Click here to see the REAL Ninja Room!

I think I'll sneak in later. ;-)
The card game STILL isnt working for me AARRGGHHH!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

Labels: Club Penguin Cheats, ninjas
Click here to see the REAL Ninja Room!
1 – 200 of 203 Newer› Newest»cool i am a red belt i am almost there!!!!!!!!!! and i am first
mimo ninjas can turn invisible
WOW ITS SOO COOL WORTH TO BE A NINJA Mimo wt happens when you have the complete ninja siuut?? Do you have Special Powerws???
Thanks for the picture Mimo, it looks so cool! I know how frustrating it feels when the card game doesn't work. Sometimes when I win a game, I lose connection! At least I have a purple belt right now.
CP name: Stargal 55
(CPG Mod in training)
wow thats pretty cool.
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod
the game is not working for me to arghhhhh!!! i need some patience
do you have to buy cp card irl to beat the sensi
I know Mimo Every time im finished a game the room is full and the game dosent COUNT!!! :-((
WOW ITS SOO COOL WORTH TO BE A NINJA Mimo wt happens when you have the complete ninja siuut?? Do you have Special Powerws???
Yea you can go invisible.
Pengwun Pow-CPG Mod
AAAAAAAAAAAACH!!!!!! When you win a game, if the dojo is full the win doesn;t count, stuck on orange :(
I saw you Mimo!
PS please click my name
is it still working?
mimo are the items in the ninja hideout only for members??
how did you find the picture
how do you get in thare i am a black belt
I had a green belt but when i logged in it wasnt there?!
ITS OK MIMO I THINK CP will fix the glitch i have a red belt now ur blog rocks dude
Mimo, i am a ninja, it takes time tobeat the sensei, but you have to play against him until he misses and you win, but my problem is that im not a member and i cant buy the ninja outfit.
Can someone please help me and get me at least a one day membership, please help me!!
Thank you, Rackity
Wow! That's cool! But, there are no more mysteries. Ninjas and yellow puffles came, what's left to be a myth?
i am a green belt and i want to be a ninja so bad!! i have 3 questions one can ninjas turn invisable? is it possible to beat the old gray penguin?if so, i cant!!!and i am so mad! and mimo are u aninja yet?
by bestcoolgirl(boy sis made the acc.)(lol!!)
Mimo please help me!
I can't find any belts. Sensie wont even give me a white belt! what am i doing wrong???
I just got my Yellow belt!
Thanks for the picture its so cool!
Hey Mimo, I have a suggestion. Do you think you could e-Mail Club Penguin and as kif they could boost the amount of people that are allowed in servers? Because I'm having trouble getting into Servers. And also, could you ask Club Penguin if they could boost room space? Because I REALLY want to play Card-Jitsu and earn Belts. And if you can do so, I'd appreciate it.
Yay I just got Orange Belt, almost the same colour as my chicken pox XD
Pengwun Powa-CPG mod
its annoying me too mimo!
i love the new game im already a blue belt and i cant wait to get into the room and do u have any tips on defeating the sensei?
hey mimo one question: is it happening to everyone that the room is full?
I can't wait! But the place is so crowded I can't get in easily ;-;
Hehe, it would be SOOOO awesome if you could tell us approximately how many games we have to win in order to move up to different belts! Does signing off count? Because I've signed off and it feels like it's taking forever!
Love the site =D
Hey Mimo, love your site. Anyway, to beat Sensei, you must use a card with Water than use a card with Snow and then use a card with Fire.
MIMO i left support saying psa uniforms should be avable to even non member agents and i got this email back
Hi there,
Thanks for your suggestion and it will definitely be considered, but I can\'t
guarantee that it will be used. If you have any other suggestions or questions,
let us know.
Have a good day,
Becky R
Club Penguin Support
Good luck!
Hey mimo...just for the heads up.
YOu need to win 2 games for the white belt and 5 more games for the yellow belt. Sorry if that is all I have for you.
lol ive played so many times and lost nearly all of them lol im bad!
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Was my email helpful?
I love helping CPG!
My email was the one with the link to the room.
Was I too late.
From your fan Ig Blue.
By not working do you mean servers or cards not loading?
i am a ninja!!!! No joke!!!! i just turned into one!!!! OMG!!!!! I am so happy!!!!!! Mimo and gang u guys ROCK!!!!!!
is it just me? cuz when i logged on i lost all my belts but it still shows me wearing the one i had on previously in a duel.
its true. im not a member and can not buy the ninja suit. im depressed
Yay im on green belt now!
