So what do you have to do? Look at the picture below and write funny words for both the Moose and the Mullet. Club Penguin Gang will pick the one best and funniest captions as the winner.
Email your funny captions to me at I can't answer any of your emails, sorry.

What does the winner get? I'll add you to my buddy list!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
1 – 200 of 243 Newer› Newest»Yo cool mimo!I think i have got a rough idea now...
Wishin Mishmash a speedy recovery
Cool mimo. PLEASE post this because i always write comments and you never post them. Well I think you should have another party soon.
this is gonna be great! =D
Hey Mimo!
Kimberrlley1 here =) I dont think im going to enter since we're already buddies, so ill let someone else have a shot!
Good luck all!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Ok! I'm going to do one right now and email you
Mimo, I have a question about the contest. What if you did this:
** ** ****, **** *****! **** ** **** ***** ** *** ********?!
(I did stars instead of the real letters)
Will I be disqualified? Or does it count as one sentence?
ill try this time!
my captions are really bad i will never when any of your contests. But one time when i was sleeping i dreamed of my penguin meeting yours. Maybe that dream will come true one day
how about a whoever-writes-the-most-comments-wins conest?
ya, that is soooooooooo kewl! mimo, i love ur site! p.s. plz post! bye!
mimo i just found another glitch like the igloo one with the snowballs but at the mountain please give Nizibolacko credit cause i found it first
woot i love caption contests!
Hi Mimo!
That's a good idea! I'm not good at jokes (though I try desperately lol) but I will still try.
Quick! Meet me on CP everyone:
When: Tuesday, June 17
Time: 8:30pm CPTZ
Server: Frostbite
Place: pool
Mimo please please post! everyone who can come-I'll see you there!
~.~.~.~MIMO ROCKS~.~.~.~
I wont make it because I dont know how to e-mail them!
Nicole744 (cp name)
lolz i emailed 2 times
I've already got a good one!!!
Hope I win!!! Love ya, mimo777!!!
Yes, I hope I win!
kimberrlley 1 saying:
Hey Mimo!
Kimberrlley1 here =) I dont think im going to enter since we're already buddies, so ill let someone else have a shot!
Good luck all!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
isnt really cpg moderating its just a normal post so u didnt have ta put cpg moder there
And will you keep the winner on your buddy list? I'm not gonna enter this one.
Hey Mimo!
I am so so excited! I hope I win so much!
This is soooooooooo awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i've always wanted to be one of mimo's buddies!!!!!! i sure hope i win!
I sorta dont enter in these kind of contests because i know im not gonna win and all...but ill try this i already emailed you
AWESOME! i already sent in mine! ill give you a hint wat it is! Hint: Because I'm fat. lol!!! hope ya get it Mimo! post this! ya biggest fan -Ye11
Hey Mimo!
I didnt try last time but i will this time. I put 2 entrys. I hope i get a chance.
P.S kimberrlley ur sooo lucky ur buddies with mimo. How though?
im glad u guys liked my party
tooly228, your party was awsome
i entered!
you're friend goofy73
yay another caption contest! I have a pretty good idea for one i think... hmm...
wow Nicole744, dont panick! just send an email to mimo like this:
moose: blah blah blah
mullet: blah blah bladeblah
get it? you do NOT need to edit the picture! just send in the conversation only.
Hey everyone!!
I just wanted to invite all of you to my party. All of you are invited, so come! Remember, I will accept ALL buddy requests here, so make sure to come!! If you can't come don't worry, I will have another soon!!! This party is for absolutely no reason at all, I just love club penguin parties!!
Here is the info:
Day: Wednesday, June 18
Time: 12:30pm (CLUB PENGUIN TIME)
Server: Ice Palace
Where: The Whale!(next to the iceberg)
Why: no reason!!!
Hope you can come!!!
wow! sweet
yay! i entered =]
Hey nikeguy23!
It's Pearlwhite27!
Q: You asked about your post.
A: Well, lets say that was JUST the moose saying that. That would be counted as two sentences. But if one sentence was for the mullet and the other for the moose head, it would count. Get it?? If you don't, post a comment and I'll try to help.
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
Boy, Oh, Boy, Mimo. You sure love those caption contests!!! I will most deinetly join the competition!!!!! Game on!
penguin name
~Victor 12
hey mimo how did u get behind the window
umm are bananas realy slippery???
