolio! i cannot wait!:)
- Monticella
PS. ive always been your biggest fan no matter what so always post my comments!
Maybe the crab means herbert is gonna wreak some big havoc!!!
Maybe the crab means herbert is gonna wreak some big havoc!!!
Hey Yuhh!
You said we can buy backgrounds from the stage even if your not a member.
Yes you can, you can also buy backgrounds from the clothing catalog and the sports catalog.
Ps. The Crag isn't on my screen =/
mimo, on the club penguin homepage there is stuff from the water party like the lighthouse and the water slide at the ski mountain.
cp name: Rosebud25
next to the iceberg theres a cool wale
Hey people. I cant seem to find the crab. Can someone help me? My penguin name is Vegas031 and I am always on yeti. Waddle on!
actually its both the pool and the mine.He comes to one of them every fifteen minutes.For example:
pool at 1:00
mine at 1:15
pool at 1:30
mine at 1:45
I think the trouble marker and that evil polar bear is up to something no good because "polar bear" said these is only the begining.
Yeah, that's awesome!
I never thought that crab was the same crab from the missions, but I guess you're right!
P.S. Mimo777 You Rock!
The crab goes to the mine every 15 or 45 min and goes to the pool every 00 clock and 30 min
the Pool at 1:00 PST
Mines at 1:15 PST
Pool at 1:30
Mines at 1:45
Pool at 2:00
its not here now
Crab at Pool on the 00 and 30.
Crab at Mine on the 15 and 45.
Hope that helps!
i bet that crab is the polar bears assistant in the secret agent missions!!
If you spray the crab with the water hose from the party, it will go away amatically!
Millywily (cp name) :)
i think that polar bear told the cab to crack the glass so wed be distracted by the water party. dont you see this isnt just any crab! this is the crab in the missions!!!!! hes probably checking to make sure we are ocupied and distracted.
Wow mimo. I wonder what that sneakey crab is up to.
Hmmm...I am sure to make herbert down of his ideas!And I think the crab would be in the next mission.They may wreak havoc in the club penguin agent headquarters or planning to trap the PSA or maybe herbert may take advantage of the crab by creating havoc for G.....I am bound to complete this mission when the mission comes out!!!I can't wait for that wonderful mission!!!
kimberrlley1, are we still going 2 meet each other at 6:00 today? I cant wait! remember:
Server: Dojo
Date: Today, june 16
Time: 6:00 cptz
Room: Dojo
I will prabably be orange, ok?
I normally dont go on icebound. what server do u normally go on?
plz post. :)
Dont forget!
i saw him its so cute but evil !!!!!!!!!
for example every ??:15mins past and ??:45mins past it appears at the mine . and every ??:00 o'clock and ??:30mins past it appears at the pool enjoy :)
thanks tooly!
ohhhhh that looks like klutzy...
it could be klutzy, the crab from the missions
he is also at the pool
This is very strange like last year the crab who broke he window wasn't klutzy,and he usally doesn't show his face around club penguin often so why is he now? Then now all the lastest missions have the polar bear and klutzy the crab they are both in the new missions...partnered I have a feeling they have planned something evil on club penguin to get payback.I saw klutzy the crab very often now so put together the puzzle...1.klutzy and the polar bear have been in the latest mission partnered,2.klutzy has been visiting the mine and the pool lately,3.Out of all the missions with klutzy the crab and the polar bear have been very sneaky around club penguin.Now it's up to club penguin to figure out this mystery. -mysterypenguin
awesome! i cant wait tell your first party clue!
i hope you like the glich i mentiond.
Anyway i will be haveing a Summer party at 3:00 p.s.t. at my igloo on the map!
oh and my penguin name is
karlito362 not karlito262
Hey guys, this is Pinkiwinki9...
Anonymous said...
Wait I went on cp and i couldnt see it! how does it come?