I just came home from shopping!
i am still working on it!!!! Liznewyork
Grr! Im like green belt and sensie makes me challenge brown belts grr!
Dear flippers 600,
Weird. The same thing happened to me. My red belt just dissappeared from my inventory, but I was still wearing it in the game. So I e-mailed club penguin and told them about it and they put the belt into my inventory. Good luck!
-Jiggly22(cpg mod)
Mimo, is it possible to beat Sensei? I have a black belt and I only have a starter deck, but no matter what he always beats me.
CP name: Stargal 55
(CPG Mod in Training)
How many Games do you need to win
(in the compition mode) to get to each belt?
It Won't Work For Me,I Get Into The Game And It All Shows Up But My Cards Won't Appear!
no ninjas.WHY ME?!?!
any help ANYBODY!?!?
how can u sneak in i want to I'm only a blue belt
mimo can u put how many win to get a new belt plz im having a hard time :(
Im a Green Belt, and I STILL haven't gone up any more!!!!!!!
anonymous said...
Mimo, is it possible to beat Sensei? I have a black belt and I only have a starter deck, but no matter what he always beats me.
Response:Well Anonymous heres a trick sensei gets the one that beats what you hover over go really quickly to the next one the quickly click then you can try to beat Sensei!
ok guys this should help for those who dont know how to be a ninja.
First you will have to win many games in competition mode (try to win more often then loose).
After many wins eventually you will receive a black belt.
Now that is not the end of it.
You may now try to do it in sensei mode.
However he seems to be so good at it it seems like he is cheating.
So now you will have to go back to competition mode.
After a few games go back to sensei mode!
You might notice that sensei is getting weaker.
He gets weaker and weaker every time you win in competition mode.
So if sensei is not weak enough, go on competition mode and win a few more games.
When you finally beat sensei you will receive a mask and access to the ninja room. sensei will tell you the rest! good luck!
Many have been having troble logging in.
this may help
many cannot log in is because many are trying to login on the same server at the same time!
To log in pick a server that has many logged in already (maybe about 3,4,5 bars).
The reason we do this is because people see the bars and try not to log in that server. therefor almost no one is trying to log in.
However as you know the dojo in a popular server is most likly full right?
Well since no more people log in any more slowly the population will go down.
by Ig Blue (CPG Mod)
mimo do you have to be a member to get the ninja suit and everything else in the ninja catalog and will it ever be upgraded?
and will you ever get new cards in your deck?
CP name: Xchxerxryx
Anonymous said...
how do you get in thare i am a black belt
I think u have to beat Sensei first
b4 u can enter.
Hope this helps
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Wow! That's cool! But, there are no more mysteries. Ninjas and yellow puffles came, what's left to be a myth?
Maybe the ice burg will finally be tipped! lol
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Mimo, i am a ninja, it takes time tobeat the sensei, but you have to play against him until he misses and you win, but my problem is that im not a member and i cant buy the ninja outfit.
Can someone please help me and get me at least a one day membership, please help me!!
Thank you, Rackity
Hey im sorry but u cant get 1 day memberships and even if u could after the membership ended u couldnt wear the outfit.
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Lol congratz mate
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Lol i luv chuck taylors and i luv the show Chuck we get that in NZ as well!
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
how do you get belts please please please tell me im crying
MIMO THIS IS AWESOME I'M A NINJA! At fist I thought that I couldn't beat Sensei, but after a few times he let me win! Unfortunately I'm not a member so I can't get all the cool ninja stuff. But once you win, at least you get a ninja mask thingy.
CP Name: Stargal 55
(CPG Mod in training)
bestcoolgirl asked:
i am a green belt and i want to be a ninja so bad!! i have 3 questions one can ninjas turn invisable? is it possible to beat the old gray penguin?if so, i cant!!!and i am so mad! and mimo are u aninja yet?
Yes, ninjas can turn invisible, but only if they are wearing the ninja suit which only members can buy. I'm guessing that they do it by wearing only the suit and doing clicking the wave or dance button.
I'm a ninja and you can beat the old gray penguin. At fist he may seem to win you all the time, but after a few rounds he lets you win really easily!
I'm not sure if Mimo's a ninja yet, maybe he will tell us in a blog entry!