Hey look for my other accounts:
mimo fan 1
halo fan 1
I entered twice, but that was only cuz in my first one i didnt see Mimo in the window! Oops!
Anyways, I love club penguin gang and everything they do for us!
O.o I am so in! LoL =DDD
yes ! I emailed mine! Hope I get picked. I think not.
...........AWESOME! im going to work really hard on that,
Hey violet5599!
Q: You asked if Mimo will keep you on his buddy list.
A: Yes, he will! Mimo will keep you on his buddy list once you're on! Cool, huh? And I think you should try the caption contest. Who knows, YOU might be the lucky winner!!
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
aaah no no no no cry! its doing it again i cant use my email! now what am i going to do =(
yay i love these!
WAAAAAA! im not allowed to email and i have a REALY funny one! please help! iwona icee - penguin name
Dear Mimo,
Haha, I see you in the corner of the window on this picture. I wonder if I will enter this time...?
Hmmm. I really like your contests and stuff. Maybe someday I can have a Club Penguin site thingie like you!
This is fun...
- Lion :D
awesome, i got a few ideas!!!
Hey risbythedog!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You asked if mimo could have a whoever can post the most comments contest.
A: That's kind of unfair because some people can't post for some reason and mimo sometimes posts peoples comments faster than others. But I think it is a great idea, and keep going and maybe mimo will take your great advice and hints and use them! Good luck!
i just emailed mine, i hope i win if i did i would probaly faint then jump all over running around the house saying yes yes hahaha yes!
Sand Flipper
you rock mimo!
I tried editing the picture and putting it in my email but it just can up blank. lol
How am I supposed to edit it if I cant save it on my computer?
heres a tip that might really help, for all of you who have been emailing and twittering me:
if you get one that just comes to you the second you see it, then it's probably a good one!
don't force the funnyness =]
I know what to send but HOW do you send it?
Nicole744 (cp name)
Oh and im having a birthday party! Heres the info.
When: Wednesday June 18
Where: Christmas server
Room: Iceberg!
What: a special party
WHY: Its my birthday!
PLz try to make it evryone!
hey mimo on twitter you said me santa is still grounded but how did he get grounded? also zoezoe11 is at camp.... cool!
your pal Sand Flipper
you rock mimo777!
Wow I can't enter because I don't have an email but I wish I could. I'm having a party ...
On- Thursday, June 18
When- 3:00 cptz
Server- Snowfall
Room- Dojo
I'll be showing my take your clothes off glich!(my clubpenguin name is my blog name.)
yo be sure to read coldstines entry in your email.i hope you like it.i do
how many times can you send an entry?
ok many of you have been wondering why mimo keeps talking about zebras and how they smell, i think its because not last year but the year before that mimo posted on April Fools day an april fools joke where he said that some company wanted him to put a computerized scratch and sniff sticker on his website, he told people to scratch then sniff there computers where th computerized sticker was, the smell was supposed to be zebra smell, it was actually an april fools day joke but .....yeah some people tried it. thats the story....i think, it was a long time ago...
Hey Guys.
This is MishMash215 here!
Yep, I wanna win this.
I kinda hope that this will make me feel better, so I will give it a BIG go!
The only problem is, I am not very funny when I am sick. Maybe you guessed that! ;)
Thanks again for the touching messgaes to me, and You are making me feel way better!
are you going to pick the top ten again???
awesome! im entering!
Do you have to put your penguin name for when you email it?
Mimo, when your in the backround in the window can YOU say something?
i hope i win! i just got back from the orthidontist and it hurt, it was worse than my operation on my mouth!
Sand Flipper
Hey Mimo i love your blog, This is Kookle910 (your BIGGEST fan) Please post this. Vapnoar777 and I were wondeing if you could put us both on your buddy list because we do everything together so keep on rocking.*Your BIGGEST Fan* Kookle910 & Vapnoar777.
i just sent two things to you. two because i forgot to add something to one of them. i hope i win
SO HARD...brain not working! Im really not a funny person so i cant make up jokes or anything like that
Mimo, on the picture, you're outside by the window.
ive got one ive got one you will be getting a email from me
I'v send you one I hope you like it
nice header mimo777!
your pritty good!
Hey Mimo
The Furniture Catalog has been postponed to 20th of June.
mimo i love u u are the coolest look i have a poblem i have a realy bad crabby teacher and i have her 4 10 weeks can u help me?
please from mjvl
I love this contests!I'm soo trying!
