3. Don't use too many !!! or ??? or stuff like that.
4. Don't post URLs. Sorry.
5. Don't post email addresses. Cool?
6. Don't use "No offense." Sheesh, enough! ;-)
7. Don't TYPE IN ALL CAPS. You're hurting my ears!
8. Don't be pointless. We want to understand you.
9. Don't type, "First Comment!" So pointless.
I just won't post the above kind of sillyness. K?
You can:
1. Be phunnie, weird and warped.
2. Ask Club Penguin questions.
3. Make sense.
4. Tell me the latest cheats! I'll give you credit!
5. Other smart stuff you come up with.
Check out the CPG Mod rules on the other side.--->
If you leave tips for me, I'll ALWAYS give you credit. ALWAYS! Many of you give the same tip and sometimes you don't leave your name. Or sometimes I found the tip or cheat before you. So, thanks for your tips! You are awesome!
mimo there is a cheat i learned in the club penguin water party!first go to a igloo or your igloo and throw a snowball it will be a water balloon then back to a snowball isnt that cool?!?!?! i cant wait for rockhopper to come to club penguin again!! this will be so much fun to see the NEW free item and the other free items well if it costs money i wil buy it! well im not a member but ill still buy the items that you dont have to be a member to buy..
Hey mimo777 im having a party to find a cure for lukemia on Tuxedo, at 12pm cp time. I will be in the coffee shop, playing as frosted415. EVERYONE IS WELCOME
clubpenguin username- Icecube1370 u can find me on snow storm everyday almost all the time from seven to nine thirty!P.S.its in clubpenguin time P.S.S. MIMO ROX!
haha! Mimo You sure seem excited!! I know that you are going to find Rockhopper this time!! Rockhopper usually goes on full servers like mammoth and frozen... be sure to be in those at some point. I always go on those servers and sometimes I spot rockhopper in the pizza parlor or on his ship! He givers you a pretty cool backround if you ask him to be his buddy. Good luck rockhoppering Mimo!!
Hey mimo, its cool! I think Rockhopper will come on thursday (tomorrow) at the noon. Also thank you for posting my blog in your links, thanx to you I have more visitors!
Mimo, I found a secret message in the newspaper! Read The Water Party Review, And under the picture of Klutzy there is a secret message it says : Attention, To unlock this file turn all puffles red. I don't know what that means, could you help?
I hope he brings peg legs for us! I've been waiting for those to be brought by Rockhopper for a long time. But since its his first time to be here with his regular treasures, I bet it's gonna be something good, maybe even 2 items!
YAY! Rockhopper is almost here. I wonder what he will have in store for us this time. Maybe you'll get to meet him Mimo. I did a long time ago. Rockhopper's coming! Horray! - Iceygal2 and Friend
I LOVE IT WEN ROCKHOPPER COMES DOWN! yay! i wonder if he will bring a free item? or if he still lets us into his private room? well we will just have to see :D
Times he can be on: 8:00 A.M PST - 10:00 PM PST Times he is mostly on: 10:00 A.M. - 8:00 P.M.
Servers he goes to (the first server is which he goes on most. The last is where he doesn't goes on often): Mammoth US Frozen UK North Pole CA Parka US Powder Ball US Deep Freeze UK Frostbite US Rainbow US Polar Bear CA Rocky Road US Snowflake UK Snowbound CA Tundra US Sherbet UK Walrus US Matterhorn US Mittens UK Fjord US Beanie Australian Down Under Australian Snow Shoe CA Chinook CA
But he can go on anywhere!
Rooms (the first room is which he goes on most. The last is where he doesn't goes on often): Ship Deck Ship Hold Cove Beach Ice Berg Pizza Parlor Snow Forts Night Club Town Forest Dock Dojo ----------------------------------- I will also comment when he's on Hope this helps!
Hey Mimo, i'm having a party tomarro to find a cure for ALS. It's on Ice Palace at 12:00 pm Cp time. It's at the Cove. Hope to see u there! -Sprouse 97
Hey Anonymous, Here was your question: Whos rockhopper?
Rockhopper is a pirate penguin that is from Rockhopper Island. He sails on his ship called The Migrator with his red puffle, Yarr. Rockhopper and Yarr come to visit us sometimes and bring back rare items. If you find Rockhopper around Club Penguin, he will give you a free autographed backround. Happy Rockhopping and I hope this helps!
