Wow! The new Summer Water Party is here! Pretty cool. THREE free items! YES! Here are the new free item cheat.
Step 1. Go to the The Cove.
Step 2. Click on the Inflatable Yellow Duck.

For the second free item do this.
Step 3. Go to the Plaza.
Step 4. Click on the Ice Cream Apron

For the third free item do this.
Step 5. Go to The Beach
Step 6. Click on the Seashell Necklace.

Now for the coolness!
Check out the new hidden room next to the Iceberg. Very sweet. It's a whale of a good time.

Now go check out the Mine and the Pool. They are my fav. That crab last year, sheesh.

Have fun at the party! Don't forget the new play at the stage. It's called "The Penguins That Time Forgot."
What's your favorite part of this party? I rate this party at medium coolness.
Throw a water balloon at me if you see me.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
1 – 200 of 258 Newer› Newest»i just love the iceBurgh then you can go on the the whale!! so cool! ps please post
THat is so kewl!!!
This party is sooo awesome! I love all the new items. I tryed to be one of the first ones on!
alrewady got everything
MiMo the stage is also new too cheak it out its effects are sooooo cool
- shmidy 2000
omg!!! i was gonna say the party started!! but ur are very very fast mimo!!
p.s u rock!
hey throw a snow ball, it comes out as a water baloon.
-337 noel
This is sooo cool! I love the new items!
Its not as cool as i thought it would be, but still it is very very awesome!!!
i Am staying up all night to play this!
yo thank you
throw snow balls any where and they turn into water ballons
thank you mimo you rock!!
woah mimo your so fast i was on since the begining of the water party i thought youd go to fjord. i thought i could see you.
Sand Flipper
Cool water party though. you can also move the hoses
mimo in the corner of the page there is a water hose click it to move it around and spray it!!
~ Iichan
PS hey U Fride!!! saw u at mittens!
I love the party! thanks for telling us mimo! I LOVE MY DUCK AND SHELL NECKLACE! oh and i like my apron from the summer thing last year ( not water party) it was the summer bash!
ITS SOOO COOL! i didnt know theres a SECRET room! ill check it! ya biggest fan -Ye11
I already got all the items..
mimo you can move the hose. you click on the hose and then you can move it around.
thanks mimo i didnt know the party is coming sooooo soon!! thanks mimo!
~puppyluv 100~
when you have the apron on(one of the free items) and you press D for dance you scoop ice cream and also at each location on the bottem right corner there is a hose you can squirt at penguins!!!
i thought the party would be better but it's still really cool!!! please post this!!! thanks
looks fun!! I want to go on cp now but I'm lying in bed serching the web on my Ipod touch.
i figured they would have changed more from the last summers water party but i guess its still cool
go to the dock and click on the hose plz post this cool cheat
I can't find you anywhere. I've looked all over Big Foot and Fjord. I've hit the cave and the pool numerous times because that is where you said your favorite place is during the water party. But, you are nowhere to be found. I WILL find you on club penguin one day. And when I do I will scream. Remember my name, because you will see it on club penguin...someday.
ha ha!
way cool!
water balloons instead of snowballs!
then that pool at the dojo..
if you go to the ice burg and walk to the blue lump on the left u go on top of the whale from last year!
-Lorenzo 12
wow you're so fast mimo
This party is very cool,but i think the water party last year is better.
next to your chat bar theres a hose!!!! click it and it shoots water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
give credit to ruizpenguin
hey mimo theres a has at the bottom were you can pick it up and water cames out of it try
the only places it doesn't work are the stage and your igloo
- purplejoeler(penguin name)
thanks alot m8 it helped me very well am cool now i got them thing
in the forest there is ahose on the staircase click and drag it and it moves
please post
That is so kewl!!!!!!-Emmi20
Mimo777 just to tell you that there is a hose at the beach near the water you can drag it and there is waiter coming out.
I mean every where u go there is a pipe sry for the inconvinience.
Hey Mimo
Checkout the Dojo
From Frocean and Blueyoshi1Cp names
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
This is AWESOME!
I love evrything about it!
