Hey, I thought I'd show you Mimo's Pointless Video #1 today before the new game at the Dojo comes out tomorrow. A few of you who know about my secret site have seen this before. ;-)
Pointless I know. And yes, that's really me. ;-)
Coin Code Contest Winner #2 will be posted this Wednesday November 19!
Might have a QP today. Shhh!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

Wheres the party???
i dont think the cat thought it was poinless. i think the cat said " Yes their finally giveing me the fish, yummmmm!"
wow but i find it funny because my dog does thst to my hamster!!! lol
lol! that was funny!
that was the greatest video ever!
sweet qp! q-tip? just kidding!!! sweet dont do it soon tho because i gotta go somewhere but do it later for sure!! i wanna talk to you!
-danny320(cpg mod in training)
mimo wats yur cat called? ^-^
hi i want to know what is a qp
Lol pointless but cool.
hi the answere is a quicky party it happens rarely and it is a part with mimo777
(cpg moniter rahul1997)
mimo,y dont u show your whole self? y only your hand?
ha that cat wanted the fish. i dont think that was pointless a pointless video
please do it later today
WOW your cat looks like my cat :-0
It has the same white part under her neck! teehee.
Dear Freya,
Mimo has 2 cats-Kenya and China. I think that one was China.
Wow that is pointless but sooo funny....the best part was when u kept pushing your cat so he wouldnt eat the fishes!
BIG GOONIE said...
Happy Birthday BIG GOONIE!!!
hey mimo im new here!
listen what is a puffle? i have seen the pet shop sign and it said puffles tell me what a puffle is. please!
were do you get a website? one like yours?
Ezellpropert said...
hey mimo im new here!
listen what is a puffle? i have seen the pet shop sign and it said puffles tell me what a puffle is. please!
A puffle is a pet that the penguins can buy at the pet shop. It is like a puff ball.
Spongie555(Hopful CPG Mod)
wow the person holding the camera has a very steady hand! i try video tapping my bro skating off some ramps comes out bad cuz i have a shakey hand =(
WOOT CP! YAY... oops shhh! ; )
Agent Lc (CPG Mod)
Ewww I Saw The cats but crack
But I Think That Was Pointless
- shiver jak
Is that your cat?
Hi anonymous!
Your question was: Wheres the party???
Mimo will secretly have one. He will not post it on cpgm but keep track on his twitter!
Hope i helped
Aiondalia(cpg moderator)
hi! OMG your hand is famous lol. good vid and very random :P
Hi tomichael!
Your question was: mimo,y dont u show your whole self? y only your hand?
Well mimo doesnt want to show his face/identity. Its kinda like telling a stranger a address.
Hope I helped.
Aiondalia(cpg moderator)
happy-b day big goonie
nice music
really nice music
I think I've seen that somewhere before... :)
Hi Ezellpropert!
Your question was: hey mimo im new here!listen what is a puffle? i have seen the pet shop sign and it said puffles tell me what a puffle is. please!
Welcome to Cp/Cpg! A puffle is pet that is shaped like a furball. You can buy one at the petstore/puffle shop. The blue and red puffles are for everybody, but the black, purple, pink, green, and yellow are for members. If you get membership and buy the member puffles, and then your membership expires, the puffles dont leave, the stay. But if you dont feed it well, it might run away!(it will send you a post card when this happens)
Hope I helped!
Aiondalia(cpg moderator)
Haha that was a great video mimo. Are they tropical fish? Because i have tropical fish too :o) hehe...
Nice cat :p
.....wow.....that is pointless.....
lol- really pointless. ur cat was gonna eat those fish wasnt he/she if you hadnt pushed him/her away? lol. keep R O C K I N G !
Do it right........... Now!
Ezellpropert said...
hey mimo im new here!
listen what is a puffle? i have seen the pet shop sign and it said puffles tell me what a puffle is. please!
A puffle is an animal you can buy that is harmless. Members can buy all colors and can have 14 while nonmembers can have 2 red or blue or both.-snowball5004(cpg mod in training)
Fishes: Yummm Food!!!