Rockhopper is a Club penguin pirate who lives on rockhopper island with his red puffle,Yarr. Rockhopper visits the club penguin island from time to time and gives out a free item on his ship the Migrator. He usually goes on full servers. If you spot rockhopper, make sure to ask to be his buddy..he will give you a free backround! Hope this helps, Iceeslushy79(CPG Moderator)
hey there, of course we can still get into rh's quarters! i mean, if you have the key, then you can get in =] if you go to the book room above the coffee shop, click on the shelves of books and go to rockhoppers journal. then flip to the very very VERY last page until you see his key! then you click on it and put it in your inventory and you can to into his quarters whenever you want =]
Yay!!! I can't wait til Rockhopper comes! I'll get to see his ship, his game, and I'll get the new items! Whoo-eeh! Can't wait! hope you meet him Mimo!! P.S. BIG PARTY ON SERVER BUNNY HILL AT LIGHTHOUSE AT 10:00 CP TIME ZONE ON JUNE 30TH!! ALL MY BEST BUDDIES WILL HOPEFULLY BE THERE!! PLEASE COME!! WE'RE GOING TO PARTY FOR ROCKHOPPER THAT HE AND HIS SHIP IS STILL OKAY!!! LET'S PARTY AND BE GRATEFUL! DONT FORGET!! I'll be there as Dallorgan! Can't wait to see you there!
Dear mimo777, I am a disgrace to clubpenguin and clubpenguingang. I did not show up at my party. I'm sorry to all the penguins who were there (if any were there)waiting. And I don't think I'm worthy of you or anything to do with clubpenguin. AT ALL. Please forgive me. And mimo777, if you and the gang were there, I want you ALL to read what is below. I am very sorry. I kinda forgot, and I never really get to spend time with my family, so we had a little fire in out fire pit. We roasted marsmallows. It was realy fun, and i never wanted it to end.
With sincere regrets,
Frosted415, leafy10, and iluvmimo777.
I am not happy with what i did, and i feel really bad, even if not many people showed up(if any).
You asked: Q: I want to meet you up, Pearlwhite, I saw you in the coffee shop. Can we meep up sometime and be buddies?
A: Sure! I would love to be buddies with you! Just tell me when you want to meet, where, which server, and room and I will see if I can make it!! I can't wait!
Hey mimo, i know that this is totally off the rockhopper subject but when are you going to have a party? like say meet in iceburg at 3:00 club penguin time on july 2nd in the dojo???? thanx!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love, Berrybluepie P.S that was just an example!
I just wanted to introduce you to my friend, Bff224. I have told her about Club Penguin Gang, and she is very excited. She is going to be a CPG Moderator, so please welcome her!!
Mimo, guess what? You have 777 subscribers to twitter!!! That sounds significant, doesnt it? P.S. Zebras caused the earthquakes when they were visit Cp overnight.
i think hes coming on THURSDAY OR FRIDAY!!!! i hope i meet him to mimo and most probably you will too! you DESERVE to meet him since you helped out all us penguins!
I just wanted to introduce you to my friend, Bff224. I have told her about Club Penguin Gang, and she is very excited. She is going to be a CPG Moderator, so please welcome her!!
Pearlwhite27 _____________________________________ Welcome to CPG Bff224!=D
Hey frosted 415!! Don't worry! It's O.k. I think everyone here would understand that it was a family thing and you simply forgot. I am very close to my family and I would'nt miss something like that for the world. You are not a disgrace! We all understand right penguins? Dont feel bad, Iceeslushy79(CPG Moderator)
Frosted 415 i showed up at your party and we all knew what it was something important reason you werent there!And its ok you did not show up.I can understand.Pearl White27 Maybe we can meet up Friday at the coffee shop again on the sever Tuxedo at Club Penguin Time 1:30?Tel me if that works for you if not we can reschudle.Also how do you become a moderator? Your friend, Gracie Leann
I think Rockhopper will be here Tomorrow. It seems Club Penguin does most of it's updating on Thursday because they have to update it anyways for the newspaper. Just thought I'd share my two sense.
Hey Pengu923, Here was your question: I have a really really important question! I heard that something happened to jessicamary. what happened?
I have a condition called Premature Ossification. It means that I don't have in arch on my foot, so when I run and figure skate, it makes my ankles hurt. I had surgery, and i'm recovering well. I will be able to skate again in about a month or so. :-)Thanks for asking!
heres all you need to know about rockhopper, i took it from cp's help page
Captain Rockhopper
Rockhopper is an adventuring penguin. He sails the seas in his ship, the Migrator, in search of treasure and adventure. He returns to Club Penguin approximately every two months with items to sell. When he's in Club Penguin, his ship is docked at the Beach, next to the Lighthouse. You can board the ship and visit the Main Deck and the Hold. Find out more about Rockhopper by reading his journal. It is located in the Book Room.
