We had so much fun last time, let do it again!
Ok, this is pretty unbelievable! READ THIS CLOSELY. Anyone attending my Planet Cazmo Party can register for a free Nintendo Wii. NOW GET THIS. This Wii giveaway is ONLY for those attending MY PARTY! WOOT! That's right, Planet Cazmo will track each login of those attending my party and will give a Nintendo Wii to one person attending my party! For real and serious!

This Saturday, November 29!
1:00 PM Western Time USA
1:00 PM Club Penguin Standard Time
3:00 PM Central Time USA
4:00 PM Eastern Time USA

SERVER: Bassville
ROOM: The Beach at the Volleyball Court

There will special cool thing at the beach, but I can't tell you about it. You just have to see it to believe it. :)
Also, memberships have come to Cazmo! Buy NOW through the end of the year and you get one month for FREE!
Membership Benefits:
Receive a Monthly Allowance of Cash ($5) and Coins(1000)!
Get Huge Cazmo Store Discounts!! (50%)
New Homes for members only!
Music Instruments! Jam on it!
Special NEW Locations!
Special NEW Clothes!
And last but not least .... PETS!
Click here for details.
CPG's Planet Cazmo names:
Mimo (not Mimo777)
U Fride
Me Santa
Click here now to register free! Hurry, sweet usernames still available!
Q. Hey Mimo, why do you have Planet Cazmo parties now and not Club Penguin parties?
A. We will always have Club Penguin parites! But there is more room on Planet Cazmo for more ppl. Besides, its new and fun!
Q. Hey Mimo, will you do another Club Penguin party soon?
A. Yes! We are will have another clues and hints party soon!
See you at the Mimo Planet Cazmo Free Wii Party!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

Awesome! A wii? Are you joshing me? :) I will so be there!
Oh yea, every time I enter "c" for a website address, your website comes up.
Cool. Ill be there. U should start putting CPG Mods on the list to. Well be their.
Ill be there
i cant belive this
Asome! I already have an account and the party for Halloween was Asome! I CANT WAIT!!!!
cool,but cant come.i got to go to school on saturday:(
Yo Mimo, what is the time for the party if you live in England
thats great!! i'll totally be there. will you add ppl to ur buddy list there?
Awesome! Just managed to perswade my mum to let me join! I will be there! btw what the UK time?
please dont give up cp for pc (planet cozmo) pleaaaaase and
A WII i have one but its not working that well
BTW: whats the time if u live in EGYPT? I am egyptian
mimo why cazmo? i like it when u say hints and riddles,its more fun.can u do one soon?plz?i <3 this website too.
Pinkiwinki9 said...
thats great!! i'll totally be there. will you add ppl to ur buddy list there?
Mmo will add ppl on his list. Good Luck finding him.
i already have a wii so...
i already have a Wii it gets kinda boring after a while
I will try to be there. My cousins are comin down from upstate NY, so I might be doing something with them.
P.S. I just got a planet cazmo membership for 6 months.
im STILL nota cpg mod? im not complaining but i just answered a BUNCH of questions for u and them mimo!(ps i think i no u, were do u live?)and mr fun 5, thats a glitch, what kind of computer r u using? i will help if u tell me what kind of computer u have, otherwise i wont know wat to do. and mimo, plz have a party, not quicky, because i can't see ur quickies remember? i think its cool that theres somethin else in this party for us! thnx. i dont play cazmo tho.8 bella girl8
awwww Mimo can u hav some parties on CP,ur last two "big" parties were on PC can u make the next one on CP?
i already have a wii :)
Dear anonymous,
You have to answer a LOT of questions to e a mod. I've been trying for aboout 2 months and I'm still not a mod. Also, you should use a nme othere than anonymous. It would look weird on the sidebar: anonymous. ANd one more thing, you need to put cpg mod next to your name.
-Jiggly22(cpg mod)
I Already have a Wii but i will still come
I went to your last party, and it wasn't a blast. IT WAS BETTER THAN A BLAST! I 'm going to be there, for the Wii and for Mimo.
You can bet on me being there
Mimo, how will you have the wii sent to people? Is it people in America only? I live in New Zealand, I want to come, but can people outside of America still win? I also need to find out what time it is in NZ ;)
Waddly Penny
Awesome!!! I am SOOOO coming! Waddle on dude!
i already gotta wii mimo!
the ganes are awesome
(maybe better than cp, maybe)
sweet! do you have a WII mimo? i do!
