Here are some of the smoove Christmas decorations you will be able to get in the new Better Igloos Catalog that will come out this Friday.

Wow, I can't believe it is time to decorate our igloos for Christmas already. Are you going to decorate yours?
Oh, and here is a sweet Card Jitsu cheat for all you penguins like Mimo that can not access your cards to play. You can still earn your belts! All you have to do is go to competitive mode and try to play. After the timer runs out, it will say you lost because you do not have any cards. But, keep playing other matches. You will eventually earn your belts even though you do not win! And, sometimes you will win, if your player loads before another player that also does not have cards. Saweet!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

What do you mean by Competitive Mode?
Cool cheat! I'm cant try it beacuse i already am a ninja master so it would not work but thanks anyway! I love the site! ROCK ON MIMO!
from mileyfan3333
I love Christmas!
And cool Card Jitzu tip =)
Well, it's not so bad considering Christmas lights were put up 2 weeks ago in my town.
And Mimo...I know what chcuks are! My sister has a pair!
o kool i wish i want sick :( but kool u fride rocks!
it is no fun to be a Ninja if I don't earn it
Cool! that was fast!!
that cheat is CONFUSING!
-337 NOEL
Cool i think it will be brill im sunmonkey i really what to meat your penguin mimo your so cool your name should be in lights
At Erina Fair (BIG SHOPPING CENTRE I MEAN BIG) had christmas stuff in like 3 weeks ago and 3 weeks ago we put up our tree he he! I love X Mas! Not becuase of the presents, just for god and celetbrating the year!
Anonymous Said:
What do you mean by Competitive Mode?
Well competitive mode can be accesed by talking to sensei. Competitive mode is where sensei puts you up to a Card-Jitsu challenge with another penguin who has the same skill level as you!
mimo this is just like real department stores that put of decorations in november~
thanks mimo u helped me alot
It is snowing here in New York. My friends live in Alaska and they have so much more snow!
Dont forget about coin code contest mimo!
lol im happy i went up a belt following ur advice
I've got white belt using this "style" and I can't earn more belts!
I Have a cheat mimo. If you can't get into the dojo, go to the hq and keep pressing the screen. You will get in before you try 7 times.
Yeah! When I was "playing", the Sensei appeard and I've earned yellow belt!
Hooray! Mimo rocks!
I will be decorating my igloo.
As soon as any magazines come out i buy everything!
when are you announcing the winner of the coin code conest 2
Hey Mimo, is the ninja suit available for purchase by nonmembers?
i lost all my belts y? :(
Hey Mimo! Im a ninja! Im so happy. I like my gong and the ninja suit. TO ALL NON-MEMBER NINJAS:
If you become a ninja and not a member you cant get the suit. you just get a face mask. (Which is cool your like a bandit!)
- Natho Dude (CP Name)
We got the free card pack mimo
cool i cant wait to try it!!!!!
What is christmas? ps im not from usa.
hey mimo thers a new thing ninjas can turn invisable u should post all the tricks masters can do
I have a new way that makes it easier for me to get in the dojo because it is always full.
Go to the Spy Hq.
Press on the dojo screen.
If it says full, just click on it again untill it works.
Its easier than pressing on the door (which it only lets me do once).
from wemblymania
This was wierd yesterday I saw one penguin in a ninja suit. Wow!
Idk if ill ever become a ninja!
Rock on!
Who won the contest mimo?
Fang2345 (soon to be CPG mod)
I still can't get any belts! I've played LOADS of matches and still have not gotten a belt! How do I?
christmas is coming soon! wohoo!
I LOVE the new game!!!
It is soo fun... even though it never loads...
And since Mimo didn't say...
wers the coin code contest winna
red jays
I have green belt my 4-year old brother has blue and my 8-year old brother has no belts LOL. I can't wait to get black
i cant even get into club penguin now :(
How many matches do you have to win to become a "Yellow Belt?"
in greece, they keep the christmas lights up all year. idk why though, probably theyre lazy! lol. cool tip
regiking7. cpg mod.
