Here is a sneak peek for the new play that comes out on November 21st. Looks pretty cool!

Any ideas what it could be about?
Oh and by the way I haven't mentioned yet but Club Penguin is doing the "Coins for Change" again this year. Sweet!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

It looks like a forest play!
hey everybody!
I think that theres a Narrator in this play that site in the chair. The book would be infront of him because he would read out of there. What do you think?
cool coins for a change im donating 500 since im not a member i dont need it. :(
Looks like a wizard in a secret lair!Can't wait!
weird huh? do you play toontown! I do I think its cool. I am Lucky Luke.
Agent Lc (CPG Mod)
I bet it'lll be a mix up of loads of plays. Or just a really wierd mix up.
i think it could be something like the raven i guess
IDK I'll take a shot. Its about a fancy place. IDK
Yo coins for change was sweet last year im glad CP r doing it again!
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
maybe that will be a home scene! i think it will have all the plays mixed together somehow.
Yo it looks like the inside of a tree and i can see sum grass there as well
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
CP name Ocholocka
Cool.... It looks mysterious.... What do you other penguins think it might be...?
Hi My penguin name is eddy114 I wanna meet you in topic the stage is christmas :)
Yo srry i havent posted recently but ive had exams so soz
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
cool play! im not a member so ive been saving up for coins for change
whats that suppposed to be? mayb it will b about ninjas!
i hope im the first one who posted ! :-D
hey the play comes out on my bday cool!
dats smove!
ninja spot in dojo click worker sign
by the dojo's door and the ninja will jump trough the dojo
If you look at the backround it sorta looks like a tree... but then you can't have a fireplace in a tree. Hmm... I don't really know what it could be.
(cpg mod in training)
coool!! thanks mimo!
Cool i cant wait i want to be a ninja sooooo bad!
im donating a lot of coins to coins for change im a member but i save coins for stuff like that
cp name Ocholocka
I think the play's a christmas carol.
Scrudge mabye idk
Could it be the Night of the Living Sled 3????
When are you going to have another party?
P.S. Mimo rocks!!!! I wish I could be your buddy.
ITS LORD OF THE RINGS! I Hope! It looks like a hobbit house. So im saying a spin off of that.
I think it is a wizard theme.
I think it's a log cabin with books and stuff.
hey mimo when will the contest be over i want to win so badly hey maybe u can do some contests on trading cards and give out trading card codes
i think its the "raven"
I think it will be about a haunted house or something spooky...
altough its past halloween...
I play toontown agent lc!
My name in Princess Daffy Sparkle Woof!
Bye guys!!
Hey Mimo!! I figured out how to get the Silver Surfboard!!! you have to go to the sport shop and open the catalog. Then you go to the surfboard page. Then you click on the penguin with the surfboard in his hand. Then you click on the seashell. Then you click on the starfish. Then the surfboard will appear!!! Enjoy!!
thnx for creating this site Mimo! It helps a lot of peeps out. Thnx for reading my comment too. Oh and btw, my Birthday was on October 14 and ive been busy and forgot to post it.
I think the play will be about an old man who tells about his stories growing up as a young boy.
PEACE MIMO!!!!! <(~_~)>
That is cool!When are you on CP?I REALLY want to meet you.
I'm not trying to bragg.... but
PS. I'm 9!
on ice palace, eveyones names were changed to penguin-------
do u know whats wrong?
A forest play of some sort ?
Cool!I am not sure what it would be..
Hi Everybody!
I just wanted to say I hope you all are doing coins for change. Please donate as many coins as you can because remember all the money goes to a good cause. If you don't remember what how coins for change works... Club Penguin has 1 million dollars. You donate coins to the charity you like the most. Club Penguin will donate all the money evenly to the causes!
Thanks & Good Luck,
Miaponygirl9 - CPG Mod
Great ideas guys im looking forward to the Dojo grand reopening! Hopefully ill see some of u guys there!
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
Dictate(Member/CPG mod said...
I'm not trying to bragg.... but
PS. I'm 9!