I'll be there.CP name-Funyun1
PC(Planet Cazmo)name-Funyun
i already have a wii but i wanna come i might win eeek what if i win
i already have a wii but i wanna come i might win eeek what if i win
HEY MIMO!!! i'm zapper903 from cp! I HAVE A pc account!! i'll defenently come!!!!!!!!!! o btw whats ur pc user?? and can i bring some friends?? :P
Mimo's Plant Cazmo screen name is Mimo. There you go Zapper902oncp Have fun in the party!
( CPG Mod)
I'll be there!
P.S. Happy Holidays!
omg awesome my wii just broke so that would be kool!!!
cool!!! a Wii!?!?!?! OMG i am sooo there wats so special im gonna go check. BRB
hi happy thanksgiving i feel bad for the trukeys cool
ouch i might not be able to come because i have SATURDAY CLASS the horror!!(kidding about the horror part)anyway i rarely go i hope i wont.
There is a cool glitch which turnes you invisible!!!
You need to go to a igloo and you might become invisible.
sweet! I already have a PC account and I will SO be there ;-) Could u add the cazmo "Johnnpikachu" at the party? That would be sweet! You rock mimo!
Mimo, why have you been talking about Planet Cazmo so much on you're CLUB PENGUIN blog lately, and next time you have a Club Penguin party, can you do it on a really empty server, because anytime you have a party, the server is always full and I can't go to your party.
Happy Thankgiving.
- Natho Dude (CP NAME)
no affence but planet cozmo is wierd!!!
mimo i got the Cp DS game! thw secret room is so cool!
whoa... ppl get registered for a wii if ppl attend your party?!?!? whoa that tottally rocks!
oh ya and im gonna attend
well I got a Wii so it dont matter if I win. I cant wait for party!
im going to your party :)
Mimo i met another guy named mimo someting and he said he was you and took all the credit foryour website.Als plz be my friend on plnaet cazmo.My username is Aqua angel and i will be at beastreet at any time
mimo is not giving out the wii, someone else is and the people who come to mimo's party will be entered into the drawing.
What time is the party if you live in Ca?
whoa! in the hq....there is a tv that leads to the dojo courtyard. it says "dojo courtyard"
-Klosefigo (penguin name)
Super Cool! A Nintendo Wii! Wow..... But I won't be able to come cos in Singapore (Where I live), 1pm PST is like, 5 in the morning! Anyway, good luck to all of you! Tell me who wins the Wii, ok?
COOL im just becoming a person on
planet cozmo and IT IS WICKED :D
zapper903oncp said...
HEY MIMO!!! i'm zapper903 from cp! I HAVE A pc account!! i'll defenently come!!!!!!!!!! o btw whats ur pc user?? and can i bring some friends?? :P
His name is Mimo. Not Mimo777 like CP. And sure you can bring friends.
if u ever see me my planet cazmo is shortez so if u every see me plz add me!
i also met mimos bodygaurd today it was awesome
Cool Mimo Ill be there!
As a reminder to everyone, my party starts in two hours(woot!), ant 8:30PST, 3:30 Australian EST. It is on Fjord on the Soccor Pitch. WOOT!
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod
What time is the party if you live in Ca?
To figure out the time, look at the time Mimo posted for PST. Then go on CP and look at the Snow Forts clock. See the time? Well, find out how many hours until the party from that clock and then add those hours to your time. Easy as pie, even though it sounds complicated :P
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod
hey mimo.i joined this weekend.i cant wait.it would be so cool and i could also win a wii!!!!!!!!!!!!!i hopefully can come.
I'll come! My PC and CP name is Zsxd.
I will try n go! Don't worry Mimo and CPg...You will get to be a ninja soon ;)
Im waiting for the newspaper!
awesome idea mimo and also if u need a CP EPF walkthrough writer if ur interested respond to this comment. My penguin name is Swokey.
Zapper, Mimo's pc user is MIMO
Kay guys the party is started and Im also on Cazmo on Bassville at the Beach volleyball bit. My un is Dragonbreath.
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod
Hey Stickers,
I'm waitin for the newspaper too. IDK what time it is there, but it's 11:30 here and I'm gettin tired. 30 minutes to go. "Yawn"
My party is on now yay. Fjord, soccor pitch.
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod
I saw somone with an i pod and when they dance musical notes were abouve them how can I get One!!!
Hi Mimo,
That's awesome that you're having a Planet Cazmo party again. I'm an ambassador of Planet Cazmo. My name is Black Wolf. I can't wait for your next party. I'm comin for sure.
No ones coming to my pparty ;(
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod
No Way!! I can't wait to until the Mimo Planet Cazmo Free Wii Party!!! I want to win...
I saw somone with an i pod and when they dance musical notes were abouve them how can I get One!!!