Anonymous said...
red jays
What's a Viking contest???
Dear anonymous,
Christmas is in my opinion, and many others, THE BEST HOLIDAY EVER!!!! I'm not sure of the religious terms, but everyone gives gifts to everyone. It rules!
Dear any club penguin gang mods,
HELP! I can't beat sensei for my life. Do you have to get the real cards to beat him? He always counters with whatever beats your card! Wahh.
you have to talk to the sensie then listene to the instructions then he will give you your cards
Nice tip Mimo! ;) Gonna try it right away.
Can you help me beat Sensei?
i no, i cant believe x-mas is here so soon! weirdddd
on a radio station in chicago, they are already playing christmas music!!!
Hai Mimmo jst wanted to say that it wuld be a great idea if rooms culd not get full the reson for this iz because of the new card game in the dojo the room iz always ful and no 1 can get in and also wen ur in the midle of a game wen it iz finished u cnt get out of it so u hav 2 go to a different place on the map at least make it that no 1 else can come in so u can exit the game without havn 2 quit nd go 2 a difrent place nd hope u cn get bak in cause evn if u go2 a serva with 1 thing in it itz stil alwayz ful anyway!!!!!! plz help!!!
are there any cheats so u can get al the belts at once
for you to play you have to play a game then when you lose keep on playing until it loads you cards i think
i LUV x mas i don't get the cheat either can you explain in a different way so we understand.
Anonymous said...
What is christmas? ps im not from usa.
Well Christmas is a holiday were you and your family spend time together and open presents from Santa. It is celebrating the birth of Christ. Ps Santa is this guy who lives in the northpole and his elves make the toys. He flies on Christmas Eve night in his sleigh pulled by 8 reindeer.(9 if it is foggy.) He gives presents to good kids and coal to bad kids. O yeah and on this holiday you get to put up a Christmas Tree and decorate it. Christmas is really the BEST HOLIDAY EVER!-snowball5004(cpg mod in training)
Jiggly22 said:
Dear any club penguin gang mods,
HELP! I can't beat sensei for my life. Do you have to get the real cards to beat him? He always counters with whatever beats your card! Wahh.
From my experience, once you win your black belt and battle Sensei to become a ninja, at first he may seem to win every round. After playing quite a few rounds, he lets you win really easily! So don't give up!
CP name: Stargal 55
(CPG Mod in training)
hey mimo,
the timer doesnt go off i waited for almost an hour wat can i do?
anonymous asked........
What is christmas? ps im not from usa.
ans: christmas is celebrated in december it is believed that jesus christ was born on this day. it is celebrated all over the world actually im also not from US but i see ppl celebrate it over here too. it will be snowing outside and inside everybody will be getting their christmas gifts which was kept under the christmas tree.
happy christmas
(cpg mod)
Anonymous said...
are there any cheats so u can get al the belts at once
ans: i would say that there arent any cheats like that because cp does not want us to be lazy so try doing it 1 by 1!
(CPG mod)
hey mimo,
i got a white belt witha lot of diffuculty as i didnt have cards i mean they werenot appearin now the belt is not in my inventory but im wearin t in the game and my cards r also not appearin ! why helpp meee can u pls mail cp and ask them fix this up its happening to everyone in cp!
(cpg mod)
I Can't beat Sensei without those whole range of cards!!! I tried heaps of times but still doesn't work since i need more powerful cards& I think Sensei can actually read your cards or something because every single time i have a go, he beats me so easily!!! Please help Mimo!!!
opinkroseyo: what do you mean by competititve mode?
chky: you can play competition mode by talking to sensei.
anonymous: is the ninja suit available for purchase of non members?
chky: sadly, no.
anonymous: what is christmas?
chky: omg! so.. christmas is a holiday, a season and a celebration. we celebrate the birth of jesus christ. we celebrate by going to mass and giving gifts and spending time with others.
anonymous: are there any cheats so you'll get all the belts at once?
chky: i think no....
hey mimo, u rock! when will you make me a mod? I actually skip studying just to answer your comments :P ^.^
im correcting what i said earlier. i won the viking penguin plush toy with code. I CANT BELIEVE IT AND ITS ALL BECAUSE OF YOU MIMO.YOU TOLD ME ABOUT IT.MIMO IS A GREAT GUY PEOPLE!
red jays
p.s. i swear im not lieing
its the viking penguin plush toy give away, remember that.
