Hey, cool! Fireworks in November!? WHA?!
Go check out the Ski Mountain!

Go check out the Ice Berg!

I guess it's Guy Fawkes Night or something. Someone from the UK help us out here!
Man, just too much going on uh?!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

Cool Fireworks!Are they for election in USA?
-Mega Dude1
Thanks again Mimo!
I thinkt they're for election.
in The UK
the have fire works on Nov 5th
to celebrate a guy in the 19th century that tried to blowup the Parliament in London!
I think its for election day
FireWorks happen in New Zealand on the 5 of November so maybe thats it
I think it's US electi
I think ninja will come this friday
I think the fireworks are because the president of the U.S. has been elected.
its guy Fawkes night in new zealand tonight
Mega Dude1 said...
Cool Fireworks!Are they for election in USA?
-Mega Dude1
Good idea mate its Guy falkes in NZ today which is like the 4th of July but i dont think it would have anything to do with that
Hope this helps
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Well maybe it is for Guy Fawkes if u dont kno wat Guy Fawkes is it celebrates the day some guy called Guy Fawkes try to blow up Parliment in the UK and for some reason the british commonwealth celebrate it. Its pretty crazy!
P.s im firing off some fireworks tonite woo hoo
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
goood day mimo,
its either election or guy faukes cos its the 5 today!
Cheers east Sydney
These Fireworks Are For Guy Fawkes here in New Zealand and world wide.
its just a tradition here.. :)
p.s. couldnt believe you didnt know what guy fawkes was Mimo? lol
its guy forks in new zealand GO JOHN KEY (its new zealand eletions as well over here
im in the UK and on the 5th of newvember its bombfire night celebrating guy forkes not blowing up the houses of parlement with th queen in it
hi mimo wandgfan21 here and i am in the uk so i will tell you about our tradition on november the 5th.
guy Fawks was burned at the stake in england for the attempted murder of king james the 1st the fire works are to show what would have happened if guy fawks and his followers had blown up westminster (uk parlament)
Yeah we have fireworks alot in UK, we had them about 1 week ago on halloween and other occasions.
Agent Lc
I am from the UK and we celebrate bonfire night to remember guy fawkes who did the gunpowder plot
Cool Fireworks
but clubpenguin is in canada... why they would do for elections??
AWSOME FIREWORKS! they are really cool! I was wondering is it for independence day?
P.s i live in another country thats why i dont know!(-:
you are awsome mimo!
That is a good theory
Yes, it is Guy Falkes night tonight. I'm from, the UK so I know ;)
Nice of them to remember us
Oh, and Mimo, you have the coolest website, I check it everyday!
I am from the Uk.
It is Guy Fawks Night (fireworks night)(Bonfire Night) on the 5th November.Here is the poem to help you remember.
Remember, remember,
The fifth of November,
Gun Powder, Treason and Plot,
I see no reason,
Why Gun Powder, Treason,
Should ever be forgot.
I hope this helps.
I am called on cp-Delphinediva
and I usually hang out on the server- Snow angel.
P.S. I love your website and cheats and everything on your website.
The penguin called ?????? is the ninja his color is gray only ninjas are that color!
Lemme check the fireworks out!
Woot! Ninjas, Gary, fireworks!
It's too much for one week!
some one plz help me i got a post card from cp and it said to come in for a special assignment i went in and there was nothing did anyone else yet the post card if so what do i do
ps i agree with mega dude1
2nd comment :)
i just noticed somthing you know the missions well at the bottom right theres a mark but the mark is not a code thing i know i looked creepy huh
if nobodys noticed there is a new few pagesto the fish guide
Fireworks! Are they for remembrance day?
Where do you find the book on Club Penguin?? Pleeeeeeeease tell!-Rishika(Kovs on cp)
maga dude1,
I hope not, I wanted John McCain to win.
Oh well Congratulations Barrack Obama.