Can I really meet Rockhopper?
Yes! Whenever his ship is docked at the Beach, you may be lucky enough to meet him. He likes to hang out on his ship. If you don’t find him there, ask around. He is a red penguin who wears the name Rockhopper and has a black beard and pirate hat. He considers himself a friend to everyone in Club Penguin and would love to meet you too.
Can I travel with Rockhopper?
Rockhopper is the captain of his own ship, and except for the addition of Yarr, he prefers to travel alone.
How can I find out more about Rockhopper?
Read his journal! It is located in the Book Room above the Coffee Shop in the Town Center.
to answer your question kirby906 and many other users, no, mimo has not seen Rockhopper yet...:(
oh! and Hopper1520 that helped A LOT, especially to mimo777 ;) thanks a million.nd just to verify he is correct i have actually met Rockhopper in the town on snowflake. at a really random time!
penguin name-Kayl35722] servers- Snowflake and Crunch
p.s. can i be a cpg moderator mimo? i check your page EVERYDAY! (once my pc is broken that is!) and i can answer most questions by now because i have been reading all the comments and Q&A's, and lately you have been posting more of my comments
The only thing you do is look for questions in the comments. If you know the answer to them, answer their question. Then sign your name like this: Gracie Leann(CPG Moderator)
ANYONE can be a mod! woot! come aboard the mod train and help us out =] the more the merrier!
the secret key is hidden in RH's journal... go to the book room above the coffee shop, and see the book icon in the bottom right corner? click that, then click on rockhoppers' journal. flip to the very very VERY last page (yes, even after the supposedly last one) and you'll see the key =] just click it and put it in your inventory! voila! you are now free to enter the captain's quarters. here is your complimentary bag of peanuts, and thank you for flying with club penguin airlines.
Word: Smoove (adj.) Pronunciation: smOOv Definition: Cool, awesome, sweet, rockin', incredible, etc. Synonyms: [see above] Origin: estimated circa mid-June, 2008 from the mimo777ishneese language. Thought to have been a combination of smooth and suave (or smooth and move), but facts unknown and not comfirmed. Example: "Rockhopper is so totally smoove, dude!"
Go in to the book room (above the coffee shop) and click on Rockhopper's Journal. Go to the VERY last page and you will see a key. Click on it, and there you go. Have fun in Rockhopper's HQ!
Hola Peoples! Skittleser here! And I like pie! LOL. A lot of people that Ive met on Club penguin say Oh Ive met Rock hopper and I'm like how have u met him!?! I really wanna meet him!He's like the most famous penguin on C.p!
hey mimo did you know that on the cp home page if you click on the top of the ship the red puffle named 'yarr' comes out and looks through a little telescope. thats funny
Hey Anonymous, Here was your question: i heard theres a secret key... where is it ?!
The secret key to get into Rockhopper's Quarters is located in the Book Room. (Above the Coffee Shop.) Click on Rockhopper's Journal and go to the very last page. Click on the key, and you will be able to go to Rockhoppers Quarters! I hope this helps!
Megrina10 said.. Rockhopper is a pirate penguin that often visits to the island of Club Penguin! He has a red beard and a black pirate hat. You can actually meet Rockhopper somewhere on the island if you are lucky! To find more about Rockhopper, go to the book room located above the coffee shop and click on Rockhopper's book, it tells lots of information about him! check it out!
Hi Anonymous, Here was your question: i heard theres a secret key... where is it ?!
Answer: The secret key is located in the book room above the coffee shop. Go to the last page of Rockhopper's journal and you will find the key! The key you can get into the captain's (Rockhopper's) head quarters! It's a really cool room if you haven't seen it! Notice board, games, his personal treasures! It's awesome!
Frosted 415 i showed up at your party and we all knew what it was something important reason you werent there!And its ok you did not show up.I can understand.Pearl White27 Maybe we can meet up Friday at the coffee shop again on the sever Tuxedo at Club Penguin Time 1:30?Tel me if that works for you if not we can reschudle.Also how do you become a moderator? Your friend, Gracie Leann
Dear Gracie Leann, You can be a moderator simply by answering questions! Click on the name/url option and put YOURPENGUINNAMEHERE (CPG MODERATOR) Pretend your penguin name was ilovesoccer210 then you would put on that space ilovesoccer210 (cpg moderator). Get it? Well I hope you do, because mimo needs lots of moderators! ;-)!