Well, I havent seen it either, but I think that what you have to do is WAIT... like... really wait for a while. I bet its one of those things where it comes for a while then it goes away, and then it comes back in exactly 20 minutes or something. Just like the coo coo clock in the lodge, its supposed to come out every 30 minutes or something.. hope this helped!
Pinkiwinki9 (CPG Moderater)
I Think that the carb that tapped on the glass last year is the SAME crab that is with polar bear what do you think?
oops i forgot the server
TIME: 3:00
If the crab is there, it might mean the mission is something to do with the mine! (That crab might be the one who caused trouble last year and is teamed up with the polar bear.)
I also saw the crab in the pool.
P.S. Please post my comment :D
Hey kimberly1 you know that buddylist glitch awile back well we were buddies but your not on mine anymore. so it would be cool if you could come to my party and re-add me.
hi everyone!
kimberrlley1, please dont forget we're going 2 meet on club penguin at 6:00 today! u should write it down or something so u dont forget, ok? i cant wait! :) remember:
Date: today, june 16
Time: 6:00 cptz
Server: Icebound
Room: Dojo
I will be orange. my penguin name is ribsythedog. please dont forget. :)
plz post:)
I think it is Klutzy! And maybe klutzy was also the crab the broke the glass.
Did you change the color of your site?
yay! Thanks for mentioning me Mimo! Oh and I like the new look that you made for clubpenguingang It's really cool!
peace love happiness
wow! i like the new color of the site its awesome!
hey mishmash215 i dont really kno who ur but im just saying i hope u feel better!
Holy smokes!!!!I saw him!!!!I think he comes out 5 or ten mins.He was at the pool and he looked like Klutzy!!!
Plz post this!!!!!
Hmmmm VERY interesting... BUT AWESOME! I cant WAIT for the new mission!
Awesome Mimo! You changed the colors of ur site!
45,000 hits party details:
* Server - Big Foot
* Date - Tuesday, June 17th, 2008
* Time - 12:45 pm PST
* Place - My igloo (will be on the map)
Hope you all can attend. Especially you Mimo! And if you can, bring the rest of the CPG.
cool dude a private party
mimo did u redecorate the site or something..... it looks different...to me.
kimberrlley1 dont forget u r going to meet me to day!
Hey it looks like klutzy hay they might be spying
Hey all!
Kimberrlley1 here! Someone said they didnt see it, why?
Hi! This is because you really have to wait a while =) I mean A WHILE lol ;]
Thanks &+ thanks mimo
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Ribsythedog!
Kimberrlley1 here =) Ill ry my best to be there! Thanks for thev reminder!
Hey Yuhh!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You said you can still buy backgrounds in the clothing catalog.
Thats awesome! =)
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey anonymous!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You said you cant find the crab!
Well, the brab is at the mine or pool every 00, 15, 30, or 45 minutes!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo toooo! =]
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Sparkling ic
Kimberrlley1 here =) Remember ,he only comes to the ppol and mine every 15, 30, 45, or 1 hour minutes!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Ella(Mish's sister)
Kimberrlley1 here =) I will definately be at the party. Me and mish have been awesome buddies forever lol :]. Tell him that we all love him as a pernguin, and that HE rocks!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
Hey guys!
Kimberrlley1 here! Cool said that the lighthouse on the hmepage has changed color.
Your right! Great looking! I think its a palm tree =)
Thanks &
+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Mish!
Kimberrlley1 here =) I just wanted you to know that Y0U rock, and that we all love ya and are pulling for ya!
Thanks &
+ thansk mimo!
I am so sad coz I can't do the next mission when it comes coz the current one doesn't work on my comp! the yellow puffle don't cum when i play the sheet music to him. has anyone else had this problem? its so sad...
Waddly Penny
Hey Mimo,
I brought a red puffle and i named it Yarr.heehee....
-Nagi22(i am a member)
The crab is at the pool evey, 'o clock. (1:00, 2:00, 3:00, etc) He's at the mine ever :15 and :45. (1:15, 1:45, 2:15, 2:45, etc)
Hey guys!