Cat: Yumm food (looking at the fishes)
omg mimo i cant believe u fed ur fish!!!!!!!
haha that was funny mimo and i cant wait to be a ninjaaaaa
O.........K. that was LOL/Awkward/pointless!
...........GO MIMO!
anonymous said...
Wheres the party???
Dear anonymous,
Mimo will alway tell where the party is so he'll probably post us later in the day or something
Hope this helps!
-Awesomedude3(CPG Mod)
No I didn't copy anything well thanks for the comment. You Rock!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
hi i want to know what is a qp
QP stands for:
Q - Quikee
P - Party
it's when mimo makes a quick party without telling anyone u just happen to be at his blog and than a post apears saying quickee party somewhere somewhere.
Anonymous said...
hi the answere is a quicky party it happens rarely and it is a part with mimo777
Actually I think it happens 2 or 3 times each month :/
Tomichael said...
mimo,y dont u show your whole self? y only your hand?
Because it would distract us from the point of the pointless vid (lol!).
Besides Mimo wants to keep this blog has safe has clubpenguin so no personal information or pictures/vids of your self in real life.
Hey, Mimo. There is a new postcard titled "Cool Outift"
Hey, Mimo. There is a new postcard that says Cool Outfit
~ Santa070
Ezellpropert said...
were do you get a website? one like yours?
Well first this isn't a website this is a blog the main diference is that you can leave comments and you can't at a website!
Well to get a Blog like mimo just google search how to make a blog for free or search either wordpress or blogger sorry if this is advertising but I was just trying to answer the question!
whats ur secret site u mentioned?
I made a song for you mimo!
Oh mimo, my heart beats only for mimo. when your gone i become emo. He loves cookies and cream. I saw that once in a dream. Zebras, they smell funny. Unless they are covered in honey. Then those zebras would be sweet. from their head to their feet. I only saw you at a quickee party. Then i beat up a guy named marty. Mimo Rules Yea!!
(I didnt really beat up marty) I scrabled my name! Try and frigure it out!
wuts this hav to do with CP??? lol, so wich server is the PAR-TAY?!!?!?!?
Anonymous said...
hi i want to know what is a qp
a qp is a quick party, occasionaly called a quickie party
so pointless
Cooley010203 CPG mod[]
it says....
Cool Outfit
sweet do have a qp mimo
Credit To Cooley010203
know wats werid i dreamed that there would be something on mimos site werid....
Hey Mimo Go to my site and vote for you i have a poll on you.
shiver jak
thats so cool! but, can you plz tell me where the party is gunna be, and when?
p.s. happy birthday big goonie! <3
Ive seen it before and its cool!
Aww Mimo! I go to skool in 15 minutes...Ur quikee party may be in lke 1 hour! This is so unfair to Australians =(
ezellpropert said...
hey mimo im new here!
listen what is a puffle? i have seen the pet shop sign and it said puffles tell me what a puffle is. please!
Right a puffle is a kind of small blob of fluff! lol Penguins keep them as pets you can buy them for 800 coins. For non-members there are red and blue. You can only get one of each. For members they can buy loads of any colour puffle that are in the cataloug.
car1128 {CPG Mod}
hurray no we know how to feed fish...
What is that secret site you mentioned in your post? I really want to know. I have been in cp for a long time, cpg for a long time also. So can you plz post it, or i will cry, serioslly, i will. :[
p.s. i am actually crying right now! REALLY! sorry. :[
Jiggly22(cpg mod) said...
Dear Freya,
Mimo has 2 cats-Kenya and China. I think that one was China.
WOW! How did you know that? lol! You must go on CPG everyday! *cough* like me *cough*
-car1128 CPG Mod
P.S I am anonymous because I don't have a Google or Blogger lol
that was random
dont you mean weiner lol
haha it looks like your going to the cat,My Precious!!!hehehe!
yeah lol!
ya know,
that would be me being normal;-P
I love your cat, Very cute.
