The Caption Contest is now over. Mimo and Club Penguin Gang have been going through all the good ones. These are NOT the finalist, just a few good ones.
If you missed the Contest, click here to read about it.
Some of these Caption entries are pretty funny:
Moose: What are those funny looking creatures waddling around down there?
Mullet: I have no clue, but they scare me.
Moose: "Wanna play find four?"
Mullet: "nah man sitting on a wall is way funner."
Moose: You smell like moldy fish!!!
Mullet: Well, you smell like stinky wilderness!!!
Mullet: Hey mimo i see you in the window why don't you come in and put this burning candle out.
Moose: Yeah its getting hot in here and whlie your at it blow up the clock it is annoying
Moose- Do you like the coocoo clock?
Mullet- No. That bird drives me insane.
Mullet: Hey! where are your other parts?
Moose: In the office on the thirtieth floor of the hunters club!
mullet: stop staring at me!
moose:i would look somewhere else but i cant move my eyes!
Moose: ... then the puffle said 'with those prices you wont see me in here again!', ha ha ha!
Mullet: I really gotta get out of here.
Mullet-Hey what is that guy doing out the window
Moose-Oh no he is going to steal me to put in his igloo
Moose: Hey whats for lunch?
Mullet: Anything but me.
-Sage Boy
Moose- "Hey Mullet act natural, because Mimo777 is watching us."
Mullet- "How can I do that I'm already on a wall?"
mullet: hey, whats up with the bird.
moose: well, he's been going cooku every half hour
Moose: I wish those penguins didn't kill us, we should get payback!
Mullet: I know how to get even with them, I'll just stare at them with my creepy eye!
moose: So what happened to you?
mullet: I was tricked. Those yellow fish are so tempting!
Mullet:Hey man, u gotta get me outta here!!!
Moose: How can I do that, I am only a Moose head!!!
Moose: The plans are almost set to take over club pen-
Mullet: Psttt- Be careful what you say , club penguin gang has spy's everywhere!
-Minun 25
Mullet: I was fished by a penguin, and you?
Moose: Long story pal.
Moose: Guess you got hooked.
Mullet: Guess you got shot.
Mullet: what are you in for?
Moose: I accidentally ran my head into this wall
Mullet: Psst! There's someone staring at us through the window!
Moose-go get a mullet like billy ray cyrus
Mullet-at least im not a moose who CANT sing
Which ones do you like the best so far? I'll post a bunch more later.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
good job people those r funny.
awww mimo i guess u did not like mine! is there going to be more good captions posted? plz post!
i like the one that says ,hey mimmo can you blow out the candle,and will your in here get rid of the coco bird.
Haha, funny! I'm not up there, but it all cool!
Mimo how did you get in that window?
-Lucky Kitten
hey mimo i wonder who,ll get to meet you?
Hi Anonymous! I'm Blackpearl8!
"Anonymous said...
awww mimo i guess u did not like mine! is there going to be more good captions posted? plz post!"
Yup, Mimo said he would post a bunch more later! Hey, maybe he'll post yours! :)
Good Luck!
*Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-
lol they're funny.
I like all of them but i prefer the top ones
I think Woolie24 should win!
My fav is candieo876's. IT ROCKS!
wow there are some good ones!
:( I'm not on there! Oh well! Those other ones were really funny! Great job everyone!
peace love happiness
omg mines up there!! i sent you 2 and i thought the second one was the best because it was talking about zebras! well im still super happy u picked mine. thank you!!!
- Zuldemar
omg the one by purple2768 is hilarious!! they should deffinatley win! haha the moose got shot and the fish got hooked hahaha!!!
I like mine
ooooh.........haha nvm if ur gunna post more i still have a chance!
Big Goonie <--CP name
Cool! They're really funny, lol.
i dint get al of them. my faverit that i did get was zuldmars.
Lucky Kitten said, "Mimo how did you get in that window?"
Well Lucky Kitten Mimo has tricks and ways to do that!
mimmo i can not wait to read the others.and thanks for posting my last commet .
hey Spark you know i might have one year anniversery on club penguin for staying in one year on July 13
so the server is Rainbow then the time is 5 and the room is dock k anyone else can come!!!
Yay mines up there! i worked hard on it. thanks! :)
the last one by candie876 is hilarious!!! lol!
candie should win!!!!!!!!!
Hello Everyone.
