Club Penguin Cheats

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Club Penguin Communication Jammed!

Club Penguin has sent us another message from Protobot! Check it:

Yikes! ALL communication frequencies are jammed? What will we do? (Thanks, Linky1123)

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
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Director said...

Attenti- *Static* Ag- *Static* The Ultmate Proto-Bot *Static* found a way to destr- *Static* I found out how to stop it, you have to enter *Static* Password, The Password is... *Static*

MultiFlashTutorials said...

Hmm,But what does protobot mean?

Jubjub98 said...

oh no! what are we going to do?! does that mean we wont be able to use our spyphones ANYMORE? Oh dear!

ofelia said...

uh oh what will happen

Jubjub123 said...

When you open ur scrap book when ur not a member, the 'wheres my book cover' comes up. and the buy ur membership comes up flickering really fast.thanks!


Anonymous said...

OMG! What does this mean!?!?

Dot-Com said...

Hmm I wonder what will happen next!

Kramer125 said...

WOW! i wonder what is going to happen i hope a new mission comes out soon but this is not good

Jumppenguin1 said...

We're going to have to be telepathic!!!! Oh no!

Autumn Rain said...

Hi Mimo! If you complete the first levels (the sky levels) and complete the cannon, the cannon goes to your igloo inventory! Then if you use it, you can click/walk to it and play Puffle Launch from your igloo! You don't have to go to the Pet Shop!

- Autumn Rain

P.S. Please give me credit, thanks! ;)

s said...

Hey, Mimo! There's a new bug! Check out the Green Checkered Shoes! Their straps are missing!

~Sweet Flick

Daisy said...

Hmm I wonder if the director will find a way. But does that mean we might go on a misssion insted of a field op?

Tommy88697 said...

:0 OMG now we wont know when system defender comes out WE ARE DOOMED CURSE U PROTOBOT.

lasslow said...

There is new fan art!

Anonymous said...

What I would do is I'd find him and shoot his giant robot bottom down to the ground.

Gary said...

Agen-*bzp* the ultimate proto-*eep*
destroyed the comuni-*bloop*repor-*blopp* HQ. over.

Josen said...

Intercept... transmiss... fr..
direc... -

All Ag.... Rep... t. th. EP.

Th. Ultim.. Proto... is attack..

Message from EPF Phone -

Transmiss... faile.

Jojojo33342 said...

Dang it! I wanted to get credit. Too bad I was late.

Anonymous said...

How will we ever destroy protobot?

Anonymous said...

Cool! do you think there will be a new System Defender level where all the bugs turn to attack Prtorobot and they destroy him? that'll be cool.

Sebastian28 (CPG Mod)

Agent Testben97360 said...

transmission coming from agent testben97360

age... test.... what... happ...

transmission failed/died

Turk Ois said...

I'm just checking in at headquarters each time when I come on.
It would be cool though if they could signal us with a searchlight in the sky like batman.


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