Here is the new Club Penguin pin cheat!

Here is how to find the new Club Penguin Pin.
Step 1. Go to The Forest.
Step 2. Now go to the bottom on the screen.
Step 3. Now click on the Snow Shovel!
This is the second shovel pin! The other one was red. Do you have it?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

so kool
what is the catalog
Heyya Mimo!
Yea I got the red one!
thizz relates to the dojo reexcavating...hmmm
Cool you rock the Club Penguin World
But dont rock to hard or else a avelanche will come LOL :)
Dont ever stop this website!
Kush1996 my penguin name
This is awesome!
theres a ninja in the coat rack at the gift shop!
I you dance with the shovel you will dig up snow
Credit to Stickers303!
Anonymous said...
theres a ninja in the coat rack at the gift shop!
Heyya! Mimo already knows this! There are other nija sighting! Check at previous post and see!
+stickers303 CPG Mod+
omg mimo i need u to email me i have the best ninja proof! what's ur email? don't worry i won't email bad stuff i just have 2 ninja proof photo's! plz reply asap!!!!!!
scorpio171 said...
omg mimo i need u to email me i have the best ninja proof! what's ur email? don't worry i won't email bad stuff i just have 2 ninja proof photo's! plz reply asap!!!!!!
Hey mimos email is but make sure u check the earlier post to make sure mimo hasnt found them b4
Hope this helps
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
hey the the light house has a ninja shadow. if you want to find it go inside light house and find the net
racerxboi if u or any other mods want to meet up sort out a time and place and ill see wat i can do
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
what is the catalog
It is a magazine for members that is located in the gift shop to buy clothes.
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod Wannabe
omg mimo i need u to email me i have the best ninja proof! what's ur email? don't worry i won't email bad stuff i just have 2 ninja proof photo's! plz reply asap!!!!!!
You can mail them to the CPG Site mail account, wich you can find by looking at any competition post.
Pengwun Powa- CPG Mod Wannabe
Yes, I have the red one, good post!
make me a moderator pls
I got the Red Snowshovel
i think this shovel belongs to the dojo
Yeah...Red Shovel was my second Pin!
But my favourite background is now in Gift Shop! Buuu...
scorpio171 said...
omg mimo i need u to email me i have the best ninja proof! what's ur email? don't worry i won't email bad stuff i just have 2 ninja proof photo's! plz reply asap!!!!!!
Cpg's email address is
Lu2196( hoping to be a cpgmod)
there is a ninja in the lighthouse in the fish net.
hey mimo
thx for the cheats and i have the red shovel
isnt that the second snow shovel cheat? cool!
hey mimo go to the dojo and scroll over the white space on the left side.Near the top of the white space your coursor will click and a ninja will jump by one of the windows!!! Click a lot of times and ninjas will come one after another!!!!! PLEASE POST!!
hey mimo you won't believe what i found out a few days ago. i did some research on ninjas on club penguin and i found out that a long time ago maybe when club penguin first started club penguin used to have this ninja costume for members and you used to be able to buy it but then i dont know what happend but they made it so you cant get it anymore and they took it away from every penguin who brouget it except this one penguin whos name is Wwe Adam so one time he put on his ninja costume and stayed on club penguin for a few seconds and thats how the legend of the ninja started :). btw if you wanna cheek out his website its :) if you post this on a blog one day please give credit to supercuty06
hey mimo theyre is a glitch on the dock with the snow shovel! you stand at the beggining at dig it will go through the wood how awesome is that!hope you put it on your blog and put my name on the post! bye!
I Have The Red One!
hey mimo , super cool
Anonymous said...
there is a ninja in the lighthouse in the fish net
good spotting but mimo alredy found that just try tolook at the older post first and then post that ok hope this helped
sarpisces said...
make me a moderator pls
*BryannaRox CPG Mod said*
I see you want to be a mod. It is a big job and only a select few are chosen however. I am also trying to be a mod. There was a post a few months ago from mimo saying he was short on mods. He told us in the comments section, to answer questions and so he knows that we want to help, put cpg mod with our name or post it in our comment. I had this account before he posted the message so I don't have it on my username. Once a mod, you need to help mimo and answer questions still. Good luck!
-BryannaRox(CPG Mod)
mimmo how log do you think it will be untill the dojo is dug up??
from Bananband
i have the red one
yes i have the red shovel.
any update on the fire, water, and snow thing.
Weird,2 penguins with the same name started doing the same movements and emotes at the same time. They or it even said the same things at the same time. They asked me if was scary. I think so!
Maybe I just have double-vision today. Maybe not.
Also you can hid under the pole at the lighthouse, though you might already know this.;]
Maybe I should be a CPG Moderator. I have to much time after school.
Does getting an offical blogger username work well?
Anonymous said...
what is the catalog
Hey u must be new! The catalog is a book in the gift shop that u can look through for clothes for ur penguin if ur a member.
