Here are a few pretty cool captions so far. U Fride and me have been cracking up!
Here are a few tips if you want to send some.
1. Make sure you leave your Club Penguin name. There are lots of good ones without names I've deleted! Doh!
2. Only make Mimo and U Fride say only one thing.
3. You don't have to edit the photo, just type in what Mimo and U Fride should say in an email like below.
4. You can enter as many times as you want!
5. Don't send your entry in a comment, email me at
THESE ARE NOT THE WINNERS. They are just a few pretty good ones so far.

Mimo777: "U Fride, are you getting the feeling that something's not quite right here?"
U Fride: "Well yeah! Something's very strange... I can't believe you won!"
- Floobersnoot
Mimo777: Yay I won!
U Fride: No that's not fair the ice burg was tipping and and making all of your peices move.
- Skull Of Fir
Mimo: What happened to all of the "Find Four" pieces??
U Fride: Ohhhhhh...... Those were game pieces? I thought the red pieces were pepperoni and the blue ones were blueberries!! Sorry...
Mimo777: Zebras smell funny!
U fride: You mess with the zebras you mess with me!
Mimo777: Find four on ice!
U fride: Coming soon to theaters near you!
- Blooqorama
Mimo: Um, U Fride, I really don't think you're going to be able to roast that marshmallow like that.
U Fride: Hmmm... You sure? I do think if I try hard enough I can set this box on fire.
- Noriak
Mimo777: Why are we playing on the iceberg?
U Fride: because then i can throw the pieces into the water when i lose.
- 92pinko
Mimo777: This doesn't belong here, lets take it back to the lodge.
U Fride: How? Were trapped on an iceberg!
- Tiletool64
U Fride: Hey, Mimo777 what are you doing?
Mimo777: I am frying U Fride!
- Ishida kun
Mimo777: G-4
U Fride: You sank my battleship!
-Jay Dude
Mimo777: It's your move.
U Fride: But I don't have opposable thumbs.
I haven't decided when the contest will end. But you can vote on which one you like the best. Remember Mimo and CPG decides who will win. ;-)
This last one is my favorite so far. Which ones do you like?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
Haha I love all of them! Great job penguins! Keep up the creativity!
Just a reminder: you'll want to be at MishMash's party today at 6:00 CPTZ!
wow cool there funny
well i guess there ment to be funny
~frost ice~
i dont no how to enter but the ones up there are soooo funny!
cool i like the 3rd one:
Mimo: What happened to all of the "Find Four" pieces??
U Fride: Ohhhhhh...... Those were game pieces? I thought the red pieces were pepperoni and the blue ones were blueberries!! Sorry...
Hey Mimo!
Man I hope me or one of my friends win! That would be awesome to meet you! Good job everyone!
wow a lot of ppl are really creative! I can't think of anything for the contest.
Go Floob!
Oh, I sent in a whole conversation. Well, too bad for me! Anyway, all of them were really funny!
I'll send in another one!
I have a good one!
wow.I liked all of them. but i think the last was best.
Mine was on there!
I love em all! They are so funny!
Sallymufcake said:i dont no how to enter but the ones up there are soooo funny!
My answer: All you have to do is e-mail something that mimo and u fride says that you think is funny and send it to! And remember be creative!
I can't think of anymore ideas!
I like the first one!
They r all so funny!
Wow!COOL!I read all of tthem and realised that non were mine :( But then I saw the bit saying THESE ARE NOT THE WINNERS and I was happy again!'Cos now I can still hope!!!If I do win like 10 of my fiends will be there!Eeeep!
+thanks always mimo ;)
this is such a good idea!
The one by sameurleu was cool! I wish mine was up there though!
i like the first one but really i think all off them r great!
~lalu98!(cp name)
Mimo can u plz make it to where they can be saying like two things because i have a really good one that i entered and otherwise fits the requirements. plz Mimo!!!!!!!
-Pacopeng(cp name)
sallymufcake said...
i dont no how to enter but the ones up there are soooo funny!
To enter, just think of something that Mimo and UFride should say. (Mimo suggests only one thing for each penguin to say.) Then you e-mail it to the e-mail address posted on "A few good Captions for the Mimo Private Party Contest!". Here's an example:
Mimo777: Hi U Fride!
