I got an email back from Glynnannsbff today and this is what she said.
Thanks Mimo!!! Her email is ### and their cp name is MwsBFF
(Those are my intials and my cp name is her name) If u didnt figure that out! Thanks again!!!

So, I sent MwsBFF this picture above!
When I hear back from her I'll let you know.
This was fun! I think maybe I should give away a few one month memberships! What do you think?
Also, the Mimo Private Party clues will be starting soon! Don't forget about the Summer Party too! So much coolness ahead!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
CONGRATS MWSBFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AWESOME MIMO! I hope u do this again sometime! It was really fun! I turned in a picture but it didn't get it! Oh well, maybe next time! (sigh)
AWESOME MIMO! I hope u do this again sometime! It was really fun! I turned in a picture but it didn't get it! Oh well, maybe next time! (sigh)
Wow! Thats so cool.
I can't wait for the private Mimo party!
Awesome! I hope I win the 1 month member ship!
good job!!!!!!
awesome hope i can win a one month membership n go to yr private party too
p.s cool picture
Congrats Mwsbff! (sigh)I didn't win. My poem didn't get in the finals.I guess I'll try harder next time. Hey mimo! I have an idea! You should have more clues, and then get on a certain server, place, time, and room, and then when at least ten people get there, they all have to say, "MIMO IM HERE FOR THE CONTEST" before they are in this next contest I come up with. Ok, here's the contest. You, in real life, write a little tournament chart thing, with like ladders going up from one win and the other stay behind, you know? You draw a chart like that, and then you go to the Mountain. (NOTE:ONLY ACCPET PPL THAT SAY THEYRE READY FOR THE CONTEST AT THE CLUE ROOM.) All the contestants are paired up into two's. Everyone goes down Bunny Hill and Express, because they each have two peoples max in the race. you write the winner of each sled race on the chart. when there is four people in the chart left, you go on Ridge Run. The last one in that race is out of the competition. Then the remaining three penguins go down Penguin Run. The last one gets eliminated, again. Then, there's two people. Those two go down Bunny Hill. The loser is eliminated, and the winner of THAT race faces YOU, Mimo!! If the other person wins, they win a 12 month membership! But, here's the real exciting part that will make the bystanders eager to see who wins THAT race. If MIMO wins that race, NO MEMBERSHIP WILL BE GIVEN. Cool, huh? Please post this. I want others to see my idea!! Thanks for listening MIMO777! you rock!
aww that was really nice of that girl!!!
cool mimo luky.i wish it was me.byg123 here.
congrats to everyone for trying and MWSBFF congrats too!o and yah i think u should do this again! o and cant wait for the watr party and ur party clue. lol i've
nevr been to one of ur parties cuz i cant usaully figure out all the clues wa wa wa :) u rock mimo!
Yes! Please do the one month membership contests!
congrats mwsbff =D !! hey mimo, i know how to get way more than 50 coins when you play paint by letters!!
are you like rich or something?
why do you keep on saying weiner instead of winner plz answer
Hey Everyone!
Wow How exciting! I can't wait for the next party you have Mimo777! I hope I win! Whoever wins you should accept them as your buddy!
hey very cool im Redfrog101 and im usually on husky usa and my password is ********** cool im in the dance club so look for me i say yes to all friend replys!!!!!!sooooooo look for me now!!!!MIMO ROCKS !!!!!!!!HES SOOOOO COOL plz invite me to mimo's private party i dore u!!!!!!!!!!
hey mimo! good job everyone, also im going to texas so i wont be back for about a week. we are leaving 2 in the morning wednesday. im staying up all night tell we leave so i can sleap in the car its gona be about a day getting up there.
Sand Flipper
i cant wait for the private party! that will be super fun.
that was really nice she got the membership for her friend and that was a cool competiton mimo! and dallorgan i like ur competiton idea too! its cool! i hope we can do something like that mimo!
~Shnophie~ (cp name)
If you ever do the 1 month membership contests, will they be shorter? Oh, and I can't wait until you start the private Mimo party thing!
- Lion
yeah mimo you should give away some on month memberships.
PS i want a membership.
~way2cool000 :)~
hey Dallorgan, phew that was a long comment! and i think that's a GREAT idea! but heres the thing, how do you prove who won? i mean, anyone can say that they won...
but you're really smart! i sure hope mimo uses that idea!
Hey Mimo,
Since you have been using the word "weiner" a few times, will it be part of something big, like party clues.
Congratulations!!! Mwsbff!
o and on that last post i thought u spelled winner wrong. And i agree with jessicamary, I cant wait tell the private Mimo party either
Congratulations MWSBFF!Have fun being a member for ONE YEAR!!!
Can't wait 4 the party!
Have a great day at Club Penguin.:D
congratulations Mwsbff
miss willman, mimo is kidding =] on his last post, he accidentally said wiener instead of winner, so now he's just making it a joke ^_^
Aaaaaaaaaaaah! i cant believe it! congrats!!!!!! awesome hope u enjoy ya membership!!!!!!anyways ya biggets fan -Ye11
wow! thats amazing!!!
oh Mimo mabey on the one month membership you should do like this thing that we have to guess a number between 10 & 500 or something.and who ever gets the closest to the number you picked they will win the one month membership.
Thats my opinion Mimo. you dont have to do it if you dont want to.
O! i looked up mimo on wikipedia so look it up its like something to do with a radio signal or something?
-Sparkforever( wow first time inyears i put my name like this!)
Oh thats awesome! The hot dog picture is funny!
congrats u totally deserve it!
