Check it out! Here is the new Secret Mission secret message code cheat! (did you get all that?)
The first secret message is:
To unlock this file, turn all Puffles Red.

The file says:
Attention Agent:
Picture has been analyzed and is confirmed to be Suspect at Large #2, alias "Klutzy," know accomplice of Herbert P. Bear.
Reason for presence in the Mine is unknown. The PSA is investigating.
Please stay on alert.
Pretty cool, but we knew that, right. Sweet
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
Klutzy!!! The best name for a crab!
ok ok yeah i realy didnt need to know that but thanx
Rock on Mimo
Mimo please choose my caption
Hey Guys.
This is MishMash215 heer.
Ahh! Im going into surgery now.
In the next 24 hours, the next 5 years of my life will be decided!:(
Im so scared!
I will report tomorrow, at around this time ok?
A very scared MishMash215
Mimo can I send more then one caption
Thank You Mimo,
I Find this post a good one as I Did not see this before! Thank you! ;-)
Hey Guys.
This is MishMash215 heer.
Ahh! Im going into surgery now.
In the next 24 hours, the next 5 years of my life will be decided!:(
Im so scared!
I will report tomorrow, at around this time ok?
A very scared MishMash215
O.o Well i hope they get do successfully! Yeah tell us soon plz!
im sorry MishMash215 I hope everything is fine
lol Klutzy.... thats a cool name lol anyways ya biggest fan -Ye11
mimo thats great can you belive im on the computer posting you at 12:07 by the way cool!
I really wonder what they are up too? I think they are going to snap the Tracks/Rails on "cart surfing"
thats why me santa got grounded woah! why was he hitting him? or her? tell me more! thats interesting......
Sand Flipper
club zebra lol your so funny mimo!
Sand Flipper
In the newspaper at page B5 you can move the photos and the second photo is with some penguins looking at Rockhopper's boat.
mimo,in the news paper,go to the summer party page and you see the flying cap,just touch on it and you will see a secret message.........
cp name
I'm on CP NOW!
umm mishmash, when i was crossing the road at scouts i crossed when i shoudln't have a a car came and... the same thing happened. can you believe that? i broke my left leg. it hurts really bad!
Hey Mimo,
Its me Lyter9101(banned), I missed the gang so much : (. I cant play club penguin bec. my friend banned Lyter and im stuck with my spare.
-darthvaderts(new cp name) the party over?
Thanx i was tryin to work out how to get the message thanx p.s. i put ur banner on my site
Hey Mishmash!
Kimberrlley1 here! Just remember your in our hearts, and i hope everything goes well :]
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
Your friend Kim!
Hey Mimo!
Kimberrlley1 here! Thanks so much for this!
I think that herbert told him to go at the mine
Haha yep!We knew that alright!The mission is gonna be out soon and i just cant wait!
Wishin Mishmash a Speedy Recovery
Hey Guys.
This is MishMash215 heer.
Ahh! Im going into surgery now.
In the next 24 hours, the next 5 years of my life will be decided!:(
Im so scared!
I will report tomorrow, at around this time ok?
A very scared MishMash215
:0 Hope the doctors complete the surgery successfully!Don't worry mish everythin will be alright!
Wishin Mish a Speedy Recovery!
Cool. Also when do you choose the winning Caption?
Nice message..hope the mission comes out sooon!
I hope you MishMash215 will be OK!
And, now, 'bout the crab, I think it is making a cruel plan...
Mimo, do ya think that this is the last meeting with Klutzy and Herbert?
- Vestnichetod
Hey Mimo, this is Sprouse 97 here!
I couldn't go on for two weeks, because i went on vacation, and everyone where i went had dial up, so i really couldn't go on. And so i missed the party. But anyway, Rock On Mimo!
-Your No.1 Fan Sprouse97
(P.S. i got a new e-mail aderess, if you can see it e-mail me back)
tooly228 said...
Cool. Also when do you choose the winning Caption?
I'm expecting them sometime next week. But, i'm not mimo so i can't know for sure. don't worry, it'll come soon!
-Mayj123 (cpg moderator)
mishmash i am so sorry
I saw that this morning and I was gonna leave a comment. It's awesome!
cool mimo i think the next mission will be a blast
Hey guys
did you know if you go to your igloo, turn on the hockey game on your tv, press e and t on your keyboard and the hockey game will go faster
Hey Mishmash,
Good luck! I hope everything goes ok! We will be praying for you!
cooooooool so it was kluzty!