Hey Guys.
This is MishMash215 here.
I am soon going to enter my caption, but I have no idea whethere MImo will like it!
I sent mine in! Mimo , did you know that the Club Penguin Time is Australian Eastern Standard time ?
Sweet! i hope i get picked! Hello Mark8
mimo i saw the crab in the pool at the top of the window thing u have to see it ps if u post this first time seen
i am pellidio
yo pearlwhite!I will try my best to come to your party,but the problem is its quite early for me,but i will still try my best to make it!
Wishin Mishmash a speedy recovery
hey, Mimo! I sent you a caption. it's the one about the moose that doesn't know where he c*m* fr*m.
on the side note, I want to become a cpg moderator, like kimberrlly1 and floob. have any tips?
Hey Everyone!!
Just a gentle reminder guyz!When you are posting your entries to mimo via the club penguin gang email address,always remember to
state your penguin name in the email!It would be a real bummer if your entry is really really great but your penguin name isnt stated.
Anyway,have fun with your funny captions guyz!Good luck to everyone who are participating.
Wishin Mishmash a speedy recovery
Hi Everyone!
I'm sure everyone is sooo excited about the contest right? I mean, Who doesn't want to be Mimo's buddy? Well.. have fun! I hope that you guys win.. All the best!!
- Gracelixian. ( Clubpenguin name).
Mimo I have already posted my funny captions to you,mimo.I'll hope to win this contest very much.Mimo please let me win and let me be your buddy!!!
Clubpenguin Username-Ng Qi Han
I am GOING to join
ill be soooooooo happy if i won mind is empty! lol.
Nicole744 said:
"I wont make it because I dont know how to e-mail them!"
Well all you have to do is send an email to clubpenguin and make the subject Caption contest. Then gust write what the moose and the mullet say.
Like this:
Moose: Hello mullet
Mullet: Hi moose
Well I hope this helps!
Maggie4553 (CPG moderator)
Mimo, can you make a template for blogger? Your style template for our blogs? thanks, please reply and post!
Cool Mimo777!
I hope you like mine!
mimo you are going to like mine
and I see your penguin in the window of the pic
-mac lorey-
Awesome, Mimo! Nice prize, too! I entered! :D
Oh, and nice new banner, too! :P
Ummm,Im already your buddy,but can I still enter just for fun?
If I can, well,I'll email you right now!
Mimo, the water party was extended one day!
Big Goonie <--CP name
hey kimberrlley how did you get to be mimos buddy?
How do u enter?
wooow i have too enter this is going to be soo cool !!!!
how many times can you enter? can you enter more than once?
how did you get behind the window?
wowwwww mimo
Can we send more than one?
kimberrlley u said never to write cpg moderator after ur name if ur not answering a question, but u did. see:
Hey Mimo!
Kimberrlley1 here =) I dont think im going to enter since we're already buddies, so ill let someone else have a shot!
Good luck all!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
I will have one more party. cause i didnt get to meet you Blackpearl and Sandflipper we used to be buddies and i accidently deleted you.
TIME: 2:00 PST
Ohhhhh i allready sent mine in It's really good!
hey mimo! have you ever realsied how sad it is when you think you have worked out where a Mimo party is and then you get there and nobody is there? so i think you should take evryones email who regulary visits you site? aqnfd every week or so have a poarty with so many penguin and they know exactly when where it is!!!
thx, poco purplez xo
Sweet mimo! I sent you an email for the contest! I hope you like it.
i love these things! you can enter as many times as you want, right? cause i have like a million ideas!
Mimo you rock. I don't think I will enter this one though. :)
Oh, and Pearlwhite27, the party is over so the whale isn't there any more for your party. :(
Well good luck everyone!
wow the winner gets to be your buddy thats awsome i hope i win
i just wanted to be on your buddies list mimo that's all.I'm zxdfty78.
Haha, i already have one in my head right now!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)" said...
Hey Mimo!
Kimberrlley1 here =) I dont think im going to enter since we're already buddies, so ill let someone else have a shot!
Good luck all!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Kimberrlley1, you seem really cool. as i said before, i'm new to the whole cpg moderation thing. Is it cool if you or anyone can give me some tips on how to moderate the comments?