CP name: Stargal 55
(CPG Mod in training)
Anonymous said :do you have to buy cp card irl to beat sensei
I don't think so hope this helps
Aubdog124(cpg mod I'm training)
anonymous yes you can beat the gray pengui idont know if nijas can turn invisible and no mimo is not a ninja
Aubdog124(cpg mod in training)
dear ace o spades it takes about 5 wins to get a white belt and are you talking to sensei and using competition mode it makes you get belts quicker
Aubdog124(cpg mod in training)
dear star gal 55 it is possible to beat sensei with a starter deck as anonymous said you must first use a water card then snow then fire
Aubdog124( cpg mod in training)
I know why everyones having glitches with the game. To make it work, you first have to look at your cards (In the awards part of your players card).
Hope it works for you now!
hey mimo i am stuck on yellow belt i have won like ten times now and it dtill wont work evan though the room is not full please help???
From seriousley depressed!!!:(
Yeah me too mimo! I can't get in either :( Its cuz of the bugs and everyone was trying to play it cp should of done it a different way i think.
Agent Lc (CPG Mod)
snik fire says:
mimo ninjas can turn invisible
Maybe but on clubpenguin it may be a bit hard to do that ;)
Agent Lc (CPG Mod)
anonymous says:
Mimo, is it possible to beat Sensei? I have a black belt and I only have a starter deck, but no matter what he always beats me.
Yes you can beat him. Keep on trying or if it comes down to this. Buy some trading cards from Toys R Us and you may get betetr ones ;)
I think i know how to make it work. Mine was stuffed up at 1st too, but i went to my invotery and clicked on the cards, excited, and it worked for me.
White Belt.
In order too get a white belt, you must win 4/5 games in comp. mode.
mimo go in the dojo and to the cusion to play the game
Yes Mimo I have finally done it! I am a ninja! I just defeated the sensei!
I have e-mailed CP about your issue Mimo. Hope it is fixed soon.
Im finally a ninja! You have to face the sensei at least 10 times in order to beat him and become a ninja!
Mimo, the game is'nt working for me too. I can see other players cards but i cant see my own! Its not fair..
Rock On Mimo~
*sigh* my sis. is ahead of me... -blushes-
To beat sensei you have to only use water and fire. hope this helps.
Clank 5 (CPG mod)
hi mimo i am having trouble too if you find out how to fix it pls post it
i can get into fight mode but i cant get any cards i have cards but they dont show up
did you know that the pot next to sensi changes colur
Mimo the catalog is only for i dont need it
hey mimo,
the card is not workin for me either! im ,losing my patience.
erm mimo do we need to be members in order to buy the ninja clothing ?
PENGUIN NAME - rock rahul1
hey it isnt working for me too aww i hate it
how do you beat sensai i can never beat him and i'm a BLACK BELT
Hey Mimo, I cant get on either!! I did last night but the DoJo was full. Go Figure. And now it still isn't working.
Woot! Purple Belt now =)
I'm already a black belt, but, I don't know how to win Sensei. :( Pls help me. He always win. I think he is the computer & computer is cheating.
comment on: I had a green belt but when i logged in it wasnt there?!
I had another penguin & i had the same problem too.
I always lose! I'm helping those other penguins to win! I don't get it! I don't want to lose! :(
I am a NINJA! It's so cool you can turn invisible and there a secret ninja catalogue where you can buy a dojo house, a screen, a lantern, a gong and of course, a ninja suit (1000 coins)!
Wow... that's really cool of you to put a picture there! It looks so cool!
how do you beat sensei
that really stinks mimo...tough luck. for me, its hard to even log into a server! and when i do, its hard to get into the dojo. but i somehow managed to get to the yellow belt. anywho...what did belt do u got? or have u never been able to play the game at all?
to win against the sensei just play against him many times, it seems you will never win, but saudenly he starts losing and gives you an oportunity to win. I won against him using the starter deck of cards, so it isnt imposible.
Mimo if card game not work on you, then how you can go in theare so fast ? Are you got some cheat ? :D
Plz say ;)
When you win against the sensei, he only gives you the ninja mask, nothing else.
i bought the cards and got a ninja card.but not on line.
When you become a ninja the sensei turns like a normal player you can win against him easier.
