Last week, Club Penguin asked us what games we like to play with our puffles and many of you liked Yello Pengi8's comment:
I have a suggestion for all of the Puffles out there who cannot play games with their owners. Orange puffles should play Pizzatron 3000 because they love food so much, they also could put toppings on while you work on the pizza's too. Brown puffles should play Hydro Hopper and they can help you jump higher with gadgets it makes and you may even be able to jump over the buoys! White puffles should play Sled Racing because they love snow! They could make ice with its breath and you could go faster because of the ice. Blue puffles should play ice fishing and it could wear a little fishing hat and it can help you get extra fish.Next week, the Dance Lounge will be updated and there will be ANOTHER new game! Saweet! Check it out:
So, for next week's Reviewed By You, Club Penguin wants to know, "If you were to invent a new arcade game, what would it be?"
Play Defensor!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
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Free Kids Games
The new game is about the Shadow guy and Gamma girl stage play!
That looks like the city from Squidzod vs. SG and GG doesn't it? And that looks like the thingy that counts your score, SO I bet we're going to shoot Squidzoids!
The game would be that game where you fly and shoot the asteroids.
OMG mimo! it looks like the play with squidzilla!!
It looks like the same city as the new play, maybe we can be superheroes!
OMG!!! its a shooting range the one where you shoot own targets which are moving! Awesome! I noticed a point screen and it looked lika shooting range.
I think cp is updating every thing becus alot of people started hating it, and geting bord of it they just wont more muny.
if cp got a new game for the arcade it should bea game were you can play whith others,play be your self or even play with all your puffles a game that you have to hit things down that even yourpuffles could play
the game we are geting is proble be basket ball i could tell be the hop and scor bords
kate5002 (from cp)
yeah it does look like it grande
I hope it's for non-members too! Like the whole "game"! I really didn't want a new game!!!! i wanted something more exciting and awesome like a party or something!
It looks like Shadow Guy and Gamma gal
Twilight rocks!
i would say maybe an art game where you draw pictures of anything and a fake judge rates it from 1 threw 1000 and thats how many coins you get.
I think it is that shadow dude and gamma girl thing, but with a twist. I think you could play as that squid guy instead of those heros
A puppet show?
I wonder what's the new game...
Party like a rock star, party like a rock star, party like a rock star lol
So many changes! ☻ ☺ ☻
I bet, there will be a new game where we are able to be SG and GG and be able to fight off the Squidzoids!
I would like either ski-ball or bowling as a new arcade game.
I reckon it'll be EPIC! club Penguin is good already but i think this will be a good aDDITION TO IT
Hi Mimmo :P Like ur webbie
I liked the old one better.
same with the new bean counters thing.
I'm glad Club Penguin is updating rooms. I think some of the rooms in CP are very boring, and now they're updating them to be cooler. :)
I think the new arcade game will be some missions for us and we would have to blast into buildings and fight aliens and the more aliens you fight the more hundreds of coins you get
You can see the play from the Night Club Lounge, mabye it's one giant window and you can see penguins in the stage through it???
This looks awesome!
Awesome! The only thing is on my laptop i have Windows 7, so alot of the games on cp don't play right. Including Thin Ice and Astro Barrier:( Thin Ice used to be my fav. game but now i can;t play it. :'(
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