I already have the apron, but still AWESOME!
play at stage mimo =]
also, when you wear only the inflatable duck and dance, you "Swim"
what happen to the inflatiable arms? and whistle?
nearly as good as last year
its such a cool room !! i love it!! go summer (pls post)
I like the forest its reminds me of a some true summer fun
Cool party, but they keep repeating some of the free items
Hey Mimo & all!
Kimberrlley1 here! Thanks for the cheats! This water party rocks =)
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
I just love the party!I'm happy they gave out free stuff to the unmembers too!!Also we throw water balloons!
i really love the party,its cool underground is a museum
this is so cool I always wonted the apron and the duck thing : )
-mac lorey-
hey, when you throw a snowball, its a water balloon!
Also, the Water Balloon snowballs.
the cheats are sooo cool
thanks mimo
The water party was soooo cool!!!
Best Party Ever.
the party is cool but the items r cooler!
Hey Fellow CPGers! It's Blackpearl8!
In case you've been wondering where I've gone, well I haven't gone anywhere. I'm still checking out the blog and reading the comments! I've just been a little busy and really burnt out from answering all these questions! I hope to be back in the CPG Mod mood pretty soon!
i really like the new play! Sooo cool! Also will u pls pls post. I have never been posted B4.
Apron, dance, make ice-cream...
the last summer party was better!!!
How do you become a CPG Moderator? I have heard many people say you just put CPG Moderator after your name.
Wow! This is an awesome party!
click and hold the water hose at the very bottom right ,icevampiro
hey mimo this is Redfooteye and The hose on the right of the tool bar you can click and hold and the hose turns on and sprays! But you have to hold the left mouse key.
thanks Mimo
From Redfooteye
its cool its fun its asome water party!!
The new stage is cool too!
to the anonymous penguin who said "what happen to the inflatiable arms? and whistle?"
well the inflatable water wings were the free item of last year's party (too bad i got here right after they took it away), and the whistle was part of the life guard outfit. idk if it was a free item; but it looks like neither were brought back =[
i was kinda looking for those water wings too =]
better luck next time!
oh yeah and theres a new background at the stage for everyone =]
Hey Mimo!
Kimberrlley1 here! This party rocks =) I love it, and i think its better than last years!
Who else thinks so?
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
Kimberrlley1 questions yet ;]
Hope to see you soon Balckpearl!
~Kimberrlley1 =) Weve been missing you haha!
mimo, on the bottom of each place in club penguin there is a hose if u drag it it sprays water!!!
and the homepage of Club Penguin the light house is a palm tree and the ski hill is a water slide^_^
club penguin needs to make new cloths i already have the aprin from a while ago and i already have a duck thingy except its green
did you see the hose on the right of your screen that you can spray at the party?
in all the rooms there is a hose in the bottom corner to spray everyone! Check it out!!! plz post my comment too!
OMG its a good party but i gotta say i liked last years better.My favorite is the penguin is also going green!there are recycling bin in a lot of places and in every room on the righ bottom corner there is a water hose!
hey matthewmdm3, you can only put "cpg mod" after your name if you actually help others. a mod goes to the comment section of mimos blog and answers whatever questions people have. some people are putting "cpg mod" just because they want to, but you should only do so if you're actually answering a question.
hi im Pinktop678 and im here to give you a funny glitch. if you go to an igloo, any igloo, and throw a snowball, it'll be blue, then turn into a real snowball! it's so cool!
mimo you need shoes a shirt or a belt lets have a poll for if you should or shouldn't
mimo tack a look at the club penguin home page thay thanged it for the party the light house is the truck of a palm tree and on the sky hill you can see the water slide it is cool : )
-mac lorey-
Hey all!
Kimberrlley1 here! Theres IS a new play and a new background in the magazine for the play! Check iut out =)!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
Kimberrlley1 here!
Ill see you all way later! Im off to go on a shopping spree with my friends!
Peace all! See ya later!
Hey Mimo
If you wear a Grass Skirt from the costume trunk dance with it. Then you should be Hula dancing.
Give credit to Stickers303
Hey Mimo check out the club penguin home page! Its part of the party too! Look at the light-house and the moutain, see the changes!
Hey Matthewmdm3,
Here was your question:
How do you become a CPG Moderator? I have heard many people say you just put CPG Moderator after your name.