First off, I wanted to say OMG!!!!! for mishmash. At first I had no idea what people meant when they kept talking about a "get well party." Then I saw mishmash's post, and I almost screamed! I feel sooo bad for you!! I want to let you know that we are all thinking of you and we are keeping you in our prayers. Get well soon!
I saw the crab once!!!
And thanks to Kimberrlley1 for all the great advice she has given me!!
I wonder why the crab is there....
Hello Anonymous! I'm Blackpearl8!
"Anonymous said...
I don't see him at the mine."
You should see the crab at the mine, every :15 and :45th minute.
(ie: 1:15, 1:45, 2:15, 2:45, 3:15, 3:45, etc)
*Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-
like the new look!
like omg you changed your homepage!!
love it mimo!
hey coolhippo, the lighthouse changed color because its supposed to be the trunk of a palm tree! sweet!
you can see the crab at the mine every 15 minutes, so for example at 12:00, 12:15, 12:30, 12:45...
you get the point =] he comes scuttling out of the very left hand side of the cave with a lantern
and mishmash (or his sister) i'll most DEFINITELY be there at your party! you need to get better soon! and while you're getting better, we're all here for you!! all of cpg!
thanks guys, and again mimo, the site looks awesome!
Hi Anonymous! I'm Blackpearl8!
"Anonymous said...
wait i went on cp and i couldnt see it! how does it come?"
He will appear on every 'o clock (:00) every 15 minute (:15) ever half hour (:30) and every 45th minute (:45)
Here's The Crab's Schdule:
1:00: the Pool
1:15: the Mine
1:30: the Pool
1:45: the mine
2:00: the Pool
Hope that helped you out a little bit!
*Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-
The banner looks waaay better than the previous one!
oh my gosh mishmash! you are one of the nicest penguins i've met, i can't believe you got hit by a car. that just made my day worse. you will be in my thoughts, i will root for you and i am so sorry. D= right now i am actually shaking. this might actually make me cry, =C. i am so so sorry you are an awesome penguin and i will look forward to see you this saturday you have a great sister and i bet you already know that, i am glad that you are hanging in there. i will tell you a little story: so my uncles brother was hit by a bus while riding his bike, the pedal went into his hip. he was a very strong man, so he survived. it is very hard to belive but he used his strength and made it through. he is now just as strong, or maybe even stronger to this day. so i know that you will be ok because you are a very strong person. you rock mishmash. you are very strong, have an awesome sister, and you are an awesome friend dude, i hope you feel better and you are in my thoughts. i can't even get over this. mishmash you are very nice, very strong, very awesome. i know this has been long but let me tell yo one more strong story. well i my mom had breast cancer. she is one of the strongest women i have ever met. she was very sick, but it never kept her down, she kept on fighting and for some minutes or second I forgot she had cancer. her team name is her name's (not going to say her name sorry) warriors. and sorry 1 more story. so my Aunt was a very nice very healthy women, she was a doctor and many people loved her, so one day she had a heart attack, she was sent to the hospital, many people came, one day they took her of the machine, she was probably supposed to have a hard time, but she fought through 2 days. good luck dude!
you're friend goofy73
p.s i am seriously still shaking. D=C it is a sad smiley both ways.
again you're friend goofy73
p.s.s wait one more thing it's kinda short but it describes you in two words,"you rock"
and 1 more time you're friend goofy73
Hi Anonymous! I'm Blackpearl8!
"Anonymous said...
A crab will appear at the pool and at the mine on every 'o clock (:00) every 15 minute (:15) ever half hour (:30) and every 45th minute (:45)
Here's The Crab's Schdule:
1:00: the Pool
1:15: the Mine
1:30: the Pool
1:45: the mine
2:00: the Pool
*Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-
whoa! you just changed the banner and backround color behind the posts! wowza!!
you're friend goofy73
Hey Yuhh! I'm Blackpearl8!
" Yuhh said...
hey i know this has nothing to do with your post but did you know you can buy the backrounds from the stage costumes even if your not a member they are prerrty kewl!
