Sweet! Here is a drawing of a part of the new Mission 8! It looks like a volcano. But if you look you can see the Lighthouse through the hole. Maybe it's a big pile of snow! What do you think it is?
The mission will be out at the end of June. I can't wait! Thanks bubby4j for the tip.
Also, in the newspaper there is a new secret message. Here it is and what it says!

Here is the Secret Message:
Also, don't forget to click on the propellar hat on page 6b!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
Cool Mimo!
Thanks For The Update!
hey wanted to say awsome cant wait!!
nice mimo thats really cool it looks like an abyss
I think its at the beach.
Mimo add me.
I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!
I think that it's either a volcano or pile of snow (like you said)
hey, great minds think alike! ;)
I think it could look like a big pile of snow, or like your in a cave with a hole and the lighthouse is above you. I can't wait for the mission!
mimo just so u now the light houses music changed
hey mimo, on cpip billybob said:
"Hello Penguins!
Thanks for all your feedback on the player card redesign and Penguin Mail so far--the team is working hard to add in what they can from your suggestions. Great work!
We are still hoping to release these features at the end of June and will keep you up to date as we continue building these features.
This week, the team has been very busy squashing and fixing bugs!
I'll have more info next week after more testing is done."
so we can probably look for the mail and the new card by the end of this month! yay!!
looks like an underwater volcano. ha ha! cool!
thanks mimo!
We fall into an under ground cave and have to get out
Cool there is a mission A NEW ONE
cool mimo
maybe you tunneled,and youu tunneled to the beach!
wow cool! i think its like a big hole or somthing....????
O kewl! can't wait! They should make a lot more missions
I think it is under ground of the beach
For me...... I think it's an underground tunnel to Herbert's secret lair!
if u open the newspaper where the pictures move, u notice that the hidden fashion paragraph is gone!
i think it's a snow vortex created by Herbert p bear. it sounds silly i know but you never know?
It's Underground !
wow I can't wait!
it looks like ice!
i think it is a hole underground.Thanks for the update mimo
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Thanks for the tip MImo!
You rock!
I think its our penguin stuck in a hole, while looking at the lighthouse!
Kinda random, but yay!
Thanks Again!
Hey Mimo!
I gotta a tip for you!
The newspaper is out today, and if you turn to Page B6, then put your mouse over the different words like Catalog, Fashion or Rockhopper, and a bubble pops up with little tips for you!
I know its not much, but it is pretty cool!
i tink it could be an avalanche!
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Kimberrlley1 and Floobersnoot told us in a previous post that they had got their Driving Permits!
MishMash215's Response:
Wow! That is so cool guys!
You must be 15 or 16, right?
Well have fun with your car, and keep safe!
Haha! I sound like a parent, dont I? LOL! ;)
Thanks Guys and as always, Enjoy!
MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Some great answers so far! :D
Keep it up guys!
I am loving all the creativity so Rock On!
Keep it up, and I pretty much agree with everyone else!
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
The Club Penguin Find thingy is not in the newspaper!
Thats all Im going to say! ;)
Yes, it certainly does look like a big pile of snow to me.
And its strange how you see the Lighthouse through that hole.
I am sure all our questionz will be revealed soon by clubpenguin!
i think its a trap by the polar bear in front of the lighthouse
it's a trap! the bear dug a hole and we fell in!
the hole must be at the beach!
COOOOOL...looks like you're inside a hole in the ground in the beach near the lighthouse,CAN'T WAIT.
i think it's the poaler bear and the hole is from the mine or somthing i cant wait!!
Looks like it's underwater- maybe you'll have to use the Aqua Grabber in the mission!
Hey! In the newspaper on page B6 you can move the pictures! Also if you hover over that hat it tells you about Penguin Mail. I agree with Pinkiwinki9 about the mission picture.
hey mimo!i bet the mission is gonna be great!
its just a big pile of snow
awsome!! i can't wait! Thanks
i think that it is a cave under A mountain, not sure which one though
I Think that is an underground cave. That mission is gonna be awesome!
