Here is the new pin cheat!

Here is how to find the new Club Penguin Pin.
Step 1. Go to The Forrest.
Step 2. Now click on the Ice Cream Cone up in the tree.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
wow mimo you're really fast!
Thanks for the cheat!!!
don't u just luv it when we stalk u? lol
mimo why did you leave?
Thanks! I couldn't find it! What about the clothing catalog cheats?
missed u
thanks mimo!
it look really like imotion ew((chocolate ice-cream)) but it's melt.
ps viking helmets r on the flip flops flower!!!!!!
There is a glitch for the life guard shirt. All you have to do is wear and dance. It looks like your swimming.
wow your the best ever fastest ever
i am so amazed bang thats how fast
i got it now
Hi Mimo. I have smething wrong with my map. When I click on the map icon on the botttom left of the screen, the front cover of the the new clothing catalogue appears and it can't be moved or I can't move either. Does it happen to you too? Can you please help me and if so post this on your site to warn other penguins!
Thank You Mimo!
From Togepenguin!
mimo that was fast!
If u put on the Lifeguard costume an Dance it Falls off
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Great Cheat Mimo!
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Also, Thanks for the catalog cheats Mimo!
U rock so so much!
OH...and I am sooooo gonna enter the competition...!
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
I just wanted to say that heaps of people are complaining that my blog is un-readable because everything is blue, so check it out now, I think I fixed it!
Can anybody help me ??????????????
if we know the catalog cheat what's the need of that?
only members can buy it???
otherwise what is it's use
Yo mimo!
Kimberrlley1 here =) Thanks so mcuh for these! I love the new catalong =)
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Anonymous said...
wow mimo you're really fast!
Hey Anonymous!
Yep, he sure is!
That is why Mimo rocks so much and why CPG is the best Cheat site EVER! :D
And dont forget it! :P
Thanks Mimo & Everyone Else!
mimo i no a cheat if u move the pictures to the very top of ur screen and let go they dissapear
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215!
Well I just sent in my Mimo Caption, and I hope you like it MImo!! :D
I'll give you a clue on what it is...
Mimo777: Something smells....
I know that that isnt much of a clue but...AH WELL!
Good Luck to everyone!
Hey Derk941,
You asked:What about the clothing catalog?
Mimo777 post the clothing catalog first, so just scroll down on the home page and wala! There it is!
hey frost ice (cpg moderator) here derk941 said what about the clothing catalog cheats
A. mimo posted the clothing catalog cheats right underneath where he posted where the new pin was
yeah please post the clothing magazine? i found 1 cheat yesterday and i dont remeber wat it was
are you a member mimo?
Just in case youe weren't aware, the clothes catalogue has a new colour system. Move your mouse over the colour you want and the penguin becomes that colour.
hey anonymous u asked if mimo777 was a member.No mimo777 is not a member but sometimes he gives away membershhips to people that win contests.
Thanks for asking
Redfooteye (cpg Moderator)
oh cool yeah thanx mimo im entering the captions comp thing but im realy struggling to think of anything
Thanks, Mimo!
For all the penguins who showed up yesterday-I'M SO SORRY I WASN'T THERE! To make up for it, I'm having my own quicky party. Here's the details:
Server: Marshmellow
Date: June 6, 08 (Fri.)
Time: 12:00pm CPTZ
Where: Iceberg (again)
Who: everyone who can come!
Why: Puffle Party! Bring your puffles if you have one! (you're still invited if you don't have a puffle :)
Hope you can come!
-Checkeroo2 (Mimo please post!)
Hey Anonymous,
Here was your question:
are you a member mimo?
No, Mimo is not a member. He thinks that it is just as fun to play Club Penguin without a membership. I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
i found something REALLY REALLY COOL!!! if you have a grandfather clock in your igloo, look at the very top. it looks like the top of a puffles head! and its brown so maybe they are makin brown puffles because i never noticed it before!
Mimo You Rock i would just like to say thank you so much for all of your tips and cheats. Where would i be without you!?
I know how to get on to rockhoppers acount
Hi. I was wondering if I can be on the high rated sites though.
Oh sorry guys. I posted that last night right after he posted this, and I could have swore that post wasn't there.
