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6. Don't use "No offense." Sheesh, enough! ;-)
7. Don't TYPE IN ALL CAPS. You're hurting my ears!
8. Don't be pointless. We want to understand you.
9. Don't type, "First Comment!" So pointless.
I just won't post the above kind of sillyness. K?
You can:
1. Be phunnie, weird and warped.
2. Ask Club Penguin questions.
3. Make sense.
4. Tell me the latest cheats! I'll give you credit!
5. Other smart stuff you come up with.
Check out the CPG Mod rules on the other side.--->
If you leave tips for me, I'll ALWAYS give you credit. ALWAYS! Many of you give the same tip and sometimes you don't leave your name. Or sometimes I found the tip or cheat before you. So, thanks for your tips! You are awesome!
hey there tiger, i hear that if you add rockhopper then you can get his free background! im not sure if he acutally appears on your contact list, though.
yes!!!! i cant wait to see what he brang. forgot to get the plant that he brought last time!!! ugh i really wanted it but oh well. i will make sure i get everything this time limh (laugh in my head).
Mimo, I hope you and I both get to meet rockhopper this time! I wonder what he will bring with him. Hopefully some yummy cream soda!! Good luck finding him everyone (espically me). =]
Penguin name ~ Victor 12 (girl} LOOK FOR ME!!! I WOULD LOVE TO BE YOUR BUDDY!
Club Penguin Gang is the ultimate source for Club Penguin cheats, hints, tricks, glitches, secrets, tips, pins, codes, pictures, and other sweetness!
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All screen shots and text are copyright of clubpenguingang.com. Which means you are not allowed to take anything off this site for your own site.
If you take an idea from this site link to me and give me credit! I will do the same to you!
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- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
Club Penguin Cheats Gang is:
MiMo777, President
U Fride, Chief Cheat Agent
ZoeZoe11, Chief CPG Moderator
Me Santa, Cheat Agent
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You can be a Club Penguin Gang Moderator! It's Easy! Here is what you do. First, answer a question someone asks in the comments. Then put your name at the bottom of your answer with (CPG Mod) next to it. In time, if you are good, you will be listed with the other awesome Mods! Click here for more info. Good Luck! - Mimo
cool i cant wait to see what the free item will be
Yay!! Me heart RockyHoppy
Cool, finally he's coming!!!
im crazy mimo help me this mission is crazy ,so hard to get the piece of map stuck in the front of night club.
smoove? is that a word?
cooler , gurmie
Rockhoppers back
smoove. lol. I <3 rockhopper.
Thanks for the cheats! I used them for the ending of the mission and in the middle. That was awesome!
Yay thank u finally
i think he means smooth
nope, he means smoove =]
what a cool new word!
LOL Mimo is smoove your new word? It's a funny word! :D
smoove? and that mean...?
~puppyluv 100
I never saw rockhopper before.
someone here ever saw him?
Can we add rockhopper to be our buddy?
I can't wait for Rockhopper to come! I wonder what he will bring for us this time?
Yay!I've been looking in the telescope a lot!And now!I finally see him!
I love the gem game in Rockhopper's quarters! Yay!!
go RH! I love his items!
smoove.hmm i like it.
i love the gem game in the captin's quarters
cool i cant wait to see what the free item will be
Woo! He's finally coming! that was smoove of u to find that out!lol smoove!
peace love happiness
hey there tiger, i hear that if you add rockhopper then you can get his free background! im not sure if he acutally appears on your contact list, though.
go rockhopper go!
yay!!! :)
im glad he is back,ive already seen him on club penguin but its still cool to hang out with him!!!
hint:his main servers are yeti and mammoth;)
hope that helps,
corey hi 59
thx for keeping me updated im rh krazy! (yes i spelt it with a "k")
yay rockhopper is finally here wow!!!!
please post this mimo
yes!!!! i cant wait to see what he brang. forgot to get the plant that he brought last time!!! ugh i really wanted it but oh well. i will make sure i get everything this time limh (laugh in my head).
your hope-to-be-friend
yodee (cp name)
Awsome!I wonder what items he'll get us this time!:D
rockhopper is closer!
Hey everyone!!!
Mimo, I hope you and I both get to meet rockhopper this time! I wonder what he will bring with him. Hopefully some yummy cream soda!! Good luck finding him everyone (espically me). =]
Penguin name
Mimo777 , Rockhopper got closer!!
Look in the telescope at the beacon.
Yo Mimo!!Cool!!Rh is Comin Bakc!!Woot!!And to tiger,I have seen him twice dude!I will definitely post if i see him
greenman290 i love rockhopper i cant wait to see him oh and mimo add me if you see me
Floob you seem really cool I would like to meet you!
when are you on and what servers do you go on mimo?Matt78995
hey Matt78995, mimo usually likes to go on big foot and fjord.
gracie leann, sure i'll meet you! tell me a good time and date and we'll get together =]
if u look in the telescope u could see the migrator leaving
Hey mimo gusse what im a ninja cool huh but my other accout Hulk003 is only a blue belt
PS: No thank you please
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