Nice fishies and video. :P
Dear anonymous,
Mimo's secret site is...A SECRET! If anyone told it wouldn't be a secret anymore. Sorry:(
Dear anonymous(another one),
Mimo can't tell you where his party is until it's happening. He'll post it on his site as soon as it's time. Keep checking.
P.S. Happy B-Day BIG GOONIE!
omg my brother has the same tank! mine is purple
ok ...
um Mimo i thought you might wanna know this i was just on Aurora and Astro Barrier was messed up it just shot even though i wasnt pressing the button
Answer to anonymous:
A QP is a Quickee Party! There are quick parties that Mimo has on the zone he goes on. When you go to them they are really quick and their is a ton of people!
Hope I helped,
Miaponygirl9 CPG Mod
Comment to big goonie:
Happy Birthday! I hope you eat lots of cake! lol! Enjoy your birthday and I hope to see you on club penguin.....
Miaponygirl9 CPG Mod
im gonna stay up late to watch the ninjas And well do more homework cuz i was sick all week =/
I Know This Has Nothing To Do With This But On Club Penguin It Said I Had A Friend Online SO I Logged On And I Didnt Have Any Friends And Then On The Pet Shop A Black Blob Was Jumping Off And Jumped Away
lol mimo is the new religion :)
What is ur secert site?
It was pointless! LOL!
Anyway your cat is so cute!
- Greenncool
um... pointless... :P
Sungirl 24 7 said...
I Know This Has Nothing To Do With This But On Club Penguin It Said I Had A Friend Online SO I Logged On And I Didnt Have Any Friends And Then On The Pet Shop A Black Blob Was Jumping Off And Jumped Away
It was the ninja mimo posted before I thought it was cool
Spongie555(CPG Mod)
hi Brave Shadow here, look at dojo court yard in TV in HQ it has all of it dug out you can see a second door on the far left so maybe that is the new room.
man where is the qp i cant find it ps.i like pie
There are some many partys full of famous penguins right now!
Somebody wanted to know what a qp is. A qp is a quickee party.
Addison9625(cpg mod, just wanting to give it a try)
Hello, anonymous said "Boo, I cant go on youtube.
Dont worry! I cant go on youtube either. Music.com is alot safer though.
Anonymous said...
hi i want to know what is a qp
It means Quick Party with Mimo.
Note to Mimo-
Love the video. That cat sure wanted that fish! My cat wants to eat our pet lizard. He just cobobs his head over it all day long. I come from school and he is there over the lizard bowl.
Happy Birthday BIG GOONIE!
And congrats to the new CPG Mods.
Millywily~ CPG Mod
pointless, I have odd videos too
awesome i found his secret site
Hey Mimo! I found something new! There are two news postcards! One says "Nice Outfit" and the other one invites you to play aquagrabber. Cya Later
~Bike Mania 3
Mimo, you will not believe what is going on! On Fjord at the dock! Tooly228 is on and people want Mimo!
Now on Ski Hill
Ray Toolbear is on too1
Cool. Your cat seems to love fish, especially the guppies you have in that tank.
Campenguins said...
What is ur secert site?
Its another sight that Mimo has. I wpul tell ubut its a secret site.
show them the cereal vedio !!!!
lol i laugh when it showed the kittys hinie lol
hahaha! ur cat like it is gonna eat the fishes!!!
That's so cool i LOVE cats and fish LOL that's cute to he wants the fish oh yea go on iceland on club penguin at 5:00 monday meet me at the pizza shop im browndude671
aww that cat is sooooooooo cute carefull...cats like fish...do ur friends know that r mimo?
yours sincerely,
thats such a cute cat!!
ezellpropet:hey mimo im new here!
listen what is a puffle? i have seen the pet shop sign and it said puffles tell me what a puffle is. please!
Coolio too: puffles are these cute fluffy little animal we penguins keep as pets the most valuable puffle is the yellow.
Coolio too (cpg mod)
Cool! I am waiting for your Mimo Party!