I am Ella, MishMash215's Sister.
I am here with very depressing news for all of you, but it has to be told:
My brother, was recently hit by a car, as most of you know. Lately, you might have noticed that MishMash was actually seeming more cheerful, but alas, last night, at approximately 1:00am, MishMash fell out of his bed, and has done severe and almost lethal damage to himself:
First remember, that his leg bone when he was hit by a car was smashed into 5 pieces, and his operation was to place titanium pins into his legs to hold it together.
Well last night, the fall sepperated his very fragile leg, moved the titanium pins, and damaged his skull. He is now on life-support in hospital, and the doctors are trying to remove a pin of titanium sticking out of his leg.
Obviously, this means that he will not be able to go to his party, update his blog or play his penguin, so I will be doing all of those things for him (except for the party). I will update his blog as he did, and play his penguin to get him any free items or meet up with his friends to update them.
Thank you for your time.
P.S He may die.
Everyones very good. i dont know who i liked the most??
AWWWWWWW i suppose i have no chance now of seeing mimo.... :( sigh....
i hope mimo posts more.....
P.S i dont think i spelled ur name write. woops.... sorry
Anonymous (post #2), its ok if Mimo didn't post yours yet. If you read the bottom it says "I will post a bunch more later." Anyways, those are really funny captions! :D I hope mine'll get posted later. :)
Hiya Everyone!
Krystal here!
Anonymous said...
awww mimo i guess u did not like mine! is there going to be more good captions posted? plz post!
Yep! Mimo is going to post the finalists very soon! Did you enter?
Good luck to everyone if they did! ;)
Hope I helped!
Thanks a bunch Mimo!
- Krystal1005 (CPG Moderator) -
Oh, you said that they were the finalists. So, does that mean that I still have a chance of winning?
What ever happens, I will always like you.
dear mimo777 , can I be a cheat agent?
My Penguin name is: Krystal1005 too!
But you knew that, right?
ella223 i will be praying for you your brother and your family.if you need a penguin to talk to ,i am on bunny hill all the time mostly in the cove.and keep us updated on you brother. love,pinkuien
Hiya Everyone!
Krystal here!
mimsicle95 said...
Oh, you said that they were the finalists. So, does that mean that I still have a chance of winning?
What ever happens, I will always like you.
Actually, those are just a few of CPG's favourites! They are NOT the finalists, so right now, anyone who entered has a chance of winning!
Good Luck! Oh, and I agree, I will always like Mimo too!
Hope I helped!
Thanks a bunch Mimo!
- Krystal1005 (CPG Moderator) -
Hi Ella223. I'm so sorry about your brother. I know this is a really hard time for you. But don't give up hope. I will keep him in my prayers. We should still have the party as an encouragement party.
-A hopeful Checkeroo2
i dont know if you know this but in one page of the "f.i.s.h." book say spy phone diagram and it shows you the spy phone correct click on the antena of the phone and it will appear a secret message that says: "the red light spells "you are cool" in morse" i dont know what it means thats why i tell you
give credit to kbk diego
My favorite is Maggie4553
so funny!
your friend,
i thought mine was really funny
i wish that mine was up their
from peny 1010
sob sob
ps congratulations to those that got up their on the site they were really funny
these r some pretty good captions. plz read mine. they r really funny
Dear Yogurt4655,
You asked Mimo if you can be a Cheat Agent!
Im sure everyone would like to be one of this site but unfortinualtley you can't!
Becuse it will be unfair to other penguins!
I hope this help
P.S this is my first Moderator thing :)
~stickers303 CPG Moderater
good job everyone!!
-puppyluv 100
Hi Mishmash siter
I am so sorry for you and your family. I will keep him in my prayers. he will pull through just like my mum i have hope she ill recover from her life threatning two types of cancer. Pls tell him squibbblety prays for him(he knows who i am)
Dont worry. Im praying for u
Hi mimo777! Thanks soo much for posting mine! I loved all of them! There was one I liked a lot, it was about the candle. THANKS AGAIN AND BYE BYE!
I loved Omar07. His cap should win!
i like maggie4553's
Hey Ella, im srry 2 hear bout ur brothr. hope he gets better soon!