Mimo, you are so generous!!!!Ur the best person/penguin eva!
And yes, I want a mounth membership
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Im am so happy that you won, and that everyone is so supportive of you giving the membership away!
Rock On! :D
Thanks Everyone!
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Turns out that I gotta eat dinna...
- MishMash215
Good job for winning!!!
whats with the hot dog? lol i love ur site mimo!
dallorgan thats such a good idea u should do that mimo! Its very fair!
congrats new nember
congrats new nember happy menbership
It's great that Mwsbff won the membership as his poem was very good! Next time there's a contest I'm gonna do it too!! LOL
cool congrats!
congradulation you! you win!
someone said "whats with the hot dog?"
haha thats because mimo accidentally said "weiner" instead of winner in his last post =]
OMG congrats!!!!
Glynannsbff, that is SO nice of you! You are a kind and generous person. :)
Yes Mimo777!!! Do More Do More!!!
I have 12,700 coins and I can't spend them anywhere!!! If you did a couple more membership contests and I won, then I could spend some!!!
(Club Penguin Name)
MIMO hi! also are u on right know i will love to meet u. youre the best penguin in cp! GO MIMO GO!
that was nice, mimo. i hope i win a one-month membership! my parents told me that no matter what, i will never become a member, because u have to give away 'personal information' for it! but because of u, i still might become a member, mimo!
If you go to the Pet Shop, open the LOVE YOUR PET Book ( yellow book... ) Open to page 5 and you will see a brown house which is strange.....
Hey there!
Kimberrlley1 here =) Congratsto everyone again on making the finals! Also Congradulations to the BIg winner =) You rockkkk!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
Hey penguins!
I'm having a small penguin party coming up! Come if you want. Here's the details:
Date: Thursday, June 5, 2008
Time: 4:00 CPTZ
Server: White House (USA)
Where: Ice Berg
Why: puffle party; bring your puffles! (you don't have to have one to come :)
Meet me there!
-Checkeroo2 (please post Mimo)
Hey mimo!
Kimberrlley1 here! I cant wait for you quickee or private mimo party =)
Thanks mimoooo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
Hey Dallargon!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You gave mimo an idea?....
And i LOVED it! Awesome idea, andreally creative too! Maybe mimo will see it, huh?
Thanmks &+ thanks mimo so mcuh!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
Kimberrlley1 here =) You asked if mimo was rich or something?
I have no clue lol, but hes just so generous isnt he? He loves doigt hings for us! YOU rock mimo!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
Hey Miss william!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You asked wh mimo is saying weiner?
Haha, great ? Its another one of his little jokes, just likes "Zebras smell funny"! Your so funny mimo777!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
i can't believe it! congrats fo the big wiener of the free one year membership!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Liontamer!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You asked if weiner is part of a partty clue?
Nope lol =) Atleast not YET! Great thinking though! It is one of his jokes like Zebras smell funny. cool huh?
Thanks &+ thanks mimo =)!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
Hey Sparkforever!
Kimberrlley1 here!
You said you looked mimo up on wikipedia!
Very smart =) I wonder what it could mean...why radio signal lol?
Thanks &+ thanks mimo@
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
Hahahaha Wiener! Cracks me up!
Oh man. I always wanted a membership but my parents won't buy me one. :(
u r so nice mimo
i hope i win a one-month membership too! i am dying to buy member clothes. congrats to mwsbff! thanks mimo
how do you send memberships??? you are so cool mimo! i cant believe you know all of this stuff! CONGRATULATIONS MWSBFF!!!
Hey everyone!
Hey mimo, I was reading the old who is mimo questions and answers, and I read that you love your ice cream with milk! So guess who decided to try it?! It the best! : )
Thanks for the awsome idea mimo!
P.S. You should bring back who is mimo!
Joe Cool 567
Hey everyone!
Mimo, you should so have more membership contests! I have 140,000coins (no joke : P ) and nothing to spend it on! Even if I don't win, its still loads of fun to compete! The 12 month one I finished 3rd or 4th in pictures! (mine was #3)
Thanks for the contests mimo!
Joe Cool 567
Where's the Quickee Partayyy? ;]
nice mimo good working out
kamichu2 here
i saw u mimo on bob sled server
Yes mimo u should do a months membership but something like having clues
someone asked: "how do you send memberships???" well, mimo sent a picture of the membership to mwsbff with the confirmation code on it so she can use it! smart huh??
must have membership codes....
Hey Anonymous,
Here was your question:
how do you send memberships???
Mimo sends the memberships through e-mail. Pretty cool, huh? I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
COOL! But why don't you buy it for yourself? You are 1 great penguin you know!!
Hey ano9nymous!
Kimberrlley1 here! You asekdd how m9imo sends memberships?
He actually sends them through email! Awersome huh?
Thanks &+ thank mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
Yes Do it again
Hey mimo i got an idea! there should also be a runner-up prize! the 2nd winner gets 6 months membership!!
We should do one month memberships some time ;D
snowfurr said: "COOL! But why don't you buy it for yourself? You are 1 great penguin you know!!"
i TOTALLY agree with you! mimo does rock! but since he's soo generous and since he knows that many penguins cant get memberships, he gives em away!
rock on mimo!!
Hey there!
Kimberrlley1 here! An anonymous user asked why mimo didnt buy it for himself?!
This is because mimo is a unique penguin who ROCKS =) He likes CP without paying the price, and he likes to help others by giving them the experience with being a member! Hes one awesome penguin isnt he?! =)
Thanks &+ thanks mimo so mcuh
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
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