Ray Toolbear, Suvivor91, and Tooly228 had an awsome party today!
I got to see some famous penguins like Straw000, Vapnoar777, Arctic Sleder, Oreo 8000, Redicybob, Jokes I Tell, and a lot more.
Thanks for adding me if your watching. :-)
I saw a ninja jump on the pet shop roof.
It bounces two times before hopping off the screen.
you CAN'T miss it
I waited like 30 seconds before it happened
good luck spotting it
Hi Mimo! Ezellpropert said:
hey mimo im new here!
listen what is a puffle? i have seen the pet shop sign and it said puffles tell me what a puffle is. please!
A puffle is a cute pet that penguins can buy from the pet shop. They look like small balls of fluff. To learn more about them or to buy one, click on red book that says, 'Pets' that will appear in the bottom right hand corner when you enter the Pet Shop. You can buy toys and furniture for your puffle in the yellow book which is on top of the red one. Remember to care for your puffles, or else they might run away!
CP name: Stargal 55
(CPG Mod in training)
Anonymous said...
whats ur secret site u mentioned?
Hey if i told u it wouldnt be a secret would it lol.
p.s idk anyway lol
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Yo cant wait til da party ill try to make it *Fingers crossed*
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
dear ezellpropert,
a puffle is a pet for penguins. its small, round, and fluffy. A non member can purchase the red and blue one, and a member can buy any of them. You can adopt a puffle by clicking on the second catalog in the Pet Shop.
-flipper(CPG Mod)
QP! make it soon! i might go to bed soon :(
Dear Awesomedude,
You can figure out when Mimo is having a party, or gets something cool and new. you can find this out on his Twitter. He will post what he will be doing, or is doing. Hope I helped ya!
-flipper(CPG Mod)
Dear Anonymous,
A QP is a quickie party. Mimo has them every so often. Maybe you'll catch the next one. They're really awesome!
-flipper(CPG Mod)
Im waiting for da quikee party mimo. Soon plz lol
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
lol well this vid is kinda random. btw does anyone know if u buy the mp3000 it actually plays cp music or not? cuz i emailed cp that it would be cool if it did.
Don't bother staying up, Hamustar said the game will come out in the morning, hopefully before the afternoon.
mimo doesnt show his self because he wants his self to be mysterious for all clubpenguin gangers
mkathyii(cpg mod)
also mimo when u first get to the homepage rockhoppers ship is there for a second. i hope hes coming soon!
Anonymous said
hi i want to know what is a qp
Dear Anonymous
A QP is also known as a Quickee Party which is when Mimo just posts that he is having a party at a server. You have to be alert to get to them though!
Good luck finding one!
Pieater2 CPg mod in training
Ezellpropert said...
hey mimo im new here!
listen what is a puffle? i have seen the pet shop sign and it said puffles tell me what a puffle is. please!
Dear Ezellpropert
First off, welcome to Club Penguin! A puffle is a virtual pet which you can adopt for 800 coins. You can walk them, play with, feed, bath, etc.
Hope this helps
Pieater2 CPG Mod in training
I have a good chance of getting School Captain XD
Maybe there are some bugs! Just like in april went hey updated everything
i am on clubpenguin right now it we should be able to become ninjas now but we cant. :(
LOL funny & pointless vid!
ur kittys cute
p.s if u get anyone posting as Nicole its: Nicolekitty8
LOL...pointles..But ur hand looks great :P
Mimo: Time to feed the fish!
Fish: Oh, yay! We're getting fed! Get ready for the flakes!
(Cat comes up)
Cat: Oh, yummy. Finally, some nice fish to eat....
Mimo: No, you're not getting the fish! They're getting fed, not you!
Cat: I don't understand english, I talk Meow language.
(Cat tries to get fish)
Mimo: Kitty! No! You're not getting the fish, nor the fishes' food!
Fish: Mimo's standing up for us! Ha, ha, kitty! You can't eat us!
Cat: I don't understand Blub Language, I don't understand Person Language, but I understand Meow language! Let me eat that food!