Good job evry1! They were funny!! :D
aww its over i came up with a better one right now but its ok. Next time
WOW I just read what ella223 said and wow poor mishmash, well i hope he gets better soon!
poor mishmash!
i am hounerd to be choose for one of the funniest captions!!!! thank you mimo
Lol they r funny!!! Oh yea and if you move the pics in the papper and click on the hat it tells u a hint! -Cutiegurl658
OMG... Ella I am so sorry! HE MAY DIE??!! That is so terrible and even my mom feels sorry. (Of course not as much as I am. He is in our prayers!
I like Purple's caption the most!
Does Anyone like minun 25's entire?
Oh, and i very sorry about what happened to mishmash, ill pray for mishmash, i hope he dosent die... but if he does.. he wont be in any more pain.
These are LOL
Im so sad about mishmash215. :( from your budddy lieratly soccer8kid:( sorry
mine wasnt good enough. i thought it was pretty bad anyway
I like the one that purple2768 said and please keep doing this it is fun
I am sooooooo sorry to hear about your brother and i hope he gets better. Please keep us posted on how he is. I know this must be a hard time for you and your family but remember to have hope. He and your family are in my prares.
hehe you are posting more?! hope i am in that group!
you're friend goofy73
Those were really good!I liked Ribsy The Dogs Caption!Hope she wins!
Hey mimo read this comment its that Mishmash215 got hit by a car and all of us are trying to make her fell better!!We are making pictures and stuff but it will be really nice if you can throw a party and help her please mimo i want to help MishMash215 please!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Amanmiley(Thats my club penguin name)
oh wow those are alot better than mine! i hope the first one wins it funny.
Hi Mimo! Did you see that the earthquake affected the Coffee shop, and the book room? Go look! We have to help! PSA... REPORT!
hahaha good job guys, these are all really funny!
mimo didn't acually get in the window, he edited the picture to make it look like he did!
tell mishmash that we're all rooting for him, he's gonna be ok! and be sure to tell us how it goes, ok? let him know that we're here for him no matter what happens!
I just came back from MishMash's get well party. At first everyone was dancing and saying, "DANCE FOR MASH!". Then everyone sat in silence for a while. It was sad, but I was glad that people were there to support MishMash. C'mon, penguins! Let's encourage MishMash215!
Hang in there,
il ike Pinwings13's the best but the others are really kool aswell.
Awww...I guess you don't like mine, Mimo777. I really wish to meet you.
Anyway, those captions are funny!
Hey ella223
It's Pearlwhite27
As you can see, I usually put "!" next to both of the lines above. But reading your news about your brother made me real sad. I will pray for him every night and keep him in my thoughts. He will get better, just have him believe in himself and everything will be ok.
They are all cool, I cant decide which one i like best.
- OinkPig74895 (Penguin name)
thanks Survivor91!
plz post
Ella, I REALLY Really really times a million HOPE Mishmash is ok! I will keep praying and hoping he is ok.
Ella, Keep us posted about mishmash, and i will most definetly keep him in my prayrs!
Mishmash, you will be ok. Hang in there buddy!!! Everything will be ok.
Hi everyone
Squibbblety here
Ella .... as i mentioned before i am soooo sorry....
I have an idea we should hold a welcome back/hope ur better party for mishmash if he gets better and can come back.....
anyone who thinks we should do that write a comment saying so. if we have enugh ppl well put the idea through....
Thanks and i am hoping mishmash gets better...
Hey everyone,
I'm not related to MishMash and I don't know him in any other way but here, but I just want to thank you for your prayers for him and encouraging him and his family. Please continue to keep him in your prayers. I will, too.
-A hopefull and praying Checkeroo2
OMG. I feel so incredibly bad for not coming and look at comments... I had no idea of Mishmashes leg, and now skull! OMG. I will hope and pray he will be okay.
I give my best to you Ella,
those things are hilarious
hi anonymous im skylion
you said"awww...i guess you didnt like mine,mimo777,i really wish to meet you."
anonymous mimo has SO SO many entries to choose from and it is SO hard for him to pick,dont feel sad.
mish is a boy =]
and all of you are so kind to keep him in your prayers and encouraging him. ^_^
btw, if your caption isn't there, don't be sad! be a good sport, peoples!! plus, mimo said he'd post some more later! keep those chins up =]
i like the sage boy's and candie's
haha Woolie24 is hilarious. I can't stop laughing.
MishMash Get Well!!!
My favorite song form camp rock was This Is Me
Do you know what its like to feel so in the dark?
ha ha those are funny!