!!!:D :D ;)
wow, i cant believe that!
i bet the mission will be abouat the crab and the bear trying to ruin the water party!
How did you get the newspaper on wednesday?
thanks for all the cheats man your really cool.
Hey MishMash,
I am so so sorry to here that! What are you getting surgery on? I hope you don't feel to crappy afterwards! I have a messed up foot so I am going to have it opporated on at the end of summer. I am kinda scared too!
hope u get better mishmash!
Thanks for letting us know, Mimo! I don't what I'd do without you! I never bother to memorize the secret code! lol
That is soo cool Mimo!!!
Love ya Mimo!!!
Hey everyone!
MishMash, don't worry. The doctors should know what they're doing. I will keep you in my thoughts. But...why are you getting surgery?
-A hopeful Checkeroo2
Hey Tarkyroid! I'm Blackpearl8!
"Tarkyroid said...
Mimo can I send more then one caption"
I'm pretty sure it's only one caption entry per person.
Good Luck
*Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-
Hey mimo when are you gonna put the best caption contest joke's?
mimo i need your help. I want to be a member but my parents never get around to paying for it. I've played for a year and really want to be a member. Please help me. I dont know what to do.
mimo are you the youngest or oldest or in the middle? just wondering
Sand Flipper
mimo......YOU ROCK
MIMO THATS PRETTY COOL!!!!! today im going to be on clubpenguin at 9:00pm on the server big foot maybe u could meet me? well if u could then im going to be at the town. my screen name is 22bluemen22 so meet at the town at 9:00pm!!! :)
Hi Mimo i was wondering if i could send more then one caption because i did
Hey MishMash215!
It's Pearlwhite27!
Don't worry about your surgery, I'm sure you won't have to be in a wheelchair!! Just think about things that make you happy, and everything will be fine!
Hey tooly228!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You asked:
Q: Also when do you choose the winning Caption?
A: Mimo still has entries coming in, so after all those have been sent in, then, and only then, will he choose the winners!!
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
Hey Tooly1
kimberrlley1 here! You aske when mimo is choosing the inning caption?
I would say in about a week, but only mimo knows that :]
Thanks so much tooly :] &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey happyhead12!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You asked:
Q: How did you get the newspaper on Wednesday?
A: The Club Penguin newspaper actually comes out on Wednesday, just late at night. They think all the penguins are sleeping =)
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
Hey fluffstuf!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You said:
That's awesome! You're lucky you have your birthday in Summer! I had to go to school on my birthday =( Congrats on your birthday!
Hey checkeroo2!
You asked:
Q: Mishmash, why are you getting surgery?
A: If you don't know this already, MishMash got hit by a car. She broke her leg in two places, and has a broken rib. I don't know if the surgery is on her leg or her rib, but remember to keep her in your thoughts!
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
Hey mimo!
Kimberrlley1 here! Let the funny comments comtinue ;]!
Totally make that ClubZebra online game! I think you could even make zebra outfits for everyone to covertheir zebrass? then we can party with the Zebras, W00t Woot!
Thanks mimo
Hey pearlwhite!
Kimberrlley1 here :] Remember that mishmash is a boy, but dont worry it was a mistake :]
Hey Pearlwhite!
Thanks for answering my question! I'm sorry to hear that.
Also, I meant to go to your party, but I had some other stuff to do. Maybe some other time :)
Thanks again!
mishmash! you can do it! don't worry about a thing, ok? everything will be fine! =]
be strong
be brave
and most of all
we're all here for you, mish! ^_^
poor mish might get surgery cuz he got hit by a car! be strong mish!
also, the newspaper comes out late wednesday evening every week. cp releases pins, free items, parties, and newspapers early so it'll be up and running for the mad rush the next day, and also to check for bugs and glitches =]
Hey Mimo, I heard about U Fried, Zoe Zoe 11, Mimo777(you),Me Santa,EA1234 & Mycatcartman, or something like that. Who are all these people? And Can you tell me who they are. Thank you
-Lucky Kitten
sand flipper said...
mimo are you the youngest or oldest or in the middle? just wondering
This is an interesting question. I don't really know. i always thought he was in the middle.