Togepenguin, that's a very strange bug! i suggest clearing your cache (by hitting ctrl+shift+del and selecting: clear chache). if it still doesnt work, you should email cp. hope this helps you!
nope, mimos not a member. he says its just as fun to be a nonmember as it is to be a member =]
yes, you have to be a member to get these clothes, but mimo posts this for those who are members. remember, this site is shared my thousands of penguins, and not all of them are nonmembers!!
hey guys, the clothing catalog cheats are farther down the site =] scroll down to see it!
thanks MIMO! and mimo,if u go cp community there will show u the "PENGUIN STANDARD TIME
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Anonymous said...
Hey Brownie!
I am so so sorry, but Mimo cannot have any special meetings on Club Penguin with anyone! This is because it would be unfair for those he already rejected, and that he would be on ClubPenguin all day! So just wait untill he throws a party, and then you can meet Mimo on Club Penguin! But you also might be able to see him on Club Penguin when he is on looking for awesome new cheats! Good Luck, and remember that he usually goes on Big Foot or Fjord!
MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Sparkforever said...
yeah please post the clothing magazine? i found 1 cheat yesterday and i dont remeber wat it was
Hey Spark!
Actually, Mimo has already posted the clothing catalog! :D
Just scroll down on the main page and you can see the AWESOME cheats by mimo!
Oh, and great job on finding a cheat!
Im not good at finding one, so I just rely on Mimo!
Keep on Rockin Spark!
MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)
mimo what are you talking about with the captions?
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Anonymous said...
mimo what are you talking about with the captions?
Hey Anonymous!
Captions, in this context, mean speeches! For example, in a comic book, you see the characters with speech bubbles, and the words that they have in the bubble, are captions!
So what Mimo wants you to do, is to write funny captions for both him and U Fride, and you might just win a private party!
Cool, huh?
I hope I helped!
MishMash215 (CPG Moderator)
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
I am having a party on Club Penguin!
Its called the MishMash Bash!
What we are going to do, is waddle around Club Penguin, partying it out and having a blast!
And we are gonna...
"Do the mish do the mash...!"
Hahaha! Remember that guys??
Anyways, here are the details and they ARE all in CPTZ, even the date!
Date: This Sunday (CPTZ look on the snowforts clock)
Time: 6:00pm (CPTZ)
Server: Big Foot
Room: The Dojo!
Why: The MishMash Bash!
Please come guys, its gonna be AWESOME!
Mimo the music in the lighthouse has changed!!! Its awesome now! Check it out
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Thanks again for the tip Mimo!
You rock so so much!
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
I have just noticed a glitch on Club penguin!
Look in the community section of the Club Penguin site, and it will say a time, but then look at the time at the SnowForts, and its a day shorter! Weird huh?
Just a reminder tho, my party will be at SNOW FORT time, not Community TIME!
Hey and Bye!
anonymous said...
Are you a member mimo?
No, he is not. Though it sounds pretty weird because he has membership contests, but never had a membership of his own.
Hey everyone!
Just saying hi!
Hey Mimo i found a glitch
you can go the water at the beach on the back of the boat.
i have a new cheat.
in the news paper.
ask aunt arctic.
roll over her picture.
thx mimo
how do u get 2 be a cpg moderater???? i really wanna be 1!:)
my cp names Emmi20 and i usually on down under if u see me yell out CPG ROX! and i can add u
Hey all~!
Kimberrlley1 here! Anonymous asked if mimo was a member?
Mimo actually is not a member! Coolhuh? Mimo loves Clubpenguin and its gamnes, without paying the price! Good for you mimo =)
Thanks &
+ thahnks mimo so mcuh!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Mishmash!
Kimberrlley1 here! Ill def be at your party~! I ant wait =)
Thanks &
+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey mimo!
Kimberrlley1 here =)Thanks for the tip!
Thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey sparkforever!
Kimberrlley1 here =) Youv asked if mimo can post the clothing magazine?
He actually did =) Scrolll down and youll see it! Its really cool
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Brownie!
Kimberrlley` here =) You said: MIMO CAN YOU MEET ME ON CP?
Im so sorry! Mimo cant because hes too busy and it wouldnt be fair to tother penguins. Try going to his next party =)n Thier so much funnn!