YES THEY ARE!!!! I'm not that happy about presidnt I wanted Nader
Yae i like fireworks. Cuz there FIRE muwahahaha. Anyways, thanks mimo for the coin contest it was awsome.
its in the newspaper in events. it begins today and ends tomorrow.
stereo lost 3 said...
but clubpenguin is in canada... why they would do for elections??
hey stereo lost 3,
club penguin is worldwide, and their doing it for fawks night. You ought to read comments in order to under what it is.
- 92pinko
anonymous said...
i just noticed somthing you know the missions well at the bottom right theres a mark but the mark is not a code thing i know i looked creepy huh
The mark is the sign of the PSA director
ITS NOT FOR ELECTION!!!!!!!!! Its for Guy Fawkes Night! I asked my mom, she was born in England.
I saw Agent Lc 2 times...
But when I found you, Mimo?
When will you make new party?
sam is right
im from UK and fireworks comes every 5th of november
guys its for the 5th of novmeber, not for the election!
No im from the uk and its to celebrate when a long time ago guy fawkes tried to blow up the houses of parliament.
in da uk we let off firewrks on 5 november to remember dis guy called guy fawkes
from mufc 1
Its firewirk night on the 5th (Thats tonight)In ENGLAND!
Its Bonfire/Guy Fawkes night in the Uk. It's to celebrate the houses of parliament not getting blown up by Guy Fawkes
It's because on November 5th 1605 Guy Fawkes tried to blow the houses of parliment in London. It didn't work though, and tonight is Guy Fawkes Night, when we set off fireworks and have bonfires BECAUSE IT FAILED. Get it? Bit of history for y'all!
No, They are not for the election. i will tell you the story...
Once, there was a BAD gang of people. The leader was called guy fawkes.They plotted to put gunpowder under the parliment to blow it up. But one guy dissagreed, so he dropped out of the plot. But guy fawkes and his gang got found out, because of the guy who quit. They all got nasty punishments... you don't wanna know about. and the guy who quit got a medal for finding out what happened!!
Thats why the firworks are there.
its guy fawks 5th of november england celebration fireworks
I'm from uk its fireworks night today
hi i live in the UK it is Fireworks night in the UK it happens every year hope this help :D
I myself am from and in Britian. This is to celebrate Bonfire Night. Not the elections.
hi mimo
im from the uk and over here we set off fire work to selibrate bonfire night other wise nowin as guy falks night which we celebrate every year.hope that helps u mimo and fans. and if u dont believe me look it up on the internet.
from hawk842
In all commonwealth countrys like Britain we have fire works on the 5th November for Guy Fawkes Night! Look up yur history ppl!
Its fireworks day in england.
it may be for guy forks/bonfire night or us election
Im from the UK. It will be for Bonfire Night(Guy Fawkes night). It's a tradition in the UK to have fireworks now to show him using gunpowder to blow up the buildings in London. So no, it's not for the election
(PLEASE post!)
im british so it is guy fawkes
Coolkid RULES!!!
Im From The UK!
Guy Fawkes Was A Famous Man Who Tried To Blow The Houses Of Parliment (where the prime minister works)(a prime minister is a bit like your presisdent) Using Gunpowder. He Failed By Just A Few Seconds, But Is Celebrated For His Cleverness.
~AMP~ amp613.wordpress.com.
Hey im cheeky jay1 and i live in the UK and it is bonfrire night with fire works. On the night of November 5th, throughout Britain, we commemorate the capture of Guy Fawkes with bonfires and fireworks, and by burning an effigy of Guy. There is a saying that goes like this... Remember, Remember the 5th of November
Gunpowder,Treason and Plot
I see no reason the Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot.
Lol bye
P.S Mimo you ROCK
hey it's not guy faurks night or somthing! it's bomfire night, one of the best days EVER. we eat toffee apples, watch firework desplays and burn a doll on a bombfire to represent guy fawks being burn on a stake.but i guess you know the fire works are for that and not the US elections!!!!
hey im from ENGLAND. the 5th of november celebrates bon fire night, where we have a bon fire and have fire works. thats what the fire works are for.