Club Penguin Gang is the ultimate source for Club Penguin cheats, hints, tricks, glitches, secrets, tips, pins, codes, pictures, and other sweetness!
Club Penguin Cheats Copyright Warning!
All screen shots and text are copyright of clubpenguingang.com. Which means you are not allowed to take anything off this site for your own site.
If you take an idea from this site link to me and give me credit! I will do the same to you!
If I make a post you like, link to it and give me credit! I will do the same to you!
If you have your own site, it's really easy to capture screens and write your own posts. Don't be lazy and steal from us. Be creative and make your own site unique using your own talents and abilities. You can do it!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
Club Penguin Cheats Gang is:
MiMo777, President
U Fride, Chief Cheat Agent
ZoeZoe11, Chief CPG Moderator
Me Santa, Cheat Agent
Be a Club Penguin Gang Mod!
You can be a Club Penguin Gang Moderator! It's Easy! Here is what you do. First, answer a question someone asks in the comments. Then put your name at the bottom of your answer with (CPG Mod) next to it. In time, if you are good, you will be listed with the other awesome Mods! Click here for more info. Good Luck! - Mimo
yay rockhopper! what awaits us next? hey mimo, have you ever seen rockhopper?
hopefully tomorrow
I can't wait to see what his headquarters looks like!(and what he brought!)
P.S.(hopefully) yay! first comment!
Awesome it seems like he is coming very fast
i think friday too.
Rock the hopper for Rockhopper!
Yippy-ki-Yay for RockyHoppy
mimo there is a cheat i learned in the club penguin water party!first go to a igloo or your igloo and throw a snowball it will be a water balloon then back to a snowball isnt that cool?!?!?! i cant wait for rockhopper to come to club penguin again!! this will be so much fun to see the NEW free item and the other free items well if it costs money i wil buy it! well im not a member but ill still buy the items that you dont have to be a member to buy..
Ya probably Friday. Because on Thursday they will say it on the newspaper.
Im am so happy!
C.P. NAME: Andywins
Hey mimo777 im having a party to find a cure for lukemia on Tuxedo, at 12pm cp time. I will be in the coffee shop, playing as frosted415. EVERYONE IS WELCOME
Get well mishmash!!!!! Hang in there!
id think friday.... somehow!! kimberrlley1 could you meet me somewhere on cp ???
you can organise the times nd place and i can tell you if im able to go or not.
please post this comment mimo777 and please reply kimberrlley1
cp name- kayl35722
servers- snowflake and crunch
I can't wait!!! And, Mimo did you meet him yet?
This is gonna b awesome!
clubpenguin username- Icecube1370
u can find me on snow storm everyday almost all the time from seven to nine thirty!P.S.its in clubpenguin time P.S.S. MIMO ROX!
haha! Mimo You sure seem excited!! I know that you are going to find Rockhopper this time!! Rockhopper usually goes on full servers like mammoth and frozen... be sure to be in those at some point. I always go on those servers and sometimes I spot rockhopper in the pizza parlor or on his ship! He givers you a pretty cool backround if you ask him to be his buddy. Good luck rockhoppering Mimo!!
i cant wait!
I've met Rockhopper a few times. He was awesome!
omg cool
i think tomorrow
signed gvs5yg
p.s hi floob and kimbereelly1
Thats great!
What does smoove mean?
Oooh! I wonder what he will bring us!
Whos rockhopper?
By the way,
my penguins name is Jupy777
rockhopper is going to break his ship it would build up suspense for most penguins on the island.
i think tomorrow or friday but i kinda think he'll be here tomorrow
~frost ice~
Wow! I cant believe it at ALL! Already? This is so sudden. But I am ready!
Millywily (cp name)
Weeeeeeee, Rockhopper!
Hey mimo, its cool! I think Rockhopper will come on thursday (tomorrow) at the noon. Also thank you for posting my blog in your links, thanx to you I have more visitors!
Mimo, I found a secret message in the newspaper! Read The Water Party Review, And under the picture of Klutzy there is a secret message it says : Attention, To unlock this file turn all puffles red. I don't know what that means, could you help?
whoa he was fast!
Cool, I can't wait for him to come!
i think he will be here tomorrow coz he ussually is on thursdays!
:) your the best mimo!
I hope he brings peg legs for us! I've been waiting for those to be brought by Rockhopper for a long time. But since its his first time to be here with his regular treasures, I bet it's gonna be something good, maybe even 2 items!
YAY! Rockhopper is almost here. I wonder what he will have in store for us this time. Maybe you'll get to meet him Mimo. I did a long time ago. Rockhopper's coming! Horray!
