Club Penguin Cheats

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Who In The World Is B & B?

Club Penguin has sent us yet another message from Gary! Here it is:

Check it! It says: $#(ShadowGuy(Gamma Gall(#Squidzoid(!&#RockHopper$Aunt Arctic#Sensei#Gary the GadgetGuy&@Herbert P. Bear!$KlustyTheCrab & *B & B@

Hmm, who is B & B? I think they are the new crabs helping Herbert! What could this message really mean? Let me know who you think it is and what it means!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Free Kids Games


קלאב פינגווין צ'יטים said...

This massage MEANS something!
I only understood the last part when he said "HPB!$KTC".
It means Herbet P Bear !$ Klutzy The Crab!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beatlebomboy said...

I saw the $ and immediately thought, what if B&B are the clients and Herbert is being payed to hurt club penguin and mess with the old PSA and now the EPF.

Bin58 said...

B&b maybe bill and ben

PNG MG said...

B&B is Bits and Bolts. The new game for the Lounge. Wonder what it has to do with Herbert and Klutsy. Can't wait for the new game.

Grande pie (CP Name) said...

Do you think it's... Billybob?

Noki99 said...

B & B could be BRB - Be Right Back!

Jubjub98 said...

hmmmm... b&b? bed and breakfast? maybe they are staying with us at a bed and breakfast on club penguin! lol...just an idea...

Anonymous said...

B & B? are those penguin band members I know one of them begins in B, but yeah.

Jack said...

Bits and Bolts it must be Herbert might be trying to do something and most of the famous people will be coming to help go up against him to stop him from delaying the game from coming out late

Miniclip8767 said...

Maybe everyone in the message bonds together to stop herbert

Unknown said...

i am certain its blots and bits

Anonymous said...

Minimini1234 sais: Okay, since the new game update and the message update, i think B&B could mean BOT BUILDER!

Anonymous said...

think b & b means the new game bits and bolts

Anonymous said...

lol Protobot is "Jamin'"


Bluebottle27 said...

Hmmm. Interesting.

Buddytoe said...

Whoa! I didn't know it meant something!

Anonymous said...

B&B the new game


Pingur129 said...

B&B stands for bed and breafast in england. It's just small building with two or three bedrooms where you stay over for a night in a BED and have BREAKFAST

Anonymous said...

b and b means bits and bolts the new game!

(Spearmint) upper pom said...

i think B&B means bear (Herbert the polar BEAR) and the other B means Bot (The ultimate ProBOT)

by the way my penguin's name is upper pom.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Billy Bob! That's a possibility!

- Dropthebird

Pandy125 said...

what if its bob and band (penguin band)?

Anonymous said...

maybe B&B means bot&bot! That might work.

Unknown said...

i think bb is i think he is billy bob!

Anonymous said...

Bits and bolts. Conversation OVER!

Anonymous said...

B & B are BillyBob !!

Marina said...

Go to Mine Shack, walk to the the Herbert statue :D Good luck!

Anonymous said...

If it was P&B then it would be Penguin Band...

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