You have to unlock it with a code that comes with cp merc.
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod
Dear anonymous,
When you buy a cp toy in stores or online, some come with a acode. Enter the code on Club Penguin and you can choose 2 items from a catalog. On the exclusives page, there is the ipod. Dance w/ it and music notes come.
-Jiggly22(cpg mod)
Hey ~Ambassador BW~,
How do you become an ambassador? I was wondering.
Omg Mimo! You're the most generous person i have ever known! And i know u give out free memberships but a Wii??? UR SO NICCEEEE I'M SO THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sweet ill see wat i can do. Hopefully ill be ther.
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Ok ive made a PC account sweet nobodys taken A kiwi boy so thats my CP and PC name
P.s sorry Penguin powa i would of came to ur party but i was at softball practice so soz ill be at the next one.
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Ok ive made a PC account sweet nobodys taken A kiwi boy so thats my CP and PC name
P.s sorry Penguin powa i would of came to ur party but i was at softball practice so soz ill be at the next one.
Lol thats ok and thanks for the thought. I ended up making some friends anyways and we had a massive snowball fight it was adorable.
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod
the people saying 2i already have a wii" well get 2 wiis sell the old one
Hey Mimo!
Good News ill attend your party cos its my BDAY on that day. cant wait
see you there!
Yours truly Sam
(Dragon raid)
ok! That's Sunday 8am my time!
srry mimo i want to go to my first mimo party so bad but its my cousins bday so bye
There are only about 40 ambassadors. We have the funny pink hats with the A on it. To become an ambassador, you must have a site based on PC, follow the rules, help cazmos old and new, and a bunch more stuff. Chief (He picks ambassadors) emails invites to people who he think have the talent to be an ambassador. I betcha if you guys make a site based on Planet Cazmo then Mimo would be an ambassador for sure, unless someone else owned it.
Hello, Mimo777.
I'm an official ambassador of Planet Cazmo and would like to thank you for having another Planet Cazmo Party. It helps Planet Cazmo a lot! My username is MuTe and I've been playing Planet Cazmo since December 2007.
Thank you,
Planet Cazmo Ambassador MuTe
p.s. Watch out for the aliens! They're attacking!
Will the party go on past 4:00 central time?
its going to be lame
What time would it be in the UK?
LOL... "Tracking users who come to your party" is like, freaky. But a Wii is pretty cool. :D
1 more thing....What time will it be there if it is in Australia?
did ur mom buy the wii along with all your other club penguin toys
I wish i could be there, but, the time that you have given i will be asleep. :(
i joined planet cazmo fr u mimo
Why can't it be a nintendo DS? It's not a new Wii cp game out now it's a DS game and even though i live in australia I am dieing for a DS my mum will NEVER buy it. Even if I beg her a million times (like I did with membership)it won't work so have a DS 1.
Hello mimo777, I am official planetcazmo ambassador and I want to say to you a big thank you for doing partys in planetcazmo.The reason that thousands of new people joined planetcazmo is you!I will do my best to come to your party :)
~Ambassador Spiros~
mimo.i just saw that surprise and it rocks.im not saying what it is,find out like mimo said.
The place your party is at....
They put a sign there and it says "welcome to mimo's planet cazmo party"
Planet Cazmo pit a sign there!!!!
coooooool it says mimo party
hiya im so coming im your buddy i was at the last party
mimo!!! We are waiting for you in beach ! ;)
how did you get the sign there Mimo?
my father bought my sister n i a Wii today! :D
omg a free wii!! i already have one but i can sell it with my GC and finally buy an xbox360 ive been wanting won for so effin long! yesss!!
Hey again Mimo, I just wanted to say that you guys may want to spread out a bit... The volley ball room isn't the biggest, I suggest if you move rooms, move to the island with all the heads. You can go in all the water and stay on the island.
Ambassador Black Wolf
A.K.A Ambassador BW
you are cool
mimo thanx !!!!!!u so cool!!love u!!!
I thought your blog was about Club Penguin. You know, like "Club Penguin Parties" or something like that. Anyway, I'M A HUGE MIMO777 FAN! I EVEN PUT YOUR BANNER ON MY SITE!
it was so fun!
i met you mimo
u fride and china 9
and a kiwi boy
and MuTe
To mimo777
Can i be a (CPG MOD) please let
me. and you ROCK Mimo your wepsite
ROCKS and the Best in the World
Rock on. and I love yor parties
From Asda12
hi guys im having a party
where:mammoth Dock
when:tuesday 03rd dec 08
why: ill be 200 days old!
cya there hope you can make it!
cya there!
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