Also, mishmash, i hope you feel better soon. i'm really sorry. i've never broken a bone in my body but, i once got a rock stuck in my ear when i was little. my dad took me to the doctor and they got it out.
Hey everyone, my birthday is on July 9th. do you guys wanna have a party? I really want to be part of the community and what better way to do that than have a party?
Hello Everyone,
Fluffstuf here!
I am having a party, here are the details:
When: Today! (June 19)
Server: Icicle
Room: Dock
Time: 3:30 CPTZ
Hey kimberrlley1!
Oops, I'm so used to writing "she" for everything that I accidentally called mish a girl! I'm really sorry MishMash, just a force of habit!
Hey fluffstuf!
It's Pearlwhite27!
I don't know if I will be able to make your party, but I will try very hard!!
"Hey Mimo, I heard about U Fried, Zoe Zoe 11, Mimo777(you),Me Santa,EA1234 & Mycatcartman, or something like that. Who are all these people? And Can you tell me who they are. Thank you
-Lucky Kitten"
well as you know, mimo is the president of the cpg, and zoezoe, u fride, me santa, ea, china, and purplyn are all part of the cpg. mycatcartmen is a penguin that was very sick so the cpg threw a surprise party for her!
hope this answers your question, and remember, you can always look on the 2 side bars of mimo's page for more info =]
Hey Mayj!
Kimberrlley1 here~ I think throwing ya a party sounds like a swell idea :]
:ets get this partay startedddd! haha
Thanks+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Luckykitten!
Kimberrlley1 here! Looks like you named the gang. and Mycatcartmen is an awesome penguin that was sick with lukemia, but is doing better now!
Thanks for asking :]
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
mishmash i hope you feel better after that surgery. its unbelievable that you got hit by a car.
Lucky Kitten said...
Hey Mimo, I heard about U Fried, Zoe Zoe 11, Mimo777(you),Me Santa,EA1234 & Mycatcartman, or something like that. Who are all these people? And Can you tell me who they are. Thank you
Hi Lucky Kitten! Checkeroo2 here!
All those penguins are members of Mimo's gang, who are also his family members.
Hope this helps!
-Checkeroo2 :)
Thankz for commenting on my site! Thankz so much and tell U Fride I said Hi too!!!
You rock my socks dude
I like how the message explodes after you read it.
Mimo, the F.I.S.H. is now updated with the 2 enemies. the polar bear and klutzy!
Message to MishMash214:
Hey mishmash you probably don't know me but I just wanted to let you know that I hope you get better soon! Two years ago my brother got hit by a car, he had to get surgery too. But after that he was feeling better and better everyday. So mishmash, i bet everythings gonna be ok. okay? once again I hope you feel better soon...
To mayjay123
Q:Hey everyone, my birthday is on July 9th. do you guys wanna have a party? I really want to be part of the community and what better way to do that than have a party?
A:Sure!No problem.If it's the right time for me,I might be able to make it.
Aqua131131(cpg moderator)
Also Mishmash, I hope you have success on your surgery! I wish you all the best. Get well from tooly228!
Hey guys!
This is Pearlwhite27!
I just wanted to say sorry to everyone for missing my party. I heard tons of penguins were there, and I feel really bad. After I got picked up from camp (it goes until 12:00 noon) my mom wanted me to go the grocery store and stuff. When I got home, it was 2:00!! I feel really bad and I wanted to say plz don't be mad at me for missing my party.....
Hey Mimo,
Your cat Kenya, sounds really nice! Can you upload a picture? I like cats.
- lion
Hey mimo!
Kimberrlley1 here! Is that why Zoe zoe is named Zoezoe and China is named 9China9?
Thanks Mimo!
Hey Everyone!
I am Ella223, MishMash215's Older Sister.
I have to chnage the times for the party because, annoyingly, he has to find out what the results of his surgery are. So here are the new times, OK?
Date: 22nd of June (2 days to go!)
Time: 6:30 CPTZ (Look in the Community Section of Club Penguin)
Room: Hmm...The Dojo!
Server: Down Under (Australian Flag)
Why: Because it will make him feel good, a very rare feeling recently *Grim Smile!*
Thanks, and I hope everyone an be there!
Hey Guys.
This is MishMash215 here.
Well, I just got out of surgery, and I am anxiously awaiting my test results, which should come out in about 5 hours! :S
From the operation I remember....actually, I dont remember anything...I was gassed!:/
Anyway, I will comment as soon as I get my results, and I hope they are good. :(
Im Terrified! :(
Thanks All.