To Mimo and others
It is probably for Guy Fawkes Night U.K I am a English and on the 5TH November 310 years ago Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the houses of parliment in London, England. James, a explosions expert pretended to help, told the king, and Guy Fawkes was hanged. The rest of the gang, were probably just killed. Applause to Slummie! Mimo, you rock more then Bad Day, Zoo Tycoon, Zoo Tycoon2,and more.
A kiri boy, I find it a bit insulting though. I dont think we are to crazy! I am proud of being British! But I forgive you. Congrats Mimo and the rockin Americans on Obama! You will change the world! "Yes we can!"
Bye Mimo!
htere not for the eletion in the U.S.A there for guy fakes night hes the guy who blew up parliment like i don no when but ages go tottally not in the when any of us kids were born so mino did it help u out?
yes its guy fawkes night.
HI Mimo
Have you got any updates to the weird penguin at the Dojo???
(Thats quite a stupid thing to ask isn't it?! You would have posted it if you did!)
In the Uk There is a celebration called fireworks night on the 5th of november every year to celebrate a man attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London.
Hope this helps :)
yup! its bonfire night today remember remember the 5th of november!
- emmapeanut, UK
I am from UK, The 5th of Nov. is Guy Fawkes night. Remember this rhyme.
Remember,remember the fifth of
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
*something (If forgot this line)*
Should never be forgot
for those who are saying its for election, it's not. As i live in the UK it is called bon fire night were a guy called guy fawkes tried blowing up parliament with tonnes of gunpowder, but was stopped. He was hung, and quatered!
i live in the uk and fireworks night is on 5th november :D We have barbeques and stuff :P
Im UKish lol
its firework night, or bonfire night today, so that'll be what its for!
Hi, I'm from the UK,
In 1605 Guy Fawkes tried to blow up King James I and the House of Lords during the state opening of parliament using hidden barrels of gunpowder. However, he was foiled in the attempt.
It is traditional to have a bonfire (though these are usually organised) and burn a "guy" on the top, which is basically a scarecrow-like modal of Guy Fawkes. It is also traditional to have firework displays, and, best of all, to eat toffee apples (Apples dipped in sugar syrup and left to harden). Yum!
Hope this helps!
hi urm im from the uk and we celebrete fireworks night on the 5th of november.its because guy fawks tried to blow us up boom.So thats what I think why they have firework
the fireworks are for guyfawkes night also known as bonfire night for the uk.
guy fawkes was a person who tryed to blow up the houses of parliement with gunpower.
he didnt sucseed and what we now call fire works came into the
this they is to celbrate how he didnt get away with it and that we are angry with him.
its bonfire night over here in the uk!
nope its bonfire night in the uk. its great! we have a party all the time you should try it.
in the uk it is guy fawkes night so u were right mimo! we hav sparklers and toffee apples and everything!
Its Guy forks night in UK
fireworks on ports down hill :D
Im from the UK and it must be for Bonfire Night or the Elections!
its a thing what we have in england called bonfire night when a man called guy fwakes tried to blow up parliment with barrles of gunpowder.we celebrate because it never worked and we caught him so on 5th november every year we send of fireworks. Kane
In the UK we have bonfirenight where we have fireworks and sweets and sparkelers!!!!!!!!
I am writeing this whilst fireworks are goin off right outside my window!
Gflo (uk!)
Well, I am English, and i know that iiiiiiits:
loads of fireworks yay... and fire... But anyway its to celebrate guy fawks that tried to blowup the houses of Parliament in London becos sum1 in the parliment was being really unfair... although i dont know why they celebrate it!
Remember, remember,
The fifth of November,
Gun Powder, Treason and Plot,
I see no reason,
Why Gun Powder, Treason,
Should ever be truly forgot.
Its for Guy Fawkes night, I live in the UK I know. It's because ages ago before I was all born these people tried to blow up the house of parliament. It's called the gun powder plot. They got caught and were executed. To celebrate this Fireworks are made. It has a saying that goes 'remember remember the 5th of November the Gun powder treason and plot'. There is even a Thing where there is a massive firework man (a person made of fireworks) and the set it alight. Its meant to be guy Fawkes.