- Iceygal2 and Friend
AwEsOmE!!! IvE nEvEr SeEn RoCkHoPpEr!!!! HoPe I dO tHiS tImE!
well i love rockhopper and i think he would be there on friday to
p.s i loved the quicky party
Friday! I hope! lol!
So....early!!! Anyways, nice! Cant wait for the new free item!
Yup I guess he will be here by friday and he better be here by sunday!
i wonder if he will bring a free item? or if he still lets us into his private room?
well we will just have to see :D
your friend
Celtic flower
p.s. please post this mimo you never post mine :(
I LOOOVE rockhopper. He has the coolest things ever!
yay! i hope get free stuff !! purple2768
Im glad he is almost here!
friday.for suree.
i think he will come tomorrow!!!!!
I hope I meet him this time!!!
I've never met him before!!!
Love ya mimo!
Thatis so cool cant wait thx mimo i looked in the telescope and seen him bud dident have a clue when he would get here
looks like he'll be here sooner that we expected.
I didn't expect the telescope to change today.
i cant wait until he comes! cpg rocks!
thats awsome thx, oh do u have an idea what hes going to bring? im just wondering. oh can u plz post this is my frist post. thx
He will come Friday! I will gather information about Rockhopper and see when he comes on...
cool i hope he's here soon.
hey mimo i just wanted to tell u that i love your new website design! verrrrrrrrrry COOL!
Hey mimo i think he will be here friday too. well thanx!
RH will be here tommarow
I cant wait for rockhopper to get here. He is so cool.
I cant wait for rockhopper to get here. He is so cool.
I think if yesterday he was so far and today is so close then he was here in 26 june.
I think he will be here thursday night. I wonder what he will bring with him this time.
I hope you get to meet him, Mimo! Good luck!
-Hello Kittay
yah rockhopper! I want to meet him. maybe i will this time! Hope u meet him to mimo. Happy hunting!
plz post!
orange land
Big Goonie <--CP name
Sweet! thats cool i cant wait lol anyways ya biggest fan -Ye11
Hey Mimo!
Cool! I think he will be here Friday to. I can't wait!
cant wait!
i think Tomorrow
I suggest that you moderatethe comments often so that I will tell when he's on. You might even be able to meet Rockhopper this time! ;-D
idk kimberlly1 can we meet up some time?
pearlwhite when can you meet me
Ok I gathered lots of information:
Times he can be on: 8:00 A.M PST - 10:00 PM PST
Times he is mostly on: 10:00 A.M. - 8:00 P.M.
Servers he goes to (the first server is which he goes on most. The last is where he doesn't goes on often):
Mammoth US
Frozen UK
North Pole CA
Parka US
Powder Ball US
Deep Freeze UK
Frostbite US
Rainbow US
Polar Bear CA
Rocky Road US
Snowflake UK
Snowbound CA
Tundra US
Sherbet UK
Walrus US
Matterhorn US
Mittens UK
Fjord US
Beanie Australian
Down Under Australian
Snow Shoe CA
Chinook CA
But he can go on anywhere!
Rooms (the first room is which he goes on most. The last is where he doesn't goes on often):
Ship Deck
Ship Hold
Ice Berg
Pizza Parlor
Snow Forts
Night Club
I will also comment when he's on
Hope this helps!
He looks like he will be here super soon!
Hey flufstuff!
It's Pearlwhite27!
I can meet you anytime today. Just tell me when, and what room and server, and I will be there!
Hey everyone!
It's Pearlwhite27!
A lot of you are asking if Mimo has met Rockhopper. Nope, he hasn't!! This time he is determined he will meet him! Mimo deserves it =)
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
O does that mean that that game is coming back?! I quite enjoyed it!
i thing friday too. who knows.
~puppyluv 100
i cant wait!!
specially for the free item i wonder what it is?
your friend
p.s. please post
i think tommorw would be good.
yay rockhopper!
you're friend goofy73
i cant wait for rockhopper i love getting his free item
penguin name:ccarockz
Hey Mimo, i'm having a party tomarro to find a cure for ALS. It's on Ice Palace at 12:00 pm Cp time. It's at the Cove. Hope to see u there! -Sprouse 97
Hey Anonymous,
Here was your question:
Whos rockhopper?
Rockhopper is a pirate penguin that is from Rockhopper Island. He sails on his ship called The Migrator with his red puffle, Yarr. Rockhopper and Yarr come to visit us sometimes and bring back rare items. If you find Rockhopper around Club Penguin, he will give you a free autographed backround. Happy Rockhopping and I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
mimo why don't you ever post my commets?
pearlwhite how about 6:30 CPTZ server: icicle room: cove
Hey Penguins!
