Club Penguin Cheats

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Club Penguin Raises Membership Rates!

Did you catch that? Yes, many of you already complain that the price of Club Penguin memberships are too high, but now, check out the prices!

Dood! Do you think they will automatically raise your monthly rates if you are currently paying $5.95?

I sure hope not!

But, check out the Gift Certificate prices. They have not changed... yet!

Some ppl say the rates for them have not increased, and others say theirs are as high as $7.95. Yikes! 

Did your rates increase? 

Will this keep you from buying Club Penguin memberships in the future?

Play Animals Puzzle!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
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Jubjub123 said...


Anonymous said...

If they do I probably won't buy it all the time. =(


ub123 said...

maybe they will sell new club penguin membership cards o_O

Nate said...

i cant be a member anymore now for sure :( my mom says that the prices are to high already and she was thinking about cancelling mine and my brothers membership so we have more money cuz we're going through rough times, but now it'll be cancelled for sure :'(

Emmzeh said...

grrr! They better have not done that to my membership! I'm in UK and I just bought one outta Argos on Monday...

Anonymous said...

WHAT!? Whose dumb idea was to dramaticly raise the prices?! At least I won't have to pay for a while. My Grandparents bought me two 6 month cards for my birthday back in November. But let's hope CP will lower the prices to their original price. At least their not getting to the LEGO Universe prices; $10 for one month, $60 for six months, and $120 for a year. But I do hope that LEGO Universe lowers those prices. I love that game, but I can't afford the game time. Why are Virtual Worlds uping the membership prices?

- Dropthebird

P.S. I think I might have first comment. or they just aren't up yet.

Unknown said...

did any one bother to notes that olny the US MEMBERSHIP amount CANADA WOOT

waddle on

Unknown said...

did any one notice they only raised the US Money amount? ya thats right thats cuz canadian dollars worth more oh ya WOOT

waddle on

Anonymous said...

i cant be a member anymore now for sure :( my mom says that the prices are to high already and she was thinking about cancelling mine and my brothers membership so we have more money cuz we're going through rough times, but now it'll be cancelled for sure :'(

you don't get your money back if you cancel membership

kyle said...

what? youre kidding me! soo unfair..

Clone 000 said...

Now the memberships are 7.95!!!!! They added the dollar and plus tax its like 8.00!!!!!!! ALMOST 10!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Heh... This will render ALL current membership cards that are currently in stores USELESS! To be honest, I think this will actually get some children in trouble, for making their parents waste money, as well as greatly disappointing them.

Kattelyn said...

Can't say I didn't see this coming. I'm surprised it took them this long to raise them. Everybody, don't feel too bad if you can't be a member anymore. I know a lot of families (including mine) are have a tough time right now. You can still play the game... and remember, there are more important things that virtual penguins. :)

Anonymous said...

and now they are 5.95 again. So strange!

Im Asulio :D

Fisheater145 said...

Oh Its Only For The United States. And I Live There!!!

Noogah said...

Economy is going through the roof. Now even Club Penguin is effected.

Leno AKA Alex said...

did you know that cp is in canada and the canadin dollar is higher then the us. in canada (were i live) it is still only $5.95 . all you have to do is move to canada and the price is lower. :)

Cooldude995 said...

Nate said...
i cant be a member anymore now for sure :( my mom says that the prices are to high already and she was thinking about canceling mine and my brothers membership so we have more money cuz we're going through rough times, but now it'll be canceled for sure :'(
Same here. They're gonna lose a lot of members.

KayKay said...

This is definately gonna make me stop buying. I can only afford 1 month at a time. This is really unfair. They did not even explain did they? I mean there is not really anything that warrants a raise of price right? Anyway my opinion is that it is totally unfair meh.

Anonymous said...

WHA?? I cannot believe this! I may never buy a Membership again. :/

Dot-Com said...

Ok that's just crappy! At least Disney hasn't raised the 30 month to 10.00 bucks like everything else Disney, not cool.

Turk Ois said...

My mom canceled my membership. :(
It's still good until it runs out, but I'll have to save money to get it renewed or hope somebody will get me another for my birthday or Christmas.

Jongon Henry said...

This is SOOOOOOOOOOOO messed up man. I would of never thought that CP would become so greety!!!!! They're also making more member only games and game levels!! If this is true then I will NEVER buy from anything Club Penguin again. I might even leave CP forever! Greety meanie butts :'(

Anonymous said...

ouch im also up to $7.95! they better not raise anymore or they will lose TONS!

Icee1217 said...