Nikeguy23 you asked Mimo I have a question about the contest. What if you did this:
** ** ****,**** *****!**** ** **** ***** ** *** ********?!
Will I be disqualified? Or does it could all as one sentence?
Nikeguy23 I beleve mimo will not be a meanie head and disqualify you. Remeber all the nice things mimo does. He wouldn't do something like that! He's too nice.
Lorry40 (CPG Moderator)
lol im taking to ribsy the dog
Squibbblety you asked :
P.S. Kimberrlley ur sooo lucky ur buddies with mimo. How though?
They way Kimberrlley is buddies with mimo is she found out all of some party clues. Mimo said He was going to have 2 partys. One in the moring and one at night. the first ten people to ask to be his buddy at the party he would say yes! I didn't make it though.
Lorry40 (CPG moderator)
The whale is closed now that the party is over. So, Pearlwhite, can we just do the iceberg?
Mimo777 you rock! so many people wants to be your friend because you help us in so many weays and hands out free memberships for contests! Your awesome and soo nice! Thanks for all of that mimo. Good luck to everyone!
Mimo, the crab is gone. The water party was taken off around 9:30 am PST and I went to the Mine around 9:45 am and the crab wasn't there! So it probably was just there for the party!
Are we allowed to send in more than 1 entry????
i really really really need to know!!!!
hey mimo awesome but i dont think i will enter this time. i KNOW i wont get picked lolz
hey mimo ive never been in one of your conests before so where do i leave my entry for the contest? plz tell me! :)
p.s. my username is MLBchris
i tried for the other caption contest but didnt get through so i tried again i posted twice for this one i hope i win cp name bart1879
hey mimo when are you gona post some of the peoples captions? i cant wait cause i wanna see if im one of the finalists!
Sand Flipper
you rock mimo!
I hope I win.I'm a huge fan I check this web everyday almost minute.
Soccer8kid (penguin name)
I see you mimo! in the window i can see you! or mabye its someone else.
Cool! Now I can meet you!
Mimo I sent in a caption plz read it i hope i win!
penguin name: popple456456
P.S. It would be so cool to win this cause my birthday is tomorrow and i would be so happy if i won.
from mac lorey
to pearlwhite27
I hate to bust your bubble but the party anded today : ( so can you have it on the ice burg because I wont to come : )
mac lorey
please post this
Hey Floob!
Kimberrlley1 here! Can you email me what you put? I'd love to see it before you win ;]~
Good job!
Thnaks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Anonymous!
Kimberrlley1 here! You told mimo to please post your coments, because he nerv does.
I bet his inbox is full. Mimo ALWAYS posts everyones comments, unless they make no sence, are poinless, use bad language, or have to many !!!
Thnaks &+ thanks mimo toooo! :]
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Monique70041!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You said my 4th comment wasnt really a cpg moderating, and it was just a normal post.
Actually my friend asked me that question in an email i got :], so i was answering it for them here
Thanks &+ thanks mimoooo. Ya rock!, and thats bugggggin'
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Squibbleyt!
Kimberrlley1 here! You asked How im buddies with mimo?
I made it 3rd to his mimo adding party, so im his buddy! He only added th firdt 5 people to arrive
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Squibbley!
Kimberrlley1 here! YOUR MOVING NEAR ME?! Thats awesome! I still cant belive you saw me when you went to visit!
Once again, tell me if this is the person you saw in hawaii when you went:(description)
Light blonde hair
White sunglasses
Cute shirt from hollister
Ripped shorts from hollister
Converse(low heel)
With a friend(taller)?
If yes, please respond!
And i live in Honolulu in a 7000 Sq.foot home along the beach. Where will yo be moving?
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
Hey Mimo. Either my computer is going really weird or Cl ub Penguin stopped putting the crab out. :( CPG moderators please answer!
thats awesome i hope i win
this is pretty cool,ive entered my one now!
.:::Jpg 40:::.
hey pearlwhite27,
not to be Johnny Raincloud on your party, but The Whale isn't there anymore. The Water Party ended yesterday!
Can we still be buddies though?
I'll meet you at the Iceberg at 12:30 CPTZ(on Ice Palace).
CP Name:
hey mimo!i like the picture for the contest.its cool.i hope i make it so me and my friends can meet u!
- makaylie1
p.s we r big fans
Cool Mimo777! I sent u one the second I saw the constest, so I hope u get it soon!!!!!
peace love happiness,
Hey everyone!!
