Woot! Woot! It's Club Penguin pay day again! Check out all my coinage!
Tour Guide coins:
EPF Agent coins:
Pay Day came just in time to buy stuff in the new Penguin Style Catalog that comes out this week! Saweet!
What are you gonna buy?
Play The Defender!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Listen to Mimo's new album Crazy Wheel!
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Free Kids Games
Awesome! I read this 1 minute after you posted it xD
money come to me
I didn't get my paycheck :(
Cool!!! I Cant Wait For The New Clothes!!! Or I MEAN Wigs!!!!!!!!!
im gonna buy...20 puffles,more couches and a new igloo!most of my puffles ran away so i need more!
Woah! Theres already going to be a new one?
hey mimo
it's my birthday tomorrow(:
Hey Mimo if you go to the stage and click on the script the script is still from the lost penguin times
ITS JUSTIN BIEBER'S BIRTHDAY!!! XD Oh and im goin to buy pufflr stuuf
I'm going to buy wigs if they let non-members buy :D
If not, then i'll just buy the backrounds like always ;)
Why do the paychecks always come out right before the catalogs come out??? It is so nice now to have a paycheck! I fell so much older! Not. JK!
I didn't get my paycheck :(
March 1, 2011 9:49 AM
So sorry! I hope you get it real soon! Mrs Lamaine (cpg monitor)
woo hoo! i wanna buy the most expensive thing!
Hey mimo i've been looking around CP and have been seeing RED flare hoodies. Where can I get one of those?????
My Birthday is March 12th!!
I'm saving it for when the puffle food comes in. I'm also trying to play lots of games to earn my coins.
I'm gonna use mine for the wig thing that's gonna be here, whatever it is ... ☻ ☺ ☻
Woot! Paychecks! And Justin Bieber's Birthday Was Yesterday. LOL
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