Hope this helps
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
if u go to the pool and look to the right it looks like a ninja look it is so cool
Cool! I Got A Pin Now! I Also Found What Could Be A Ninja At The Top Of The Dojo! Thanks!
i got it too
go to the gift shop and behind the hats and stuffs there is a ninja!
I had it,but its gone...weird:`-(
I found some cheats in the Igloo Furniture for Oct.-Nov.
Click on the stack of books on page 9 for a chalkboard on stilts for 260 coins.
Click on the guitar stand on page 16 to get a music stand for 250 coins.
Hope I helped.
MIMO remember htat thing called fir water and snow!!Dojo is full ogf snow and it got hit b y lightning now fire is next maybe the cove then water maybe pool!!
Keep this in mind
On the map, now you can see the landing places of the jet pack game, over the nightclub and the pizzaparlor
yms said
who is that mystery penguin at the dojo shoveling all the time?
November 7, 2008 11:37 PM
BillyBob said
You'll find out pretty soon! Waddle on!
Ya i have it.The other one was in the boiler room right?in 2007...
Put more posts about ninjas Mimo!I want to know more....
Dear Anonymous,
you said:
what is the catalog?
The catalog features the latest penguin fashions. From jacket to hats, you can find everything...even a few secrets!
-Danny320(hopeful cpg mod)
hey mimo if u go to the outside of the dojo at the front is like two circular objects coverd in snow next to the trees?? well they look like statues in front of a temple. maybe we are uncovering a temple that trains ninjas!!!
Please can someone tell me where the red shovel is?? Pleeeeease-club penguin name-Kovs
Dah311witU- Me
Have you seen the dojo or the map? We have to dig out the dojo and the map now has more grafics. there is also a penguin named ??? there (at the Dojo). JSYK
Dear anonymous,
The red shovel was an old club penguin pin. You can't get it anymore. Sorry:(
Dear anonymous(another),
Mimo already posted about the dojo and the penguin. Scroll down a few posts.
Hey a Kiwi Boy, I know Im not a CPG Mod (YET!!) But can you meet me on Frozen on the 10th of November at around 9:30pm(America)3:30pm(Australia)?
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod in Training
Hey Mimo and co, with SO MANY PEOPLE wanting to be mods, why dont u make polls about who should become the next one?
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod In Training
Megan- Nice looking, but that has but that has been up for a while now :P
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod In Training
Hey... Do u now if new pins will come out till the 7-20???
Hey. Do u now about the new pins? Will there be a new one till 7-20??
In response to Sarpisces, who said:
make me a moderator pls
Hey Sarpisces! To become a CPG Moderator, you have to answer peoples questions, just like what I am doing now.If you do that often,you might become an official moderator! Good luck!
-Survivor91- (CPG Mod)
In response to Anonymous, who said:
Please can someone tell me where the red shovel is?? Pleeeeease-club penguin name-Kovs
Hey Anonymous!The red shovel was a previous pin in Club Penguin and is no longer available. This red shovel pin is just held as comparison with the current Snow Shovel pin, because it looks similar. Hope this helped!
-Survivor91- (CPG Mod)
Q & A portion.
anonymous: what is the catalog?
chuckleloo: the catalog is like a pamphlet where you can purchase clothes and items and backgrounds. Most of the items can only be bought by members
scorpio171: what is your email?
chuckleloo: his club penguin email is
Bananband: How long do you think until the dojo is dug up?
chuckleloo: that is still unknown. it will probably be finished next week though...
redicybob: does getting an official blogger name work well?
chuckleloo: I've been blogging ever since last August 2007. (not really a club penguin blog) I haven't experienced any problems so far... So, I can say blogger works well
kovs: Can someone please tell me where the red shovel is?
chuckleloo: Sorry... you must be new... Pins are only released OCE therefore they are RARE. It's like some collectibles. The red shovel came out last 2007.
Message to Mimo:
Hey Mimo! I got the red shovel too! I remember... it was one of my first pins... I think my second or my third. Please oh please make me a CPG Mod already :D
~Chuckleloo the wannabe CPG mod
Ninja ninja ninja ninja ninja zebra ninja :P I like Ninjas, and guess wat? THEYRE ALL OVER THE PLACE!!!
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod In Training
Anonymous said...
Please can someone tell me where the red shovel is?? Pleeeeease-club penguin name-Kovs
Well Anonymous the red shovel was an old pin and an old item the item was realeased on the april CatAlog and the red shovel pin was released A long time ago so u will never get it again
Anonymous said...
On the map, now you can see the landing places of the jet pack game, over the nightclub and the pizzaparlor
Hey Your Right You can see the landings! good work dude!
Thanks Mimo! I was wondering if we could meet on cp sometime???
I know isin't it cool? Also, I do have the old red shovel pin!
Ya i got the red 1
~Jello Jelly
mimo when are are you posting second coin code contest please post it soon!!!!!!!!!!
can someone tell me where the red shovel pin is???