I just wanted to invite all of you to my party. All of you are invited, so come! Remember, I will accept ALL buddy requests here, so make sure to come!! If you can't come don't worry, I will have another soon!!! This party is for absolutely no reason at all, I just love club penguin parties!!
Here is the info:
Day: Wednesday, June 18
Time: 12:30pm (CLUB PENGUIN TIME)
Server: Ice Palace
Where: The Whale!(next to the iceberg)
Why: no reason!!!
Hope you can come!!!
Hey pearl!
I know ill be at the party...but...the whale is gone now! The water party is gone!!!=(
the one who said the thing with no thumbs and with the find my body was strydee
the party is OVER!
Ah welll..
theres always next year..
i hope!:-P
mimo go to the f.i.s.h. hand book for spys and click go to the page to buy stuff. click the guys sunglasses and u can buy the night vision goggles
you rock my socks
This is my first ever comment here. Even though I have been visiting for ages!
Nice contest! Hope you get tons of entries. And have a great summer.
i love these things! hey mimo guess wat! the music in the lighthouse has changed again!
Monticella's Club Penguin Party.
Time: 5PSTZ
Server: Fjord
Place: Monticellas igloo on the map
When: June 19th
kimberrlley1 stop putting cpg moderator next to your name all the time. if you aren't replying to someone's question, don't put it. you aren't permanently a moderator of cpg just cause you have been a few times. no one is permanently a cpg moderator except cpg members.
Waddly Penny
mishmash rocks!
you're friend goofy73
I entered a few ideas!
are we still allowed to enter captions more than once?
hwi pll It`s Webub! srry I keep putin anonymous!! Awsom idea mimo
post pleaze
Webub "
U :o)
Hey Everyone,
I have some really bad news...
My ankles have been hurting me lately, so we went to the doctor. I found out that I have a condition called Premature Ossification. It means that I don't have an arch in my foot, so the bones in my ankles aren't moving correctly, so bones are forming where they aren't supposed to. This means that I might have to have surgery, and I might not be able to figure skate ever again. :-(
Hey guys! Just wanted to say I am SUPER DUPER sorry for not making it to my party. I thought I would make it, but I had to go and get some stuff at the store. When I got home it was 2:00! I was like, omg! So everyone, please don't be mad at me, I just had to run some friend sparkforever said there was TONS of people there. I feel bad now.... Again, i am REALLY REALLY REALLY sorry.
hey mimo...please post this on your site...i always leave comments and they never come up on my birthday tomorrow
(20th June) and i really want to meet you or Kimberrlley1.
i live in Ireland and we've only 3 kinds of school...
primary (8 years)
secondary (5 or 6 years you choose)
and college, and i just graduated from primary...YAY!! .... i will send an email to cpg saying that im me and hopefully you or kimberrlley1 will reply with a time date server and place to would be SO cool
Hey guys!!!
It's me, Pearlwhite27!
Since I feel really bad for missing my party, I'm going to have a makeup party!!(I will be sure to be here this time)
Server: Ice Palace
Time: 3:30pm (CLUB PENGUIN TIME)
Day: Today, June 18
Room: Iceberg
Why: I feel real bad about my other party!!!
I will be accepting ALL buddy requests here, so feel free to come!! Everyone is invited!!
Coooooooooooool i know perfectly what they are both going to say! hehehe i hope i win
Ps: Post plz plz plz plz plz plz.......
Hey guys! This is Big Goonie!
Anonymous said...
How do u enter?
All you have to do is send your funny captions to They should look like this.
Be sure to leave your penguins' name. If you don't, you can't win. You must write A sentence for both the moose and mullet. You can only write one sentence each.
Anonymous said...
how many times can you enter? can you enter more than once?
Sure! You can enter as many times as you want!
Hope this helps!
Big Goonie (CPG moderator)
ooh, i got the perfect caption for the mullet!
You see that big guy!
Hey its a wild mimozebra!
Hey Hearts3846,
Here was your question:
Hey Mimo. Either my computer is going really weird or Cl ub Penguin stopped putting the crab out. :( CPG moderators please answer!
The crab was part of the water party. Since the party is over, the crab stopped coming out. I was wondering the same thing earlier today. Lol! I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
Hey Mimo! Haha, this one was funny!