Ps That crab is weird..."
I knew that, isn't it cool? I love to buy them, even though I'm a member. I have two other non-member accounts and I always buy them on there, too!
I think the crab is cool!
*Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-
Hey Anonymous! I'm Blackpearl8!
"Anonymous said...
Eh? I can't see him at the mine. Is this real mimo?"
Yes, the crab is 100% real! He's not at the mine or the pool 24/7 though.
He will appear on every 'o clock (:00) every 15 minute (:15) ever half hour (:30) and every 45th minute (:45)
Here's The Crab's Schdule:
1:00: the Pool
1:15: the Mine
1:30: the Pool
1:45: the mine
2:00: the Pool
Hope that helped you out a little bit!
*Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-
Oh my gosh, I can not believe this has happened to my friend, Mishmash! Please send him my deepest regards. I will be praying for him!
I will try my absolute best to make it to the party. :)
Thank You for letting us know, Ella! Please let Mishmash know that, Blackpearl8 wishes him the best and that I want him to get well as soon as possible!
if you go to the boiler room you will see the hose is leaking i think the crab may have caused that
Credit to:popiy87894
hey Waddly Penny, after you're done playing the sheet music, you gotta leave the piano and then the puffle will jump out and follow you! =]
have fun!
woot! I love the crab missions!!
-p.s. i have many names:
mimo fan 1
fashionista 2
and lastly but not leastly halo fan 1!!!
find me!
Its probably Klutzy! Maybe he was the crab from last year...
Hi Saraapril! I'm Blackpearl8!
"Saraapril said...
Hi Mimo
How can i see the crab?
He will appear on every 'o clock (:00) every 15 minute (:15) ever half hour (:30) and every 45th minute (:45)
Here's The Crab's Schdule:
1:00: the Pool
1:15: the Mine
1:30: the Pool
1:45: the mine
2:00: the Pool
Hope that helped you out a little bit!
*Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-
wow you changed your banner at the top
Hey Lion Tamer 1! I'm Blackpearl8!
"Lion Tamer 1 said...
Can't wait for the next mission!"
I know, me neither!
Hey Anonymous! I'm Blackpearl8!
"Anonymous said...
Did you know that the next secret mission comes out July 4?"
Really? No, I didn't know that! I can't wait! I wonder if they'll have a 4th of July party?
Hey Shamerine! I'm Blackpearl8!
"shamerine said...
The crab might be part of the mission, but where is his partner in crime? a.k.a the bear"
I guess we're going to have to wait untill the mission comes out to find out, eh?
*Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-
Hey Monticella!
Just a reminder, Mimo will ALWAYS post your comments! Unless you use bad language, it's too negative, etc.
*Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-
mimo if you are a secret agent u can go to the hq and look at the screens theres no ice berg screen but theres a dojo also theres no boiler room or pool or cave or mine or mine shack
`~w44rig55~` =-D
Hi Anonymous and Ix3soccer102! I'm Blackpearl8!
"Anonymous said...
Hey people. I cant seem to find the crab. Can someone help me? My penguin name is Vegas031 and I am always on yeti. Waddle on!"
"Ps. The Crag isn't on my screen =/" <-- from Ix3soccer102
He will appear on every 'o clock (:00) every 15 minute (:15) ever half hour (:30) and every 45th minute (:45)
Here's The Crab's Schdule:
1:00: the Pool
1:15: the Mine
1:30: the Pool
1:45: the mine
2:00: the Pool
Hope that helped you out a little bit!
*Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-
Hii Millywily! I'm Blackpearl8!
"Anonymous said...
If you spray the crab with the water hose from the party, it will go away amatically!
Millywily (cp name) :)"
No, the crab doesn't go away automatically when you spray it, it's just that he only stays for about 5 secs!
*Blackpearl8 -CPG Moderator-
Hey Mimo! You changed your website!
ps- Mimo! I really like the new layout!
Hi Karlito362!
What server will your party be on?