Dear bored911,
Sorry, if Mimo went on cp every time someone asked him to, he wouldnt have time to eat or sleep! The next time Mimo has a party try to go. Then you can see him.(Hey Mimo, when will that next party be?)
can someone please help me!? how do u see the ninja in the dojo? i cant make it jump..not on the roof but in the dojo?
-perry capri
mimo in the news paper
SNOW-the ninja on the dojo
FIRE-the ninja in the skilodge
mimo! if you hold down the "d" button while having the miners hat on. the drill goes away and it looks funnY!
hey mimo
could we meet in cp sometime?
Dear anonymous,
It's hard to explain how to find him, but I'll try. When you are in the dojo, all the way to the left of you screen(I mean ALL the way to the left, on the white strip on the side)towards the top, there should be something you can click on(you know how the mouse icon changes when you can click on something, well you should see that). Click on it and a ninja will jump past either the left, right or top window. I know it's confusing. Best of luck finding the ninja!
Dear kevingoniwicha,
If Mimo met everyone who asked him to, he wouldn't have time to eat or sleep(didn't I answer this already today?). Whenever his next party is, come to that. P.S. he is having one today(check twitter)
The Ninja at the Lighthouse could mean water!
Signed S.S.
hey mimo i got the red 1
`eagleguy48 thanks
Hey I have the Red Shovel too!
anonymous says:
Make me a moderator pls
You can just be one automatically, you need to work hard for it. Like I have done! Answer people questions and help them. Then you mite be one, one day ;)
Agent Lc
anonymous says:
can someone tell me where the red shovel pin is???
Its not out! That was an old pin. Mimo was just saying this pin looks a bit like teh old one but that was red.
Agent Lc
OMG ok so i went to the dojo and i was there for like two seconds when something jumped and disappered by the orange cone behind the window/wall it was sooo cool
ya i got every pin sice the teddy bear!
MIMO! im almost certain the triangle of power is at the Cove. They have the fire, the water and the snow. its gotta be it! please verify for me!!!
Mimo, i wonder if maybe the ninja sightings are connected to the new club penguin ds game coming out? The game is called "club oenguin elite penguin force", maybe the ninjas are part of the elite penguin force? thats my theory anyway :) p.s: YOURE AWESOME!!!
pengwun powa said...
Hey a Kiwi Boy, I know Im not a CPG Mod (YET!!) But can you meet me on Frozen on the 10th of November at around 9:30pm(America)3:30pm(Australia)?
Hey penguinpowa yeah sure that sounds ok thats about 5 oclock NZ time so ill try my hardest to be there ill meet u in town. Plz dont be sad if i cant make it but ill really try
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
sp rider said...
mimo when are are you posting second coin code contest please post it soon!!!!!!!!!!
Well Mimo is certainly posting the coin code soon SO get your competition gloves on!
lalalala cool!!!!!!
U rock mimo!
I am so sorry mimo! I think I am going to miss your QP! Oh no :(
Agent Lc
mimo you are so cool
Cool Q & A Portion, Chuckeloo!
Are you a CPG mod or something?
You must be because you answered quite a bit of questions!
- lolli0
Hi Mimo. I wish I could come to your quickee party, but I'm leaving in 35min. I don't know when I'll be back tonight, but I will try to be there.
i have the red, do you ever think cp is running out of ideas? because i have a red and a black shovel except that the red does not have any snow
In response to SP Rider, who said:
mimo when are are you posting second coin code contest please post it soon!!!!!!!!!!
Hey SP Rider!There are many things going on on CP right now and you gotta give Mimo some time dude!But Mimo said that he will post the second coin code contest really soon, so stay tuned to this site!
-Survivor91- (CPG Mod)
In response to Kevingoniwicha, who said:
hey mimo
could we meet in cp sometime?
Hey!Well I am sorry, but Mimo would not be able to meet up privately with anyone unless you win a contest where you get to have a private party with CPG! But Mimo does have quickee parties and official parties every once in a while so you could meet him in one of those!
-Survivor91-(CPG Mod)
hey mimo, y dont u ever change clothes. if its b cuz ppl wont recognize u-ur rong. ppl will still kno u cuz of ur name- "mimo777" im sure u have EVERY free item there is! plus, y rnt u a member??? u have so many 6 month giftcards u dont use!! y even buy them then? mimo, if u r a member, u can have an iglo, and a quikie party at ur igloo!
plz post so u can realize!!!!
Lily800 said...
hey mimo, y don't u ever change clothes. if its b cuz ppl wont recognize u-ur wrong. ppl will still know u cuz of ur name- "mimo777" im sure u have EVERY free item there is! plus, y rnt u a member??? u have so many 6 month gift cards u don't use!! y even buy them then? mimo, if u r a member, u can have an igloo, and a quickie party at ur igloo!
I have wondered that two. maybe he does not change because people know him better like that. The memberships thing I always wanted to know too. Hope it helps.
Yo mimo coool
I just got grounded cause my mom found out i was chateing but it was only for 2 weeks
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