I have a guestion. Why can't I get past the white bealt. I have played so many time and have won. But I can't get all the other bealts. Can someone tell me why.
I hope that the Ninja Suit isnt for JUST members! It would be unfair, seeing other penguins have trained so hard.
yeah mimo i know i hate that i cant play and everytime that i play it says that i have no cards i need help as well and i send a support mail to club penguin and they didnt even care about this they just told me to """wait"""...
Your site rocks man@!!!
I'm now on blue belt :]
And I didn't have to buy cards (I can't cos I live in the UK)And it actually says in the newspaper that you CAN get to ninja level even if you don't buy the cards, it will just be slower.
I admit, it has taken me at least 4 hours of battling to get to the level I'm at, and you have to play loads of matches!! However, I think you get the belts quicker if you talk to the Sensei and then click competition mode for him to randomly choose somebody for you to play with. That's what I've been doing, and I promise that the hard work pays off (even though it may seem that you've been playing for ages with no reward)
However, I've gotta say that battling the Sensei himself is practically IMPOSSIBLE. It's like he can read your cards, because he gets the right one to block you every time. No joke. Can somebody please help me defeat him?
Sorry it's such a long comment but I wanted to try and help everyone. :]
it keeps saying load ur cache wen i try to go on CP...GRR ill never b a ninja1 i dont even have a white belt!!!! plus, i NEEd to buy new furniture!! ill go on at 6am and c if it one ever goes on then!
lets say u become a white belt, then yellow, ect. can u keep all ur belts? or do u trade in???
1)Get a Black Belt (PLAY ONLY COMP. MODE)
2)Play Sensei (he SHOULD beat you)
3)Play Sensei again
4)Repeat Step 3 until you beat Sensei
Tip: On step 4, he will get weaker and let you win more rounds each time you play. However, if you start beating him, I recommend using Fire or Water (three times with different colors) as he almost always beats Snow.
Hope this helps!
Penguins: Tilefloor2 and Generalman96
Belts: Tilefloor2:None (Got glitched)
Generalman96:Ninja (AWESOME)
blue belt yeah!!!!
Dear Anonymous,
competitive mode is the same thing as sitting on the mat. It's all the same.
-flipper(CPG Mod)
Dear Anonymous,
Christmas is a holiday celebrated by christians. Kind of like juish people and hannukah. But Christmas is a much bigger holiday. You put presents under a lighted up tree, and then on Christmas, everyone opens the presents!
dear Fang2345,
the winner of the coin code contest is mousyblack
-flipper(CPG Mod)
Dear Jiggly22,
Are you a black belt? You must be a black belt to win against sensei. I have heard that after ten or more times of playing against sensei you win.
-flipper(CPG Mod)
Mimo, I can not get my green belt!!!!!!! I write it down everytime I win a match, and I've won almost eighty now!! How long does it usually take??????
-flipper(CPG Mod)
Mimo, I can not get past the white belt! I'm so mad! I can't I need advise.But I did win like 100 now. It's a rip off.
By Icetween[CPG Mod]
Mimo,I'm only a white belt. I see so many people wearing a black belt,A blue belt, A green belt,And a purple belt!
By Icetween[CPG Mod]
i can't even got on club penguin its not lettin me!!
waah >:-(
o and whata that cheat that every1s talkin about?
dear enenyone, who needs help on anything!!!????
whoops sorry anonymous
ur awsome mimo ur cheats never are wrong
what do you mean by 3rd step
dear jack
step 3 means that when u r a black belt u have to play sensi again to see if u win
bad mods of cp (CPG Mod)
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