I think Omar07 should win and be the weiner of the captions
I think Omar07 should win! His is so funny
Hey guys, this is Pinkiwinki9!
anonymous said...
awww mimo i guess u did not like mine! is there going to be more good captions posted? plz post!
Hey anonymous, yes, Mimo said that he would post a bunch more good ones later. And also, if he doesnt post you, that doesnt mean that yours isnt the winner, because he said that those ones that he posted were NOT the winners.
Hope this helped!
Hey fluffstuf!
It's Pearlwhite27!
I liked "This is Me" from Camp Rock so much that I might sing it at my school talent show next year! It really relates to me, because I am shy...
cool mimo i think they were all quite funny lol
hey guys this is pinkuien i will see if you can tip the iceberg today at 2oclock club penguin standered time on bunnyhill on american flag hope i see you there. love pinkuien
mimo777 can u have a tipping the ice burg here is how2tip it
1.get penguins
2. go 2the bottom of the burg
3. bring puffles not drills puffles not drills
4.get a suprise i didnt tip it yet cuz no1 listens 2me when i say bring puffles so can u help thnx
all of them r asome!u guys did a great job.i really like them all.
Awesome! Those are really cool! Hope my caption gets posted next!
hey guys im at my grandparents! im going to disney world tuesday we are flying down there. i hope if mimo posts anymore mines one of them! you all rock so does mimo
Sand Flipper
I love your contests, they are so fun! But I didn't enter this time. Those were so funny! I hope you post funnier one later.
From Jassix
This isn't about the contest but here I go! I'm not sure this works on everyones computer because mine is super slow, but I had a whole bunch of stuff on and I took all ofit off but the inflatable rubber duck and then I clicked another penguin. Then I closed it out. my stuff from earlier was still on but when i pressed dance, the penguins arms were swimming but the head was dancing the regular dance...
P.S please post
Just a reminder that Jonthanrox's party is today at:
Server: Frozen
Room: Dojo
Time: 5:30 PST (penguin standred time)
It's my Birthday Party! Hooray!
And all penguins are welcome to my spectacular party!
From Millywily
To All Penguins
Server: Abdonible
Date: June 23
Time: 3:30 Club Penguin Time
If you dont come it's ok! Thanx for reading this atleast!
Mimo777, I do hope to see you there!
Sincer, Birthday Penguin Millywily!
In the poll both Polar Bear and crab did it!!! That's why they got the gear from the Clocktower.
nvm i was wrong as always *blush*
I think Woolie24 should win. Don't ya think
Awww I am so sorry about your brother MishMash. I will keep him in my thoughts. He is a very special penguin. Please keep us updated on how he is doing and his progress, which I am confident in. Keep your spirits high :]
yeah it's impossible to tip the berg guys, sorry =] the berg is just a drawing that you cant interact with, only walk around on. just like the coffee shop and the stage and the dock and everywhere else. it's not something you can actually interact with, and its not programmed to tip. however, im guessing cp might actually have it tip sometime in the future! maybe it'll be part of a mission!
Shamerine, that's a really strange glitch! haha must've been quite entertaining =] im sure it doesnt happen often, so its nothing to worry about. just weird things happen occasionally, like once i wanted to go to the ski hill and i clicked on it, but then i decided to go to my igloo to feed my puffles, and i ended up having the ski hill IN my igloo!!! i saw penguins arriving, there were so many and they were all sitting in rows, sometimes disappearing, and they were walking all over parts of my igloo that you usually cant! then i realized it was a glitch and i was actually seeing what was going on at the ski hill while i was at home, they couldnt see me! haha it was soo cool =]
haha woolie24 is the best
if mimo doesnt choose your caption, dont take it so personally, people!
OMG! I am sooo sorry for you,your family, and mash ella. I hope he gets better soon! I feel so bad! BTW, i missed the party by an hour! So mad! Hope he is ok!!!
haha theese are so funny. i think the best one is Woolie24 and sage boy..they should be in the finalist
mimo you should pick woolie24 she/he is hilarious
Way funny!
Mimo be my buddy!
-Platypus27-p.s. i rock!!
umm why is your face out side the window U GOT TO TEACH ME HOW TO DO THAT
my favorite is bobdadnutboy's one.
Mullet: Hey mimo i see you in the window why don't you come in and put this burning candle out.
Moose: Yeah its getting hot in here and whlie your at it blow up the clock it is annoying
that one
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