I entered, I hope I win! *crossing my flippers*
Hey Anonymous,
Here was your question:
How do u enter?
All you have to do is e mail your funny caption to Good luck and I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
Hey Nikeguy23! I'm Blackpearl8!
"Nikeguy23 said...
Mimo, I have a question about the contest. What if you did this:
** ** ****, **** *****! **** ** **** ***** ** *** ********?!
(I did stars instead of the real letters)
Will I be disqualified? Or does it count as one sentence?"
That's two sentances. If you can combine them somehow to make them a compound sentance, without making a run-on then it would be one sentace.
Good Luck!
*Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-
Hey Anonymous! I'm Blackpearl8!
"Anonymous said...
my captions are really bad i will never when any of your contests. But one time when i was sleeping i dreamed of my penguin meeting yours. Maybe that dream will come true one day"
Haha, I accually had a dream that I met Mimo and the Club Penguin Gang, and I got to be on all their buddy lists! lol
Maybe our dreams will come true one day! ;)
Hey Ribsythedog! I'm Blackpearl8!
"Ribsythedog said...
how about a whoever-writes-the-most-comments-wins conest?
Haha, I think Mimo would go insane approving all the comments! His inbox would get so full!
*Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-
hey itsthedark, to be a mod, all you gotta do is answer questions! thats it =]
also, the clock in the snowforts only shows YOUR time. so it shows alaska standard time for me, and gmt for whoever lives in that zone =] so go to the community section of cp's homepage for the actual cptz
mimo did not actually stand behind the window. again, he edited it!
well of course you have to put in your penguin name, silly! =]
again, you do NOT have to ACTUALLY edit the picture! just send in the conversation =]
jessicamary, i can't believe it! are you feeling ok??? man is this injury season or something???? you need to get better soon, too! you, kim, and mish... all injured! well be strong through it, and remember all the good times you had skating... and who knows? maybe you'll still be able to skate one day! be strong, be brave, and think positive! =]
i think you can enter more than once, mimo said you could for the previous contest so i dont see why not this time =]
hearts, ever since the party ended, the crab has stopped coming to the mine =] lol you're not going insane
and if kim accidentally puts (cpg mod) behind her name when she shouldn't, dont be so hard on her! gosh, people make mistakes you know! its not like she's trying to rub it in...
kim, i forwarded a copy of my email to you =]
to enter, just send your captions to
HABFE, good tip! i think mimo posted about that a while ago =]
and just to be clear everyone, a tip is something that helps you play, a trick/ secret is something that's hidden but you're supposed to find out about it, and a glitch is something that isn't supposed to happen at all, but is a mistake on cp's part. so the tea and scones would be a trick/ secret =]
wow that was a long comment.
byeas everyone!
Hi Nicole744! I'm Blackpearl8!
"Nicole 744 said...
I wont make it because I dont know how to e-mail them!
Nicole744 (cp name)"
1. Click "Compose" (your mail service may use another word like write or send)
2. The first blank should say "To:"
3. In that blank you should put
4. The next blank *might* say "CC:"
leave that blank, because you're not sending this to anyone else.
5. The next blank should say "Subject"
6. You should put "Caption Contest" or something similar here.
7. Next, put your caption for the contest in the big blank field below the "Subject".
8. Put your Penguin's Name after the caption. (put it a few lines down)
9. Click "Send"
If you don't have an email service you can sign up for one at any of these websites: (Must download Aol Instant Messenger)
Good Luck!
*Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-
Hey Jess!
Kimberrlley1 here! OMG! Everyone is getting hurt! Im so sorry ,and i wish you the best of luck to get better! :] YOU rcok!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Wadly Penny~
Kimberrlley1 here! I do actually put cpg moderator when i need to, or answering a question.
It may not look like it, because sometimes i dont write the questions, but i answer them. Just like Floob does =)
Thanks anyway &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
P.s: I did mess up once, sorry! no need to get angry at me
hey wait a sec, is,is that Mimo777 in the widow? Hi Mimo777! that is sooo cool. i NEED to meet you and the gang, :-) u are the best!
hey mimo one more thing, in one of you contest..... what if mimo777 and the gang ( if they can make it) come to the winners igloo! that would be cool!
Yeah,that would be fair for the winner to be your buddy.I sent in mine twice since I messed up my other one.
To Anyone:
Q:I hope I win!