I have a really really important question! I heard that something happened to jessicamary. what happened?
Hey guys! Anonymous asked who rockhopper is...
Rockhopper is a Club penguin pirate who lives on rockhopper island with his red puffle,Yarr. Rockhopper visits the club penguin island from time to time and gives out a free item on his ship the Migrator. He usually goes on full servers. If you spot rockhopper, make sure to ask to be his buddy..he will give you a free backround!
Hope this helps,
Iceeslushy79(CPG Moderator)
friday, because he always comes on friday. tomorrow's newspaper will talk about it, and then he'll be here, yatta yatta yatta...
hiya sparkforever!
you said: does that mean that the game is coming back?!
yup! i am so happy about that i am to lazy and tired of playing th games on the island so i only have 17 coins and i can't buy anything.
you're friend goofy73
yay!!! I wonder what item he will give out. I hope I see rh! I've seen him about 10 times. :D
yay new iteams cant wait
-mr dude 2424
why wouldnt he come on friday. thats when all the events happen.
hey there, of course we can still get into rh's quarters! i mean, if you have the key, then you can get in =] if you go to the book room above the coffee shop, click on the shelves of books and go to rockhoppers journal. then flip to the very very VERY last page until you see his key! then you click on it and put it in your inventory and you can to into his quarters whenever you want =]
gvs5yg, "hi!" to you too =]
pearlwhite27 I saw you in the coffee shop today and I was wondering if we could meet again and be friends?
Your friend Gracie Leann
he's not that close mimo. I checked the telescope. The day before yesterday they said thatRockhopper was here. Are they telling the truth?
Yay!!! I can't wait til Rockhopper comes! I'll get to see his ship, his game, and I'll get the new items! Whoo-eeh! Can't wait! hope you meet him Mimo!! P.S. BIG PARTY ON SERVER BUNNY HILL AT LIGHTHOUSE AT 10:00 CP TIME ZONE ON JUNE 30TH!! ALL MY BEST BUDDIES WILL HOPEFULLY BE THERE!! PLEASE COME!! WE'RE GOING TO PARTY FOR ROCKHOPPER THAT HE AND HIS SHIP IS STILL OKAY!!! LET'S PARTY AND BE GRATEFUL! DONT FORGET!! I'll be there as Dallorgan! Can't wait to see you there!
Mimo club penguin e-mailed me that he will arrive at monday beacuse his ship will be a liitle affected by the next eartquacke
PS: it's just a secret
Dear mimo777,
I am a disgrace to clubpenguin and clubpenguingang. I did not show up at my party. I'm sorry to all the penguins who were there (if any were there)waiting. And I don't think I'm worthy of you or anything to do with clubpenguin. AT ALL. Please forgive me. And mimo777, if you and the gang were there, I want you ALL to read what is below. I am very sorry. I kinda forgot, and I never really get to spend time with my family, so we had a little fire in out fire pit. We roasted marsmallows. It was realy fun, and i never wanted it to end.
With sincere regrets,
Frosted415, leafy10, and iluvmimo777.
I am not happy with what i did, and i feel really bad, even if not many people showed up(if any).
Hey Gracie Leann!
It's Pearlwhite27
You asked:
Q: I want to meet you up, Pearlwhite, I saw you in the coffee shop. Can we meep up sometime and be buddies?
A: Sure! I would love to be buddies with you! Just tell me when you want to meet, where, which server, and room and I will see if I can make it!! I can't wait!
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
Hey mimo,
i know that this is totally off the rockhopper subject but when are you going to have a party? like say meet in iceburg at 3:00 club penguin time on july 2nd in the dojo???? thanx!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S that was just an example!
Hey guys!
It's Pearlwhite27!
I just wanted to introduce you to my friend, Bff224. I have told her about Club Penguin Gang, and she is very excited. She is going to be a CPG Moderator, so please welcome her!!
Hmmm, I think Fri. A free item! Yes!
-puppylove731(clubp name)
So when Rockhopper get here, we'll get 4 nre rooms, a game, and new items. Awesome!
that migrator is fast
hey kirby906, you asked if Mimo has ever seen rockhopper. He hasn't and that's why he wants to meet him. Do you know anywone who's met him?
it will have to be friday or thursday he said he willl come in june friday is june 30th and june has 30 days.
Mimo, guess what? You have 777 subscribers to twitter!!! That sounds significant, doesnt it?