;D I'm a orange belt.
the card game isnt working for me either can somebody help me!?!?!
arggg, that happened to me too, my question is, will it not let you get on to clubpenguin, or are you just not able to get into card jitsu? Also you probably knew/know this, but, I just think that this is so cool, when you are a ninja and u are wearing the ninja suit, you are invisible. at first when I saw all these invisible penguins with names underneath, I thought that my computer just hadnt loaded, and after a while though, I got it yay!
rsle67 and (mostly) sktls12
i know how you feel mimo i probelly could be a blue belt by now but i have two accounts and im tying to become a ninja on both and my computer was acting up yesturday so when i tried to become a yellow belt on my second account i would win a game then click ok and it would say the dojo is full so the only way to get out of the game would be to quit it and that doesnt give you any points. that happened to me two times
Cool room!(Thanks for the picture)But I can't win the Sensei...:(
Uhh did you get a back of cards from sensie or whatever his name is. and you edit the pictures i figured that out but you fooled me the first time
I am red belt and i have found some tips for all of you!
- I'm am some how missing my orange belt, i still lost it, weep.
- You can lose and still get experience points.
- Sensei loses to you once you are a black belt.
-You can log off and still have your old experience points!
Hey guys, to all of u asking how many wins it take to get a new belt; It take between ten and twenty wins in competition mode.
hope this helps.
(my advice though, just don't worry about how many u gotta win, just play and enjoy it, you'll be a ninja in no time!)
I know Mimo, everyone wants to play so no one else gets a turn! T.T
I wrote to them and they answered.
Read it, maybe it will make you more happy than sad :D
" Dear Szoko & Kardzio,
We have been experiencing some minor bugs with the new game Card-Jitsu. We are
working extremely hard to get these problems all sorted out so you and your
brother can once again play to your hearts content! Until this time however,
we do appreciate your patience as we work to make Club Penguin better.
Best wishes,
Club Penguin Support
Josip52, I understand how you feel. if it wasnt for the Room full situation, I'd be on purple belt by now!
hey i ve a big problem...after i beat sensei i got the suit n later when i logged in there was no suit...n i beat sensei again bt this time the door didnt open... :( plz help me ..
Im a brown belt but i can't beat Peng Chi :S
I have tryed loads and won but im not a white belt yet!!! I WANNA BE A CP MEMBER BUT IM NO WAY ALOWED!!!!
I Cant get onto club penguin at all! it takes for ever to load then i give up! please help me im gettin annoyed!
mimo to earn belts you must play competition mode
how do u sneak in places dude:S
I am a green belt in training.
im a ninja and when is the contest winner going to be announced
Hi Mimo - I love checking your site for CP stuff.
I just LOVE the new card-jitsu and thanks for showing the Ninja room....I have an orange belt working towards black!
Now I have a couple of questions re the Trading cards: 1. I can´t find anywhere to buy them online except Ebay. Do you know when they will be available in the CP shop? (I am in Spain) 2. Do you know the price of the Value Deck? Ebay is fairly expensive if you "buy now".
Thanks so much -- hope you have time to answer.
the game doesn't work for me ether the cards don't appear when i play
Hi mimo im only white belt do u know how many things i have to win to get a black belt its a silly question
Im a black belt but i cant beat sensei! He CHEATS! How do you beat the guy! Please tell me!
I became a ninja today!! I was so happy lol! The secret room is awesome, with those gongongs and everything. But i do not like that only members can get the ninja outfit :( no fair...
I am sure that penguins can turn invisible by wearing the ninja outfit, I saw someone doing that in town...
Good luck to all those penguins who is still working for that black belt! :)
I think that quitting a game shouldn't be allowed, i keep on playing people who quit when they start to lose and its SO annoying
Great!!! (sarcasm) you probably have to be a member to buy the clothes:(
find out for me please!!!
You don't really sneak in, do you? If I'm correct you edit yourself in. I would be suspicious if you could actually because then you could be a mod
Im a ninja woohoo!!!!
how do u get to the room
Hey mimo since they said yes to 1 of ur ideas ask them if they could make it just a little bit easier to get a level up in the game? I played for about and hour and my level did not move!!!!!!!
Ok, a lot of penguins have been asking me how i got the ninja out fit and how to get into the secret room. I am going to tell you how. First you must play the card-jitsue game until you earn a black belt *note this will take a long time, I know because i am a black belt* Then once your a black belt, you must continuly face the sensei until you beet him. When you beet him, you go out side of the dojo and go in the room to the left of the dojo entance. There you can access the ninja catolog and buy ninja stuff! :)Hope this helps.