Its called - Bonfire Night, Guy Fawkes Night and Gun powder plot night
but mainly Bonfire night
hope I helped
BTW: They are not for the US election
but anyway
its bonfire or guy fawkes night in the uk
theres always loads of fireworks
Very Nice
it might be cause of election, but yes it was guy fawkes yesterday (I'm from New Zealand, GO NZ) lol, and thats a british thing too
its bonfire or guy fawkes night in the uk
theres always loads of fireworks
bonfire night in the UK it's to "celebrate" guy fawkes dying from trying to blow up parliament...
Its Guy Fawkes Day Over In The UK!
Thats what the fireworks are for :D
they r 4 guy fawkes night coz i am from england!
from horsemad22
The fireworks are for Bonfire Night. Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the UK Parliament on 5th November but didn't succeed. The people burnt his body on a fire.
We have:
A bonfire and we put a dummy of guy fawkes on top.
Fireworks to show the explosion (that never happened)
412mark412 and Ronuld
Its A Very British Thing
Everyone Has Massive Parties With The Skies Lit With Fireworks
It Is Also In Newzealend Because The Queen Is The Owner Of Newzealend
And She Rocks
I just wanted to know how do i become a cp mod.
I know that you start answering questions... then you put cp mod in training... what do you do? does mimo email you or something? Please help me out. i love to be a cp mod!
We celebrate on 5th november coz guy fawkes tried to blow up the house of parlament. so we celebnrate i dunno why.
its because its bonfire night! Remember Remember the 5th of November!
its for firework night we selebrate with bombfire's which are just lots of sticks and stuff which r being bernt.
Yes Mimo they are for Guy Fawkes night here in the UK!
no it bombfire/firework night in the uk -- i live there so i know
I live in new zealand and its guyfawlks
There for Bonfire night where we celebrate Guy Fawkes trying to blow up the houses of parlament with gun powder. (I don't think I need to go into any more detail)
There's a small rhyme to remember it:
Remember remember the fifth of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason why gunpowder, treason
Should ever be forgot...
Shame I can't go to a firework show but I've got school.
P.S: I've tried contacting you before but you never reply
Maybe it is about election day
No Its Was 16th Centery I Learnd Bout It In Skool Im From The UK And Theres Loads Of Fireworks Outside Its A Bit Annoying But Its Cool To Look At
Its Guy Forks Night(bonfire night) today in the U.K! But I have to say the C.P one is the best!
They are for Bonfire night (Guy Fawkes Night)
I am from UK
Yh its guy fawkes night tonight!
im from uk guy fawkes night 5th of november guy fawkes tried to blow up the king James the first
Its Bonfire Night in England. I bet that is what the frieworks are for
Hey Mimo, why wont the ninja in the ski lodge move for me? How long do you have to wait?
Election day?
also if you look through the telescope you can see that a storm is coming!!!! I wonder when it will arive.
wow this is real cool tim I MEAN MIMO! hahaha hehe phew...
you're friend goofy73
No, there not for the election, I'm from England and on the 5th of November its Bonfire night, (look it up) well Guy Fawkes tried to blow up Parliment but they caught him and burnt him on a bonfire so we make men out of old clothes and straw and put him on a bonfire and have fireworks and eat treackel toffee and toffee apples and stay up all night in some muddy feild watching them, its quite fun really :)
It is for Guy Fawkes night Mimo, Its this guy that tried to blow up the houses of parliament in London!
i love the fireworks
do u mimo?
election day :P
The fireworks are for guy fawkes night to remember the day when guy fakes tried to blow up parliment (in england! :L)
hi im from england and the fireworks are for bonfire night bye mimo
Could the fireworks be for the election and that guy in UK? I don't think they would have fireworks just for that guy or just for the election. What do you think?
mimo it aint for US elections its a english celebration, i should know coz im from england. its like an english version of the fourth of july, except its called bonfire night. guy fawks also had sommit to do wiv it. loads of fireworks are let off near the start of november for a strange reason too...