Thats pretty much all you have to do. But in order to put CPG Moderator after your name, you have to answer a question first. Then you can add the CPG Moderator. I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
P.S. Wow! I said CPG Moderator a lot, didn't I? lol!
how do you swim with the inflatable duck? i asked many people and they won't tell me even if they can swim. some are not even members! Plz reply me mimo! I need ur help!!
mimo heres a tip!
go to the nightclub and wen u see a water sprout out walk on top of it and it clots up!
another cheat is at the bottom right of ur screen, there is a hose. if u press and hold ur mouse and move it, u can spray other penguins! lol thats my favorite part!!
- Dabearsr1 20 (cp name)
wow this is so weird!on club penguin,when you are playing or on the homepage,right-click and select "Show Redraw Redions".so weird!
:{) -Blue Dude776
hey there nadia, yes if you wear ONLY the inflatable duck and dance, you can swim! pretty awesome!
Hey Mimo! Did you know that instead of snowballs, there are water balloons!!!!
I think that's kinda cool don't you?
There is a whale at the iceberg Mimo!!!
i luv the party!
Hey Nadia,
Here was your question:
how do you swim with the inflatable duck? i asked many people and they won't tell me even if they can swim. some are not even members! Plz reply me mimo! I need ur help!!
To swim with the inflatable duck, take ALL of your clothes of except the inflatable duck. Then dance, and you should be swimming. I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
Hi Mimo
i just found an awesome cheat thing. If you go the plaza or something, click on the hose at the bottom riight hand corner and drag, you will start to spray water everywhere.
-Yo Doggg
Mimo, on the website they changed the tree into a palm tree for the water party! Look its cool.
Iwata (Cp Name)
Theres a hose at the lower left corner and when you click and drag it, it shoots water.
mimo if u go to club penguin's home page they changed it for the party
Hi ho kermet the frog here
Lol I'm not kermet but I am Some143 and I wanted to post somthing.
If you click and hold the hose on the bottom right corner then you can spray stuff awesome huh? And I think this years water party is better than last years!
Some143 ;D
AND! On the Club Penguin home page the lighthouse has changed into a palm tree!
i love the pool party at the Dojo!
Mimo if you click the hose the water will come out
I love the dock and the light house
thanks mimo! you taught me how to get to the party!
you're friend goofy73
Wear only the inflatable duck, dance, and then your swimming!
Intograte (cpg moderator)
thanks mimo, tis is so cool.
i really wanted a ducky! but want is a red and green scarf!
you're friend goofy73
mimo you get things out really really really really fast!
you're friend goofy73
hiya everybody who told mimo there is a secret whale at the iceberg! but mimo already know that because he posted it in this post, its ok you were trying to help, and you might of not seen it and you might of helped someone who had not seen it either.
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
i love my main water party look! its dark blue or as i call it Yankee blue (go YANKEES)penguin color, blue swimming trunks, black sun glasses (secret agent sun glasses,) and the sun striker hair dew! whats everybody else's outfits? and what sports team do you like? what sports team do you like mimo?
you're friend goofy73
hey mimo at the splash club if u go upstairs u can click on the waterhose and move it while it skwirts water!
u throw water baloons now!!!
water rink rocks!
Kimberley i hope we can meet sometime.
I think the whole of club penguin rox!!!
Hey, if you go to the homepage of club penguin and you look at the lighthouse it's different!! Looks like it's made of bamboo or somthing. Very interesting! Oh, my user name is Bubbina23. :)
I found a new thing!(it's not really a cheat.) On the club penguin website there now is a palm tree and some tubes on the mountain. Check it out Mimo!
mimo you are soo cool. Thnks for all you've done and i love the forest with the slippin slide.
Hey Goof!
Kimberrlley1 here =)You asked what sports team WE like?
Well, im actually origannaly from New England, so i LOVE the boston redsox, celtics,bruins, and the partiots! W00t woot!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo! =)
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey kim,i did not know which server your party was on!!I sadly missed it! :(( < SIGHS >
Hope you have another one soon
Hey torkoal123!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You said you hoped we could meet sometime on CP.
Sure =) Id love to! Tell me a day and time and it would be my pleasure!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Goof!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You said mimo is really fast!
Youre so right! Hes like lightening, lol ;]
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
hey nadia u asked how to swim with the rubber duckie rite?