U Fride: Hi Mimo777!
Hope this helps!
-Checkeroo2 (CPG Moderator)
Good Job guys..... My favorite was the third one...
Yay!! The water party is soon! BTW, Kimberrlley1, you asked everyone how old their penguin is, right? I have more than one penguin, but I only use two of them. Checkeroo2 is 39 days old, and my ohter penguin that I used to have a membership on is 449 days old. PHEW! Talk about old!
P.S. If anyone here sees me on CP, you can add me. But be sure to tell me you heard of me on CPG!
thx for putting my caption on the post . i thought the 3rd one and the 8th one were great.
i dont think im going to win. gurmie
I like the first one and the last one... I've been cracking up lol... :) I hope i win! (not that i've entered yet, lol...)
Waddly Penny
YES SIR E DILLY BOB they all rock!!
lol those are funny i sent one in just now can u post it
also go to popple456456's party at tuxedo server today at 4:30 PST (penguin standard time!)
a lot of them don't make sense
I like all of them but my fave is the first one still they all rock
hey sallymufcake, to enter, just submit your captions to
good luck everyone, and thanks mimo!!
i really liked twinlees. the pepperoni and blueberry one
Squibbblety here
I like them all but especially the third one! LOL!!!
Great job.... Im stuck for ideas...
lol i like the 1 one its so funny and the one with the G-4 and u sank my battleship
I like all of them! But I don't get "opposable thumbs"... I liked the one Twinlee made most!
I can't think of anything to enter, but I really want a private party!
My friend's penguin is 700 days old... My penguin is about 400-500 days old. But I forgot my first penguin's password! :-(
what is u fride's favorite?
I don't get the last one.
Hey Floob!
Kimberrlley1 here =) Good job =) Mines not there =/
Thanks & thanks mimo!
dude #1 is da bomb! its like halarious!!1
hey mimo are you gonna make this ur next poll? rofl tht would b cool
i dont get the last one either
hey kim thanks =]
what was yours?
i dont get da last one
number one is funny
I don't think 1 is very good but I like 3 the best.It's really funny , but maybe only to me!I also like 10!
Just my opinions and comments!
cheyaa i aggre
numero uno shud win
idk either #1 or #11
just wanted to say hi mimo
Hey, Mimo!
I like Flobbersnoots the best! It's funny! Will you be at Mish Mashes party today? I sure will!
But I'll probably be on my member file Keke44.
Jewel45615+Keke44(CP Names)
i love 10 its funny!
Go Floob! She has a knack for Mimo competitions!
Mimo: Wait a second. How do we play this game if we dont have fingers?
U Fride: Uhhhhhh, I know! Lets use our heads!
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
This is a reminder of my party which will be on in 70 minutes! Im excited! Are you?!?
Anyways, here are the details yet again, and if you want highlight pictures, maybe I will post them on my blog...
Clothing: Being Yellow and bringing a RED puffle! If you dont hvae one, bring any other puffle!
Date: This Sunday (CPTZ look on the snowforts clock)
Time: 6:00pm (CPTZ)
Server: Big Foot
Room: The Dojo!
Why: The MishMash Bash!
I hope to see ya there!
Remember, i hope that heaps of people will be there, so its a perfect chance to add some buddies! :D
Hey Floob!
Amazing job on your caption!
It made me LOL for about half an hour! XD
Yours looks VERY popular on the poll, and I am so happy about that because you SOOOO diserve it! :D
Congrats again, and I promise if mine ends up winning (which it probably wont!) I will definatly invite you!
Good Luck to all the other penguins who entered and Have Fun!
hi hope floobersnoot wins cause he is also my friend. i never got a chance to do that cause im still in texas.
Sand Flipper
I like number 8. It has me cracking up!!!
And to Kimberrlley1: Why did you have to delete me?
everyone Please go to Mishmash215's party that is almost about to start he is really sad right now and he wants more people so please go to his party. his party is at Big Foot and its at the Dojo! Just come right now or he will call it off
thanks Plz Post Mimo777
from redfooteye
Thank you so much Mimo for giving me honorable mention!!!!
I did #6 plz vote 4 me.