Leggofmyeggo (cpg mod)
wow im a ninja, im so happy about it. but its so sad that the suit is only for members :(
sighes 0mg mimo guess what happened to me!!!i have my white yellow but wait green not orange it totally took my orange belt away and gave me a green belt ??? post something explaining something please or is it the glitch thing
Yeah let the good time ru by role by the way iam osfoor iam going on club penguin in a half a hour at great white Dok ok mimo777
when you click the gongs it makes a gong noise!
i just wanna say thta if you dance while wearing the nija costume you become invisible... its really kool... thanks mimo
CP name: Carterj
It says that if you buy the cards at toys r us, it enhances your playing. but how?
Ace o spades said...
Mimo please help me!
I can't find any belts. Sensie wont even give me a white belt! what am i doing wrong???
Answer nothing you just got to keep trying in cop mode only. No the mats will never let you get a belt unless you can keep playing for like a month. The room can not be full when you win if it is it means it never happened. Hope that helps.-Snowball5004(cpg mod in training)
When I select my server, Fjord, for example, It keeps saying:
'Joining Fjord'! I cant get in!
Please help me, Mimo!
Mimo do u have to be a member to get the ninja suit
Hey mimo if the problem with the game is that the cards arent appearing? Just wait for the music to start and the cards will come up.:)
oh i really hope we dont have to be members to buy the ninja stuff!
That would suck! But the new game is really cool! You rock Mimo!!
mimo send a message to club penguion saying it isnt working it happened to me aswell so i sent a message to club penguin and they sent back 2 days later and it worked 4 me hope this helps
I can't beat sensei?How i beat sensei?
hey mimo how do u get a mask some peole have white belts and thay have the nija's mask ?
Guess what Mimo! I'm a ninja and it's awesome. Did you know that when you dance while wearing the ninja suit you turn in visible! It's awesome!
-Cashew(AKA Red Cheese42)
IM A NINJA!!!! yes awesome. hit the gong in the secret room with a snowball it rocks.
club penguin is fun but card jutsu is funner !!!!!!!
i don't like two things about the game...
1. i am a black belt in real life, but only an orange belt on cp
2. that it fill's up while I'm playing
Hey Mimo i have some methods to beat a sensi here are the codes each time they do it he gets weeker and weeker
1.Water Water Water
10 5 4
and keep doing it in order
2.Water Water Fire
5 10 12
for fire upload training cards and keep doing it in order thats all!!!!
Sincerly Candle234 Cpg Mod In Training
That is so cool Mimo! I bet when you get to play the game you will be a ninja within the next day! P.S Are you planning on getting "Club Penguin Elite Force on the DS"? I just need a NEW DS. I broke mine.Hee Hee :B P.S.S Its coming out in 5 DAYS! P.S.S.S Digo900, You get to turn invisible wen you dance!!
i lost my ninja suit.:(
Hi mimo, im on brown belt.. nearly there! Im so impatient it takes ages to get to black belt! Arghh! What belt are you on? Do any of you ninjas have any tips?
I can't play my cards won't show.
In response to Mad Fan, who said:
Mimo do u have to be a member to get the ninja suit
Hey Mad Fan! Yes, you do have to be a member for the ninja suit. But you can still be a ninja without being a member when the sensei gives you the ninja mask! Hope this helped!
-Survivor91-(CPG Mod)
In response to Anonymous, who said:
When I select my server, Fjord, for example, It keeps saying:
'Joining Fjord'! I cant get in!
Please help me, Mimo!
Hey! Well, what you're experiencing is a common problem. The server would have probably crashed due to loads of people logging in at the same time. Alternatively, you could always try Portugese servers as they rarely crash.Hope this helped!
-Survivor91-(CPG Mod)
In response to chels129, who said:
hey mimo how do u get a mask some peole have white belts and thay have the nija's mask ?
Hey!You can get the ninja's mask only when you get your black belt and defeat the sensei. The people wearing the white belts and ninja masks could be doing it for fun,because even when you become a ninja, you get to wear your past belts. So,hope this helped!
-Survivor91-(CPG Mod)
In response to Anonymous, who said:
I can't beat sensei?How i beat sensei?
Hey! Firstly, you must have your black belt to beat sensei.Secondly, you cannot beat him the first time you challenge him. You need to face him at least 8-10 times before beating him. This actually means that patience is more important than skill, when you're talking about defeating sensei.Hope this helped!
