Saweet! Check out the new Club Penguin Dance Lounge:
Very nice! Do you like it? Do you think you will hang out here more now?
As promised, the New Dance Lounge include the new game, Bits & Bolts!
Here are the instructions to the new game:
So, what that means is you have to add the number of bolts in each tile to match the number on the blue piece. Have fun!
It's awesome to have a new game isn't it? Let me know how you like it, k?
Play Face Touch now!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
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Free Kids Games
YES! Finally!I can't wait to try it! Thanks for always updating me Mimo!
Your #1 fan,
- Dropthebird
bits and bolts seems boring to me and mimo i think theres gonna be another new game at the red thing.
I love it!
Well... I like it, but not, like, LOVE it.
Oh, and, in my last comment, I meant the game. Not the lounge. I really like the new lounge. It's cool how you can see the dancers downstairs!
Weird. There's no "Give a Tour" tour available there right now.
Also, why is there a red game there? Could it be another game coming soon?
theres another machine next to bits and bolts!?!?
Hey, Mimo!
It's me, Feathergreen! I just posted about this, and I'm the SECOND one to post! LOL! I opinion on this game is that it looks like a math game rather than a game that should be on Club Penguin. But I don't want them to get rid of it because I got 183 coins in less than FIVE MINUTES! Waddle on, Mimo777! :D
did you notice there is an un used unplugged arcade game? I wonder what this means.
looks super fun :D
I LOVE IT! so addicting.
In my opinion it's not really that good to play considering it has nothing to do with Club Penguin. It's not very fun as well, why make a puzzle game that has nothing to do with club penguin?
You have to be a member after a little bit to play more :(
This is CP's way of trying to make us learn! You have to add them up and think quick! They're slowly going educational on us!
This must be the first part of club penguin becoming more kiddish
I didn't look at this post and played it and it was soo confusing! But after I looked at this, I finally got it!
Best cheat web ever!
I have seen that guy named "Troll Face" in the picture of the new Lounge, before!
The game dosn't work for me, I loaded the game and it game up with a white blank screen, I waited about 15minutes then gave up and logged off. :[
Feathergreen said...
Hey, Mimo!
It's me, Feathergreen! I just posted about this, and I'm the SECOND one to post! LOL! I opinion on this game is that it looks like a math game rather than a game that should be on Club Penguin. But I don't want them to get rid of it because I got 183 coins in less than FIVE MINUTES! Waddle on, Mimo777! :D
I got more than 800coins from puffle round up in less than 5 minutes lolz :]
Feathergreen said...
Hey, Mimo!
It's me, Feathergreen! I just posted about this, and I'm the SECOND one to post! LOL! I opinion on this game is that it looks like a math game rather than a game that should be on Club Penguin. But I don't want them to get rid of it because I got 183 coins in less than FIVE MINUTES! Waddle on, Mimo777! :D
Wow this game seems good for coins!
- Dj Wazzer (cpg mod)
Anonymous said...
did you notice there is an un used unplugged arcade game? I wonder what this means.
I think it means another arcade game will be coming very soon! Not just yet though
- Dj Wazzer (cpg mod)
Anonymous said...
The game dosn't work for me, I loaded the game and it game up with a white blank screen, I waited about 15minutes then gave up and logged off. :[
It is just a glitch. Try clearing your cache
- Dj Wazzer (cpg mod)
I dont like it. :( its boring
Can you take your brown puffle in the game with you?
there looks like theres gonna be anew game again because there is a red game monitor!i think its gonna be a game about herbert p bear and klutzy and how to defeat them and will you update us about any new missions because we havnt had one in a long long time!!xxxx
I wish they would have a multiplying version, it would be harder.I learned adding in Kindergarten,even negative numbers...
very sad that half is for members but otherwise good
i dont like the game its boring and sorta hard
the lounge is really cool now i will hang out there heaps more now
i reckon there is gonna be a new game soon at the red machine next to bis and blots
mmm hmm. This is probably phase 1 of club penguin becoming a kiddy educational site aimed at 4-7 year olds. Im pretty sure all of us here know that 2+2=4. After 2 mins of adding 2+2+4 and 3+3=6 I was wondering how much coins I was getting for this, So I quit and I had only gotten 13 coins. Depressing.
Oh well.
- Snowy
I think there might be another because there was another machine next to the new game unplugged.
mimo about 5 field ops ago u said that club penguin is turning educational it is in this game u have 2 add EDUCATIONAL
if u click on the backround at the beach , it will change.
G has send us a letter , and there was B&B Bits and bolts... and there is unpluged arcade machine... is that means something?
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