Thanks mimo & thanks brownie!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey there!
Kimberrlley1 here = Anonymous asked if you had to be a member to get al these clothes?
Yea, you do have to be a member to get these clothes =) Try entering for mimos next contest for the 1 month membership!
Thanks & thanks mimo toooo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Mimo You Have the Best Website Ever You Have Never Failed Me Once The Minute Somthing Is About To Happen You Get It. My Peguin Is 639
Days Old. How Old Is Your Penguin?
P.S I My Club Penguin Name Is
Cool Man680
cool i got one for the captions but to be telling the truth i dont think its funny
Mimo, thanks so much!!!
Hey Anonymous,
Here was your question:
how do u get 2 be a cpg moderater???? i really wanna be 1!:)
Becoming a CPG Moderator is really easy! All you have to do is look for a question in the comments, then answer it. Pretty simple, huh? :-) But you have to remember to sign your name like this:
Your Penguin Name (CPG Moderator)
Good luck with being a mod and I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
Hey Mimo, Can you post some of the best captions so far, please?
-Captain Ar1
mimo...i saw u post on ryansit's site!!!!
Hey everyone! Checkeroo2 here!
Anonymous said...
how do u get 2 be a cpg moderater???? i really wanna be 1!:)...
To become a CPG Moderator, you don't have to sign up. All you have to do is answer other penguin's questions and sign your name when you DO answer a question like this:
Anonymous (CPG Moderator)
...or something like that. Only put (CPG Moderator) by your name when you answer a question! :)
Hope this helps!
-Checkeroo2 (CPG Mod)
mimo i don't how you get things out so fast! do you like wait till 12:00 cptz to post it! anyways you rock!
you're friend goofy73
will you please add me next time we meet?
you're friend goofy73
Hey there Coolman680!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You asked how old my penguin is?
My penguin is actually 805 days old!
Cool huh? How old is everyone elses?
Thanks &+ thanks a bunch mimoooo~
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Emmi20!
Kimberrlley1 hereeee! =) You asked how do i become a cpg moderator!?!!?!?
To become a CPG Moderator, all you have to do is answer questions on these blogs, just as im doing right now =) Remember, you dont need to ask mimo for permission! You can just go for it=). I love being one because it helps other people! Sign your name like i do when answering a question only!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo toooo =)
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Hey Mishmash!
Kimberrlley1 here =) ill be at your party =) Cant waitttt!
hey there Emmi20! to be a mod, all you gotta do is answer questions like me, kim, goofy, blackpearl, jess, mishmash, and sooooo many other penguins do too! be sure to sign your name "Emmi20 (cpg moderator)" so we all know who to thank =]
Check out the community section! It's changed!
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Im just remindin everyone one about the party tomorrow (Club Penguin Time) that I am throwwing! My friend told me that I should have a clothing theme, an I chose it!
Clothing: Being Yellow and bringing a RED puffle! If you dont hvae one, bring any other puffle!
Date: This Sunday (CPTZ look on the snowforts clock)
Time: 6:00pm (CPTZ)
Server: Big Foot
Room: The Dojo!
Why: The MishMash Bash!
There ya go!
I hope to see ya there!
Hi Everyone,
Fluffstuf here :)
Anonymous, your question was:
The answer is:
Sorry, but Mimo can't meet anyone. If he did other penguins would be jealous! But you can enter the Mimo Private Party Contest and try to win a private party with Mimo and the CPG!
Good Luck,
Fluffstuf :)
P.S. I go on the American server Icicle!
hi Kimberrlley1 my Penguin is 210 days old! Lol mine is a smaller number
Thanks Mimo777
Hey Redfooteye!
Kimberrlley1 here =) Awesome! 210 is pretty old =)
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
wow i love it when u do these thinngs for us!!
Hey Guys!
This is MishMash215 here!
Hey Kim,
You told us that ur penguin was 805days old!! Whoa! Boy, thats old!
Mine is pretty young: 317 days old! Actually...that is pretty old...:o Am I old?!?!
. . .
I cant wait till I turn a year old because maybe I will buy myself a membership as a pressie! :D
Or of course maybe my friends will get me one (no pressure!) Nah, Just Kidding! Anyways, thanks Kim and keep up the AWESOME moderating! :D
Hey G-- wait...after this...