Floobersnoot, U Fride, Mimo or any other mod i have a question, will the winner of the poll (probably floob) get any reward such as a party, becoming a finalist etc. or is it just for fun?
Dear Mimo,
I like the third one best.
I cant think of anything to put in them! Argh! Well, thanks anyway~
From Jassix
awww mine wan't there.~!
wow that was an awesome mish mash party
Hi! Checkeroo2 here!
MishMash, I am SO SORRY I missed your party! I got stuck in a storm and I totally forgot. How was it?
mimo can we still enter???
all of them all funny, I like #1 and #3, but it was hard to choose which one to vote on so I choose #3, good job person who made #3, You got my vote!
They all did a great job!
WOW!!Those were really hilarious!But my personal favourite is #2.
But good job anyway to all the other penguins whose lines were featured!
That zebras smell funny was mine! I did that first!
GO FLOOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love them all. :)
Party was awesome!
Thanks to all who came!
- MishMash215
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Noriak said...
Thank you so much Mimo for giving me honorable mention!!!!
I did #6 plz vote 4 me.
Floobersnoot, U Fride, Mimo or any other mod i have a question, will the winner of the poll (probably floob) get any reward such as a party, becoming a finalist etc. or is it just for fun?
Hey Noriak!
The purpose of this poll is just to show Mimo which one is most popular, so he can narrow down his search! As Mimo said: These are just a few of the best ones, so he is just determining popular ones!;)
The winner of the entire competition will be rewarded with a Mimo Private Party where Mimo777, U Fride, etc will be there and he or she may invite all her friends!
Cool, huh?
I really liked your caption so GOOD LUCK!
I hope I helped!
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here! :D
Sand Flipper said...
hi hope floobersnoot wins cause he is also my friend. i never got a chance to do that cause im still in texas.
Sand Flipper
Hey Sand Flipper!
I also hope that Floob will win, because she is my buddy! Oh, and remember: Floob is a GIRL! A she, not a he!
Haha! Dont worry, I think she gets that alot! xD
Oh, and its not too late to enter Flipper! Maybe you can do it ASAP in Texas! :D
MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here! :D
Anonymous said...
mimo can we still enter???
Hey Naruto!
Yep, there is still some time left to enter! :D
But you better get a move on because soom it will be over!
MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)
Wow. All of them are really awesome. I certainly like all of them. =)
hey guys thanks so much! =]
(btw im a girl)
hey naruto6168, of course you can still enter! go for it!
hey Noriak, the final winner gets a private party =] but idk if im gonna win, remember how the the person whos in the lead at first is usually overtaken by someone else? and plus i think mimo's gonna choose the winner =] another thing is that these arenet the finalists, just some good ones =]
see yall later!
(oh also mishmash, that party was awesome!)
lol the first one should win !! ROFL
some penguins here just have the brain..congratulations to the one who wrote the first and second./..i people should win it..LOL
Hey naruto6168!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You asked:
Q: mimo can we still enter???
A: The ones that are featured now are the ones that are going to win. As you can see, there is a poll on which one should win. So, one of THOSE are going to win. I'm really sorry though! I am sure you'd do a GREAT job!!
Thanks everyone + Mimo
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
i entered!! hope you like it!
those captions are hilarious!but my pesnal favourite is definitley the third one!
Well.. I did't get in... But I promised Mimo I'll congratulate thewinner.:)
Kimberley C
Which server was mishmash's party on?And also what room?
I like number one
Hey Naruto,
Here was your question:
mimo can we still enter???
Yep, you still have time to enter! Mimo hasn't decided when the contest will end yet, so get that caption in! I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
Hey Noriak,
Here was your question:
Thank you so much Mimo for giving me honorable mention!!!!
I did #6 plz vote 4 me.
Floobersnoot, U Fride, Mimo or any other mod i have a question, will the winner of the poll (probably floob) get any reward such as a party, becoming a finalist etc. or is it just for fun?
The poll was just to see which one we liked the best. It might help his decision a little, but otherwise it is totally Mimo's decision on who will win. I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
haha very very funny
i like the second and the last one!!
Hey there everyone!
Kimberrlley1 here! Great job all! Im sure they were great, so try again next time =)
Thanks &+ thanks alot mimooo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
Hey Checkeroo!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You said for penguin was 429 days old!