-Survivor91-(CPG Mod)
im a black belt ninja but i can't get the black eyepiece thing becauz i have to beat the sensei which is like impossible
here is how to be ninja go to that guy and ALWAYS pick your worst card and keep trying until you beet him it works !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MIMO i love your site!! its BRILL!! I really wanna be a ninja, but im stuck on GREEN belt:(!!
im stuck on green belt :(, is there a CHEAT to become a ninja or black belt??
Im a ninja, But i wont spoil the suprise for you when you do get to be one! All i'll say is that the Ninja suit is for members only :(
Anymous, I'll answer the q's for u.
1. Yes you can
2. It is, But only when ur on black belt. You'll lose 8 times but after tht u can win.
3. Well...Im not Mimo so i cant answer that!
Fyora187 - Trainer MOD
mimo, they fixed the game glitch!!
woot!! i tested it today!!
DX i was a ninja but i lost my mask
how do you get belts????? help
Your Awesome!!!!!!
so going sneaking hey well take me with you!!!!!
heya! im finally a ninja! phew, patience is the key, if u play sensei heaps of times, he wins (obvioiusly) but to my surprise, if i kept going i started throwing snow at him and water bombs-was i actually beating sensei? yes, i was. anyone can do it! just never give up!
its me from two above did you talk to the sensei to get your cards?
How do you get in? I NEEEEED to know.It looks so COOL!@--,--'--}=-)
the card games isn't working for me ethier and i've contacted clubpenguin support ill tell u what i know when i get it
Ur website is the best. u have all the new cheats and all the pins and cataolg secrets. ur site is frick'n awesome!!!!!
Clubpenguin is mesed up bigtime it is extremely cloged up with pepole!
What did everyone on the planet start loging on at the same time!
Im only on for 5 minits and the server crashs!
I an finally a white belt waddle on!
woot! my mask is back
How do you become a ninja/get belts???
Mimo,I am only a white belt sadly,and I was wondering if you could give me tips on getting belts I REALLY REALLY want 1!
By Icetween[CPG Mod]
Mimo,You rock! I wish I was a ninja.But I haven't even made it past the white belt....Well at least thats a start.[Sort of]
By Icetween[CPG Mod]
im a ninja already,if you want to beat sensei you have to keep me he will mess up
Heya Mimo I reckon ur accoutnis fab and anyways I'm a white belt and I've played like twenty times yet and i've won nearly all of them but I can't get the next belt what am i doing wrong?
this is weird
i lost in competition mode, but i got my yellow belt right after i lost
hey mimo im not sure if its a glitch or a secrete but i was in the ninja room and i started up a party of throwing snowballs at the 4 gongs on the roof and they gong when you hit them but when i left i went to the gift shop and the gongs were still making noise that i could hear...just thought you should know
OH and you don't have to bye cards to beat Sensei! In fact im not going to bye cards at alll!ok i might.
i won my black belt but couldnt beat sensei!! then i took my black puffle with me and beat him 4 times in a row!! dont know if this makes you win but it worked for me!! sensei gave me a ninja mask and let me into the secret room! you get to it through a door behind the stone at the pond in the dojo court yard! other than the catalog there are only some mats and gongs, really rather dull!! im off to get some couns to buy the ninja costume!!
Hey Mimo777! I just managed to beat Sensei, so it would be cool if you wrote on your website that to beat Sensei, you have to: click as fast as possible on the cards you want to play, and you will beat him 4 times out of 5!!!!
Hi ill show u my player card wanna meet up im a ninja!
Hi Mimo, I am a Ninja. but i cant buy a Ninja outfit. Because i am not a member. Please help me to buy a costume. Please
ok guys here it is
White belt: win 5 games
Yellow belt: win a total of 13 games
Orange belt: win a total of 21 games
Green belt: win a total of 30 games
Blue belt: win a total of 40 games
Red belt: win a total of 52 games
Purple belt: win a total of 64 games
Brown belt: win a total of 76 games
Black belt: win a total of 88 games
Ninja: challenge sensei around 5-10even if you lose and wait for him to make a mistake, then beat him.
1 win= 1 win
3 losses= 1 win
thats what i did
hey mimo,
i need help.i am a green belt how can i beet
mimo,how can i beat the sensei?
to beat the sensie you need a black belt and you need to keep trying
Alice2223 CPGMod
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