Hi Ribsythedog!
Just wanted to let you know that "Dojo" is not a server. It's a room. So what server will your meet-up with Kimberrlley be on?
Hey mimo... check out this sweet cheet! If you go to the iceburg and click on the blue semi circle in the left corner. You come out to a big dolphin floatie!
Hey Xbd1! I'm Blackpearl8!
"Anonymous said...
I Think that the carb that tapped on the glass last year is the SAME crab that is with polar bear what do you think?
I think so too! I bet the glass breaking last year wasn't an accident! =O
*Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-
Hey Guys! In the community section they're now featuring an igloo every week! Check it out, it's right by the clock!
Hey Karlito362!
Scratch my comment about what server your party would be on. What day is it going to be on?
i think that cp has been planning this all along i bet they have tons of other secrets they r keeping from us..........
-purlpe moon
Hey Ribsythedog!
Scratch what I said about what server your meetup with Kimberrlley would be on. Sorry.
Hey Pinklinda123! I'm Blackpearl8!
"pinklinda123 said...
Did you change the color of your site?"
Yeah! He changed the banner and the color! Isn't it AWESOME?!?! I love the blue color, it's a nice chnage! I love it, don't you?
*Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-
i was confused today.
i will throw my party tomarow at 1:00 p.s.t.
my igloo on the map
snowy river
Hey Petsrule3! I'm Blackpearl8!
"Anonymous said...
mimo did u redecorate the site or something..... it looks different...to me.
Yup, Mimo changed the banner and the color of the site! It's awesome, isn't it?
On CP you said your party would be in Fjord, but on here you say Bigfoot. Which one is it? lol
In page B8 of the newspaper you can make Aunt Arctic blink if you click her eyes.
In page B6 if you run the mouse over 'Rockhopper' it says he's promised a visit.
On page C1 run the mouse over 'JOKES' and there are 2 more knock knock jokes.
On pages C5 and C6 there is a new kind of upcoming events.
Big Goonie <--CP name
PS did u ever meet rockhopper?
hey guys, just saying hi!
hey there theatergirl1023, you're absolutely right! i think the semi circle you're talking about it the nose of the whale floatie, so when you go over there you step onto the whale from last year's party! pretty cool!
Yeah Blackpearls time i think are right and i really dont like waiting but oh well!
Kewl, Mimo you did something to the site the letters are better now!
i think that cp has been planning this all along i bet they have tons of other secrets they r keeping from us..........
-purlpe moon
yes they do have a lot of secrets hidden from us! lol like the ninjas mimo asked the a long time ago and they said they r not gonna bring them back so i asked them a few days ago and they said something like penguins see things and maybe those things r ninjas so yeah i guess they r keeping secrets
Hey Mimo!
Kim here! Yu did change it :].~ It looks awesome! Great job!
Thanks mimss!
O mimo ive noticed this in the mine if u look at the screen its like something is hitting it from the back during the video in different places and its like a lump i think its the bear!
hi kimberrlley1 and blackpearl8!
im sooooo sorry, i was thinking when i wrote the comment about my party thingy. the server is icebound not dojo,
Server: icebound
Date: today, june 16
Time: 6:00
room: dojo
ps plz post
hey blackpearl8,
i just saw u at karlito362's party :)
u asked to be my buddy. it was cool
plz post
I saw him! He was big..! And ugly!
And looked like a crab...
HES KLUTZY THE CRAB! I knew it! ITS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When he came up to me
he had a cloth/blanket thing.
Mimo777, U Fried and Me Santa! All in a days work! ~Jackymadison777~
The site looks a little color darker nice! I like blue! It feels so unusual!!!
A new homepage cool!!!!
When did you see the crab? Do you have to be in a certain sever? Is it like Rockhopper but stays in mine. I betcha the crab's name is Klutzy.
The new page is cool!!
The crab never appear!!!!!! i wait for 30 minutes and never appeared!!!!