Thats really old! My penguin is 808 days old! Thats like ancient haha ;]
Thanks so mcuh all &+ thanks mimoo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
Hey Squibble!
Kimberrlley1 here! You said your stuck on ideas....?
Try your very best, and i wish you the best of luck!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
Hey Leopard!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You said i deleted you
Actualy, I never deleted anyone. I would never delete any of my friends =) I dont know whats going on but everyones saying ive been deleting them, and i dont know whats happening. Any ideas?
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
Hey Mishmash!
Kimberrlley1 here =) Im SO sorry i wasnt at your party =/ I knew i would have been, but i had to go to the hospital again for my injury.
I was surfing and a huge wave came and washed out my board. Then the surfboard hit the front of my thigh and split the bone in half, so i went to the ER. Now im in a cast and on cruches, and i had to go in for a checkup!
Im so sorrrrrry! =(
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
Hey Kimberrlley C!
Kimberrlley1 here =) YOU Rock, and your so nice! Im sure your caption rocked too!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo! =)
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
Hey Noriak!'
Kimberrlley1 here =) You asked what the poll was for?
Its actually just to see whos peoples liked best! =) Cool huh?
Go Floob toooo!
Thanks &+ thakns mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
you deleted me to so can we met again and you can readd me ok thanks here is the info
date:Wendesday,june 11th
time: 5:00 cptz
if you can not do this time and date plz post and we will change that thanks kimberly1
Hey Kimberrlley!
OMG! I am SO sorry about your injury! I hope you are going to be alright. Keep us updated. Feel better soon!
WAT HAPPENED 2"Ignore this post!"
Mimo rules! Hey Mimo its me Some143 I was at your Secret Party! Hey U fride you are AS cool as Mimo! and thanks for being my buddie U fride. I hope you remember me. you probebly dont because A LOT of people were there. BUT its okay because I can find ALL the partys now because I am your freind U fride.
Some143 ps. I SO WIPED YOU AT FIND FOUR lol please post
Hey Mimo and the gang!
That was the best quikee party ever! I had an awesome time. I got to play Find Four with U Fride and I even beat him! Zoe Zoe is my buddy now, too! :-)
ok...i just relized something( not now long time ago) did u really go on fjord just to get out attention so we go on ur site and then see the quickie party?
IM SO EXITED ABOUT THE WATER PARTY SO SOON wait wat day is today? thats ok mods u dont have to answer
wierd question but here it goes: wats ur fav vegitable? sorry i just feel really random right now
cool!! i live floobs!
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215!
Hey Kim,
OMG! I feel so bad for you!
Dont feel bad about missing my party, its FINE! ;)
I hope you are recovering well, and that your leg will get better!
Im lucky, Ive never broken a bone yet! (I hope that doesnt jynx it...:S)
Thanks Kim!
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
I am so annoyed that I missed the quickee party!
I HATE living on the oppisite side of the world to you guys...:(
Oh Well! As long as Mimo's parties are around 7:00pm CPTZ i Can make em! :D
Im looking forward to a Mimo party with clues! It should be AWESOME!
Thanks again to about 50 CPGers who came to my party on Sunday!
You guys made all the difference and the party was really AWESOME!
It definatly was a MishMash Bash!
Should I make these more often?
Questions Questions Questions...
Okay....I better stop before I get even weirder! Hahaha!
MishMash215! :D
Hey all!
Kimberrlley1 here =) I missed it =/
Hey porypublo~
Kimberrlley1 here =) Ill def meet you again. I dont know whats going on, but someone deleting them thats not me. Hmmmm...
Thanks guys!
mimo the last 1 do not have name
can we still edit the photo if we want to
Those are awesome!! I like the first one best, but they are all so funny and creative!! Nice job guys!!
kimberly1, my penguin name is soccer8kid and i am right now 645 days old almost 2 years.oh yeah can we meat someday I also have a penguin named blaster76 can we plz be budies.
mimo i will send one RIGHT NOW.
- Monticella
mimo777!I saw u last night!but u left before I could even take a picture of u!:_( I guess all I need 2 do is just hope 2 c u again!I got really sad & my friends & I had a search party!But there was no luck!:_( maybe next time.Anyways i hope 1 of my friends or win the contest cause it would b cool 2 c u again!U rock my sox!