Well just put on the rubber duckie and press the dance button and u will start swimming!!Awesome huh?
MiMo RaWkz
Hey Nadia!
Kimberrlley1 here! You asked us how you swim with the infladible duck?
Take ALL of your clothes off except for the inflatible duck, and then press the DANCE button =) You will actually swim! Sweet huh?!
Thanks &+ thanks a bunch mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
i don't know if your gonna read this or not but i was wondering if you could let someone be the gamehelper or something for the games (p.s. i'm not asking to make me a part of the gang but i am really good at all the games and make like 396 coins i play a game)
I think i found somewhat a weird cheat mimo and everyone.
When you throw a water bomb at the target beside the snowball powered clock in the snow forts,it doesnt explode and doesnt give out any water.Actually this cheat was pretty much random.
Hey Mattthew!
Kimberrlley1 here! U asked how to become a cpg moderaotr?
to become one, just answer questions like im doing o nthe blogs! Cool huh? Welcome to the moderator team =)!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey there!
Kimberrlley1 here! Who else thinks this years party is better than last years?
I LOVED last years, but this years just rocks because of the grpahics! Their getting bettter and better =)
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
plz post ive never been posted
Hey im new here and just trying to meet people so im having a little party
Server:white house
Time:4:00 pm cp time
WHere:icetray90909s igloo
Hey mimo i found a sweet cheat!
on the bottom right side of the page, there should be a hose. click + hold it and you can move t around and splash everyone! its really funny!
bartman2431 ( please give me credit )
kimberrlley1 and jessicmary do u girls have blogs
yo icetray i will try to make it to your party ok? White out server sounds cool,one of my favourite servers.:)
MiMo RaWkz
Anyway guyz hope all of you are enjoying the partay,coz i really think this party is awesome.Keep it up cp,and mimo ur awesomely fast!!
Wait a minute,icetray i might not be able to make it,coz i might be going cycling with my family,but i promise i will try my best to be at the party ok?see ya dude.
hey mimo the dojo is decorated for the water party.thats a first(i think).i dont think it has ever been decorated for any parties.
Sensity(CPG Moderator)
Hey guys it icetray90909
i forgot the date it is saturday june 14th
sorrry, mimo's gang is just him and his family so he's not letting anyone else join at the moment. he might find a way to include others in the future though! =]
hey Sensity, you're right! the dojo is only decorated for very special occasions, like this party =]
(oh and btw, you should put "cpg mod" after your name ONLY when you're answering questions =])
erm guyz i have a small doubt but why is the cp time in the snow forts different from the cp time in the community section of the club penguin website?
Mimo meet me at big foot on Saturday at 5:00 penguin standed time at day please mimo i wanna be your friend! please please my penguin name is jacobsguitar meet me at the whale and we will have a whale of a time
icetray are you a member
why does everybody spell cool as kewl?
I found something different Mimo!
When you would play the missions again in the HQ... Not only do you have your Spy Phone in your Inventory, but you also have Night Vision Goggles to come with it! Take a look see!
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
I love this party!
Im having such a good time making ice creams for all my buddies!
Then when Im done, I can go swimming in the dojo with an Octopus!
Yay! This party is great!
I love the water slide, dont you?
I cant belive that they actually fixed up the gomepage JUST for the party!
I guess Club Penguin this to be a huge Bash! :D
Oh, and sorry I havent been posting much lately, but I spent 2 nights over at my friends house!
I promise I will make it up to y'all by posting ALL of the Coolness, right here!
Is that OK?
You Rock Mimo!
mimo the clock in the snowfort shows your computers time now that they show cptz in the community section.
i like the measum in the mine best it rocks and the music is so kwl
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
I am furious!
I was just about to finish the list about the Water Party coolness, and then my computer froze!
Aiya ya! I better do it again! :(
. . .
The Town: Is a Coffee Shop, "SplashClub" and a Gifdt Shop! There are no mayjor changes, except for a few aquatic animals!
The Gift Shop: Normal :(
The NightClub or Splash Club: Is a totally blue room with jets of water coming up! Coooool!
Dance Lounge: Normal :(
Coffee Shop: Looks like a beach, including sand and waves!