P.S. Zebras caused the earthquakes when they were visit Cp overnight.
i think hes coming on THURSDAY OR FRIDAY!!!!
i hope i meet him to mimo and most probably you will too! you DESERVE to meet him since you helped out all us penguins!
Mahal KOs {penguin name}
Hey guys!
It's Pearlwhite27!
I just wanted to introduce you to my friend, Bff224. I have told her about Club Penguin Gang, and she is very excited. She is going to be a CPG Moderator, so please welcome her!!
Welcome to CPG Bff224!=D
Hey frosted 415!! Don't worry! It's O.k. I think everyone here would understand that it was a family thing and you simply forgot. I am very close to my family and I would'nt miss something like that for the world. You are not a disgrace! We all understand right penguins?
Dont feel bad,
Iceeslushy79(CPG Moderator)
Frosted 415 i showed up at your party and we all knew what it was something important reason you werent there!And its ok you did not show up.I can understand.Pearl White27 Maybe we can meet up Friday at the coffee shop again on the sever Tuxedo at Club Penguin Time 1:30?Tel me if that works for you if not we can reschudle.Also how do you become a moderator?
Your friend,
Gracie Leann
Hey Mimo!
I think Rockhopper will be here Tomorrow. It seems Club Penguin does most of it's updating on Thursday because they have to update it anyways for the newspaper. Just thought I'd share my two sense.
Hey Pengu923,
Here was your question:
I have a really really important question! I heard that something happened to jessicamary. what happened?
I have a condition called Premature Ossification. It means that I don't have in arch on my foot, so when I run and figure skate, it makes my ankles hurt. I had surgery, and i'm recovering well. I will be able to skate again in about a month or so. :-)Thanks for asking!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
Since all the new events happen on Friday, I would say...Friday. I like reading the newspaper...its fun! :)
rockhoppers coming!!! i think he will be here tommrow.
man he is speeding here has he got jet rockets on his boat or something
hi mimo have you ever seen rockhopper?
heres all you need to know about rockhopper, i took it from cp's help page
Captain Rockhopper
Rockhopper is an adventuring penguin. He sails the seas in his ship, the Migrator, in search of treasure and adventure. He returns to Club Penguin approximately every two months with items to sell.
When he's in Club Penguin, his ship is docked at the Beach, next to the Lighthouse. You can board the ship and visit the Main Deck and the Hold.
Find out more about Rockhopper by reading his journal. It is located in the Book Room.
Can I really meet Rockhopper?
Yes! Whenever his ship is docked at the Beach, you may be lucky enough to meet him. He likes to hang out on his ship. If you don’t find him there, ask around. He is a red penguin who wears the name Rockhopper and has a black beard and pirate hat. He considers himself a friend to everyone in Club Penguin and would love to meet you too.
Can I travel with Rockhopper?
Rockhopper is the captain of his own ship, and except for the addition of Yarr, he prefers to travel alone.
How can I find out more about Rockhopper?
Read his journal! It is located in the Book Room above the Coffee Shop in the Town Center.
Hey everyone!!
It's me Bff224!!
I am new here! And I am going to become a CPG Moderator. I am so excited for Rockhopper to come. I have never met him before.
hey guys
sparkforever said o does that mean the game is coming back?!
A.well if you mean the game in the captains quarters then yes that game will be back until rockhopper leaves again
~frost ice(cpg moderator
i hope you have good luck in finding rockhopper mimo.
maybe there will be a new item if you finf him? who knows?
~frost ice~
i heard theres a secret key... where is it ?!
i can't wait
to answer your question kirby906 and many other users, no, mimo has not seen Rockhopper yet...:(
oh! and Hopper1520 that helped A LOT, especially to mimo777 ;) thanks a million.nd just to verify he is correct i have actually met Rockhopper in the town on snowflake. at a really random time!
penguin name-Kayl35722]
servers- Snowflake and Crunch
p.s. can i be a cpg moderator mimo?
i check your page EVERYDAY! (once my pc is broken that is!) and i can answer most questions by now because i have been reading all the comments and Q&A's, and lately you have been posting more of my comments
thanks if you let me! :)
rockhopper rocks
hes not here yet.
He is here on Friday!!!
what is smoove???
Thanx heaps Mimo777!! U ROCK!!!
Thanx heaps Mimo777!! U ROCK!!!
Hey Gracie Leann!
It's Pearlwhite27!
That definetly works for me! I will see you there!
Hey Gracie Leann!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You asked how to become a CPG Moderator.