A:This is not really a question,but I just want to say good luck to everybody because everybody wishes to win,so want to say Good Luck!
Aqua131131(CPG Moderator)
To Jessicamary
Q:Hey Everyone,
I have some really bad news...
My ankles have been hurting me lately, so we went to the doctor. I found out that I have a condition called Premature Ossification. It means that I don't have an arch in my foot, so the bones in my ankles aren't moving correctly, so bones are forming where they aren't supposed to. This means that I might have to have surgery, and I might not be able to figure skate ever again. :-(
A:I am so sorry to hear that!!!I hope you get better soon.If you keep your hopes up,you might be able to figure skate again because there's always hope for anything.
Aqua131131(CPG Moderator)
To Webub:
Q:hwi pll It`s Webub! srry I keep putin anonymous!! Awsom idea mimo
post pleaze
Webub "
U :o)
A:There's a way to put your name if you don't know how.Here's how:
Step 1:Click on "Name/Url" instead of Anonymous
Step 2:Write your name next to "Name".You don't have to fill in the URL.
Step 3:Just submit your comment
Hope this helps.This is also useful to anyone else who wants to know.
Have a great day at Club Penguin.:D
Sorry to hear you have crabby teacher. Bring her an apple! ;-)
Hey mimo i have one question...
have you ever been a member?
woah jessica mary i read your comment about not being able to figure skate coz of premature ossification or whatever it was and i am really sorry for you. i hope you don't you surgery and that you are okay.
Waddly Penny
can you send more then one caption because i did
Hey Lorry40
Squibbblety here:)
Thanks for answering my question!!
Now i remember that party that mimo held... i couldnt go because i was at school:(
CPG rocks
hey Kimberrlley
YES!!!!! I am moving to Honolulu. When i asked where abouts my dad said to a beautiful beach. Is there a house on sale near your house becasue my dad said that he will give me the choice to choose my house. I can move in near you!!!!1 Im sooooo excited!!!!
Ur description was EXACTLY the person i saw! Your friend wasnt as preety as you(no offence to ur friend)
Hey pearlwhite
Im soooo sorry i couldnt come to ur party. I had school becasue i live in New Zealand its hard to make it to partys. :(
I will be moving to hawaii soon so that will be better!!!
P.S i really wana meet up with u sometime
Hey Floob
I hope u get better,u seem like a great penguin and i hope u get better same with mish mash and pearlwhite!!
Hello Everyone
I have some bad news
My mum has been diagnosed with TWO types of cancer. Breast cancer and Spine cancer. She wont be living more than a month the doctors say so pls dont be angry with me if i dont turn up to party of go on cp for long! ;(
i saw the crab through the window in the pool!
yo awsome mimo! i thinl i got a idea...
hello, how do u enter the contest???? plz tell me coz i really wanna enter, thanks!!!
this gonna be awsome! =I plz post!
Hey are u gonna post like the top ten! soon i want to see if i am in it
Hey Guys!
Thanks for all of the supportive comments. They all mean a lot to me. Thanks again!
Hey everyone i read in the the club penguin paper that theres going to be fireworks for July celebrations on 1st of July which is only 3 days before my birthday which is on the 4th of July. So the fireworks will be there near my bday. cool?
from frost ice
Hey Mimo! I sent you my entry. I worked really hard on it so I'm hoping that I win. It's out of a 1,000,000 but you never know!
Millywily (CP Name) :)
Hi Anonymous! I'm Blackpearl8!
"Anonymous said...
WAAAAAA! im not allowed to email and i have a REALY funny one! please help! iwona icee - penguin name"
Hey, maybe you can ask your parents to email it for you?
*Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-
im really sorry for you jessicamary wow that must be one bad injury i hope the operation goes allright and i hope you get well soon
PS: i hope you will still be able to figure skate again
best wishes from frost ice
hey mimo i see you in the window in the corner
Hey Squibblety!
Kimberrlley1 here! OMG IM SO SORRY! Im praying for your mom, but i was still wondering if you were still moving to hawaii?
And was the girl you saw:
With a friend that was a tad bit taller?
Light Blonde hair?
Neon orange nail polish?
White Sunglasses?
Cute hollister shirt with bathing suit underneath?
Ripped hollister jean shorts?
Pair of low heel converse?
Walking by a white mercedez?
If that is all right, you saw me! Thats so cool isnt it?
Thanks &+ thanks mimo
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
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