Whoa, cool picture!
It's herbert's new lair
It could be a trap that the polar bear set!
I think that the mission is about an avalanche !
i think it is in like an underground cave and you are looking up at the beach.
I think it has something to do with the aqua grabber.
I think it is a mission that starts a new room!
it is a hole in the ice and you can see the lighthouse from below!
I think you fall into a hole in front of the lighthouse!
Love your site, Mimo!
Spy Ya L8r
it looks really cool maybe a metiorite has hit club penguin?
It's a hole! You can see the lighthouse out of the hole! You seem to be in a cave place... mysterious.
~Time Doctor
i think it is that the polar bear blasted a hole in the ski mountain
I think the polar bear digs a huge pile of snow and then you go down and your under water. (under water because of water party)
I think it's a trap or a hole that you fall through and have to get out of.
i know its page B6 of the #138 issue
Hmmm... I think it's CP trapped under snow.
Mimo thanks for the update!
I can't wait to play the club penguin 8th mission!!!
-Ng Qi Han(Club penguin username)
Also on the water party page scroll over the propellor cap ( you might need to move the pics) for a hidden message
click on secrets in the news papaer in the psa section a secret message comes up
from mufc 1
that is so cool! thanks for the update mimo!
Hey Mish, Floob, and all!
Kimberrlley1 here =) Thanks Mish for telling us awesome that we got our permits =) Im phyked too! ;] Ill be safe, so worries!
Also congrats floob on getting ?YOUR permit, and also thanks for giving us the tip from billybob!
Lasty, great guessing all, and keep it up! Awesome job to the weiners ;] so far!
Thanks so much &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
I can't wait for it. I wonder if the polar bear comes back.
Dude, awesome!
club penguins not working for me is it working for everyone else???
-Sparkling ic
i cant wait mimo
i think your in the ICEBERG!
Hey Everyone!
Just a reminder that today is the day of Bacon707 and I's party! Here are the details:
Date: Today!
Place: Jessicamary's igloo (on map)
Time: 6:00 CP time
Server: Big Foot
Please be there! Everyone is invited. It is for someone very special who is sad right now. We can all cheer that person up! It could even be you who needs cheering up, because its a suprise!
hey mish, im 14 =] haha but close enough =]
Hey Mish =) You're right! Im 15 =)
Hey Mods!
Kimberrlley1 here =) What do you think of my idea for the party tonight that im having at 7:00 CP Time?
Im adding 40-50 new buddies! Sound cool? Can you come!?
Thanks &+ thanks mimo
Hey everyone!
It's me, Pearlwhite27!!
I just wanted to say Congratulations to Bacon707 for becoming a member today!!! That is sooo awesome! I wish him good luck and I hope you all congratulate him if u see him!
wat propeller hat are u talking about???
Proppeler hat?
where is this strange item with a cool thing when you click on it?
Hey Floobersnoot!
This is MishMash215 wondering wether I am still goint to the party!
You dont have to invite me, but I am just asking in case you do, so I can make that day free for me ;)
Thanks! :D
Your Pal,
hey there sparklin ic, cp wasnt working for me either. looks like the game and site were all down! but maybe its working now, so go try it =]
oh and kim, wheres the party gonna be?
it looks like the mountain!!!
CP name heyhi1316
where is the propeler cap?
yo mimo I wont to this persons igllo and thay had cart surfing music : 0 go to egmoo
this was posted at 9:53:45 pm
-mac lorey-
woo hoo mimo you should have come to the partay! 9china9 and zoe zoe11 were there! yippee!!!!
It looks like the polar bear dude digs a hole on the beach this time. Cool.
Oooh. I think that Polar Bear dude it gonna melt the Ski Mt.
I think the mission is about a volcano.
Anyway thanks mimo.
Bye :)
hey mimo make sure that you give as the cheats for the mission.
the lighthoude is seen from a hole UNDERGROUND!!! and i cant wait for the mission ...i luv them
i think herbert is part of the mission again obviously
hey mimo!
