Club Penguin Cheats

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Club Penguin Field Op Number 35 Cheats!

Here is a new Club Penguin Field Ops Cheats: 

Step 1. Click your Spy Gadget.
Step 2. Click "Go there."
Step 3. Click Field Op board. (or click Field Ops on the Spy Gadget)
Step 4. Click "Accept Field-Op."

Step 5. Click your map. 
Step 6. Go to the Ski Village!
Step 7. Go beside the steps of the Everyday Phoning Facility. Your spy gadget light will turn green.
Step 8. Click your spy gadget and click "Engage."
Step 9. Now you can complete the puzzle!
Step 10. If you are a member you can click "Elite Gear" and get something cool! If you are not a member, you can get the EPF earpiece, and then enjoy collecting your badges... and stamps! ;-)

Awesome! Another new puzzle! It is even trickier than last weeks! You must be fast at typing the number on the bottom row and then type or click the number on the side that match the targets.

For example: in this picture, you would type or click 5 then 6 to shoot the bot. 

When you finish, you will get this message from Herbert P. Bear:

If you have just now completed 25 Field Ops, you can earn the Elite Protector Stamp! Saweet!

We are getting closer to earning the 50 Field Op stamp! Saweet!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President


Feathergreen said...

Geez! That looks hard! I'll probably get the hang of it though. (I hope ;))

Weird Owe said...

oh this is like math! Gaah! don't go all educational, CP

alisufi48 said...

lol this is ez i did it is school homework
i think it is called
Coordinate System:P

Feathergreen said...

How do you have access to the new Field Op? It doesn't even load up correctly whenever I do it?

Unacorney said...

hey u dont have to type it u can clik it 2

Anonymous said...

I cant finsish it i need more time

Monica said...


yummysimon said...

It was so hard because it's too fast when you hit a target and more targets

Ccmeu said...

I spotted a dark cloud over the ninja hideout (waterfall) when I was in the dojo courtyard. Don't know what that could be..

Fisheater145 said...

Cool! Fun! Well Thanks For The Epic Cheats!

Turk Ois said...

This time they didn't give us any clues to find the field ops. Just had to wander all over the place until the phone rang.

Why did they quit giving a clue?
I like to use my brain.

Anonymous said...

you could just click the coordinates

Anonymous said...

i reallly need help with this please.. how do i know how hungry my puffle is???? and how do i feed it?? this new card thing is reealllly confusing please i really need help

Agboy said...

What! I have to do graphing... again! I learned this in class only a week ago! And its not hard, its just i dont like math!

Anonymous said...

When you get to Gr. 10 Precalculus math, you will understand why Club Penguin is making children get used to the coordinate system.

Anonymous said...

Mimo...Saraapril is starting to annoy me with her constant complaints about System Defender, The New Puffle stuff, ect..

Ferdy17 said...

Hey Mimo777, notice how when you finish the field op, it says 55 medals, then goes down to the actual amount you have!!!

Anonymous said...

Wooop, Thanks :T I havn't evan got my 25th one yet, I havn't been doing them every week.

club penguin cheats said...

[cp mod] huh, do you wonder how herbert can send us messages?

Buddytoe said...

Anonymous said...
i reallly need help with this please.. how do i know how hungry my puffle is???? and how do i feed it?? this new card thing is reealllly confusing please i really need help
Hey, Anonymous! If you click on your puffle and it yawns, for example, it wants to sleep. For more info, go to "Care" in the Puffle Handbook.

~Buddytoe (CPG Mod)

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