Yo Dictate happy birthday mate hav a sweet day
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
i will donate 200o coins
Yahwhhesus good idea, i hope
its like that, we could get
swords,bows,arrows,and axes,
but that wont happen
I'm so EXCITED 4 the ninja thing.
Dear ninja_master23,
The contest ends November 19(next Wednesday).
Dear samidog6,
Mimo normally goes on cp at night, almost, if not, every day.
hey, november 21st is my birthday.
looks like some type of cartoon or story-book
COOL i think it will be a kind of adventure play like an egypt play or somthin well thats were i got it from the new wallpaper!
---- i pod1346 baby!
It's probably some kind of play with nymphs and faries and stuff like that. I donated like 5000+ coins for Coins for Change last year and I'll do it again! (I didn't use one penguin. I used 3! Plz dont tel!!!)
-Leiuten N/Leiuteneagle
(my sister is Yanxgurl22)
hey the play comes out on my bday cool!
Thats awesome! Hope you have a good one
Sand Flipper
Yo kiwi and survivor. Have yall heard from cpgmodsfan lately
Hi Mimo
I think it is going to be a christmas play? what do you think?
redbullrox(cpg mod)
Yes! I will probably donate 200,000 or so beacuse I'm not a member and I don't think I will be. I have more than 530,000 coins! I used a glitch but it doesn't work now. CP didn't find out!
woot i missed the last coins 4 change
and i have like 45,000 coin XD
samidog6 said...
That is cool!When are you on CP?I REALLY want to meet you.
Mimo likes to go on Fjord and Bigfoot. but he has parties on many servers
Hope this will help!
Ocholocka [hopefully a cpg mod]
on ice palace, eveyones names were changed to penguin-------
do u know whats wrong?
If you are on a Portugese server then everyone's name is penguin------ or if you're on a safe chat server. Hope I helped!
553girl CPGMod
riuchan asked,
on ice palace every penguin's name is-----
Dear riuchan,
ClubPenguin have had lots of bugs lately. Have you seen the puffles without names? Hopefully CP will get those glitvhes fixed soon!
-Dayze(CPG Mod)
Hey mimo if you stand in the pizza parla for a while you will see a NINJA and im serious
OMG OMG Ninjas, New play, COins for change.... ITS ALL TOO MUCH!! *squeals*
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod In Training
on ice palace, eveyones names were changed to penguin-------
do u know whats wrong?
Since this is a Safe Chat server, no ones penguin names are revealed, so they are changed to 'Penguin'.
Pengwun Powa-CPG Mod In Training
I think, new stage be somethink with Christmas...
RacerXBoi(CPG Mod) said...
Yo kiwi and survivor. Have yall heard from cpgmodsfan lately
Nah bro havent heard from them lately.Why have u?
A kiwi boy(CPG Mod)
maybe its a play getting ready for december? maybe "the night before cristmas" it has a fire place and it looks cozey like a christmas play would
Thanks, ''A kiwi boy''
I think the new room is the outside of the dojo
I think it something to do with christmas and theres a elderly womn who sits in the chair reading a book!!!
i think its some thing to do with christmas and a elderly penguin sit in the chair!!!!!
I wonder......... looks pretty cool though.....................
It might have something to do with the ninjas and they might have some partners to help them.
It might be a book about how the ninhas were created.
It Looks Like Little Red Ridding Hood Or Goldeylocks And The 3 Bears.
hmmm looks suspicious .. i think its all about poo..!
Anonymous said...
Thanks, Anonymous. But Mimo has already posted about that!
Hope this helps
Pieater2 CPG mod in training
Maybe its that christmas play, ya know, uhh i frget wat its called, but theres 3 ghosts of christmas and this grouchy guy... you getting me?
Hey ya know whats funny... it's my birthday on the 21st.
I know im awsome.
I have been saving up all my coins for coins for change. Currently I have around thirty thousand coins.
I'm so excited!
haha, it looks like beauty and the beast!!!
I have the Black belt but i cant beet Sensei.So how do you beet Sensei.
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