Mimo are they the finalists?
Gooooo Floob!
that quickie party last night rocked
Hi! Im tinkybelly on cp add me!
lol, guess what happened, mimo?
i was writing the caption, and i accidentally sent it to club penguin support! whats even more, she replied back, and said that it was funny! LOL!!
Hey Owen,
Here was your question:
Mimo are they the finalists?
No, they aren't the finalists. They are just some pretty good ones so far. You still have time to get those captions in! I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
Hey Sparkforever,
Here was your question:
wierd question but here it goes: wats ur fav vegitable? sorry i just feel really random right now
Nice question! :-) I would have to say that my favorite vegetable is carrots. Whats yours?
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
Hey Sparkforever!'
Kimberrlley1 here =) You asked what our fav. veggie was?
Mine is green beans =) Whats yours?
Thanks so much &+ thanks mimo too!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
Hey Floob!
Kimberrlley1 here! You rock and congrats on winning =)
Hey there Owen~!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You asked if these were the finalists?
Nope they actually arent =) They are just some mimo liked, and wantyed us to vote on! Floob won so go flooooob!
Thanks so mcuh &+ thanks a bunch mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
Hey Mish!
Kimberrlley1 here =) I know how you feel! I missed out on the party too =/. Thats alright, your not alone, and it stinks haha!
Thanks&+ thanks mimo to!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
Hey Jess~
Kimberrlley1 here =0 You said you were sorry bout my injury!
Thanks =) I really appreciate it! It stinks though bc i cant surf right now haha! Its hard to hang in there when you have a competition in 2 months, but are going to be on cruches for about another 3 months lol!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
Hey soccer8kid!
Kimberrlley1 here =) I'd LOVE to meet you!
Tell me where and when, and ill try my bes tto be there!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Mods & other penguins =)
Kimberrlley1 here! Hmmm...ive been thinking of deleting people on my buddylist, but keeping ONLY mods and mimo. Many people want to be my buddy, but i have NO room! I will keep all mods and great friends, but then i will delete everyone else. What do you think?
Then i will have a quickee party like mimo has and whoever sends an invite to be my buddy gets to be one! Sounds good...any other ideas from you guys?
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
Hey Mish!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You said thanks ki8m!
No thanks YOU =) You are all so nice and you are all great friends!(on the comouter haha) I hope you have another party soon, and thansk for the get well!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
hey rockhoper849, you didnt have to edit the photo =] all you had to do was send in the captions lol
hmmm, fave veggie? i'd say...corn. or tomatoes. well except now we cant eat tomatoes cuz they might be poisoned...
Hey Jess & Floob& Mish!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You wanted me to keep you updated about my injury/leg =)
Well, im in a lot o pain. and kind of sad right now =/. My emotions are running high lol. I've been not very happy and in kind of a bad mood. Im kind of dissappointed i cant surf right now too! I wish i made mimos quickee party! Now there wont be another for a long time~
Go Floob and congrats on winning!'
Thanks guys &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Kimberrlley!
I'm sorry to hear about your leg. I hope you feel better soon! :-) Your rock!
Hey Kimberrlley!
I think that is a good idea. I don't have any room either!
so for those of you that didnt understand the last one, "opposable" thumbs mean thumbs like a human's thumbs... most animals dont have those thumbs. so technically they wouldnt be able to pick up find four pieces; humans are able to because their thumbs can move in a different direction than the other fingers =]
get it now?
FUNNY STUF! I LOVE the first one! Btw I want chocolate now.WEll bye!
Mimo, there is a hose that sprays water on the screen in all the rooms. To use it you click and hold down. You can also move the hose by moving your mouse.
Well I like *1, 2, 7, and 8.
My favorites are #3, #4, #5, #7, and #10.
my favorite is 92pinko's one!
Hey mimo, this is ryansit639's partner ian lad. Sorry if this post is a little too late but who the heck is sweatpea? Also alert me back at ryansit639 because I got a lot of swear comments from anonomys and I am trying to track down every user. P.S Just read dont post this comment.
4 AND 7 r my favee. but there all funny lol x
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