Cosy7682, Im not from the UK but i know it goes like this
Remember, remember,
The fifth of November,
Gun Powder, Treason and Plot,
I see no reason,
Why Gun Powder, Treason,
Should ever be forgot
Oh, I'm so sorry penguins. They are celebrating the guy Guy Fawkes in the UK. SORRY!
it is not for the us election it is bonfire night or guy fawks night in england! trust me im from england
hey! everyone have got a black mask and I want one! where is it! Help please
ok every one we get the point the fire works r for Guy Fawkes ok so no one has to keep saying it is for that ok we get it!
The fireworks are for bomfire night! Here in the uk, the 5th nvember is known as bombfire night. This is because a long time ago on this day, a man called Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the houses of parlement in London. That is how fireworks came around because guy fawkes tried to use gunpowder to blow them up and gunpowder are used to make fireworks!
lol cool
Life is a maze
and club penguin is a riddle!
To become a mod you must like you said sign your name on comments with CPG Mod or Mod in training. Either way, after a while Mimo could ask you to a Mod for good.
Yahwhhesus (CPG Mod)
on the wats new blog on cp it says guy fawkes day and other celbrations around the world
its bonfire night in the uk
Mimo I think Herbert have something to do with the Ninjas
u now that "ninja" shadow in light house? well, it actuially is a nother ninja evidence and it moves, like all other ninja stuff here right now, every ten minutes or so
catalog preview at cp blog
It's... spooky! No, jsut kidding, but it is weird. Everyone is saying that there is no such thing as ninjas in Club Penguin, and suddenly they are showing us all this proof! What the hay is going on?! Well, I kind of like this new change.
Hi! Ok most ppl in north america dont no about this celebration cause we dont celebrate it!
I definetly think it's for Guy Fawkes. I researched a bit and found out people make bonfires and fireworks that day. ANd anyways CP's British. And isn't it supposed to stay nonpolitical or something?
i think its for the election......
marakpa said...
hey! everyone have got a black mask and I want one! where is it! Help please
Its in the gift shop catolog. Better hurry though. Theres a new one coming out and it might not be in there.
Dear anonymous
You said:
AWSOME FIREWORKS! they are really cool! I was wondering is it for independence day?
P.s i live in another country thats why i dont know!(-:
you are awsome mimo!
Actually it's for a U.K celebration called Guy Fawkes Day, and also for any other countries celebrations!
(hopeful CPG mod)
In response to Anonymous, who said:
Where do you find the book on Club Penguin?? Pleeeeeeeease tell!-Rishika(Kovs on cp)
Hey Anonymous/Rishika! You cannot find the book on Club Penguin. In order to get the book for your penguin, you have to purchase books in real life.After purchasing either " Stowaway, Adventures at Sea," or " The Ultimate Club Penguin Guide",answer the question that is asked when you click " enter code", and you will obtain the book!
-Survivor91- (CPG Mod)
Lilymaree said...
These Fireworks Are For Guy Fawkes here in New Zealand and world wide.
its just a tradition here.. :)
p.s. couldnt believe you didnt know what guy fawkes was Mimo? lol
Mimo lives in North America. Either he was just playing or he really didnt know. I dont know wat it is cause I live in N.A.
Dear Anonymous
you said:
some one plz help me i got a post card from cp and it said to come in for a special assignment i went in and there was nothing did anyone else yet the post card if so what do i do
ps i agree with mega dude1
2nd comment :)
Yes some people who are qualified to go to the Hq, got that postcard too. It says you are supposed to report in for a mission. Hope it helped!
-Danny320 (hopeful CPG mod)
I think it's for election
Im English!
It is Guy Fawkes night! It is in England where a guy tried to blow up the houses of parliament!
anonymous said a storm is coming wonder when.
answer its the one from the Halloween party.
im specail cause im a july 4th baby and i always have fireworks on my b-day now in november whoa lol
In response to Anonymous, who said:
I just wanted to know how do i become a cp mod.
I know that you start answering questions... then you put cp mod in training... what do you do? does mimo email you or something? Please help me out. i love to be a cp mod!
Hey Anonymous! If you answer other peoples questions frequently, Mimo might add you to the official list of CPG Moderators. He would not send you an e-mail, but he would announce it on his Twitter! So, good luck!