Did you know that if you dance while wearing the tube, you swim!
i think it's under water!
people. the propeller cap was from the april fool's day party! its not here anymore. it might come back though
uh mish, didn't i send you the invite?
oh wait...
(psst, go sign up for twitter asap and tell me your username!!)
Hey guys!
Kimberrlley1 here! Many penguins are asking where the propellor cap is from?
It actually was from anotehr party, and its not there anymore. Bummer huh?
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
Hey Bacon!
Kimberrlley1 here! Congrats on becomng a member =)
Hey Everyone!
Some penguins have been asking about the propeller hat. Well, they aren't available right now. They were free items from the April Fools Day Party. But keep your eyes peeled, because they might come back! :-)
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
Hey memewait ,
I am sure you hope that mimo will post the cheats. But isn't it always fun trying it out by yourself. Oh, and he will post them.
Intograte(cpg moderator)
i think it's a cave cause I see part of the light house through the hole!
Hey jessicamary,hopefully i show up at your party!and bacon congrats man!
-Survivor91-(CPG Moderator)
And all of you guyz,the propeller cap was available in the april fools party that has passed!I know thats sad but i think it will come back.Well hopefully it comes back.
:) Survivor91(CPG M.)
Yo Kim and Floob,good luck on your driving.I am still thirteen,so i guess i gotta wait for one or two years.:( Anyway hope u guyz give me a lift one day,:) and be careful too.
-Survivor91- CPG Mod
Kimberrley,i think u deleted me before ur party started in order to have space.But i dont think i can show up at ur party tonight,so could u add me some other time?
RoCk On MiMo!
whens the new mission coming?
and whered you get thet picture of the new mission??????
Hey there!
Kimberrlley1 here! Someone asked where mimo got the pic of the new mission?
Fiorst off ,the mission is coming out SOON =) Mimo got thw picture off clubpenguin.com/community.
Thanbks so muhc &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey survivor!
Kimberrlley1 here! You said i deleted you before my party, and you couldnt come!
Thats alright =) Noone came anyway because mimo didnt get to post my comment tellinf you about it and all the details, but id LOVE too add you again!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo =)
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey survivor!
Kimberrlley1 here! You said i deleted you before my party, and you couldnt come!
Thats alright =) Noone came anyway because mimo didnt get to post my comment tellinf you about it and all the details, but id LOVE too add you again!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo =)
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Survivor!
Kimberrlley1 here! Thanks for congratulating us on our permit! Im happy i can drive now haha =) Its a lot of fun. but remember to be careful when you get your liscence too!
I just got a car for my birthday too!
I got a White Mercedez Bendz with baige interior and its a convertable, and i love it!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
hey survivor, we sure will! thanks =]
wow kim, you got a Mercedez?!?! thats so AWESOME!! although i got my permit, i'm not allowed on the road till im 16... *sigh* i got a while to wait... but i can drive a bit in empty parking lots =]
have fun cruisin in your new car! =]
Whats the date for the new postcards?
On the Club Penguin homepage,the lighthouse is a palm tree instead of the lighthouse.
Give thanks to Sugashooz(Club Penguin Member)
Hey Floob!
Kimberrlley1 here! Thanks so much =) Im sure youll be a great driver! And did you get a car like i did? Im jw haha =)
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG moderaotr)"
Also Floob, i have good news! Im moving to Beverly Hilllllls! But im still keeping a home in Hawaii, when i visit back there =) Im moving really close to the jonas brotherrrs! Ahhh lol
I thought it could be youd falled downa hole and its like near the lighthouse!!! I think im right!!
For the Secret Mission part....
I think it looks kind of like your stuck in a cave! maybe the polar bear pushed you into the hole or something and you have to get out to stop the polar bear from doing something terrible!
But I don't know I just kind of guessed at what I saw in the picture! Anyways thanks for all the hints you give!
So cool!
Hey Mimo777!
Kimberrlley1 here= ) You never posted my comment from a few days ago about this but....