Book room: Normal! :(
Dock: Is a huge sandcastle!!
Beach: Has a burger stand, and gives out Free Item No 1: Shell Necklace! :D The base of the lighthouse is a palm tree!
The Lighthouse: Normal :(
The Lighthouse Beacon: Looks like the top of a palm tree!
Ski Village: The End of a Water slide, with a pool, a Ski Lodge and a Sports Shop!
Sports Shop: Normal :(
Ski Lodge: Normal :(
Lodge Attic: Normal >:( Not happy!
Ski Mountain: Has the biggining of the water slide! :D
Dojo: Is a big pool with an Octopus!
Ice Rink: Another pool with a mini water slide!
Snow Forts: They are weird, and they look like squide with jets of water coming out!
The Plaza! Has the usual stuff, with food stands and free item No 2: Ice Cream Apron!
Pizza Parlour: Normal :(
Stage: Decorated for the current play!
Pet Shop: Normal! :(
Cave/Pool: Is a pool that demonstrates how Club Penguin got flooded!
Boiler Room: Has a HUGE water tank!
Mine: Is a mini museum with snapshots and videos of the Water Party of 2007!
Outside of Mine: Has a big tap!
Forest: Is a water park with a plastic octopus, a picnic and a slippery slide!
Cove: Has a mini waterfountain and contains the 3rd and Final free item: Yellow Inflateable Duck!
Iceberg: Almost normal ( =( ) but contains a hidden room!
The Party! A.K.A Icebergs hidden room: Is a GIGANTIC Whale that shoots water out! This is my favourite room in the party!
Other Coolness: The Inflatable Duck can make your penguin swim, so wear nothing exceot the duck, thendance!
The Ice Cream apron can serve ice cream, so wear nothing but it and then dance!
Snowballs have changed water bombs! Cooool!
Over all, I would rate this party 7/10 because some rooms are normal!
But it is still a great party! :D
. . .
I have done my job! :D
Please Post this Mimo because it took forever!
Hi Mimo The Water Party Is Cool I Descoverd A Glitch Too If You Go To Your Igloo And Throw A Water Bomb You See A Water Bomb In Your Hand For A Second Then It Changes Into A Snowball I Just Thought You Might Want To Know If You Want To Post It You Can But If Not Its Ok Thanks
I was there last year when the crab struck. I was messing arond wih my bro pretending i was drowning then this crab comes along and taps on the window, it cracks, then water starts pouring in! it was just hilarious being there!
eyh mimo did u no that if u wear only the lifeguard vest u do the swim dance! plz make a post about this and giv me credit
theres also a new play at the stage from prehistoric times.
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
matthewmdm3 said...
How do you become a CPG Moderator? I have heard many people say you just put CPG Moderator after your name.
Hey Matthew!
Well, yes! I suppose one of the things you need to do to become a CPG Moderator, is to just put CPG Moderator after your name, but there is a bit more to it! ;)
You also have to answer quite a few questions, like I am right now!
You also have to be nice, caring and also answer peoples questions!
So if you want to become one, I can give you a few tips that I was given when I first became a Moderator from Kim and Floob!
1) Always be nice! :D
2) Never be mean to people, or put them down for not knowing things!
3) Answer any question you can find!
4) Watch carefully, there may be questions that you missed, so be sure to read almost EVERY comment!
5) Dont set yourself up, by posting your own questions and answering them!
6) Be sure to be a role-model by following all CPG Ruled!
7) Only call yourself a Mod when you are answering a comment!
I hope that helps you and good luck!
MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Nadia said...
how do you swim with the inflatable duck? i asked many people and they won't tell me even if they can swim. some are not even members! Plz reply me mimo! I need ur help!!
Hey Nadia!
Well to swim with the inflateable Ducky (Hehehe!) all you have to do is take off all your clothes (Your penguins clothes, not your own! We dont want you running naked in the house! :D)and only wear the Duck, and then dance!
Now you are swimming! :D
Cool, Huh?
And here at CPG, we will always help! :D
I hope everyone who answered you helped!
MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Anonymous said...
why does everybody spell cool as kewl?
Hey Fnoob, or Floob...Im not too sure weather it was a spelling mistake or not...:S
Well, saying Kewl is just a sort of weird way of doing it, I guess!