I was just wondering if everyone wants me to say something like:
Hey Everyone!
instead of "Hey Guys!" because someone commented on my blog telling me that i should because it sonded if I was only talking to the boys...:S
But just so you know, I say 'Guys' because thats what I call all my friends in real life! So just tell me what you want me to call you... :)
Almost a week till the water party!
Everyone excited?!?!
- MishMash215
hey mish, thats awesome! i think im 340 days old... i'll throw a party for my one year birthday in... oh. 25 days.
Hey Mimo!
Doodle, Doodle, Dee...Wubba, Wubba, Wubba?!
What on earth is that??
Hey everyone + mishmash!
Kimberrlley1 here! Im just here to remind you all that the Summer Kick Off party is in less than a week! Im so excited too mishhhh!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo tooo!
Hey Mishmash!
Kimberrlley1 here =) Your penguin is really old! I think anything 200days+ is really old =)
That must mean my penguin is ANCIENT!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
Hi Everyone,
Fluffstuf here :)
Kimberrlley1, your question was:
Hey there Coolman680!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You asked how old my penguin is?
My penguin is actually 805 days old!
Cool huh? How old is everyone elses?
Thanks &+ thanks a bunch mimoooo~
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
The answer is:
My penguin is 462 days old! Wow, and Kimberrlley1, how did you find out about Club Penguin?
Fluffstuf :)
HEYY HEYY GUESS WHATT!!! if u go to the summer party sneek peek thingy on the newspaper u can move the pictures around, yay rockhoppers coming back!!!! :D
username: 101toni101
check the community section it has new features and check the whats new blog ,icevampiro p.s. give me credits
Hey Mishmash!
I think "Hey Guys" is fine. I don't really think that means you are only talking to boys.
hi people or penguins
some of ye are telling everyone your penguins age so ill tell ye mine my penguin is 128 days old.i think my penguins young.anyone else gonna tells us their penguins age i hope so.
my penguins only 48 days old
mmmm ice cream
thx mimo
i cant find you mimo
I love the new pin!Its awesome!
thanks mimo for the pin!!!!!!!!
I love this this pin is so cool
Hey guys!
Kimberrlley1 here =) Mishmash asked if saying hey guys meant he was talking to boys?
Not al al =) I saw it all the timeeee, so no worries1
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
Hey Fluffstuff!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You asked how i found out about CP?
I know my penguin is really old haha! 808 is realllly old, like ancient!
I dont even really found CP, but i do remember that the day i found it, i was working on a project in science about clubpenguin, and then i look up penguin on google nad popped up so i clicked! I think thats how =)
Thanks &+ thanks mimo!
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderaotr)"
How do you be a CPG moderator?
Hey Pinkiwinki,
Here was your question:
How do you be a CPG moderator?
Becoming a CPG Moderator is really easy. All you have to do is look for questions in the comments, then answer them! Pretty simple huh? But you have to sign your name like this:
Your Penguin Name (CPG Moderator)
Good luck and I hope this helps!
Jessicamary (CPG Moderator)
Hey there!
Kimberrlley1 here =) You asked how to become a CPG Moderator?
Becoming one is as easy as 1, 2, 3!
To become one, just answer questions =) You dont need permission either! Just answer questions on these blogs, and sign your name like i do when answering one!
Thanks &+ thanks mimo =)
"Kimberrlley1(CPG Moderator)"
Pinkiwinki, to be a mod, just answer whatever questions you find in the comments.
mimo u like so cool but i found the pin before looking 4 ur helo thks anyway!!!!!!!!
how do you get the puffle to make it? mission7
Hey Mimo!
Kimberrlley1 here! Thanks for posting the answer to the conterst =) That was a trick one ;]
Thanks againnnn! YOU rock
I think i know what the new mission might be about !
Did you notice on the newspaper, the AUNT ARTIC section, the small pic of Aunt, you mouse over it, her sunglasses go black.
Mimo, have any idea how to make my penguin older (hula62 by the way!)
why cant we buy clothes or anything? can you buy back grounds anywhere other than gift and sport shop?
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