I think that crab is the herbert's friend, and definately is going to be in the mission 8
i cant wait 'till 6:00!!! its 3:00 now. When will 6:00 come!!!
omg hes the crab from the mission of the won where you get those cool glasses and get the fur.
yup, your eyes aren't deceiving you, mimo changed his layout!
also, big goonie when you talked about aunt arctic's picture, you're right! if you put your cursor over aunt arctic's eyes, her glasses turn into sunglasses! spy sunglasses, i think =]
about the screen in the mine being hit from behind? i dont think it is, its just kinda jumpy =]
I cant believe the crab is back I hope he doesn't do the same thing as last year * wink wink *! I LOVE Club penguin and Mimo777 u rock! Do you think we could meet on Club penguin sometime? Like on Husky on Sunday the 22 of June? My user is Bummmbelbee I'm a member and I usually have on a Yellow swim suit on and the flutter-by hair style and green flip flops with The white sunglasses and a seashell necklace.U got that well see ya there maybe!
Hey Guys.
This is MishMash215 and I am crying.
Everyione is being so nice, but I have to go for my injections!
I will post a proper thank you later.
MishMash215 :'(
Mimo777 on Monday June 16, 2008 I saw the crab in the pool. I think It's going to be in the boiler room tomorrow. Plus I heard Mission 8 is going to be coming at the end of the water party.
kimberrlley1, do u think u could have space for me on your buddy list, please?
In your Ultimate Links, can you please raise me from Snow Pile to Bunny Slope or even Tip of the Iceberg. I think I deserve it! I hope you think so to!!:-D
That's odd! I gonna go look for the crab right now!
- Jonathan Rox
I like your new banner!
I noticed something hitting the screen also. Maybe that is a way to show that the video is old.
cool mimo love the new designs and stuff and colors
Hay Mimo I found a secret that i am not sure u know about on cp did you know that if u go into the book room and click on the library then go into the book "Rockhopper and the Stow away" and you go to one of the last pages you can click on the friendship bracelet and get it!!!
Mimo you changed your site banner. cool.
Yo this new homepage rockz mimo!Keep it up cool dude!
Wishin Mishmash a speedy recovery
my party is open untill i close it so come and we will party some more!
I can't see it but i was there at the right time
sorry i wasnt really there at my earlyier party i was busy and my internet was not working well but it is better now.
OOO i like your new backround on the site! It's awesome!!!
Ur welcome Mimo777. Do you mind if you changed the name to tooly228 instead of tooly. Thx! I appreciate it. You rock! Hope you can attend my party! :-D
I bet you that crab broke the glass in the swimming pool and is in al those missions
you can get 800 coins in burnt out bulbs you just gotta collect the coins in the book
kimberrlley1, lots of people are in the dojo right now waiting for u, u too blackpearl8, please come! its 6:10 right now!
please come
Hey Mish!
Kimberrlley1 here =) Aw im sorry your crying! Good luck at your injections, and you'll do fine =) Be braveee, remember!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Ribsy!
Kimberlley1 here! You asked if i have room for you to be on my bl?
Of course =) Even if i didnt, i would make room!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Skittler!
Kimberrlley1 here! You asked if mimo could meet you?
Im so sorry ,but mimo cant! Hes too busy, and it wouldnt be fair to toher penguins that want to meet him too! I wish he could do individual meetings too! Try making it to his next party =)
Thanks &+ thanks mimo tooo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
guess wat i saw 9china9 today im with him right now
yo mimo cool new background on ur website my penguin is Fang2345 ;)
kimberrlley just got here scratch the last comment, ok?
To clear up any confusion, the party will be held at Big Foot!
woah new color!
Well that is very suspicious to me. Thanks for the tip.
my party was awsome, sparkforever, tooly228, kimberrlley1, 9china9,survivor91, and many others were there. it was an awsome party, thaks to everyone that came!
OOO I just noticed something! Is ain't this like the first picture you have taken talking?
mino!! thats the crab from the mishen!! he is probly planing something for his poler bear freind!
- Mayfrost 101
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