Ok, this is a little girly, but the new Play at the Stage is , uh, Fairy Fables. Yeeeaaah, whatever. But there is a cheat in the catalog. Take a look.

Take a look in the Costume Trunk.

Click on the CD player for the Silver Wand!

Ok, let's have another cooler play next time, um kay?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

ps. nice talking to ya u fride :]
eeeeeeehhhh fable fairies just what i wanted! being sarcastic...
i like the sheep outfit
I totally agree with you!
... wow. that is girly. I'm a girl but I think it's err...you know?
blue tomboy7
i love the new play thanks mimo you rock
haha. I just wrote a fairy story for english...it was my only idea...
The play seems cool ! I like the fairy costume ! It seems to be taken from the fairy tales red riding hood and rapunzel !
this is the best play EVER!!!! it rocks! it makes me want 2 b a member!!!
I like the sheep costume
- Smoolen13
I think it's ok.
I wanna be a sheep! lol
thanks for posting mimo!
love the new play, u rock!
~chuckeeh the wannabe cpg mod
Reply to darts noah:
Some people will like this play. I think it is aimed at the younger girls because all the space ones were aimed at all the boys mainly even though some girls liked it. I will enjoy the play and use the outfits for different things like fashion shows.
Miaponygirl9 CPG
They brought back the rare red cape!
im a girl but... ur right its too girly-girl
No no fairies are cool. Seriously! And I'm not saying that just 'coz I'm a girl...
Wowwww. This play is boring. They could've added some boy stuff.
Well, I think that's a bit bad of you Mimo
Wasn't there a superhero play? A sci-fi?
Why not give the younger girly-girls smething they will love?
Personally, I don't mind the play...
I mean, its not the best but..?!
anyway I DO think they could have had more hidden items....
Hey Dude,
I bunked to get a black belt and i did.
Then at the stage i found a ninja in the bookshelf take a look.
Dragon Raid (Fat Ninja)
well.... i am a girl but like i like the wand... the only thing im addicted tooo....
I think they did that cause the other ones were like boy-ish? You know? not that i really care or anything..
Fairy Fables? I mean COME ON cp. You could've done WAAAAAY better.
P.S. If u post this (which u havnt B4 =[ I'll post a glitch)
-Leiuten n
AFTER ALL THAT TIME OF WAITING THEY CAME UP WITH THIS... I Hope we have a cooler play next time
Okay Im a girl but Twee is hot LOL KIDDING!! But she is awsome looking.
how come u can log on CP i cant the arrow keeps spinning and spinning and spinning
To girlyyyyyyy
hmm, probably is girly I guess but I don't like it really! BOO! WAH!
Awww man,i was excited about the new play...but i mean..Faeries? lol your rigt we do need a new play..
Wow, fairies? Only little girls would like that.
I think its good, I mean they hardly ever go for something so girly and its nice to keep things different
(aka Moradobob)
I think the play is ok. =) Well, you can't ALWAYS expect you have what you want. I wonder if they are going to do a Star Wars play...xD lol.
At least it gives the people who aren't big fans of ninjas something to do... this is, like, the exact opposite.
you know you like it! ;-)
i haven't been able to see it cause all i can to is start logging in and then the arrows just keep spinning and spinning and spinning and spinning and you get the point xD
The Fairy looks emo.
Okay, I'm saying this because I'm a girl, but I l-o-v-e this new play!!! I love it soooo much. ;) I personally love twee's hair. I am actually making my own play based on this girl, Twee.
wow i love your cheatz!
Theres a ninja in the bookshelf!
yay! im 6 so i just LOVE the play! ps im also in willy wonka jr. so go im a squirrl lol ;)
your right mimo its too girly girly it is so boring!!!! lol for that play come on cp should of had something better mimo boo hoo
its great that they finally came up with something for girls,right? many plays before were for boys,so now thrs a play for girls, boys are complaining? this is seriously screwed..
lol emo fairy
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
I think it's a great play! I don't think it's for little girls, I think it could be for all ages. It's a twist on fairy tales, and really cool costumes this time!
This play is seriously for kindergardeners...Lolz.
Rock On Mimo~
Mzyprincess :)
Hey memo please start your membership contest.If it will be a commenting contest then i will post a 1000 comments for a six month membership because i have never been a member since i am playing cp.My penguin is 502 days old.Thanks for reading
I absolutly !luvvvvv! the sheep outfit! I'll wear it for the rest of mi clubpenguin life if I have 2.... just kidding ;)
card jitsu is broken its really annoying
can investigate?
to anoymous:
yha like ruby and ruby, planet y, planet x i mean come on! this is the first girly play and boys r complaning!? they have had there share so girls can 2! huph! no offense mimo
I think you need to add a bit about there being a new background for non members in the catalogue otherwise I would have never found out!!! I had to use a different cheat site instead!!! Boo hoo.
to annonymous
Its pretty easy to find out everything on mimo777s website there no need to use another one!
i like the red cape. it makes me look rarer than i was and the sheep stuff is ok but you can use it to be a pet in the pet shop
the ninja is just a yellow puffles eyes
wow, i'm a girl myself but that looks like something for 6-year-olds!(which i dont think are on cp very much nowadays)
Thnx 4 posting me! NEway, the glitch is a buddy list glitch. This will only work if you have less than 100 buddies. If you click on edit your account, it says you have x amount of buddies. But if you click on your buddy list, it says 100/100. Wierd, right?
-Leiuten N
aww i love the play its soo cute!!! (um a girl so duhh...) LOL!! yeah its awsome
I like the sheep costume! I think thats all ill buy!
we5rd *3ay +++ ???weird play
HEY GUYS I THINK I FOUND A OTHER NINJA!!! in the stage inside the bookcase
i agree, this is a little too girly for my likings. but i do enjoy some of the costumes. i could use them next halloween!
It's not a ninja in the bookcase. It's a puffle.
-Leiuten N
yah its todally a puffle!! mimo i would think that u would no that hello?
Mimo if you look in the bookshelf to the left you will see two eyes from a puffle. Click the gold switch on the Switchbox300 and it will com out!
Blueblob12 (cpg mod)
Hey Mimo I never had a chance to be a freind with a famous penguin can i be your buddy. My name is crazyiseja. If you allow me to where when and what time. p.s I dont really have a website it has nothing
bluetomboy7 said...
... wow. that is girly. I'm a girl but I think it's err...you know?
blue tomboy7
I totally agree, im a girl too and its just going too far.
Doodlebug277 (CPG Mod) (U2 fan)
luv ur site!!!!!
Hi Mimo! you rock! i think fairy fables is the best play! im a girl though. i call that offensive.
i love it! i hope it goes on untill june 29th (in real life my birthday is june 29th and thats also when my membership expires)
okay look i am like a huge fan of you and well even though iam a girl in not girly it is like way to girly girly girl I totally agree with you SO like i just think its to girly ^-^
i am a girl but i still think fairy fables is WAY TOO CRAZILY GIRLY!
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