Mimo, since you are home schooled do you have a summer break? please email me the answer at
-Elmos Buddy
oh gosh!Ella223,I cant make it to the party now,why did u change the date??I feel soo sad...:(
:( :(
-A really depressed Survivor91-
lol thats funny! a big cat named kenya that rules over the animals even the dog. i guesse whats how 9china9 and zoezoe11 got there names? what kind of dog do you have?
Sand Flipper
you rock mimo
Hey MishMash215!
It's Pearlwhite27!
Don't worry about your results! Just try to relax and think about think that make you feel cheerful and happy!!
mishmash i hope your test resaults arent bad! and when i had surgery on my mouth they put me to sleep i couldnt remember a thing! i dont even remember falling asleep... anyway, i hope everything works!
Sand Flipper
mimo rocks
Ok here is a wierd question, What video game do u like more Halo 3 or Guitar hero 3?
Sheesh, Klutzy is SO klutzy. X)
Cool!!! thanks for this awesome news!!!I can't wait for this!!!!
-Ng Qi Han
Hey Mimo....Thanks for the update you gave us I can't wait for the next mission...!!!
Mimo please choose my caption it's Ng Qi Han
Hey Mishmash!
I hope the results are good! I'm glad everything went O.K. with the surgery. Good luck!
elmos buddy, youre right! mimo is home schooled, and he is out for the summer! yay! =]
mish, everything'll be fine =]
have faith!
Hey Guys.
This is MishMash215.
Haha! I loved your twittering Mimo, so funny.
My dog, Jazz, is totally stupid and he chases my cat, teddy, everywhere! But teddy could kill him, because he is an evil cat.
Im still awaiting my surgery results...they should come out in about half an hour...! :S
Im nervous!
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Yes, I am actually using Exclamation Marks because....
Yay! The surgery worked!
Apart from that awesome news, I am still not feeling all that fresh because...
~I will not have any use of my legs for about a mounth, which means my Trip to Hawaii will pe postponed! :(
~I feel sooooooooo weak, and even typing in an excited way tires me.
So yeah, I am getting better and Thanks to EVERYONE for their support!
I hope you can all come to my party!
Please tell me if you can through my blog or through CPG!
A finally Happy MishMash215.
Hey guys!
It's Pearlwhite27!
Man, this IS the season for injuries! First MishMash, then Kimberrlley, then Jessicamary, and now me!! I have a really bad stubbed toe! It REALLY hurts and I'm just hoping it's not broken!!
guys, don't ask mimo to choose your caption as the winner! thats so not how it works =P
and mish, im so happy for you!! i knew everything would be alright, and when your legs get better, have fun in hawaii!! you totally deserve it!
Pin at the pizza parlor......
Pin at the pizza parlor Penguin name:Hello Mark8
Hmm it looks like theres an earthquake in town,coffee shop,nigthclub and gift shop
and the new pin is in pizza parlor
Hey guys!
Kimberrlley1 here! Many of you are asking mimo to choose YOUR caption.
Guys, you all know better :] Mimo chooses the winner with the gang, for the funniest caption:]
Thanks &+ thanks mimo too!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Pearlwhite!
Kimberrlley1 here! I hope your toe gets better :]
Hey Mish!(Mishmash215)
Kimberrlley1 here! IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU! :] Have fun in hawaii, youll probabyl seee meeeeee! I was supposed to be moving to california but its postponed till next month, cool huh?!
I HAVE GOOD NEWS FOR YOU TOO! Im better, because i got surgery 5 days ago, and im better now! I CAN WALK AGAIN AND SURF AGAIN :}
Another awesome thing, is that Squibblety from CPG visited hawaii, and SAW ME!
She totally explained me!
I was walking away from my mercedez
Was with another friend taller then me
I had light blonde hair
White usnglasses
Cute shirt from hollister
Ripped jean shorts from hollister
Low heel converse
Isnt that SO cool?! Squibblety actually saw me! Shes actually going to be moving to hawaii, so i might get to see her again! Isnt that great? Ill keep a lookout for you in Hawaii when you coem, so be sure to notify me when your visititing~
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
Hey Spark!
Kimberrlley1 here! Definaelty Halo 3
MY SISTER SAW HIM! But she only saw him once. Klutzy is one weird crab.
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