I really think you are stuck underground in this mission. I think this because when you look at the sketch. it looks like your looking ^(up) at the lighthouse, so you can see part of it. Dont you think?
Than ks &+ thanks mimo!
Also, great guessing everybody!
lol kim i dont have a car yet, i think 14 is a bit too young to be driving around the streets =]
but hopefully, when im 16 and get my license... =]
kimberrlley r u rich? cuz u got a mercedez and r living in beverly hills and still have a home in hawaii
the mission thing i think Herbert is plotting to do something about it
Hey Floob!
Kimberrlley1 here! Well thats alright you dont have a car, you're only 14 =) Dont rush it haha. Since im 15 and have my permit, im just gonna let it wait for me, and practice with it and stuff with my parents. "Buggin" huh? ;]=)
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
i just found a cheat in ur pic !!! lok ovr ur computer screen from the top and it will say PSA with webby stuff in the corners!!!
mimo, HELP can you send clothes and stuff in the penguin mail when its in? Like could i send my buddie the dragon costume and other stuff with it? PLEASE ANSWER
"mimo, HELP can you send clothes and stuff in the penguin mail when its in? Like could i send my buddie the dragon costume and other stuff with it? PLEASE ANSWER"
well anonymous, cp said it might be finished by the end of the month! hooray! but i dont think you can send clothes and items... i think its just for postcards. sorry =]
Hey Floob!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You said that the sending thing isnt for clothes and items?
I think they mgiht make one for postcards, and one so you can send friends gifts =)! I heard about that, and i def hope its true!
I'd give you so muhc lol. Im a really givng person, but thats just me.
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
P.s Floob: I was wondering what your favorite stores were to shop at, and what your "style" is? Lol im jw
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Anonymous
Kimberrlley1 here
You asked if iwas rich?
Well i dont like to be identified at "the spoiled rich girl". I think its overrated, you know? I might have more money then other people, but that doesnt mean that im not nice =) Im a very nice and giving person, and i want to keep it that way
Thanks so much & great question + thansk mimo@
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
hey there kim! wow that's so nice of you! but i really doubt they'd let members give clothes to nonmembers.... there really wouldnt be any point in giving out more memberships =]
hmmm my style? lol idk just stuff that looks cute and is comfortable... dresses are nice for special occasions but usually some cute top and jeans then my fave sweater is my everyday outfit. or during the summer, just a tank, pj pants, robe and blue fuzzy moose slippers =] gotta have those fuzzy slippers!!
no hollister or american eagle for me =]
what bout you?
ps i think the term "rich kid" is overrated big time. BIG time.
i think the polar bear lockes us in an underground cavern then the black puffle who went on fire and flew around clubpenguin bursts through the ceiling and you climb through the hole made by the puffle to the beach and goe to stop the polar bear
Hey Floob!
Kimberrlley1 hee =) You asked me my style too?
Well i love wearing cute shirts/tanks =) I have multiples in every color lol. I love clothes. I like aero,americaneagle, Aerie, hollister, khols, bobs, PACSUN =], Abercrombie...ect;
I also love my skinny jeans and ripped shorts too.
For shoes, i absoliutely love my converse shoes. I have them in every color you can imagine(light pink, hot pink, red, orange, neon orange, neon yelloe, dark yellow, lime green, dark green, apple green, light blue, royal blue, navy blue, light purple, dark purple, brown, white, baige, black, grey). I also love flip flops! I have a bunch of pairs =)
I have slippers too, and ya gotta love em!
Thanks &
+ thanks mimo!
P.s: I think "rich kid" is overrated too. I mean just because ih ave more money then other ppl, doenst mean they can classify me as the rich kid. lol. ya know?
p.s.s.: I dont classify mysekf as anything, like stereo types(Ex:prep, emo, goth, ect;). I just like being me!
It could be that the mountain caves in, only on the inside though, or that it has always been that way and someone just found the hole into it
Mimo i have a question why are people o obsesed about being a member on clubpenguin i am not a member and everyone is leaving me out what do i do
The mission was ace the best one!
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