If you sound it out it sounds like the normal Cool!
But it sounds funny, so i guess thats why we say it!
Kewl, huh?
(Hehehe :D)
Thanks Again!
MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)
OMG, i found out something creepy!
go to the Underground pool, wait a few minutes and keep an eye out at the bottom left corner there, near the Boiler room enterance.
Im not sure how long you wait, but please please believe me. this is really important to me.
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Hey All, have you noticed that there are Recycle Bins Everywhere on the island?
I wonder Why...?
Actually, I do have a small theory: Maybe Club Penguin are trying to teach us to be "Eco-Friendly" by putting vurtual bins everywhere!
I dunno, but maybe it could be like the Coins for Change thing for Christmas last year!
Hmm... :? (Yes, I did put a ?!)
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Just remember guys, you dont have to say "Please post this Mimo!" or anything like that, because Mimo will ALWAYS post your comment unless:
<>You contain bad language
<>You are too negative
<>You are mean or Rude
<>You inslult other penguins
<>You are pointless (eg. I LIKE PIE!)
<>You use too many "!!!!"'s!
So just follow those rules everyone, and you can always see your name!
But there is always the possibility that Mimo's inbox has run out of space, so just keep that in mind! ;)
Have Fun!
MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)
Hey Icetray!
I am MishMash215, at your service!
Just a gentle reminder: remember, that you can only sign your name as a CPG Moderator, when you are actually signing a question!
MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)
Hahaha! Just Kidding! ;D
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
I am throwing a party!
Except this time, there is heaps of warning so heaps of you can come to it!
Who Knows, maybe some of the CPG Guys will come! I cant wait to meet U Fride and friends!
So anyways, here are the details:
Date: 21st of June (Club Penguin!)
Server: Fjord!
Room: The Beacon (Upstairs in the LightHouse!
Time: 7:30pm CPTZ!
Why? Because this should be a great party!
I will post these details EVERY day untill the party, so that I know who can come!
Oh, and PLEASE tell me if you can come, because I would love to meet anyone!
Please come everyone, and I hope Mimo,U Fride, Zoe, Purplyn, China or Anyone else can come!
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Hi Bacon and Jess!
I was told by Sparkforever that your party was awesome!
It sure sounds it, and I am so sad and sorry that I couldnt come!
I was told that Mimo777 & the rest of CPG Came!
You are so lucky!
Well, I am having a party soon, so maybe you guys can come to that!
I am hoping that Mimo and the rest can come too, so flippers crossed!
Sorry again!
hey mimo the snow fort clock now shows the time on your computer. the community section shows the cp time now.
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
jacobsguitar said...
Mimo meet me at big foot on Saturday at 5:00 penguin standed time at day please mimo i wanna be your friend! please please my penguin name is jacobsguitar meet me at the whale and we will have a whale of a time
Hey Jacobsguitar!
I am so sorry, but Mimo777 cannot have any private meetings with anyone!
The only time ou can see him, is when he is on Club Penguin and you spot him, or when he has his party!
I have also heard that he goes to a few peoples parties!
Ask bacon707, and he can tell you that Mimo777 came to his party!
Cool, right!
So keep trying, and Im sure you will meet Mimo some day!
Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday to My Big Sister!
Happy Birthday to You!
My BIg Sister turned the big 17 today!
Whoa! They grow up soo fast! ;)
Birthday wishes for her guys, ok?Thanks!
- MishMash215
this party is AWESOME lol
i rate it as the best party so far
hope everyone is havin a great time!!!
-sparkling ic
I am really really confused about the worldwide cp time,there are two different times!Whats going on?
water party is awesome check out the stage too it has some pretty nice clothing and effects
mimo go to the bottom right corner of cp, then you'll see a hose, now pick it up and you can spray the hole room
When you click the hose on the side of the screen and hold, you can squirt people with the hose! Rock On Mimo!
ps: where do u usually go on clubpenguin? Which server?
Hey Fnoobersnoot!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You asked why everyone spells cool as kewl?
First of all, nice name =)! I think a lot of people spell "cool" many different ways, such as cool, kool, and kewl! It just depends on how they say it, haha because everyone says it differently
Thanks &+ thanks mimo! Great question!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG moderaotr)"
Hey Jacobsguitar!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You asked if mimo can meet you?
