Here are the new hidden Club Penguin cheats in the new Better Igloo's furniture catalog. Check it out.

To find the first hidden item in the new Better Igloos Catalog do this.
Step 1. Click on your "Home icon in the lower right of the chat bar.
Step 2. Click on the "Edit Room" icon in the lower right.
Step 3. Click on the "Buy Items" icon.
Step 4. Click to page 1 in the catalog.
Step 5. Click on the Christmas Ribbon.

Now you have found the Leaning Tree.
To find the next item do this.
Step 6. Go to the 3rd page.
Step 7. Click on the Control Terminal.

Now you have found the Welcome Mat!
To find the next item do this.
Step 6. Go to the 9th page.
Step 7. Click on the Guitar Stand

Now you have found the Music Stand!
Hmm. That's it?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

wow i want one of everything
I love this cataloug!
thanks for the cheats, Mimo, i really want the welcome mat!
They have pretty cool items for Christmas.
I just finished decorating my igloo!
wonderful man you amazing rock on cpg
Cool! i want to get my house ready for chrisemas
The leaning tree is so cute! It could b4 a puffle!
P.S. Im da 1st one to write about this!! d=]
cool I cant wait to try it out!
I can't wait to get the leaning tree and the welcome mat!
Lol, but why is there only that many hidden items?! That's mean!!!
first and cool find
It should be called the "Charlie Brown Tree" right???
It would be cool if they had a Ginger Bread house like Hansel and Gretal lol!
Mimo I love ALL of your cheats.Also, did u guys know that AUNT ARTIC goes to mammoth? Her username is:Auntarctic1.AWSOME right?
I think the catalog is totally awesome, but I was excited about giant candy canes. but oh well! still awesome!
the leaning tree is from the iceberg last year!!
hehe its charlie brown lening tree cuz red otemunt hehe.
rubycutie8 (im 6 ok!)
Hey Mimo!!!I am not a cp member.Is there any thing I can get from the catalog???
People have got sort christmas trees! It is well cool, I have 2020997 coins! I guess I'm rich!
You rock mimo, and gives credit to all your cpg mods because the rock too!
Ur best penguin friend in the world
"Hey Mimo!!!I am not a cp member.Is there any thing I can get from the catalog???"
Yes, the backgrounds and the colours.
~CPG mod~
mimo i love ur website. I go every day to see new cheats and gliches. can u give me or us the code for ECP?
I like the Welcome Mat.
I know a hidden item mimi did not find!!! when you buy the lamp post if you turn it a couple times it will have a wreath on it!
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