(Video Ends)
Ha, ha! That we just a play I made up now! (Don't copy my play!)
Hey, Mimo and moderators,
- Lolli0
mimo cool fish
btw ur cat looks exactly like mine i am serious but my cats name is called Bluey( my younger sister named it)
from Peny 1010
hehehaha that was very amusing
Its the 17th but didnt see and ninja training yet!!!
I went on club penguinn, still no game :(
camppenguin said: mimo what's ur secret site
Sorry camppenguin mimo couldn't tell us cause it would not be secret anymore
Aubdog124 (CPG MOD)
hey mimo i cant train as a ninja. Also can you do a QP
with a hidden time and place like before.
Lol that cat, I thinks its hungry so you the cat stares at the fishies, cool aquarium, we don't have that aquarium here.
hi, all of your sites rock
P.S cc
I hope I make it to the party :P BTW They haven't dont the training yet I(and like everyone else too) were really annoyed.
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod
Wheres the party???
If Mimo made it that simple he wouldn't be able to get in to the party :P
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod
mimo be aware that pusy cat will eat your fish
where is the trading card game at dojo??
freya said....
mimo wats yur cat called?
ans: mimo's cat is called as kenya.
I don't get it, what is it anyway, what does cat and fish have to do with cp?
D= the card games late on cp
For one of the 'anonymous', 'qp' means 'Quick Party'.
it wont let us train
Mimo,best pointless video is the one called Mimo eats cereal,i didnt know u liked red bull
hey Mimo!when r u going to post the ninja card game? I luv ur site! and wats with the cat?is it trying to eat the fish? LOL
mimo, when i went into club penguin, there was no training! today is monday (nite). is like cp overslept or either they wanna delay it! just help plz? :)
what does Qp mean
why isnt the game out yet why?!?!?!?!?
I checked at 10:00 last night, and 7:15 this morning... Where is Card-Jitsu?!
Mimo there is no game yet in the dojo why isnt it there i want to know
I no why the card game in the dojo isnt working.U need to buy cards at a plae like toysarus and use their codes in the unlock codes section.
hey the office was ok this week. It wasn't the best episode. And your right dwight does rock!!!!!
The game is late...... Like all games. I ask why the releases are in European time and games is in American time ? Don't is strange Mimo777 ?
that is really funny but like u said....pointless! LOL! MIMO YA ROCK! u r the rock777!I was just browsing ur site for rlly old pins and some comments are so LOL! hehehe! try the ghost miner glitch its funny!
mimo, it's november 17 and ninjas aren't here! What happened? Will they be here later in the day?
wer r the cards?
plz put my other comment on
can u update it plz i wanna find the cards
Mimo where are the Cards? :)Gflounder11 =)
The game is here mimo but its faulty and something is wrong with it.
Hello, (english) penguins!
I am going to answer some of your questions:
"Mimo where are the Cards? :)Gflounder11 =)"
To Anonymous,
The cards are out now! You should go get them. To find them, you just gotta see the Sensei, he has them for you. The Sensei is located in the Dojo. He is on a cushion. If you know where you can find the symbols on top of a cushion? Well, under the symbols, just roll your mouse and then you will find him. Talk to him and he'll give you the cards.
- Lolli0
And plus, MIMO!
Please tell me why the game isn't working! I want to become a Super Ninja!
- Lolli0
i love cats<3
yh thats kinda strange lol
holywells99 xxx
ps-plz post this...plz
hey mimo lv ur cat bt wats ur secret
site called?
or were u just jokin?
really was pointless but great!!!
that was uh pointless
Yes, that is Mimo's cat.
I wanna be a mod
r u having a party? where?!?!?!?!
plus i love ur site
hey mimo! its me yodee again. i havent been on here in a while! same with cp! anyways i was just wondering do you have an account on planet cazmo? and if u do then is your username "mimo777 me"? i hope u respond. thanks very much.
he he your kitty looks like my families' same color, same size. what a coincidence
plz where is the secret site!
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