-Survivor91- (CPG Mod)
In response to Marakpa, who said:
hey! everyone have got a black mask and I want one! where is it! Help please
Hey Marakpa! The black mask, which you're talking about, is a hidden member item available in the current clothing catalog. Scroll to the page with the Ghost Costume,and click on the lamp post above the ghost costume. Be sure to purchase it immediately because the Black Mask,which is a halloween item, is only available till tomorrow, when the next clothing catalog is released so hurry. If you still have trouble, be sure to refer to Mimo's catalog cheats in the older posts.
-Survivor91- (CPG Mod)
In response to Anonymous, who said:
also if you look through the telescope you can see that a storm is coming!!!! I wonder when it will arive.
Hey Anonymous! I am sorry, but the storm clouds which you see are actually leaving Club Penguin.There was a storm on Club Penguin throughout the Halloween Party. I am sorry if you missed it.
-Survivor91- (CPG Mod)
Ok im kiwi and proud of it!and like some guy said,it is guy fawks (well,last night for us kiwis)for the commonwealth.BUT,did you know that it is US election, then guy fawkes, then kiwi election? strange.BUT IT IS NOT US ELECTION
from stone(my nickname)
Yo Slummie(Penguin name) i didnt mean to insult u man we celebrate it in NZ too i just meant that its crazy that we celebrate some guy trying to do something bad if u know wat i mean.
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
there is a ninja inside the lighthouse at the net
Cool the person opening the box seems really excited! Oh and is it me, or did one of your cats run across the table during the video?
I'm from England they r 2 celebrate bonfire night!!
Its when we remeber guy forks who tryed to blow up the houses of parlement!!!!!!!
(Thats were all the emportant people have meetings!)
in the uk we celebrate bonfire nght which involves fireworks.
What?! No way - here in South Africa we celebrate a thing called SLJB day to celebrate a guy called Kenny wetting himself - surely thats it.. right? Who's with me? Come oooon
they will be for fireworks night on the 5th!
Hey England!
You're sooo lucky. Here in Australia, Bonfire Night has been banned. =( It started bushfires.
There gone now... WAAAAAA!
In the UK Guy Fwakes tried to blow up parliment on the 5th of November, so every year we have a fireworks night
its bonfire night in the uk i know cos i live there
Bonfire Night
its basicly remember remember the 5th of November when the Gunpowder plot......
Guy Forks was a guy sent to blow up the Houses of Paliament in 1600s
Yeah we have fireworks EVRYWHERE in Scotland. It was because of Guy Fawkes and his mates try to blow up the protestant king.
i bet thats wat it is =)
its bonfire night in england
im going to a fireworks show tonight
greenwich people have a good time i am at homemy mum is travelling
PS next to greenwich park (UK)
Hey mimo! Problby its remamberance day.
It's Guy Fawkes, not forks, falks or falkes. It's CP showing that they don't celebrate stuff that only occurs in America.
omg it's not for the election in america, in England it's guy fawkes night because guido fawkes tried to blow up parliment on november 5th a long time ago and we celebrate with a bonfire and fireworks and burn an effigy of guy fawkes on the bonfire.
i want to be mimos friend
OK its a UK thing we do called Guy Fawkes night we celbrate the fact that Guy Fawkes ( the guy that tried to blow up Parlimant) plan failed each year we put a fake Guy on a bonfire and set off fireworks its a tardition kinda thing
hey mimmot hanks for the cheats but in the sports shop go wear the cheerleader is on her pom pom is click on it and you can buy an orange football helmet!
hey mimo, I hace a question, how did you get the clubpenguin toys early?
wow MImo im a really big fan can you please make me a moderater??? if not than can I be your buddy on club penguin I use this website whenever I need cheats.
yeah in England (the country I live in) we celebrate because Guy Fawkes was found trying to blow up Parliament and King James.
im from the uk and i know what it is.On the 5th of november fireworks come up for bonfire night
Its for Guy Fawkes night, in the UK we actually call it fireworks night because someone called guy Fawkes tried to blow up the Parliaments of London which is where they have the Government stuff.
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