Im SO sorry! Mimo cant meet anyone. This is because he is too busy, but try making it to his next party =)
Thanks &+ thanks mimo too!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG moderaotr)"
Hey Sensity!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You said the dojo is ONLY decorated on really special occastions!
You're right! It must be a special occastion, huh ;]?!
Also, be sure to put CPG Moderator after your name only when answering a question o nthe blog
Thanks &+ thanks mimo !
"Kimberrlley1(CPG moderaotr)"
Hey Anonymous!
Kimberrlley1 here! You aksked if me and jessicamary have blogs?
Well i dont, but idk about jess. Try searching Jessicamary2 or Jessica2mary on twitter!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG moderaotr)"
(Please post this)
There's a room next to the iceberg (an inflatable whale).
Cg2916 (CPG Moderator)
I have a cheat! if u go to the forest click the hose and u will be moving it!
~Rasengan 9
Hey guys!
jacobsguitar said...
Mimo meet me at big foot on Saturday at 5:00 penguin standed time at day please mimo i wanna be your friend! please please my penguin name is jacobsguitar meet me at the whale and we will have a whale of a time
Sorry but Mimo cant meet people on clubpenguin because it wouldnt be fair to everyone else. Also he isnt adding anymore friends for the time being
But sometimes he does do contests to meet him. so try one of those.
Maggie4553(CPG moderator)
look on the cp home page the lighte house is a pom tree like in the party !!!!!!
The Party is soo awesome :D
I think we should really keep the waterfall at the cove. <3 and this is kind of old but did you guys play with the hose on the bottom right of your screen? It's so awesome :]
on the club penguin home page you can see the slide coming from the mountain into the ski village!
hey jacobsguitar yes i am a member
Hey Iichan!
Congratulations on finding U Fride!
thers a NeW ROOOOOM at the ice berg on the side!!
Hey Anonymous! I'm Blackpearl8!
"Anonymous said...
what happen to the inflatiable arms? and whistle?"
Those where items from last year's party. Sometimes they bring back itmes, like the blue ice cream apron. Sometimes they don't. So if you have, Congratz! If you don't have it, maybe they'll bring it back in a few years! :)
*Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-
this has nothing to do with "Summer watter party free items Cheat and other coolness" u know where u click play now well they changed the lighthouse to somthing i can't identify wat is it?
this is Amb7940!
dear floobersnoot,
everyone spells cool like kool because it's just how you do it when you get older
kewl! i love the party!
-Hearts3846 and Lilycube
The party is really cool but it needs more water. It needs more water and fun stuff.
Hey Mimo,
I just wondering, why are there hoses on the corner on every place you go. Which you can click on and spray with. My question is, what are they for? Because this is my first water party on Clubpenguin?
mimo you should make a contest like how menny prop inertobs there is in club penguin now by the way there is 19 prop inertobs, 3 inflatable animals, 5 palm trees, 3 trash cans, 8 water attractions, 5 pools, and 3 food stands. those cab be sum ides ^_^ : )
- mac lorey -
hey mimo! i have a wierd but cute tip for you.... you could go to the forest, then click the hose leading to the cove (at the bottom right corner of the forest) then you could spray water already! yey! hehe, hope you like it! -cuddles08
ohhh i know, every place i go i would just look at the bottom right of the screen... then i will see a hose, then i could click it! Awesome! thanks for the good posts again!
HO YA hay mimo my member ship is over : ( its a bumer but right before it was over I buyed the new stuff at the stage so I am happy : )
- mac lorey -
On the main page the light house looks like it does in the water party! It is cool looking!
what is the question to become a CPG moderator?
Mathewmdm3, You become a cpg moderate by Putting cpg moderate after your name and that means you are answering a persons question.
there is a hose on the bottom right corner.
If you touch it it sprays water!
Move it around and it still sprays water!!!
My penguin name Bebophihi
My name is peanut346.
Mostly on Ice Box and Blizzard.
Ill see if I find you.
Mimo i know a cheat
here is it:
step 1: look at the right bottom of your screen
step 2: look down
and step 3: click on the splasher and you can drag it any where!!!!!
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