I don't have a lot of money but still was gonna save for one but now I better hurry and buy a member ship card from the store or I won't be able to get one again it's so unfair. Well waddle on… I guess

Waddler said...

I have a Membership and once mine ran out, and I used to pay the old price but it was different when I re-did it, but then it came up saying that because I had a membership before, I could pay the old price. I don`t know if this has happened to anyone else but now I still pay the £3.95, but then it changed again just after I got it so I`m guessing thats why they did it. But that was a while ago. Lest I can afford it though so I should be alright! :P

english33 said...

Yay!In England the price didn't change at all! It's still £3.95

Unknown said...

It's the screwy economy in the U.S. |=L

crewy said...

hm i agree to rise the price,
but they have to do something special
to worth this big price...
i want to see what they will to in the future...
if they dont change anything i will stop buying membership...

Jamiie said...

They've gone down again.. Well when I looked they have! : )

UK Prices still the same.

KH1016 said...

That's crazy! My parents wouldn't pay $5 for a Club Penguin membership, let alone $60! And seriously, is it really worth it?!

KH1016 (^@_@^)

Anonymous said...

It's still the same for me...

Anonymous said...

Wow I never knew that! In Canada, ALL prices have stayed the same on the membership site.

Anonymous said...

I'm quitting CP Beacuse of this! I know a other virtual world, Whyville that Almost GETS NO MONEY! and somehow CP needs thousands of dollars!.

Anonymous said...

My price didn't go up at all or they changed it back!

Cool Tastic said...

If it changes in the UK, I'll be sad... I only buy it here because it's so cheap, only £3.95. Okay I'm worried now! Thanks for the head's up, Mimo =[

Anonymous said...

im in england still £3.95 HOORAY

tutuhsm2fan said...

does anyone know when the winner will be chosen for the free club penguin puffle and membership?

Spideydude90 said...

Mimo, I checked the membership page, and they changed the prices to normal again! I think they might've changed it back, realizing they could lose alot of members.

Callum said...

No raise in the UK :)

Anonymous said...

the english ones are still the same :) phew

Puddles 282 said...

Ever since Disney bought Club Penguin, it's just been about money, before Disney Club Penguin was fun and just more about the game, now they don't care, CP is just another tool for them to get money off us. I bet they'll lose lots of members because of this, then they'll be sorry.

Anonymous said...

Well I've officially quit Club Penguin. It's not fun anymore and the prices are awful

Anonymous said...

YAY WOOT HOORAY AWESOME my dad said that even that they raised the prices 4 club penguin he will still pay 4 my club penguin membership i will not lose all my member clothes i will keep my furniture i can buy more clothes i can adopt more puffles even though i have 9 :-) i can also buy more furniture I AM SOOOOOO HAPPY and am very very very very sorry that u guys and gals that cant buy the membership anymore :-'( i know that i wrote a lot but in school we are practicing typing my techer said that we have to practice this is my practice i am practicing on my favorite club penguin cheats website CLUB PENGUIN CHEATS BY MIMO777

Vinayak said...

wohoo... my membership rates not increased... yet.

Someonewashere said...

Okay maybe I might quit CP!

Weird Owe said...

Puddles 282 said...
Ever since Disney bought Club Penguin, it's just been about money, before Disney Club Penguin was fun and just more about the game, now they don't care, CP is just another tool for them to get money off us. I bet they'll lose lots of members because of this, then they'll be sorry.
you know screenhog doesnt even work at club penguin anymore. it was so much better with him

Unknown said...

This is really odd, but when I went to the Membership Page, it stayed the exact same prices.

Pinklala949 said...

Hey its $5.95 again!! Yay!

Tori said...

Well I think it's fair because New Zealand (That's where I live) had to pay that anyway so I think all the prices should be the same in all countries!

Unknown said...

hey the prices are back to normal and i think this was a April fools joke since yesterday was April 1st but idk just a thought

Anonymous said...

Of course!
Its ridiculous that we buy stuff just for fake virtual clothes (Its fun anyway), but the prices need to be lifted? Oh no no, apparently they think that our pixels are just that important. That does it, I'm not buying anymore memberships until the prices go down again.
Oh, and BTW, in the US, its $7.95 a month now.

lexagoesbananahs said...

I recently started playing again (and my memebership was still running) So im definatly not renewing - even though i love all my clothes :(

Anonymous said...

Canadians pay tax and our dollars are worth more than the US's dollars. So that means that Canadians would pay way more money than the people in the US. I have a friend that had some memberships and he gave me one for 3$ (which was a deal). I'm Canadian and we pay a lot more money which means you shouldn't be complaining because in Canada we pay more.

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