The only thing you do is look for questions in the comments. If you know the answer to them, answer their question. Then sign your name like this:
Gracie Leann(CPG Moderator)
Have a great time being a CPG Moderator!
Thanks pearlwhite27 for anwsering my question I will see you there!
Gracie leann
ANYONE can be a mod! woot! come aboard the mod train and help us out =] the more the merrier!
the secret key is hidden in RH's journal... go to the book room above the coffee shop, and see the book icon in the bottom right corner? click that, then click on rockhoppers' journal. flip to the very very VERY last page (yes, even after the supposedly last one) and you'll see the key =] just click it and put it in your inventory! voila! you are now free to enter the captain's quarters. here is your complimentary bag of peanuts, and thank you for flying with club penguin airlines.
Word: Smoove (adj.)
Pronunciation: smOOv
Definition: Cool, awesome, sweet, rockin', incredible, etc.
Synonyms: [see above]
Origin: estimated circa mid-June, 2008 from the mimo777ishneese language. Thought to have been a combination of smooth and suave (or smooth and move), but facts unknown and not comfirmed.
Example: "Rockhopper is so totally smoove, dude!"
Hey anonymous!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You asked where the secret key is.
Go in to the book room (above the coffee shop) and click on Rockhopper's Journal. Go to the VERY last page and you will see a key. Click on it, and there you go. Have fun in Rockhopper's HQ!
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
Hey frosted415!
It's Pearlwhite27!
It's ok that you didn't make your party. At my party, I couldn't make it either!! Don't feel bad, we all forget sometimes!
hi its makaylie1!im so glad your surgery went good jessicamary!best of luck -makaylie1 ( \_/ )
(")_(") bunny for mishmash!
Friday for SURE xDD
Penguin Name{Mahal KOs}
Hola Peoples! Skittleser here! And I like pie! LOL. A lot of people that Ive met on Club penguin say Oh Ive met Rock hopper and I'm like how have u met him!?! I really wanna meet him!He's like the most famous penguin on C.p!
Skittleser ( from USA and Italy ) WOO USA!
you're friend goofy73
hey mimo did you know that on the cp home page if you click on the top of the ship the red puffle named 'yarr' comes out and looks through a little telescope. thats funny
Hey Anonymous,
Here was your question:
i heard theres a secret key... where is it ?!
The secret key to get into Rockhopper's Quarters is located in the Book Room. (Above the Coffee Shop.) Click on Rockhopper's Journal and go to the very last page. Click on the key, and you will be able to go to Rockhoppers Quarters! I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
kirby906 said...
yay rockhopper! what awaits us next? hey mimo, have you ever seen rockhopper?
megrina10 said.. I don't think mimo has ever seen Rockhopper, but she sure hopes to!
Anonymous said...
Whos rockhopper
Megrina10 said.. Rockhopper is a pirate penguin that often visits to the island of Club Penguin! He has a red beard and a black pirate hat. You can actually meet Rockhopper somewhere on the island if you are lucky! To find more about Rockhopper, go to the book room located above the coffee shop and click on Rockhopper's book, it tells lots of information about him! check it out!
-megrina10 (cpg moderator)
Anonymous said...
what is smoove???
Answer: I think smoove is kind of a funny way of saying smooth. Like weiner is a funny way of saying winner. Get it? Mimo has his funny words :)
-megrina10 (cpg moderator)
Hi Anonymous,
Here was your question:
i heard theres a secret key... where is it ?!
Answer: The secret key is located in the book room above the coffee shop. Go to the last page of Rockhopper's journal and you will find the key! The key you can get into the captain's (Rockhopper's) head quarters! It's a really cool room if you haven't seen it! Notice board, games, his personal treasures! It's awesome!
-megrina10 (cpg moderator)
Gracie Leann said...
Frosted 415 i showed up at your party and we all knew what it was something important reason you werent there!And its ok you did not show up.I can understand.Pearl White27 Maybe we can meet up Friday at the coffee shop again on the sever Tuxedo at Club Penguin Time 1:30?Tel me if that works for you if not we can reschudle.Also how do you become a moderator?
Your friend,
Gracie Leann
Dear Gracie Leann,
You can be a moderator simply by answering questions! Click on the name/url option and put YOURPENGUINNAMEHERE (CPG MODERATOR)
Pretend your penguin name was ilovesoccer210 then you would put on that space ilovesoccer210 (cpg moderator). Get it? Well I hope you do, because mimo needs lots of moderators! ;-)!
(cpg moderator)
Hey mimo
Can we meet in the coffe shop 5 pm
Jan 2nd on server
you biggest fan Chiliepepa
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